Homebrew campaign PBP. Mormont's Gauntlet. A survival campaign.

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Setting Story:

Mormont’s Gauntlet

There is a jungle filled land far to the east of the inner sea region. This land is rich in prehistoric jungles and grasslands. This region is known as Lanodia and is home to several scattered settlements. These are home to many species. Elders or town councils run most of the settlements. Others are run by warlords. Close to one hundred years ago, one warlord managed to subjugate many of the others. This warlord was known as Mormont. Soon he began his conquest. Strangely, he does not seem interested in just conquest. Rather his actions are more like eradication. Every settlement Mormont attacks is completely leveled and it’s people are horribly tortured before being brutally killed. His men were thorough too. They would chase any survivors down and search surrounding areas for any person they could find. The few survivors that survived could only flee to the east. Some headed into the North Mountains, others fled into the prehistoric jungles to the south. Others made their way to the east coast.
There on the east coast is a port settlement called Darpuul where many of the refugees would flee to. It was the farthest settlement from Mormont’s territory and was, for the present, a safe place to stay. However, that would change when Mormont’s forces finally reached the place. This is where you lived and it is the last home in the region. People had no where else to flee so many of them stood and fought back only to be annihilated. Mormont’s men came from all directions. They surged into the town like a flood and killed everyone. You (the players) managed to escape but not without loosing almost everything you have including your loved ones. You have no choice but to flee, heading east to the coast. Hopefully you’ll escape and maybe one day you’ll either find peace, or return to take your revenge on the evil warlord.

Ok. I’m a GM with a life to sacrifice on RPGs. This is the third RPG I have posted on Paizo. It is a homebrew I have designed and have run on six different occasions and am currently running it with my Friday night crew. So this is my most developed homebrew campaign to date.
Rules for players
Books = Core Rulebook, APG, Ultimate Magic, Inner Sea Region Guide, Bestiaries I and II, and any Companions. (NO Third Party Publishing)
Races = Any race from the books above are game.
Abilities = 30 point buy. None above 18 or below 8 pre racial mods.
HP = Max
Gold = roll for it but multiply the result by 100. spend it wisely, you wont get to buy and trade for a good long time.
Traits = Three. One must be one of my campaign traits.

Applicants will be required to put forth a physical description, backstory, and your escape story. (This is a flexible region and Darpuul is also flexible so feel free to get as creative as you want.) The escape story should end with you fleeing to the eastern beach and meeting with the other survivors(Other applicants)


Mountaineer: You’ve spent much of your time climbing and exploring the mountains to the north and have developed your skills and knowledge about the mountain ranges. You gain a +1 to climb. Climb is always a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 to all knowledge checks concerning the Aggonath Mountains to the north. You can make these any knowledge check regarding the Mountains without being trained.
SailorBefore the port was destroyed two years ago you spent much of your time sailing and fishing. You have a good sense when it comes to seafaring. The DC to gather food at sea or from a water source is 5 less for you. You gain a free rank in Profession: Sailor and Craft: Carpentry. You can also make any knowledge checks regarding the sea without needing to be trained in the skill. Swim is always a class skill for you.
Dino Expert You’ve spent much of your time in the prehistoric jungles of the region and have learned how to coexist with the monstrous reptiles of these forests. You gain +1 to knowledge nature to all checks made in regard to dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures. A +5 to stealth against them, you can grant this bonus to others in your party. Either Stealth or Knowledge Nature is a class skill for you. You can make any knowledge check regarding the Jungles of the region without needing to be trained in the skill.
Street RefugeeYou’ve come to the Darpuul from far inland and have had to survive on the streets as the town is flooded with desperate refugees and finding food or lodging can be difficult. As such you’ve had to stoop to stealing to get food. You gain a +1 to Slight of hand, and survival when trying to get food. One of these is always a class skill for you. You also gain a +1 to escape artist in general. Escape artist is always a class skill for you.
Darpuul Well to do You are one of the privileged elite in Darpuul. You start the campaign with an addition 4d6 worth of gold.
Town Watch You were a member of the local militia. The protection of others is always an important task for you. You are good at watching for danger. You gain a +1 to perception. Perception is always a class skill for you. In addition you gain a plus +1 to all will saves against sleep effects and a +1 to reflex saves against ambushes.

I will close recruitment once I feel I have enough applicants and I will take anywhere from six to eight of you. You need to be able to post at least once a day. I will be moving this thing along daily and if you miss three days without a peep, I will need to drop you. I apologize in advance for this. Best of luck to everyone. I look forward to see the party I get. Any questions? Ask

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Are you sure you meant 30 point buy? or 20?

2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9

I'd like to submit Tam Hardwick, halfling summoner (synthesist)!


Tam Hardwick
N Male Halfing Summoner 1 (synthesist)
Init +3; Senses Perception +2,
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +3 dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (1d8+1 +1 FC)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
Spd 20'
Melee club +0 (1d4-1)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d6)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
BAB +0; CMB -2; CMD 11
Feats (1)
Skills (3 skills) Craft (carpentry) +7, knowledge (local) +6, profession sailor +5, use magic device +8
Language Common, halfling, goblin
Special Abilities: cantrips, fused link, summon monster I (7/day)
Racial Abilities: fearless (+2 saves vs fear); halfling luck (+1 on

saves); keen senses (+2 to perception); sure-footed (+2 to acrobatics and

Traits Sailor, well-informed, deft dodger
Spells (4/2 known; DC 14+level)
0th: acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, message
1st (2/day): mage armor, daze monster
Possessions 120 gp: leather armor (10 gp), club, light crossbow and 10 bolts (36 gp), masterwork tools (50 gp), adventurer's gear


