Venkman |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'm playing a sorcerer in an upcoming adventure, and I've never played one before. We're starting at 6th level, which means I get one 3rd-level spell known. I'm pretty sure I'm going with haste; but it got me thinking: When you first get access to a given level of spells (any level, not just 3rd), what's the first spell you learn?
(Obviously, the choice will depend at least partly on your campaign, other party members, etc. So, for the sake of this discussion, just keep it generic as possible.)

Pirate |

Obviously, the choice will depend at least partly on your campaign, other party members, etc
To expand on the etc., I will add that it is also largely influence by what kind of sorcerer you are playing. Does he have a theme (pyromaniac? loves to build things? thinks fooling people is funny? etc).
I really can't name any spells, as depending on the Character (the character/personality of the character), it will be a vastly different and varied selection.
Unless this is a purely tactical exercise (less RP and more tactical-miniatures-war-game-simulation)*, in which case spells that give you an obvious, non-circumstantial advantage (either individually or as a group) are often first choices. For example: fly and haste for level 3.
*these two aspects of the game are not exclusive, and bringing them up as separate entities in no way advocates that games must be played as one or the other. However, for the point of this post, realizing that putting more emphasis on one over the other, and the way in which it is done, can have an influence on the topic at hand.
I would like to say again that (for me) my choice of spells is depended MOSTLY upon the Character being played (personality, theme, etc). This can be augmented by circumstances (group dynamic, campaign, recent events, etc), but is mostly influence by the Character itself.

DreamAtelier |
2nd Level - Spider Climb (so I can hang out up on the ceilings and not be hit by attackers while I ping them to death)
3rd Level - Fireball (It's an oldie but a goodie)
4th Level - Shadow Conjuration or Greater Invisibility (dependent on how whether or not I've picked up any summoning before this point)
5th Level - Shadow Evocation
6th Level - Disintegrate
7th Level - Prismatic spray
8th Level - Wall of Lava
9th Level - Time Stop

Tiny Coffee Golem |

thenovalord wrote:yes to all, except can u eschew material for the dragon breath spell.?Dragon's Breath's material component does not include a gp cost > 1gp. Therefore, Eschew Materials works with Dragon's Breath.
Correct. Its assumed anything less th. 1gp is included in a spell component pouch. Frankly I assume it doesn't have to be the scAle of an ancient wyrm. Any of the dragon-kin scales would probably be sufficient.

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Material components with costs of 1gp or more are meant to be referenced as having said costs in the description. It's the same with the 'drop of devil's blood' for the Infernal Healing spell - it's just in your spell component pouch (or eschewed away), no matter how outlandish it seems, 'cos there's no cost listed.
'... Unless a cost is given for a material component, the cost is negligible...' (Core book page 213)

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i know that.
Are you assuming a dragon scale costs <1gp or do you have a reference?
or is it assumed cost, is just say dragonscale, and no value, that is a value of <1gp.
If a material component does not include a gp cost, it's a fair assume that it's so common it's not worth selling. Dragons probably shed scales the way my cat sheds hair... almost constantly. A socrcerer, having the Eschew Material feat as a freebie, would need no components to cast the applicable spells.

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For a standard "I'm the Arcane Guy" Sorcerer, here's my picks:
2nd: Glitterdust (Will Save, Blinds, decent AoE, decent range)
3rd: Haste (yes, it's that good)
4th: Dimension Door (get out of or into dodge quickly and safely)
5th: Teleport/Wall of Force (50/50 split. If transportation is necessary beyond the tactical level, then teleport. If that's not an issue, Wall of Force
6th: Disintegrate (gets rid of obstacles, and multiple castings just makes it more awesome)
7th: Limited Wish (oh, I really would have liked to have say, that Breath of Life spell, or anything else...)
8th: Polymorph Any Object/Summon Monster VII (do I want a bigger, stronger Party Fighter, or an extra mook to soak up & deal damage. This is another 50/50 toss up)
9th: Time Stop/Gate (extra rounds to buff/flee or "pull in a BBGG to fight the BBEG?" can't decide, flip a coin.)

Robert Young |

2nd level: Web (control the battle space!)
3rd level: Haste (This spell dose more damage then any other. Just you will not be doing the damage.)
4th level: blacktentacles(control the battle space and cause damage!)
5th level: charm monster (Make the enemy fight for you.)
Charm Monster is a 4th level spell for a Sorcerer.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

thenovalord wrote:If a material component does not include a gp cost, it's a fair assume that it's so common it's not worth selling. Dragons probably shed scales the way my cat sheds hair... almost constantly. A socrcerer, having the Eschew Material feat as a freebie, would need no components to cast the applicable spells.i know that.
Are you assuming a dragon scale costs <1gp or do you have a reference?
or is it assumed cost, is just say dragonscale, and no value, that is a value of <1gp.
Material components with costs of 1gp or more are meant to be referenced as having said costs in the description. It's the same with the 'drop of devil's blood' for the Infernal Healing spell - it's just in your spell component pouch (or eschewed away), no matter how outlandish it seems, 'cos there's no cost listed.
'... Unless a cost is given for a material component, the cost is negligible...' (Core book page 213)
Plus that.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

polymorph any object is my favorite spell, hands down. It's so much fun.
Door blocking my way **PAO** Now it's a mook to attack whatever is in the room.
We need a warship? Look a rowboat **PAO** Warship (permanent unless dispeled)
You annoy me, Elf. **PAO** Now you're a Gnome. (Gnomes are KOS in my mind)
I think I'd like to fly around a few hours with my party members on my back. **PAO** I;m a Roc now.

