1 person marked this as a favorite. |

“Thank you sirs,” the woman said gratefully, “If there’s anything you might need, please contact me.”
Her eyes and tattoos glowed briefly, a pale neon green, and each of the three others on the floating island felt a small push on their minds.
“Thank you,” she repeated, and teleported out, glowing purple this time.
“Do remind me, this area is under a dimensional lock, correct?” the Vicarius asked mildly, turning to the lich.
“Yes,” the lich replied, irritation coloring its raspy voice.
“What is she?” the Vicarius asked.
“Powerful enough to get in a fight with a quasi-deity and not lose,” the third man replied, the everburning flames on his mask dancing hypnotically.
“And she’s coming to us for help,” the Vicarius sighed, “I’m not sure we have the resources for this. Not without calling in favors I don’t particularly want to call in.”
“The gratitude and favor of someone as powerful as she is should not be overlooked. It is not unlikely that she will fully ascend. A demigoddess ally is worth a great deal,” the burning man replied.
“And the fact that she’s your neighbor has nothing to do with it I’m sure,” the Vicarius replied, arms crossed. The burning man shrugged.
“It only profits me if you succeed. I will assist as I may.”
“I’m sure,” the Vicarius growled, nodding to the lich before turning away and striding through a portal, back to his Citadel.
“You can leave too now,” the lich grumbled raspily, “I’ve got work to do.”
“Of course,” the masked man said, bowing slightly before turning and walking through a different portal.
The lich looked around his domain, ruined islands floating, tethered together in darkness. Then began its spells.
Greetings ladies and gentlemen. Some time ago, I ran a game (feel free to read over it) that was tragically cut short due to a number of issues on my end, primarily moving and losing all my notes. However, with the release of books such as Path of the Hellknight, Hell Unleashed, and the Adventurer’s Guide, I have decided to rewrite it and run it again. Lucky you!
You will all be members of the Hellknight Order of the Gate. This is an important mindset difference from most games, as you are NOT adventurers. You will be a military squad, with all the advantages and restrictions of such. While I’m not in the military, I went to a military school and have worked with every branch of the US armed forces except for the Navy, as well as the militaries of several other countries. This game will reflect some of that mindset. Being able to identify and accomplish both short and long term objectives will be a key factor in your success.
You will most likely only get to level 13-15. However, your enemies will have WIDELY varying strengths. Again, unlike most adventures, your enemies will NOT scale to you. You might face anything from CR ½ to CR 25. It will be up to your intelligence gathering skills and the mission parameters to determine how to deal with threats (direct combat will almost never be your only option). I will not hold back, and I have no qualms with character death. That being said, your superiors are not fools, and will not intentionally send you on missions beyond your capacity to deal with. And in addition, once you become valuable enough to the order, being revived is not out of the question.
One of the advantages of being part of an organization like the Hellknights is access to resources. While we will not be using the rules presented in the Faction Guide, they were used as a guideline for what kinds of things you will have access to, and how to move up in rank. Being familiar with them will be helpful.
In the same vein, reading through the Order of the Gate entry in Path of the Hellknight will also help with your mindset and rp. If you do not have access to this book, pm me and I will be more than happy to summarize for you.
On languages: unless there is a good in-game reason for an outsider to speak Taldane, they will not. A confusing number of outsiders speak Common for whatever reason. In my game, they do not. This shouldn’t be a huge issue unless you plan on going the conjurer route and do a lot of calling/binding, as most outsiders you’ll meet in game will have good in-game reasons to speak your language. But I don’t want you to be surprised.
Final note: in the latter half of the game, some technological elements will be introduced. While you will not have much in the way of access to them, they will still be present. I only include this because some people do not like sci-fi in their fantasy, and I don’t want anybody to be unpleasantly surprised.
- Characters will start at level 5. 25 point buy, max hp at all levels.
- 2 traits, or 3 traits and a drawback
- All characters will need to either take levels in Hellknight/Hellknight Signifier, or take the Hellknight Obedience feat. If you take the prestige class, you must take at least two levels, and they must be taken no later than level 8 (to allow for 6/9 casters such as the magus). You must qualify in all aspects, except for killing a devil, which will be taken care of later (see below). If you choose to take the feat, it must be taken at character creation (so sometime between levels 1-5).
- Psychic casters may qualify for Hellknight Signifier with the Logical Spell feat, instead of having to take Arcane Armor Training or Warrior Priest. All other requirements remain the same.
- All casters that get their spells from a deity must follow one that is either lawful, or non-chaotic and has the magic domain.
- I am not expressly disallowing Paladins. HOWEVER: more than most orders, the Order of the Gate is more LE than LN. So if you decide to submit a Paladin, be aware of two things. One, it will reduce your chances of getting in (pretty drastically, depending on your level of roleplaying), and two, you will probably fall (the same thing applies to LG clerics/warpriests/inquisitors of a NG deity of magic). You have been warned.
- You will receive starting equipment of a masterwork set of armor (your choice), a mithral dagger, and one other masterwork weapon of your choice that you have proficiency with. You will receive 5,500 gp with which to purchase magic items, enchantments, or any other gear you might need. This is going to be a fairly low treasure game, so be prepared to make every item count.
- All Paizo material is allowed. No 3PP. All races will be allowed, but obviously the more uncommon your race, the better your rp will have to be. As a general rule of thumb, that’s how I will operate.
This was an aspect that I was not clear on up-front last time, and unintentionally upset some people. Recruitment will consist of two phases. Character creation, and then qualification. Character creation will obviously be where you write up your characters stats and backstory, and then submit it for review. Once approved, you will then proceed to part two, which is qualification.
Qualification consists of defeating a devil in one on one combat, to meet the Hellknight requirement. As said above, I will NOT hold back. However, you will be allowed to submit a second character if your first dies. JUST BECAUSE YOU QUALIFY DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL BE SELECTED! It merely means that you are now eligible to be selected. If you die during qualification, you will be allowed to submit a second character. If your second character also dies, then that’s it. This is already going to be a long recruitment, and I don’t want to drag it out any longer than necessary.
Some notes on the devil fight:
- You will not be allowed to cast any short-term buffs previous to the fight. However, if you have buffs that have a duration longer than an hour, you will be able to use those, just make sure you make note of them and mark them off your spells/extracts/whatever.
- This will be a called devil, not a summoned devil, so it will have access to its summon SLA. If it manages to summon another devil, you will have to defeat that one also. However, this will only be used if you also summon something, or have an eidolon/animal companion/combat capable familiar.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Recruitment will end June18th (though depending on participation it may be extended).