Str 8 (0 points -2 racial)
Dex 16 (5 points +2 racial)
Con 12 (2 points)
Int 13 (3 points)
Wis 10 (0 points)
Cha 18 (10 points +2 racial)

Fused Eidolon (The Beast)
N Male Halfing/Outsider Summoner 1 (synthesist)
Init +1; Senses Perception +2,
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 dex, +4 natural)
hp 21 (1d8+1+1 FC +11 eidolon)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Spd 30', climb 30'
Melee slam +4 (1d8+3)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
BAB +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
EVolutions (3): slam, climb, limbs (arms, legs), improved natural armor

Tam was a carpenter who often worked on ships that would sail into port. He was a friendly lad, but the recent events have triggered some sort of strange transformation in him. His inner fear has manifested as a ghostly ape that seems to possess him when he's threatened. This ape is pale white with red glowing eyes and its form dwarfs the poor halfling. He ran, simply put, ran as fast as he could and climbed like a monkey he had to.

I'll add to this in the next couple days, but I wanted to get the basic outline down before I lost it...

This is a high caliber campaign so yes I meant 30. In early goings of this game, people with low ability scores really struggled a lot in early campaign. I found that if I enable people to have higher ability scores and more starting equipment, they'll have a better chance of survival. This is a tough campaign but also a lot of fun. It helps if people are really talented.

Shanosuke, are you willing to have one player in more than one of your PbPs?

If yes, I'm thinking Shoanti Monk.

If no, then that's cool and wish all else well.

Dotting for the moment, about to leave work. But thinking about a half-orc ranger(guide) mountaineer.

Details will follow.

is there any way you'd let a seasoned vet in on this Shanosuke?

As discussed earlier, I'll submit Jivaji for this.
I've got some work to do on him, such as spending his 5d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 4, 1) = 1900 gold and adjusting to 30 points buy.
Also, of course, the backstory!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

I'd like to throw in a concept for this one, sounds cool.

Nye Wajid is a Chaotic Good Half-elf Wizard Air Elementalist who until the ports were destroyed earned his living serving on a merchant ship. Down on his luck, he turned to drink and carved out a hole in the town of Darpuul. When the attack came he was sleeping off a three night bender, a fact that caused the first raiders to think he was dead, killed by another in the fight. When he came to the end of the battle was close, he found his wits and realized that fleeing would be difficult. He picked his way carefully through the carnage avoiding the raiders and found a privet yacht of one of the towns well to due that had not been set aflame yet. Untying the ropes he pushed off and with his arcane mastery of the wind, pushed the sail and maneuvered the small vessel up to coast to the eastern beach. Though trained as a sailor (campaign trait) the boat was too much for one crew member to control and he crashed it upon the rocks not far from the shore. As the ship goes down he gathers his personal belongings and loots somethings from the yacht.(explanation on how the down on his luck drunk has big bucks worth of gear.) Swimming to the beach, he crawls out upon the sand to find a few others who also managed to escape the attack on Darpuul.

I'd be open to adjusting the background to include another of the PC's maybe some one from the old days on the ship, or a concerned person of the town who pity's the drunk finds him and wakes him during their own escape and together they steal and crash the ship. Open to ideas and suggestions or none at all, just thought it might be a way to help link a couple of the characters together with some role-play connections prior to the actual adventure beginning.

I haven't stated out the character, but can do so once I know if you chose me for the campaign. Hope you like my idea.

Dotting and planning a Goblin Ranger. Will provide backstory and basic stats before too long. I am very intrigued by the direction of this campaign: I'm excited to see where it goes, even if I'm not chosen to play in it :P

for s's and g's I'm going to write up a fighter. I'll get background and escape story up later.

5d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 5, 6) = 18

Wow, I got three rangers. What can I say, its the best class for the campaign easily. A wizard and a summoner are nice. One small problem though (I pull mathpro18 aside)

For Mathpro:
DUDE! You've not only been through this campaign not just ONCE but TWICE! In fact, You haven't even finished it the first time and your second game is still ongoing. Do you like it that much? *Sigh* Go ahead and apply but know that if I get enough players, you will automatically be ruled out.

If I am running you in another game, that doesn't automatically exclude you. For now, I am grateful for any apps I get. Know that if it becomes difficult to choose a party(hopefully because you all produce such amazing backstories)I may turn down frequent players, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Also I do not hold classes to their alignment restrictions. Example, I allow chaotic monks, good assassins, Chaotic Neutral Paladins, and so on. If a person is trained in an art, it does not mean that it should effect their personal beliefs. For example. You train in the discipline of martial arts, it does not mean you abide by laws. A class is a skill as much as it is a belief so no alignment restrictions on class. Though you must be aligned with which ever deity you choose to serve. You can play evil character's, as long as they do not conflict to much with the party.

I'll hang back in the shadows and let others take point. Keep me in mind should you somehow not make quorum.

Mark Sweetman wrote:
I'll hang back in the shadows and let others take point. Keep me in mind should you somehow not make quorum.

Thanks, Nice to see a return player.

Meet Ganken Burnslasher. While Chaotic Evil and technically a goblin, survival is about the one thing Ganken has ever invested in. He'll understand how badly he needs companions, and how he can't afford to offend anyone who might be useful in his survival mission. He'll do his best to behave ;)

Ganken Burnslasher:
Ganken Burnslasher, Goblin CE Ranger
Str: 14, Dex: 20, Con: 12, Int: 12, Wis: 15, Cha: 7
Traits: Dino Expert, Reactionary, Poverty-Stricken
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Favored Enemy: Animal

The last contact Ganken had with another goblin was when he was only a few years old. The memories are very vague, but he knows he and his tribe were uprooted from their home--an abandoned lumber camp not far from a human civilization--and forced out into the jungle, in search of a new home. The tribe had traveled for several months until one day they were set upon by a gigantic, viciously-toothed lizard. He didn't know it at the time, but it was the first time Ganken encountered one of the prehistoric dinosaurs that haunted what would become his new home. The tribe scattered and Ganken was knocked into the underbrush, where he was trampled to unconsciousness by his family members. He awoke to a scene of massive carnage, and quickly fled into the thick jungle for refuge.

