Calad |
Since I am doing this character based on conversion the stats are really high (conversion from 12th level character from rolemaster),
STR 20
CON 16
DEX 17
INT 13
CHA 20
WIS 13
I am allowed to change the Cha and INT stats around ,I also have extra +2 to throw around if needed (yes the stats are high, you may even say ridicilously so and personally I wouldn't mind playing with lower stats but I hope the stats would give me some chance to flesh out the roleplaying part more without destroying the usefullnes in the battlefield alltogether and get similar feel that I had in the character before we changed in to pathfinder (Warriormage in rolemaster, with a background story of being a soldier in different wars and learning the arts of warfare and diplomatics).
We are starting from level 6 and playing all the way to 20th level, unless we die of old age before that :) and high propablity of high magic (atleast if it's up to me and the fellow companions).

havoc xiii |

Senses: A black blade is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature. It uses the saving throws of its magus, even if the magus is not currently wielding the black blade.
I'd say yes, but only perception.....I think. I mean its not like the black blade can go swimming or climbing.....

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I am trying to do Str based magus, what feats would be in the "must have" list for str magus? Or str magus simply a bad choice and Arcane duelist or EK would do his job better? Innersea magic is out of bounds so I can't do a dex build magus, just with core, advanced and UM.
Also is there any point dipping in the another class with Magus? Like paladin for smite or bard for skills (for that roleplaying fun)? Would Bard Magician archtype Dweomercraft work with Magus?
"Dweomercraft (Su): A magician can use performance to manipulate magical energies. Allies of the magician gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks, concentration checks, and attack rolls with spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every six levels thereafter. This ability relies on visual and audible components. It replaces inspire courage. "
Sorry for the silly question, haven't gotten very deep in to pathfinder world yet and I am trying to find a balanced build between rolepaying and still being usefull in battle.
There are some interesting multiclass options out there:
Magus7/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge10:
advantages – divine buff spells like divine favor and power, spellstrike with harm, a lot of spell slots every day, channel energy (only a few d6 but might be decent with the right feats),
disadvantages – multiple attribute dependance, arcane pool doesn't scale after level 7, hexcrafter and bladebound are pretty useless, BAB is worse than straight magus
Sorcerer 1/Magus 19 – you take a level of sorcerer to add 2 points of damage to every die of your shocking grasp. Not bad, especially since you could get a familiar this way.
Magus + Pathfinder Savant – You sacrifice at least some caster levels, but if you realllly want some spells on your list, it could be worth it. Divine power, lead blades and maybe a summon monster spell from the summoner list. The Summoner, Paladin, Ranger and Bards all have cool spells worth stealing.
Magus + Student of War: If you can stomach the Skill Focus feat, and losing 2 caster levels this dip is way better than 2 levels of Fighter. Using int instead of dex to calculate your AC, should be a big improvement.
A 2 level dip into Monk (Martial Artist) could be very rewarding – improved unarmed strike is fun (and a requirement for a hex feat) and since one of your hands is usually empty – deflect arrows could save your life. Your saving throws improve and you get evasion.
Of course if you want take the hexcrafter and/or the bladebound archetypes multiclassing hurts.
And hexcrafter is very good.

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Senses: A black blade is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature. It uses the saving throws of its magus, even if the magus is not currently wielding the black blade.
I'd say yes, but only perception.....I think. I mean its not like the black blade can go swimming or climbing.....
...but it can go dancing ^^
And if you can add powers to a black blade... I think we never got an official answer bat ravingdork thinks it works sooooo :P
Adding detect magic could allow it to make spellcraft checks to itentify magic items. Adding magic mouth or any spell that creates sound would allow it to talk .... (note to self add a red light to my blade that looks like the knight rider car).
If you really want to have the blade perform actions.. easy. Just hand it to someone with a realllly bad will save and let it dominate him.
This is giving me soooo many ...."bad" ideas^^
watch at 1:00

Calad |
There are some interesting multiclass options out there:Magus7/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge10:
advantages – divine buff spells like divine favor and power, spellstrike with harm, a lot of spell slots every day, channel energy (only a few d6 but might be decent with the right feats),
disadvantages – multiple attribute dependance, arcane pool doesn't scale after level 7, hexcrafter and bladebound are pretty useless, BAB is worse than straight magusSorcerer 1/Magus 19 – you take a level of sorcerer to add 2 points of damage to every die of your shocking grasp. Not bad, especially since you could get a familiar this way.
Magus + Pathfinder Savant – You sacrifice at least some caster levels, but if you realllly want some spells on your list, it could be worth it. Divine power, lead blades and maybe a summon monster spell from the summoner list. The Summoner, Paladin, Ranger and Bards all have cool spells worth stealing.
Magus + Student of War: If you can stomach...
Magus/Cleric/Theurge combo looks interesting, though I have hard time figuring out what kinda roles the Magus would play in a group?
Sorcerer/magus would seem a bit odd for ropeplaying purposes, can't really figure out why he would have taken a level of sorcerer.
Savant and student of war is beyond what I can choose.
Have to say though that for flavour purposes Student of War would have been pretty perfect, also the skill focus wouldn't have been a problem since my race is fixed as half-elf. Though Combat Expertise seems as a feat not used too often as magus? Also dogde is kinda wasted if you use the int modifier to ac, since it states that you loose it if something else than dex is counted for ac. But for flavour oh yes. Is there anything similar in core,advanced or UM archetypes?
How hexcrafter actually work, you change some feats (atleast spell recal) so you get access to all curse spells to level 6 and you get to pick a few curses from witches list? Is there something else that I am missing? How effective curses are in this game world?