Interzone |

2: Scorching Ray
3: Fireball
4: Wall of FIre
5: FiRE snake
6: Firre FIRREE FIr
Sorry.. what was I doing?
Oh right...
2: Glitterdust
3: Fly or Haste
4: Confusion or Greater Invisibility
5: Teleport or Telekinesis
6: Disintigrate or Greater Dispel Magic
7: Limited Wish

hogarth |

For a standard "I'm the Arcane Guy" Sorcerer, here's my picks:
2nd: Glitterdust (Will Save, Blinds, decent AoE, decent range)
3rd: Haste (yes, it's that good)
4th: Dimension Door (get out of or into dodge quickly and safely)
5th: Teleport/Wall of Force (50/50 split. If transportation is necessary beyond the tactical level, then teleport. If that's not an issue, Wall of Force
6th: Disintegrate (gets rid of obstacles, and multiple castings just makes it more awesome)
7th: Limited Wish (oh, I really would have liked to have say, that Breath of Life spell, or anything else...)
8th: Polymorph Any Object/Summon Monster VII (do I want a bigger, stronger Party Fighter, or an extra mook to soak up & deal damage. This is another 50/50 toss up)
9th: Time Stop/Gate (extra rounds to buff/flee or "pull in a BBGG to fight the BBEG?" can't decide, flip a coin.)
Those are all awesome sorcerer spell choices. But from my experiences playing spontaneous casters, if I only have one spell known of a certain level, it better be a spell I would be glad to use all day long. So that would leave out Limited Wish (6000+ gp of diamond dust per day is pushing it a little), and it would make me a bit iffy on Dimension Door, Teleport and Haste (which are fantastic spells, but they're so fantastic that you rarely have to use them multiple times per encounter).
My first picks for those levels would be something like:
3rd - fireball (the old standby)
4th - shadow conjuration (101 uses)
5th - polymorph (also 101 uses)
7th - prismatic spray (another classic)
...with your suggestions as second pick. YMMV, of course.

Dire Mongoose |

An underrated (if in some ways maybe overkill) use for Teleport or Dimension Door is to grab one of your allies that gets a lot of attacks in a full attack, but isn't currently in position to do so, and teleport them elsewhere on the battlefield into a position to full attack.
In this way, in a pinch Teleport essentially becomes an offensive spell that does a few hundred points of damage.

Pirate |

An underrated (if in some ways maybe overkill) use for Teleport or Dimension Door is to grab one of your allies that gets a lot of attacks in a full attack, but isn't currently in position to do so, and teleport them elsewhere on the battlefield into a position to full attack.
In this way, in a pinch Teleport essentially becomes an offensive spell that does a few hundred points of damage.
It's not a sorcerer spell, but this is exactly what I use Bard's Escape for. Not available until 13th level, but lets you teleport your entire party (self +1 creature / 2 levels) to wherever you want within 230+ feet (100 + 10'/level).

Ravingdork |

Transformation does not have a gp cost mentioned in its material component entry. Does that mean that every spell component pouch comes with a theoretically unlimited supply of potions of bull's strength?
I think not.

KrispyXIV |

Transformation does not have a gp cost mentioned in its material component entry. Does that mean that every spell component pouch comes with a theoretically unlimited supply of potions of bull's strength?
I think not.
The potion has a known value, which is > 1gp.
The Dragon's Scale, on the other hand, has no such value that I can find listed.
Can you find such for us? Or perhaps the brass key for Open/Close?

Ravingdork |

Ravingdork wrote:Transformation does not have a gp cost mentioned in its material component entry. Does that mean that every spell component pouch comes with a theoretically unlimited supply of potions of bull's strength?
I think not.
The potion has a known value, which is > 1gp.
The Dragon's Scale, on the other hand, has no such value that I can find listed.
Can you find such for us? Or perhaps the brass key for Open/Close?
Yeah, but that's not what some posters seemed to be saying. A few sounded like it was free if a price wasn't mentioned in the SPELL's entry.

meabolex |

The correct answer for the OP: the spell that accomplishes what your character is best at doing.
If your character is better at casting a compulsion spell, it should probably be a compulsion spell.
If your character is into summoning, it should probably be a summoning spell.
If your character is into blasting, it should probably be a blaster spell.
If your character is into battlefield control. . .
buffing. . .
etc. etc. etc.
Just picking any spell because it's a good mechanic isn't the *best* way to approach what spell works *best* for your character.
Additionally, the same process should be used to determine what spell to trade out. If you're good at compulsion and have compulsion spells at 2nd and 3rd level, you probably don't need another (weaker) compulsion spell at level 1. Switch that one out for a utility spell.

james maissen |
I'm playing a sorcerer in an upcoming adventure, and I've never played one before.
Sorcerers should not be created piecemeal.
Many times you will see 'best sorcerer' spell lists.. they aren't worth it.
Why? Because they only give you random pieces.
Sure the spells on the list can be useful, but you want to work for synergy and careful crafting with the entire character.
Work on a theme for your sorcerer, work on the roles that you want your sorcerer to be able to handle, etc. Then build him/her all at once to do this rather than picking a bit here and there.