The next few years were very rough for Ganken, but he learned to scavenge and thereby survive by the skin of his teeth. Thankfully, his goblin ancestry allowed him to consume nearly anything for sustenance, and he ate the mostly-chewed up corpses of nearly every unlucky soul--be they sentient or not--that he came across, most of which had fallen victim to the dinosaurs. He learned as a child to track the larger dinosaurs' movements, and eventually the smaller ones as well. He wandered the jungle for countless moons, facing death at nearly every turn but somehow surviving, until one day he came across an extraordinary find.

In the clearing before him, Ganken saw yet another scene of carnage: a traders' caravan, or so it seemed, had been pounced on and torn to pieces by a pack of some vicious carnivores. After pausing for a full minute and listening intently to the sounds of the jungle, Ganken skipped into the clearing, whistling to himself a painfully monotonic tune. He stopped as he got close, doing a double-take at the sight of the many corpses: they were all small, like him. What Ganken had found was a Halfling caravan that had recently become dinosaur chow, thereby leaving him a precious collection of valuable weapons and tools sized properly for a goblin. He gathered as much as he could carry, and continued on in his wanderings.

Ganken truly does not know his own age, but he does know that he stumbled upon a human settlement named Darpuul almost four years ago. Since then, he has settled down in the area around the town, a dirty little secret to the majority of the town's residents. At first he lived in the town's alleys, nooks, and crannies, and in this way began to pick up the language of the humans. Soon he was discovered--munching on the corpse of a dog who had stayed out too late and fallen prey to one of his crude arrows--and was promptly ran out of town several furious townsfolk wielding torches, pitchforks, and vile curses. He holed up in a cave outside of town that had been naturally formed by the trunk of a massive tree, and over time began to observe the humans more and more. He learned more about their customs and cultural significances, and was able to even interact with several hunters in the forest without offending them too much (at least, they didn't kill him). As more time passed, he adapted more and more, and was soon fluent in their language and knew several citizens of Darpuul, though he still lived alone in his cave on the outskirts of town.

When the Mormont armies hit the town, Ganken had know idea what was happening. He did not even understand the concept of a fully functional military until the hordes of attackers descended upon the only civilization he knew existed, and decimated it. He watched the entire thing from the treetops, too frightened and confused to come down. Once the ruins began to smolder and the coast looked relatively clear, he climbed down, retrieved his things, and set off in the one direction he saw everyone else fleeing: east, to the coast. He'd only heard of the place in his wanderings, but now he knew that his survival depended on him finding it. And surviving seemed to be the one thing he's good at, so Ganken figured he'd best give it a shot.

Thanks, I just want to make sure everyone enjoys this game. Unless legitimately merited, I usually don't like PVP


Prehistoric forest, you say? I'll see if I can throw together a saurian druid, if that's what the context was implying.

Wealth: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

Mahorfeus wrote:

Prehistoric forest, you say? I'll see if I can throw together a saurian druid, if that's what the context was implying.

Wealth: 2d6

Saurian Druid is a nice idea. Fits in well with the campaign.

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that while I applied to both of your campaigns, I think I only have the time to dedicate to one of them. Both of them sound great to me (I think I am more intrigued by the Mormont's Gauntlet--but that's probably because I like the character I wrote for it more, haha. At the same time, though, a goblin is always a complication, so my hopes aren't nearly as high for him. Basically, if you like my characters, you should only put me in one of your campaigns because I'll have to decline one of them. Just thought I'd let you know, just in case.

That's fine garabbott. It works better if I get any new players that way. I will consider both of your ideas and take my favorite.

Ok just a few notes on characters backstories. I would like your characters to have a more vested interest in confronting Warlord Mormont. For example, revenge against the Warlord would be the easiest choice, or a curiosity about his power, or some unique reason your character would want to confront him. Also, Everyone will start this campaign running for their lives meeting at the east coast. The six to eight players I pick will be the only survivors. Most of you have desirable concepts. I just want to make sure you all have a personal reason for wanting to meet Mormont in the end.

So To make this easy. For both me and you. I want each of you to write a sentence or two, explaining your reason for wanting to see Mormont in person. Or if you need, more than two sentences then do so. It's important to the campaign that Mormont be motivating you in some way. Okay. Any questions.

I am interested in this game and submit Dreygard, barbarian and hunter.
Mwangi Human Barbarian

Str 16(18)
Dex 15
Con 15
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 13

escape story:

Dreygard was out hunting for his tribe when Mormont tore through his village. He fled to Darpuul where he subjugated his despair and focuses on survival. He worked as an enforcer for various criminal elements in the city, but had no heart for it. Although he desired to survive, he didn’t want to do it by taking advantage of other refuges. He eventually refused orders, but was beaten and left for dead in the hideout of the gang he was working for. He awoke, and made his way to the stores, where he rifled through the gear that the thieves had managed to pilfer from the unfortunate victims of the horde. It was then that Morment and his army reached Darpuul and panic ensued. Dreyguard collected what he found, and fled east, towards the coast. It was then when his fury exploded within himself and he vowed revenge on the scourge that destroyed his life.

physical description:
Dreygard descends from the Mauxi people, exhibiting an ashy grey-brown complexion and dark brown eyes. He is tall and well-built, as usual for his people, and wears his thick, straight black hair long. He bears a sloppy brand of the tiger on his left breast, self applied in the ashes of his village to signify that he participated in the hunt for manhood.

