![]() What would a 20-foot cone spell area look like? I have a character (half-giant) in my game that uses his Stomp ability, which is listed as a 20 foot cone-shaped spread. I can figure out the straight-sided one (where the caster is at one corner and it has two straight sides) but the angled one has me stumped. The best I could come up with is 2 squares, then two rows of 6, then another row of 2 squares. Does this sound about right? ![]()
![]() Foghammer wrote:
It would cost a bit more than that. Since the OP was talking about a quarterstaff, where each end normally has to be enchanted separately, that would be 4600 for the weapon itself, plus whatever additional cost (equivalent of another +1 at least) on each end, would run the cost up to 8600 minimum, if done as a magical weapon. ![]()
![]() Not true, actually. It was a common practice in the American Revolution and in the Indian Wars to do a double load. The problem is not splitting barrels, but greatly variable accuracy. Sometimes the bullets hit in almost the exact same spot, sometimes they would hit feet or yards apart, depending on the range. Range also suffered somewhat, but with the 'normal' accuracy of muskets, it was hard to tell. As far as game rules, I would say that a natural roll of 1 (misfire) would do the ammo's damage to the musket (ignoring hardness). You would make two separate rolls to hit, with only the first capable of doing a critical. Using more than two would require too much powder, and would definitely damage the barrel. ![]()
![]() Arafel wrote:
The first example is correct. If the spell says 'per two levels" or "for every 5 caster levels possessed", you just divide your caster level by that to get (rounding down, minimum one) to get the answer. If it said "and for every 3 caster levels thereafter" or something similar, it would be different (+1 at 2nd, +2 at 5th, +3 at 8th, etc.) ![]()
![]() No, a creature with 'natural' reach, such as an ogre, threatens all squares adjacent as well as all squares 10 feet out. Makes the larger creatures really dangerous. Edit: that is, only for natural weapons. Any reach weapons they use, such as polearms and whips, still cannot attack into the squares adjacent to them. ![]()
![]() There are many actions other than movement that provoke AoO's, such as spellcasting, standing up from prone, digging in your pack for an item, etc. As for attacking foes in adjacent squares, you could always just use the gauntlets from a set of armor (they count as weapons) such as plate, breastplate, even leather armor. ![]()
![]() If the character (or creature) has a natural weapon (such as a claw) and the limb or part of the creature is free to attack, it can make an attack of opportunity with it. Improvised weapons I'm not sure of, they would definitely get the -4 for being improvised. As far as provoking, you cannot provoke an AoO with an AoO. Can't remember where exactly, but I saw it in the combat section somewhere. ![]()
![]() This may have been answered in one of the other Magus threads, but I couldn't find it.
Black Blade in Ultimate Magic wrote: A black blade is always a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane (see the Advanced Player’s Guide). The magus chooses the blade’s type upon gaining the blade, and once chosen, it can’t be changed. Does this mean that the only weapons that can be Black Blades are swords, or can axes and sickles, and similar weapons, also be Black Blades? In the first sentence, it says any one-handed slashing weapon, but in the second it says "the blade's type", which makes it sound (to my GM anyway) that swords are the only option. ![]()
![]() I haven't check Pathfinder for this, but I know in 3.5 when you long jump, you reach a maximum height of 1/2 the distance you jump, so the DC for jumping up and over should be based on the minimum long distance that would get you the height you need to get over the obstacle. This also means that jumping in short hallways underground can be difficult and painful when you smack into the ceiling. ![]()
![]() Craft Rules Excerpt wrote: Make an appropriate Craft check representing one week’s worth of work. If the check succeeds, multiply your check result by the DC. If the result × the DC equals the price of the item in sp, then you have completed the item. (If the result × the DC equals double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces, then you’ve completed the task in one-half or one third of the time. Other multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner.) So if the check is high enough, instead of making the item in less time, just increase the number of items you make in that week of work. ![]()
![]() Last I saw rules for extracting poisons was in a Dragon magazine (sorry, I don't remember the issue). For my game, it requires Craft (either Alchemy or Poison-making) to extract and to process any 'natural' venom-based poisons. If the character doing the extraction doesn't have something like the Alchemist's Poison Use ability (the one that allows him to put poison on a weapon without affecting himself) then they have to make a Reflex save DC 10 to avoid poisoning themselves in the extraction process. If you want to limit the amount of poison that your PCs can milk (so to speak) from this process, say it takes multiple doses of the raw material to make a sufficiently potent poison that can be applied to a weapon. ![]()