Shadowtail24 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'll probably try running Vorgal Veil again, though I'm not 100% committed to the magus class.
If anyone is on the fence for this; this quest is really engaging. It's intricately detailed, unpredictable, and does quite a bit that I've rarely done in pathfinder quests. Plus max HP!
Also, if you're unsure about a character idea, you can try the What Pathfinder Class Should I Play? Quiz I put together a little while ago.
Update: I got magus on my own quiz so maybe I will stick to magus. We'll see.


This looks cool!
Could someone PM me the details on the hellknight obedience feat? And is deific obedience also still allowed?
It's not on the Archives yet unfortunately. I'll post the Order of the Gate's specific info once I get back home to my book.
Deific Obedience is allowed, but it does not count as a substitute for Hellknight Obedience.

Phntm888 |
This looks interesting. I was thinking about making a Warpriest dedicated to Asmodeus, but the Warpriest doesn't qualify for the Warrior Priest feat, as it lacks the domain and mystery class features. Would you allow the Blessings class feature of the Warpriest to count for purposes of qualifying for the feat, should I decide to take levels in Hellknight Signifier?

icehawk333 |

While I normally like hellkight commanders, I figure the impact of one would be lost in a a party with a larger number of them.
Would a covert operative/stealth based character be welcome?
(With the obedience feat, of course)
Unless I can find a way to make the stealth work with the armor, and with the relatively low wealth, I don't think that's plausible.
So, an unchanined rouge, perhaps.