Dreyguard is the third son of a prominent hunter in his tribe. His older brothers had already proven themselves on the great predator hunt, where a group of three boys are sent out on there own to find and kill one of the great predators of the jungle: tiger, crocodile, velociraptor, gorilla, elephant, etc. His brothers had already grew to prominence when it was his turn for the hunt. He lost his hunting mates, not to the tiger, but to an outside force that he was unaware of. Although is is cool-headed for a hunter-warrior, when he encounter the tiger, he had to let his rage fly when it came to survival. When he made his way back to the village, what he found was death and fires. Evidence of Mormont. By the time he could summon up his anger for revenge, he was running for his life from overwhelming forces.

Dotting interest was going for your urban campaign with this character, but will revamp him for this one. Unsure of race atm, but definantly Barbarian heading toward Rage Prophet.

-insert name here, not sure about region's naming conventions-
NG Human saurian shaman 1
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 9

Still debating on the stat build - I don't know whether to focus on melee or casting, as I don't imagine that I could do both and still be efficient, even with this high point buy.

Escape Story:
No more than a year ago, his people were driven out of their homes in the southern forests by Mormont's soldiers, forcing the pittance of survivors to flee to the east, towards the coastal settlement of Darpuul. Because of their clandestine culture and the strange beasts that accompanied them, they settled not far from the village, though in time they established relations with their people on good terms. Unfortunately, this partial separation would not save them when Mormont's forces fell upon Darpuul. Twice now he had been a survivor, but this time, he found that he was alone amongst his people. Enraged by the loss of his kin, he swore vengeance on Mormont - but he knew he would not be able to do it alone.

Barbarians, Druids, Rangers, what a wild campaign this is going to be lol. Are there any civilized folks out there? (Looks around eagerly) No? Okay. This is going to be an amusing campaign. Still looking for more apps. Think I'll close recruiting on Friday.

Ganken could not help thinking as he fled, who am I running from? Why are they chasing me? How did they get so powerful while I am so weak? Then, as he realized his entire way of life was crashing around him in a vicious massacre, his train of thought changed slightly. Who do they think they are, treating us all so unfairly? Those bastards will get what they deserve, they sure will, even if I have to be the one to give it to 'em!"

Here is my characters stat block. I'll be adding the more important pieces soon...just need to get them down on paper so to speak.

Stat Block:
Male Orc Fighter (Two-Handed Fighter) 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Orc)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +2
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16. . (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1
Defensive Abilities Ferocity
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Masterwork Greatclub +8 (1d10+9/20/x2) and
. . Masterwork Greatsword +9 (2d6+9/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +7 (1d3+6/20/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +4) +4 (1d8+4/20/x3)
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Power Attack -1/+2, Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Traits Deadeye
Skills Acrobatics -2, Craft: Weapons +3, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Perception +2, Ride -2, Stealth -2, Survival +3, Swim +2
Languages Common, Giant, Orc
Combat Gear Arrows (40), Breastplate, Masterwork Greatclub, Masterwork Greatsword, Masterwork Longbow, Composite (Str +4); Other Gear Backpack, Masterwork (empty), Bedroll, Flint and steel, Grappling arrow, Rations, trail (per day) (10), Rope, silk (50 ft.), Waterskin, Whetstone
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Ferocity (Ex) You can stay active while dying.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Dazzled as long as they remain in bright light.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

The Exchange

In a bit, I'm going to put forward an Alchemist, I'm just wondering if we can use our allotted monies to make potions or other such items, instead of buying them.

The Exchange

Let's bring some Civility to this party with the Elven Alchemist.This stat block assumes I am able to craft potions. If it turns out I am not able to, I will adjust accordingly.

3d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 3) = 13

Stat Block:

Campaign Trait: Dino Expert

Male Elf Alchemist 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +6; Senses Low-Light Vision; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Masterwork Longsword +3 (1d8+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Ranged Bomb +5 (1d6+4 Fire) and
. . Masterwork Longbow +5 (1d8/20/x3)
Special Attacks Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day) (DC 14)
Alchemist Spells Known (CL 1, 2 melee touch, 4 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 15), Reduce Person (DC 15)
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Brew Potion, Elven Weapon Proficiencies, Point Blank Shot, Throw Anything
Traits Forlorn, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +8, Craft: Alchemy +8, Knowledge: Nature +9, Perception +6, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +8, Survival +5 Modifiers Alchemy +1, Woodcraft
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ Footprint Book, Hero Points (1), Mutagen (DC 14) (Su)
Combat Gear Arrows (30), Masterwork Longbow, Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Studded Leather; Other Gear Alchemist's Kit, Artisan's tools: Craft: Bows, Backpack, Masterwork (3 @ 15 lbs), Bedroll, Eyeglasses, Flint and steel, Footprint Book, Mutagen: +4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat AC, Potion of Cure Light Wounds x11, Rations, trail (per day) (5), Wandermeal (per serving) (15), Waterskin
Arrows - 0/30
Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) - 0/5
Mutagen: +4 DEX, -2 WIS, +2 Nat AC - 0/1
Potion of Cure Light Wounds - 0/11
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+4 (5/day) (DC 14) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+4 fire damage.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to Sleep effects.
Footprint Book +2 to identity a creature by its tracks.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mutagen (DC 14) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a Physical attribute, -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 natural armor for 10 minutes/level.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Woodcraft +1 Knowledge (Nature) and Survival, increasing to +2 in forests.

Quoice grew up in Darpuul, although his childhood wasn't easy. He was often called a nerd, as he was one of the smartest in his class, and people don't often enjoy being beaten in intellect any more than physical feats. He was picked on a lot as a kid, and as a result, he could often be found alone reading, mostly about the dinosaurs in the jungles to the south.

