100 things to do when you have too much time on your hands

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

1. Spam OTD
2. Work on tax returns for all your neighbors

Scarab Sages

3. Bypass mommy and daddy's internet controls so you can annoy the piss out of adults.

4. Sculpt your lawn with a pair of scissors.

Liberty's Edge

4. Spam the OTD. Spam the OTD. Spam the OTD. Spam the OTD. Spam the OTD.
5. Read TVTropes.

Roll up one hundred characters, complete with skills, feats, equipment, and background story. And paint a figure for each.

Name all the taverns in Golarian as well as all the tavern keepers, bar maids, and stable hands. And draw out floor plans.

Make up 100 names for your new elf wizard using correct Tolkien elven naming conventions. Then say "to hell with it" and name him George.

Liberty's Edge

8. Catch up on FaWTL!!! (And I mean the original version and ALL the iterations.)
9. Read all the books on your list of books to read. Start with Moby Dick.

10. Write bots to play your favorite board games from the past.

11. Break out old college text books and work special relativity problems for practice.

Liberty's Edge

12. Look for four-leaved clover.
13. Help with the Pathfinder Wiki.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

15. Make a megadungeon for characters of level 20+

16. Watch every episode of every science fiction TV show currently streaming on Netflix.

17. Write a novel.

The Exchange

18. add to silly lists on a web site forum.

Scarab Sages

19. prepare good looking handouts for a Delta Green FBI Mini Campaign (doing that tight now, penultimate adventure...284 Pages of reports, case files, latters, maps and photos so far...)

100. Wonder where the other 80 things to do went.

The Exchange

20. Point out posts 21 - 99

0. Mess with the time-stream.

21. Mess with the time-stream.

Grand Lodge

22. Start an edition war.

Sovereign Court

23. Wash it off your hands.
24. Bank it for later use.
25. Look busy so the boss doesn't realize that you are free.
26. Work on various websites that you fully intended to put up ages ago but instead have not had the time to do so and have been sitting on the domains for the better part of a year.

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