This looks interesting. I was thinking about making a Warpriest dedicated to Asmodeus, but the Warpriest doesn't qualify for the Warrior Priest feat, as it lacks the domain and mystery class features. Would you allow the Blessings class feature of the Warpriest to count for purposes of qualifying for the feat, should I decide to take levels in Hellknight Signifier?


While I normally like hellkight commanders, I figure the impact of one would be lost in a a party with a larger number of them.
Would a covert operative/stealth based character be welcome?
(With the obedience feat, of course)
Unless I can find a way to make the stealth work with the armor, and with the relatively low wealth, I don't think that's plausible.
So, an unchanined rouge, perhaps.
Of course. Though if you go with the PrC, you will receive your Hellknight Plate for free (probably should have noted that in the original post...), and with enough levels the armor check penalty can be negated, so don't feel limited.

Phntm888 |
Phntm888 wrote:This looks interesting. I was thinking about making a Warpriest dedicated to Asmodeus, but the Warpriest doesn't qualify for the Warrior Priest feat, as it lacks the domain and mystery class features. Would you allow the Blessings class feature of the Warpriest to count for purposes of qualifying for the feat, should I decide to take levels in Hellknight Signifier?Yes.
Related question, how would you say the Catechesis class feature of the Signifier prestige class pertains to the Warpriest's abilities? Would it only affect Blessings, or would it affect other class features, such as sacred weapon?
Catechesis (Ex): If a Hellknight signifer has the Warrior Priest feat, his Hellknight signifer level stacks with other divine spellcasting classes for determining the effects of those classes’ domain powers, inquisitions, and mysteries. This doesn’t grant any new powers or abilities. In addition, a signifer with the Warrior Priest feat gains Alignment Channel (chaos) as a bonus feat, and treats his Hellknight signifer levels as cleric levels when determining the amount of damage chaotic outsiders are either healed or dealt, and when determining their saving throw DCs to halve this damage.


d20pfsrd's new website is down, but the old google site is still up, and has the Hellknight Obedience feat listed on it (sans Orders, of course). Link
Looks very interesting. I'll probably submit some form of arcane caster, but first: Do our characters know anything about the nature of the qualifying battle, such as the type of devil, terrain, starting distance, etc?
Yes, you would know a ton about it. You've spent approximately the last 3 years or so preparing for it. If you have access, Hell Unleashed has an article about it. If you don't, let me know and we can PM.


SOLDIER-1st wrote:Phntm888 wrote:This looks interesting. I was thinking about making a Warpriest dedicated to Asmodeus, but the Warpriest doesn't qualify for the Warrior Priest feat, as it lacks the domain and mystery class features. Would you allow the Blessings class feature of the Warpriest to count for purposes of qualifying for the feat, should I decide to take levels in Hellknight Signifier?Yes.Related question, how would you say the Catechesis class feature of the Signifier prestige class pertains to the Warpriest's abilities? Would it only affect Blessings, or would it affect other class features, such as sacred weapon?
Catechesis wrote:
Catechesis (Ex): If a Hellknight signifer has the Warrior Priest feat, his Hellknight signifer level stacks with other divine spellcasting classes for determining the effects of those classes’ domain powers, inquisitions, and mysteries. This doesn’t grant any new powers or abilities. In addition, a signifer with the Warrior Priest feat gains Alignment Channel (chaos) as a bonus feat, and treats his Hellknight signifer levels as cleric levels when determining the amount of damage chaotic outsiders are either healed or dealt, and when determining their saving throw DCs to halve this damage.
Just the Blessings.