As he grew up, he began associating with the researchers that spend time in the jungles, and they eventually invited him to come out with them to the jungle for a first-hand look at the dinosaurs. This was a life-changing experience for Quoice. He decided, then and there, that he would try to learn as much as he could about these giant reptiles.

Escape Story:
When Mormont's army came within sight of the city, Quoice was just getting home after spending a month in the jungle. Luckily, he lived on the east side of the city, and heard the screaming and shouting before the troops could advance far into the city. Quoice grabbed his standard equipment, and anything else he could easily get, before running out of the city, to the east, towards safety, and more importantly, a chance to put Mormont in his place.

Phys. Description:
Quoice is very tall(about 6'6") and thin, but he has a fair amount of muscle for his frame. The top quarter of his right ear is missing, cut off when the crossbow bolt of a colleague clipped him. He has long brown hair(shoulder length) and walks with an air of superiority. He has a tendency to wear long, dark green coats, as they are not only warm when needed, but also help him to hide in the jungles where he does his research.

Edit: Stat-block and wording change.

Updated stat block, bought base equipment. Still need to buy traps and travelling goods, also need to still change backstory and escape story (will be one and the same)

I'm going out of town for a week. It looks like people are moving quick in the character creation. If you have more applicants then positions, I don't mind dropping back as an alternate. Thanks.

Hi there, submitting my entry for a lawful good cleric of Erastil. As you can probably tell, I have a thing for "monstrous" races.

7d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 6, 3) = 22

Stat block:

JEN CR 1/2
Female Aasimar Cleric 1
LG Medium Outsider
Init +2; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6
Immune (Resistance Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5)
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Morning Star +5 (1d8+4)
Ranged Light Crossbow +3 (1d8)
Special Attacks Channel (1d6) (DC12)
Cleric Spells per day Level 0 (4) Level 1 (1+1)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Selective Channeling
Traits Heirloom Weapon, Exalted of the Society, Well-to do
Skills Perception +7, Spellcraft +3, Diplomacy +4
Modifiers Aasimar +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Celestial
SQ Masterwork Agile Breastplate, Masterwork Morningstar, Trail Rations, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Phylactery of Faithfulness
Channel Energy 6/day
Enlarge Person (Swift Action) 7/day
Daylight 1/day
Aura of Lawful Good
Animal (Feather)+ Plant (Growth)Domains
Spells to cure conversion
Channel Energy


(Not that I'm not creative with names, but it is gaming tradition for me. At least seven Jens have been played in various campaigns to this point. To me, the name doesn't really define the character)

Jen was born far to the West, in a time before the region had truly been settled. She grew up in a well off family, but she was not simply content to stay as a coddled child that would be married off. Perhaps the touch of celestial blood was the driving factor, but it was clear that Jen had a calling to something greater. She worshipped "Deadeye" Erastil, the patron god of farmers itself.

After her home town had clearly been established as a major metropolis, Jen knew that it was her time to spread civilization to other parts of the world. Though it seems to contradict the work of Erastil, she believes that simple pleasures was to be found from the moderate presence of civilization, not the absence of it, as was true in the jungle lands. For her excellent work, her paperwork was quickly signed off and she received a new assignment: establishing the church of Erastil in the jungles of the far east. She set off with a large expedition largely funded by the Church of Erastil itself and a part of her inheritence from her family, that she asked for in advance. The journey was ardous and the establishment of a settlement was even more difficult.

The expedition sent into the jungles was woefully ill-prepared for the challenges that it had to face. Within the first few weeks, most of the guards were dead or had deserted. As clerics of Erastil were trained in martial combat, Jen was forced to act as both guardians for the people and spiritual leader. Her relatively inexperienced and innocent mind was changed into one filled with knowledge of savagery and carnage. Her appearance gradually changed as well; her priestly robes were hewn in some places, her blond hair was tarred with dirt, and her smooth luminecent skin (some say from her angelic heritage) was riddled with scars.

The settlement that the church of Erastil established was known as Erastilinia, in honor of the god that had ensured that Jen survived so long in the harsh jungles. As the settlement grew and expanded, Jen continued to age. Even after the settlement flourished enough to defend itself instead of relying on the cleric for support, she refused to heal away her scars and injuries that she endured for the support of the settlement, a way of reminding the populace of her sacrifice and encouraging them to sacrifice of themselves as well.

And then, the armies of Mormont struck. The town's wooden palisades were effective at keeping out the beasts of the jungle, but not a highly trained military force. The town's population swarmed to the walls, inspired by her sacrifice for them during the expedition. Many wielding light crossbows, the favored weapon of Erastil. Jen was with them until the very end, when a stray arrow impacted on her armor. Though it was a glancing blow, the impact managed to do something that no other force could've done before; knock her out.

Thankfully, Mormont's forces did not notice her, as she seemed dead because of the various scars that were left on her body. While stealthy in the traditional sense, her armor's clanking was not audible amongst the sounds of Mormont's invading forces. She saw the countless bodies of the people that she inspired as she fled, but Jen knew that suicide would not further the cause of her god or avenge the people that were dead. The focus of her religious career, the dedication that she had put forth, and the corpses of the townspeople were burning in the townsquare and the putrid smell of burning flesh was prevalant. It took all of her will to continue past.

The journey to the Eastern coast was more difficult than her initial expedition. Though battle-hardened from years of combat, her outlook was not optimistic. The settlement that had been in the future was now in the past. Her youth and vitality had given way to old age, and even her celestial ancestry could not grant immortality. More importantly, her drive for her god was replaced for the first time by despair and hopelessness.

Finally, she arrived in Darpuul. The sight of countless refugees like her light a new fire inside. Now, she would strike back, in the name of her god, her people, and everyone that had been harmed by the warmongerer that was Mormont. Afterwards, the walk towards the Eastern coast was brisk. She healed away her scars and fixed her clothing; now would not be a time of rememberence. Now would be the time for VENGEANCE!