![]() No, a CR 3 encounter for 4 players is still a CR 3 encounter for 5 players. If you had 6 or more PC's, the CR would still be CR 3, it just wouldn't be as much of a challenge (since a group of six or more PC's is considered to be 1 higher party level for determining challenges). If you are using the budgeting method for determining encounters, it doesn't matter if there are 4 or 5 PCs. For a party of 5, each individual PC would just get fewer XP's for the given encounter. It makes for slightly slower advancement, unless you compensate by adding a few 'easy' encounters (CR's at -1 APL or less) to make up for it. A good way to add treasure if a lot of your heavier encounters are with treasureless creatures. ![]()
![]() Sekret_One wrote:
Yes. Plus it has to be done within one minute of a successful Remove Curse. ![]()
![]() My previous post was incorrect in that it does not allow the weapon to do full damage. Bless would allow a normal, non-magical weapon to strike the evil incorporeal creature and deal half-damage, just like a magical weapon would. For non-evil incorporeal creatures, it would act like a normal weapon, and would do no damage at all to the creature. ![]()
![]() I used the deflection bonus for the ring of mage armor above because it is effective against incorporeal creatures, and the closest to that is deflection (since there is no 'force effect' armor enhancement listed). I used the 'other enhancement' for the ring of Shield because the spell itself will stop magic missiles, which is a bit more than normal enhancement can do. ![]()
![]() The metal cartridge costs 15 gp (assuming that that is the cost of bullet, powder, and metal casing), the bullet itself costs 1 gp, and the powder costs 10 gp. So a metal casing by itself would cost 4 gp, meaning that to recover the casing and reuse it would save you (10% of 4 gp) 4 sp per cartridge. Not enough to really sweat over unless you're a money-grubbing 1st level without 2 copper to rub together. Plus the developers would then have to create rules for reloading ammo, and how much a primer costs, and some other bits and pieces. Easier to say that the whole thing just disintegrates upon firing. ![]()
![]() In the spell Infernal Healing (from the Inner Sea Guide), the material component is 'a drop of devil's blood or one dose of Unholy Water'. Unholy Water comes in a 1 pint flask, all of which is used when using it as a splash weapon, and as a spell component in other spells. Is this the case with Infernal Healing? Why state 'one dose' instead of 'one flask'? ![]()
![]() I'm pretty sure they meant the entire cartridge (casing, powder, and bullet) when they said metal cartridge. Kind of funny, since IRL it takes a pretty hefty machine to pack the powder down when making metal cartridges today, yet you can do it with minimal equipment (a Gunsmith's kit only weighs 2 pounds) and in the wilderness if necessary.
![]() What is there to reconcile? If the person is blinded, he automatically fails any vision-based perception checks, but can still hear and smell, so he can try to find an invisible opponent. The invisible opponent has a +40 (or +20) to stealth checks, which has no effect on opposed perception checks, since the invisible opponent is not using perception, he is using stealth. ![]()
![]() Wands may be cheaper, but only someone with the spell on their spell list can use them easily, and even with UMD, it takes a pretty good roll to activate at low levels. Whereas a ring can be worn by anybody, always works, and doesn't need to be activated (unless it has charges, which just requires speaking the right word or phrase to do so). ![]()
![]() First off, the price for a continuous Ring of Mage Shield should be 32000, as it is an AC (deflection) bonus, not a continuous spell effect. The continuous Ring of Shielding should be at least 10,000 because it provides a shield bonus to AC as well as stopping Magic Missiles cold. As for combining them into one ring with 3 charges each, that would be 19,200 for the Mage Armor, plus 6,000 for the Shield, plus another 3,000 for an additional (similar) effect on an existing item, for a grand total cost of 28,200 gp, slightly cheaper than a Ring of Protection +4. ![]()
![]() This sort of thing is why I personally don't allow evil alignments for PC's (I believe Pathfinder itself recommends against it). I even frown on CN because some people use it as an excuse to commit these same types of act. It is something that certain players will exploit to say 'I'm just playing my alignment!'. The player in this case needs to be talked to, out of the gaming environment in the real world, and be told in no uncertain terms that his actions are causing serious player unrest. ![]()
![]() I wouldn't think that any additional damage from weapon specialization, point-blank shot, or other such feats would apply for anything other than the first round. Arcane Strike wouldn't either. Really, I can't think of any additional damage that might carry over round by round, at least in Pathfinder. I'm not familiar with the Knowledge devotion or what it does. ![]()
![]() The Russet Mold spores are separate creature (or hazard, depending on how you view it) and should not be affected by the creature delivering it, since the creature (Vegepygmy chieftain) is not creating the russet mold. Think of it as a carried poison. The DC of arsenic doesn't depend on the CON of the poisoner, or any other stat of the poisoner. The poisoner simply delivers the (already statted) poison to the victim. ![]()
![]() Normally a person would work 8 hours a day, and 1/4 of that time would be 2 hours. Using the magic item crafting rules, which are the only ones that address doing any sort of crafting 'on the go', the time you work only counts as half as much actual time, because it assumes you are working during meal breaks, before pitching cam at night, etc. So 4 hours of actual time would yield 2 hours of crafting time, netting you 20 arrows.
About TormsskullWearing cursed belt of Moderator Attraction+2 Paizo tip to avoiding moderation: Don't quote other people. |