On the matter of aasimar or tieflings, can we roll on the alternate table to see if we get something we like?
I'm torn about allowing this. On the one hand, I think it's got lots of flavorful options, and I love flavor. On the other though, there's too much disparity in the power levels of what you can get, and both those races are fairly strong anyway, so I'm going to say no.

icehawk333 |

icehawk333 wrote:You probably wouldn't be able to afford it until level 9 or 10So, in the case of hellknight plate-
Is there a way to get it in a special material (Mithril) at a reasonable time?
More or less decides if I would take the feat or the class.
Makes sense, but you can't even get into the class using rouge till 8, so far from a long wait.
So, last question before I set into making a charecter-
Would you prefer a farely normal charecter, or one of my charecters thst uses a lot of unorthodox options to get an odd result?


SOLDIER-1st wrote:icehawk333 wrote:You probably wouldn't be able to afford it until level 9 or 10So, in the case of hellknight plate-
Is there a way to get it in a special material (Mithril) at a reasonable time?
More or less decides if I would take the feat or the class.
Makes sense, but you can't even get into the class using rouge till 8, so far from a long wait.
So, last question before I set into making a charecter-
Would you prefer a farely normal charecter, or one of my charecters thst uses a lot of unorthodox options to get an odd result?
My preference is based pretty much on two things. In-game: whether you can accomplish the mission. Out of game: how good a roleplayer (and to a lesser extent, writer) you are. That's pretty much the extent of my concern. Other than that, play whatever you want. I want you to enjoy this every bit as much as I'm sure I will.

Shadowtail24 |

SOLDIER-1st wrote:icehawk333 wrote:You probably wouldn't be able to afford it until level 9 or 10So, in the case of hellknight plate-
Is there a way to get it in a special material (Mithril) at a reasonable time?
More or less decides if I would take the feat or the class.
Makes sense, but you can't even get into the class using rouge till 8, so far from a long wait.
So, last question before I set into making a charecter-
Would you prefer a farely normal charecter, or one of my charecters thst uses a lot of unorthodox options to get an odd result?
The last quest version involved a loudmouth parrot that provoked enemies and got us in trouble with supervisors... and it was awesome.

icehawk333 |

icehawk333 wrote:My preference is based pretty much on two things. In-game: whether you can accomplish the mission. Out of game: how good a roleplayer (and to a lesser extent, writer) you are. That's pretty much the extent of my concern. Other than that, play whatever you want. I want you to enjoy this every bit as much as I'm sure I will.SOLDIER-1st wrote:icehawk333 wrote:You probably wouldn't be able to afford it until level 9 or 10So, in the case of hellknight plate-
Is there a way to get it in a special material (Mithril) at a reasonable time?
More or less decides if I would take the feat or the class.
Makes sense, but you can't even get into the class using rouge till 8, so far from a long wait.
So, last question before I set into making a charecter-
Would you prefer a farely normal charecter, or one of my charecters thst uses a lot of unorthodox options to get an odd result?
I'll set to it then.