The Exchange

Retech wrote:

Hi there, submitting my entry for a lawful good cleric of Erastil. As you can probably tell, I have a thing for "monstrous" races.


** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Just wondering, why do you have bombs in your stat block? It looks like you copy-pasted a significant portion of my stat block into yours, namely the offense portion.

Oh, I don't have the nice character generator that everyone around here seems to have, so I generate my characters on another character generator, copy-paste one of those nice ones, and then change details to make it fit.

I was using yours for this one, and I needed to see what roll I got for wealth, so I could figure out what to buy. It's been edited now.

The Exchange

It's all good. I was just wondering. By the way, in case you were interested, the character generator that a lot of people use, including me, is called Hero Labs.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
It's all good. I was just wondering. By the way, in case you were interested, the character generator that a lot of people use, including me, is called Hero Labs.

I use PCGen (obviously)! It's a bit technically oriented, but free.

The Exchange

I used PCGen for a while, but then I tried out Hero Labs at the urging of my DM, and I haven't looked back. By all means though, PCGen does an excellent job.

Looks like I am a little late to the party but I am very interested in both of your campaigns. I have posted on the other campaign thread and will be presenting a character here later tonight in all likelihood.

I'm currently considering either playing a Master Summoner (should be different enough from the synthesist and because it seems to be everything I had always wished the original summoner was), or a Witch as I think it would fit the campaign really well.

I'm curious as to what level you expect this campaign to run to? I know pbp's don't usually go all that far in terms of levels but I'm still curious as to your expectations. Plus it sounds as this campaign may level faster than most due to being combat heavy, but I could be misinterpreting that.

Campaign Rules Addition Please Read
I like the attention. This will be interesting. This is an intense campaign and is capable of going to as many as 8 players.

A few quick notes to people on how I have decided to run my PBPs

Leveling and Combat.
Quite honestly I am in two campaigns and running one at the moment. Combat on PBP is a royal pain. So. To make sure we don't have any unnecessary battles, I will be eliminating XP. Instead I have a method that seems to work really well both in my real games and especially on PBPs. I use a lot of objectives in my campaigns. Some are part of the main plot while others are "Side quests" Every time you complete a major plot objective, you level. Simple as that. Whenever you complete five minor plots or side quests, you gain a level. None of this "farming" for XP thing. I won't do many random encounters if any at all. This helps to keep things moving and on track.

Now Combat is fun so I won't completely avoid it. I have some guidelines for players to follow that I'll explain in greater detail in the discussion. I want this to progress at a good pace. The most important part is that everyone at least be able to post once a day That the main thing I am looking for. If for some reason you cannot post, I will accept an excuse and take control of your character in the meantime. If you can't tell me you wont post, I will wait a total of three days for you to post. If I hear nothing, then you are dropped. Combat gets ruff, especially when someone doesn't post consistently. That is the major rules I follow.

One more neat little thing to note about this particular campaign is that it WILL go beyond level 20. So I expect to see some gears turn about what your future character will be. Also Magic users will not be able to use spells higher than level 6 until Chapter four. Simply because there are some spells out there that are really broken and for earlier parts of this campaign. There abilities could mess up some of the major details of the campaign.

This is a 6 Chapter Campaign and each chapter has a lot of stuff to do in it. I look forward to the group I will get and what you guys will do to survive.

Now I will continue to accept Apps until Friday. Then I will make a decision about whom I want. This should be fun.

Ok Fenrus is up, but I decided that he would be a corrupted paladin due to his lust for revenge and his anger and fury in his heart (because I saw that you have nothing against different alignments). I will flesh him out with gear and make his money rolls if he is chosen. Thank you for your consideration.

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
In a bit, I'm going to put forward an Alchemist, I'm just wondering if we can use our allotted monies to make potions or other such items, instead of buying them.

Thought about this one for a bit and decided that I would allow it. There's really no reason not to.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Shanosuke wrote:

[bigger]Campaign Rules Addition Please Read[/bigger

One more neat little thing to note about this particular campaign is that it WILL go beyond level 20. So I expect to see some gears turn about what your future character will be. Also Magic users will not be able to use spells higher than level 6 until Chapter four. Simply because there are some spells out there that are really broken and for earlier parts of this campaign. There abilities could mess up some of the major...

Having submited a wizard I am curious. Do you mean all spells 6th level and up? Or will you provide us a list of spells that we don't have access to? While I understand the need to restrict spells so that a caster can't in one turn end the adventure with one casting, I have submitted a wizard to find out that his power will get nerfed compared to other characters when he reaches level 11. I am cool with this if he still gets access to some spells at those levels so as to not completely prevent the characters growth at that time, or if something is substituted. Something like you can use a slot at a higher level to memorize lower level spell up to a total of six levels. For example a 6th level spot could be used to memorize and cast 6 1st level spell, or two 3rd level spells, or one 1st and one 5th and so on.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Shanosuke wrote:
So To make this easy. For both me and you. I want each of you to write a sentence or two, explaining your reason for wanting to see Mormont in person. Or if you need, more than two sentences then do so. It's important to the campaign that Mormont be motivating you in some way. Okay. Any questions.

EDITS to Background are in blue.