Seth86 |

Will pick a name when i can recycle an alias, otherwise will make new
Unnamed Hero
Qlippoth-spawn tiefling cleric (fiendish vessel) of Apollyon 5 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 23, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 170, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
NE Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 48 (5d8+8)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8; +2 trait bonus vs. fear and compulsion when acting in service of liege or legitimate leader, +2 bonus vs. traps and hazards while underground
Resist fire 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 switchscythe +8 (2d4+7/×4) or
. . mithral dagger +8 (1d4+4/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8/19-20)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +8)
. . 6/day—lightning arc (1d6+2 electricity), touch of evil (2 rounds)
Cleric Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +8)
. . 1/day—fiendish augury
Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) Spells Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +8)
. . 3rd—gaseous form[D]
. . 2nd—align weapon (evil only)[D]
. . 1st—cause fear[D] (DC 14)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Air, Evil (Daemon[APG] subdomain)
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 18
Feats Heavy Armor Proficiency, Power Attack, Warrior Priest[UM]
Traits aspiring Hellknight (Cheliax), authoritarian, hellknight initiate
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Fly +0, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers +4 Fly
Languages Common, Infernal
SQ channel evil, darklands guide, fiendish familiar, fiendish summonining, prehensile tail[ARG], umbral unmasking
Combat Gear wand of cure moderate wounds (5 charges), wand of shield (25 charges); Other Gear +1 Hellknight plate[ISWG], +1 switchscythe, crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, mithral dagger, cloak of quick reflexes +1/+2[MA], belt pouch, canteen[UE], flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), heretic's fork, holy text (Apollyon)[UE], masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], prayer book, silver holy symbol of Apollyon, soap, spell component pouch, thumbscrew, masterwork, trail rations (5), wrist sheath, spring loaded, 8 sp, 20 cp
Special Abilities
Channel Evil 3d4 (5/day, DC 14) (Su) Heals evil creatures and sickens and harms good creatures in a 30-ft radius.
Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) Domain (Air) Granted Powers: You can manipulate lightning, mist, and wind, traffic with air creatures, and are resistant to electricity damage.
Cleric (Fiendish Vessel) Domain (Daemon)
Darklands Guide +2 to saves vs. traps and hazards while underground.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Familiar Bonus: You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fiendish Augury (1/day) (Sp) You may use your fiendish familiar to cast augury once per day.
Fiendish Familiar Familiar acts as a divine focus and your channel evil can center on it.
Fiendish Summonining You can only summon fiendish creatures and evil outsiders of your patron's alignment.
Lightning Arc 1d6+2 electricity (6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, ranged touch attack deals electricity dam to foe in 30 ft.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Prehensile Tail Your tail can retrieve small objects on your person as a swift action.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Speak with Familiar (Ex) You can communicate verbally with your familiar.
Touch of Evil (2 rounds, 6/day) (Sp) With a melee touch attack, target is sickened and counted as good-aligned for the purpose of [Evil] spells.
Umbral Unmasking You cast no shadow (DC 15 Perception to notice)
Warrior Priest +2 on concentration checks when casting defensively or grappling.
Cacodaemon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 64)
NE Tiny outsider (daemon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+7 natural, +2 size)
hp 24 (3d10+3); fast healing 2
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +5
DR 5/good or silver; Immune acid, death effects, disease, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 5 ft., fly 50 ft. (perfect)
Melee bite +6 (1d4+1)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks disease, soul lock
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +7)
. . Constant—detect good, detect magic
. . At will—invisibility (self only)
. . 3/day—lesser confusion (DC 12)
. . 1/week—ommune commune (cl 12th, six questions)
Str 12, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +0 (-12 to jump), Bluff +7, Fly +18, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +7, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ change shape (2 of the following forms: lizard, octopus, small scorpion, venomous snake; polymorph), improved evasion
Special Abilities
Change Shape (2 of the following forms: lizard, octopus, Small scorpion, venomous snake; polymorp You can change your form.
Damage Reduction (5/good or silver) You have Damage Reduction against all except Good or Silver attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Disease (Su) Cacodaemonia: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 12; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1d2 Wis damage, cure 2 consecutive saves. In addition to the normal effects of the disease, as long as a victim is infected, the cacodaemon can telepathically communic
Energy Resistance, Cold (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (10) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Fast Healing 2 (Ex) Heal damage every round unless you are killed.
Fly (50 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Immunity to Acid You are immune to acid damage.
Immunity to Death Effects You are immune to death effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Soul Lock (DC 12) (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a cacodaemon can ingest the spirit of any sentient creature that has died within the last minute. This causes a soul gem to grow inside of the cacodaemon's gut, which it can regurgitate as a standard action. A sou
Telepathy (100 feet) (Su) Communicate telepathically if the target has a language.