Nye Wajid is a Chaotic Good Half-elf Wizard Air Elementalist who until the ports were destroyed earned his living serving on a merchant ship. When he returned from his last voyage to find the ports had been attacked and the settlement ransacked he raced to the home of his betrothed, Tellia de'Amith. Her home had been burned to the ground and her family slaughtered but she was nowhere to be found. Nye searched for days his heart filled with hope but he didn't not find her or any sign of her. Assuming the worst he turned to drinking, but instead of uncovering liquid courage to fuel his revenge, he found misery and despair. Down on his luck, he turned to drink and carved out a hole in the town of Darpuul. When the attack came he was sleeping off a three night bender, a fact that caused the first raiders to think he was dead, killed by another in the fight. When he came to the end of the battle was close, he found his wits and realized that fleeing would be difficult. He picked his way carefully through the carnage avoiding the raiders and found a privet yacht of one of the towns well to due that had not been set aflame yet. Untying the ropes he pushed off and with his arcane mastery of the wind, pushed the sail and maneuvered the small vessel up to coast to the eastern beach. Though trained as a sailor (campaign trait) the boat was too much for one crew member to control and he crashed it upon the rocks not far from the shore. As the ship goes down he gathers his personal belongings and loots somethings from the yacht.(explanation on how the down on his luck drunk has big bucks worth of gear.) Swimming to the beach, he crawls out upon the sand to find a few others who also managed to escape the attack on Darpuul.

At the start of the campaign, he has NO MOTIVATION to seek out to seek revenge against Mormont, though he has a reason to be. I think it could be a good bit of Role Playing for another character to have to convince Nye to give up the booze and get motivated to do something about the situation.

It sounds very interesting. I'll try to whip up some time to present an elven witch concept.

I think I will allow combat based spells above level six. There will be a lot of the spells that allow you to manipulate your environment. I will not allow these spells until Chapter four. But high power combat spells and buffs will be allowed. Don't worry, You have a huge roster of spells to play with in the later half of the game.

This is too interesting to pass up... here's my submission. I'm good for a post or two a day - though my weekends are going to be sparse.

Half-orc: using Sacred Tattoo racial variant
Quiggong Monk (favored class: +1 skill point)

Silently standing at his post with his eyes constantly drifting towards the west is a tall, immensely powerfully built young man. Long limbs on his nearly six foot frame are corded with lean muscles, but when you look into his face, you're startled by a few revelations. Not only is his face that of a much younger boy - possibly 15 or 16, but his features, nearly black eyes, and ashen skin hint at orcish blood.

The young man keeps his head cleanly shaved, and most of his body is covered with intricately detailed tattoos. While his face remains clear, his scalp, neck, and every other surface you can see are carved with strange, swirling patterns interspersed with animals - both natural and fantastical - who battle across his grayish skin. The only thing that breaks up the tattoos is the immense scarring. Everywhere you look on his exposed skin are scars. Some small and circular in small patterns. Some long and deep, as if from a drawn blade. And some on his back are obviously whips or flails. And under his chin you can see what looks like the permanent marks of rope around his neck. His nose is crooked from multiple breakings, his face carries multiple white scars, one particularly big one running across his forehead and down over his right eye towards his ear.

He stands casually, but with an air of readiness. And across his broad back is strapped a long, wicked two-handed blade. His clothes are simple, loose, and serviceable. A backpack sits next to his feet, with a small black-board peeking out of the corner.

While he is attentive and generally respectful to others when they address him, you've never heard him utter a word in return. You've only seen him smile the few times you've seen him play with some of the local children, and when he does, he shows a surprising amount of abandon from his usual stoic self. Other than that, you rarely see anything but a haunted look in his youthful black eyes…. which again drift towards the west.

His appearance in Darpuul was not exactly surprising, but possibly a bit unique. With the constant flow of refugees coming into the town, one more was certainly no surprise. This young man, however, was nearly dead when he staggered towards the gates, collapsing before the threshold. He was thin from lack of nourishment and sleep. His few clothes were torn and nearly useless, and he had no other possessions except for a two-handed blade, a dagger, and a strip of paper with a message written in blood…

They are coming

He was carried into town and given care. Over time he healed physically, though it was obvious the young man - who was younger than initially thought - had emotional scarring. He woke screaming many nights, was slow to trust anyone, had obvious signs of abuse or torture, and never spoke a word. He was given a black slate and some chalk, and his story began to come out.

His earliest memories were of some sort of closed community far to the west. The people were simple, relying on each other for survival and companionship. Everyone pitched in, working the fields when the time was right, helping with hunts, learning to nurture and defend each other. And while the young man knew he wasn't born in the community, he and his parents had been welcomed despite his father's obvious mixed orc heritage. As this was the only home he had really known, the young man didn't realize how unique this community was. They were completely self-reliant, and furthermore believed that every path a person was offered could lead to personal perfection; it was just a matter of training oneself to recognize the opportunities and find growth therein. While the young man struggled with some of the concepts, he excelled at the physical training. When the elders taught combat - and this was not uncommon - he listened.. and learned. It was a simple life, but a fulfilling one.

Then they came. Mormont's men.

And they brought war. Well, slaughter, really. The isolated community had little time to prepare; the killers came fast and without warning. The young man, along with his family and friends, fought as best they could, but it was a fast thing… and brutal. He saw his mother die. His father. His friends, elders, and siblings. And who the killers didn't murder they took for darker ends. The young man was a play-thing for the killers. He wrote to his interviewers of pain, torture, and darker things, his scars giving silent testament to his written words.

The young man proved resilient, however, and in days was out of the bed. While he remained reserved emotionally, he became a fixture in the town, volunteering to join the watch as soon as they allowed it. Despite his age, he was accepted. Not knowing what else to call him, the locals just dubbed the young man Silent.

He didn't even pull his first pay-check before they came.

The young man, ever vigilant and ever read, was one of the first to the walls. But when the walls broke before Mormont's killers, the young man - ever the survivor - turned and ran. Not out of fear, but out of necessity.

If he's dead, how can he fulfill that which fuels him?

If I'm dead, how can I kill Mormont?

Gold: 1d6 ⇒ 4 x 100 = 400. Gear will be chosen if he gets accepted.