Hall Stewart |

icehawk333 wrote:The last quest version involved a loudmouth parrot that provoked enemies and got us in trouble with supervisors... and it was awesome.SOLDIER-1st wrote:icehawk333 wrote:You probably wouldn't be able to afford it until level 9 or 10So, in the case of hellknight plate-
Is there a way to get it in a special material (Mithril) at a reasonable time?
More or less decides if I would take the feat or the class.
Makes sense, but you can't even get into the class using rouge till 8, so far from a long wait.
So, last question before I set into making a charecter-
Would you prefer a farely normal charecter, or one of my charecters thst uses a lot of unorthodox options to get an odd result?
... can I play as someone's familiar?


Shadowtail24 wrote:The last quest version involved a loudmouth parrot that provoked enemies and got us in trouble with supervisors... and it was awesome.... can I play as someone's familiar?
Haha yeah, that was some fantastic roleplaying. You can certainly play a character with a familiar!

Hall Stewart |

Hall Stewart wrote:Haha yeah, that was some fantastic roleplaying. You can certainly play a character with a familiar!Shadowtail24 wrote:The last quest version involved a loudmouth parrot that provoked enemies and got us in trouble with supervisors... and it was awesome.... can I play as someone's familiar?
let me clarify
I don't mean playing as someone who has a familiarI mean playing as the familiar itself

Melii Imperato |

Alright, had some time so here's my submission--Melii the halfling medium. A former slave trained to copy books for her master, Melii happened upon some tomes that detailed occult rituals. She learned how to perform a seance to call spirits into her body, giving her the strength and courage to slay her master and escape slavery.
His was the first of many deaths. She relishes the taste of power she gets when she channels a spirit, and uses it to her own benefit, not caring who has to get hurt in the process. She pledged herself to the Order of the Gate to impose order on the world and bolster her own power.
Her stats reflect having performed a seance for the champion spirit, the most common spirit she would channel. I have not factored in the benefits of Hellknight Obedience until I have more information about the feat.
Let me know if anything looks funky or if you have any questions.


SOLDIER-1st wrote:Hall Stewart wrote:Haha yeah, that was some fantastic roleplaying. You can certainly play a character with a familiar!Shadowtail24 wrote:The last quest version involved a loudmouth parrot that provoked enemies and got us in trouble with supervisors... and it was awesome.... can I play as someone's familiar?let me clarify
I don't mean playing as someone who has a familiar
I mean playing as the familiar itself
If that is played... you can be mine =^^=
If that's genuinely what you want to do then sure =P
Just remember that this is a military campaign, so there will be repercussions if you get too... chaotic *ominous music*


Alrighty: here's the Order of the Gates reckoning and boons.
Reckoning: Etch complex symbols of penitence into your flesh with a dagger. Gain a +4 bonus on Will saving throws to resist divination spells and spell-like abilities.


Alright, had some time so here's my submission--Melii the halfling medium. A former slave trained to copy books for her master, Melii happened upon some tomes that detailed occult rituals. She learned how to perform a seance to call spirits into her body, giving her the strength and courage to slay her master and escape slavery.
His was the first of many deaths. She relishes the taste of power she gets when she channels a spirit, and uses it to her own benefit, not caring who has to get hurt in the process. She pledged herself to the Order of the Gate to impose order on the world and bolster her own power.
Her stats reflect having performed a seance for the champion spirit, the most common spirit she would channel. I have not factored in the benefits of Hellknight Obedience until I have more information about the feat.
Let me know if anything looks funky or if you have any questions.
I will do my best to give you a thorough review, but the medium is a fairly complex class, so it may take me somewhat longer. I will however say that I'd like a somewhat more in-depth background than that. I like details. Show me some of her life. Show me your motivation to become a Hellknight. There are many ways of imposing order on the world. Why would a halfling of all races choose the Hellknights?


Um, how would playing as a familiar work in your game?
Honestly I'm not sure. Unless you could speak or your master took Improved Familiar there's not really a ton of ways for you to meaningfully interact. Take a look at the old game linked in the op for examples of how the familiar there was used. I have no real objection to you playing that, but there really wouldn't be much involvement on your part.