HP: 10
Initiative: +4

AC: 15
CMD: 16

Fort: +5 = 2 + 2 con + 1 racial
Reflex: +5 = 2 + 2 dex + 1 racial
Will: +6 = 2 + 3 wis + 1 racial
--> +1 to Will vs. Sleep and Reflex vs. Ambush

BAB: +0
CMB: +4 (Grapple +6)

Falchion +4 (2d4 + 6; 18/x2)
Unarmed +4 (1d6 + 4; x2)
--> Flurry +3/+3

Shuriken +2 (1d3 + 4; x2)
--> Flurry +1/+1

Racial/Class Features
Darkvision 60ft
Intimidating: +2 racial bonus to intimidate
Orc Blood
Racial Tattoos: +1 to saves
Weapon Familiarity
Bonus Feat: Improved Grapple
Flurry of Blows (-1/-1)
Stunning Fist: 1/day; DC 13 fort save
Unarmed Strike: 1d6
Vow of Silence: +1 ki per six levels (min. +1)

Feats: Keen Scent, Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist

Traits: Town Watch
Poverty Stricken

+6 Acro (1)
+8 Perception (1) + 1 trait
+6 Stealth (1)
+8 Survival (1) + 1 trait

str 19 (+4) 13 (+2 racial)
dex 14 (+2) 5
con 14 (+2) 5
int 9 (-1) -1
wis 16 (+3) 10
cha 8 (-1) -2

Not only is Silent a highly motivated individual in general, the concept that has driven him thus far is revenge on Mormont. It is the thing that makes him able to set aside the nightly nightmares and start the day, and the last thought on his mind before sleep.

Mormont will die… along with any of his heartless thugs Silent can manage to kill.

At some point, there will be an emphasis on poisons… especially the Poison Quiggong Monk ability. :)

Flushing out the story. Things written here may help some of your backstories if you want but it is not necessary. This is just general information you all should know

A few details everyone will no about Mormont.....well more like they actually make him more a mystery.
First. Moromont is confirmed to be human. Supposedly he was in his 50s when his campaign began. That was close to 100 years ago. 98 to be exact.
He is supposedly the one sending armies out to wipe out all the settlements in the land though no one has seen him

Second. Mormont's men are relentless and there are thousands, tens of thousands and they seem unshaped by the atrocities they commit. Things that should make common people sick yet not even one of Mormont's men has shown signs of being the least bit humane.

Thirdly. When Mormont's armies began to move, many strange occurrences have been happening all over the region over the course Mormont's one hundred year campaign. Many of the jungles and mountains have become places of fear. Folks who have either ventured or fled into these locations haven't returned. Few ships ever come to port on the east shores and those that take long journeys never come back. Darpuul's east coast has suffered great trade problems due to disappearing ships. Fishing is still good, until a storm hit the port just a year ago. Lots of mystery.

Again, if you want to use the information above to add more to your backstories, go ahead. Otherwise, I post this stuff just to give you an idea of what your getting yourselves into. And because it's stuff you should know.

Gold: 3d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6) = 13

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Shanosuke wrote:
I think I will allow combat based spells above level six. There will be a lot of the spells that allow you to manipulate your environment. I will not allow these spells until Chapter four. But high power combat spells and buffs will be allowed. Don't worry, You have a huge roster of spells to play with in the later half of the game.

Cool, I just wanted to be sure that if you select my concept for the game that come 11th level he wasn't just spinning his wheels. I love the fact that some of the magic may not be available and it could be a driving force for some characters to figure out why that is happening.

Sorry, am just now able to post Silent's escape from the city… is a continuation of this.

Silent's escape:
When the alarm was sounded, Silent knew the time had come. Grabbing his kit, he rushed to the wall, his long legs out-distancing many of the local militia-men in their encumbering armor. What he saw was both terrifying and expected. Mormont's monsters rushed towards the town in a wave of violence. The young man fought down the terror he saw at the killers… discipline and rage warring with one another at the sight. He looked to the north and south. There was no break in the ocean of murderers.

Steeling his mind, he prepared for the fight.

The fight itself is a chaotic, shapeless thing in the young man's mind. He remember screams, crashes, horns… the same sounds he remembers from a few months back. One thing that is clear, however, is that one moment.

He had fallen back with the rest of the militia when the signal came. The walls were lost. Fight house to house to protect the citizens. The young man's black eyes took in the fighting men around him, the invaders, and the innocents. It was hopeless. All of these people would die. In that moment, when the defenses of the town and the light of the day failed simultaneously, the young man knew it was either stand and die uselessly…. or flee to fight another day. To him it wasn't even a hard decision. His heart had been destroyed months ago. As much as it should have hurt him to know the children he'd played with would die this night, he would live to bring justice to the monster Mormont. The cries of men, women, and children - fading into the night behind the young man - only reinforced his decision. He would be as hard as he had to be. Even this was an opportunity to learn. To learn to be stronger. To learn to be harder. To learn to be more deadly, so when the time came, he would be the perfect weapon delivered directly to the heart of the man who'd taken so much from so many.

So Silent - quiet as his new namesake - padded under cover of night east out of the city. More than once he saw someone in need. Someone injured. Someone innocent. And more than once he turned away, knowing that person is just another way to die before he could complete his mission.

Taking whatever gear and provisions he could from those fallen in combat or houses abandoned, Silent slipped away from the town, hugging the water-line. It was perfect, really. The fires of the dying city blinded the attackers. The wails of the dying towns-folk distracted their ears. And the availability of so many innocents to torture slaked the killers' desire to pursue.

One last time Silent looked back. The flames of the city burning into his memory. Redoubling the fury in his heart, and sharpening the steel rock that was his broken heart.

Your death comes, Mormont. And it is silent.

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