STR Ranger |

Yep. Still haven't got around to that one.
Basically you need
Magical Lineage or Wayang Spell hunter trait on FROSTBITE and take RimeSpell Feat.
That's really all you need feat wise.
Here is an Example with a BLADEBOUND HEXCRAFTER. If you don't want blade bound, get a familiar..Elf is best race for racial arcanas
1- Arcane pool, cantrips, spell combat,Rime Spell
2- Spellstrike
3- Black Blade +1, Power Attack
4- Hex Magus-,Slumber Hex
5- Black Blade +2, Bonus Feat: Intensify Spell, Extra Arcana: Hex Arcana- Flight
6- Arcane Accuracy, Racial: Hex Arcana- Evil Eye
7- Extra Hex: Hex Arcana- Cackle
9- Black Blade +3, Hex Arcana- Prehensile Hair, Blindfight
11- Combat Exp, Moonlight Stalker
12- Hex Arcana- Ice Tomb, Racial: Hex Arcana- Retribution or major healing
13- Black Blade +4, Extra Arcana: Devoted Blade
15- Arcana- Bane Blade, Craft Rod
17-Black Blade +5, Quicken Spell, Spell Perfection:Shocking Grasp
18- Hex Arcana- Summon Spirit, Racial: Lifegiver 19- Maximize Spell 20
At real low levels Shocking Grasp is Still better, but once you get Monstrous Physique spells and hair hex it'saweome.
You pre shift into a Form with multiple natural attacks. Say a Gargoyle for example
Now Close and Use Frostbite. You x/touches per level.
So if say you had 2 Sword attacks + Claws+Gore.
You could full attack with your scimitar and combine it with your natural attacks. (This means they are secondary Nat attacks or BAB-5), pop a swift action on Arcane accuracy.
Now you have 2 scimitar swings +claw+gore. If your INT is High enough they have a good hit chance. Each attack does normal damage + 1d6 cold + CL in non-lethal. And Entangled for Rime Spell.
That is.enough non lethal to knock most things out in a round.

Velluminous |
So I'm looking into building my first Magus and I run across this guide. Great starting point for me, and I'm looking at a Dervish with near-identical stats ((Str 12, Dex 16 (18), Con 13 (11), Int 14 (16), Wis 11, Cha 8) to the example given at the bottom...
Dervish Build
This magus also uses a scimitar, has a 15 point buy, but is an elf instead.
Here is a sample progression of feats and arcana as an elf for the first few levels.
(1) Weapon Finesse
(3) Dervish Dance
(Edited out some stuff to save space)
Now let’s do a quick breakdown of what this character’s capable of, using the 15 point buy listed above (Str 11, Dex 16 (18), Con 13 (11), Int 14 (16), Wis 10, Cha 7) and assuming 1 over half for health.
Level 1: He’s got 9 HP, which is a little less than his Str based counterpart, but his AC is notably higher, 18 instead of 15, which is more than a fair trade. His basic attack is a +4 for 1d6+0, and his spell combat is +2 for 1d6+0 and another spell, again probably Color Spray or something non-touch based. Alternatively, he can choose to attack with a Longbow from range with a +4 to hit for 1d8+0 damage. Not too shabby at all, and the saves on his spells are slightly higher than the Str magus. Good stuff.
I bolded the part that I'm interested in... How is he getting a +4 bonus to attack with a scimitar at level 1? Sure, you have weapon finesse, but that only applies to light weapons (which a scimitar isn't). The character should have a a +0 STR bonus to attack/damage until level 3, when he picks up Dervish Dance that allows him to use his +4 Dex bonus for the scimitar. Correct me if I'm wrong?
Nevermind! Found my answer about this a few pages back, just took a lot of digging. No, he shouldn't have the +4 to attack. Was worried I was missing something in my build that would give me that swank bonus. Guess I'll probably end up Longbow/Rapier until level 3, then switch to Scimitar. :)

AzureKnight |

I thought I would add one other multi-classing option that I haven’t seen mentioned anywhere that I think works well. A 1 level dip into Admixture Wizard.
I like this for several reasons, first off is Versatile Evocation, even with a 16 Int a Magus could shift the element of their shocking grasp 6 times per day. This would allow for great flexibility when dealing with resistances and vulnerabilities. Also, the spell descriptor is changed which means a Magus could use this to combine with Rime Spell if they so chose to allow Shocking Grasp to work with it.
Intense Spell would add 1 point of damager per spell attack, not really great, but there have been times where I’ve seen a monster standing with 1 or 2 hit points so I would consider this slightly useful.
I think that having Scribe Scroll is always good, especially if you are one of the only spellcasters in the group.
A slight boost to will saves, since Wis is usually not that high for us, this can be helpful.
All knowledge skills become class skills (IMO this one is good if it turns out the group doesn’t have a Knowledge character in it, otherwise kind of useless)
The spellcasting is Int based, which means unlike the Sorcerer dip you can actually cast these spells. You would have 3 extra cantrips (broad study, would get Touch of Fatigue onto your spell combat if you really want to roll that way – probably a waste of an arcana but some might find it useful). You also should have another 4 1st level spells per day (1 class, 1 int bonus, 1 school, 1 bonded item-see below). I know that some builds would find this more useful than others due to spell failure, but the way I see it, even if you use those spells as non-combat utility spells you do increase your options a lot. Heck, memorize each one twice, if it fails odds are the second wouldn’t.
Last is the bonded item, this might run into some DM interpretation, but if you make your bonded item your primary weapon it basically grants you the Craft Arms feat for free (for this weapon only). That would allow you to save money by enchanting your own weapon. The interpretation part is this:
“A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required Item Creation Feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat”.
Meets the level prerequisites of the feat is the trick here, I can see some reading that as class levels, but the feat only states “Caster Level 5th” which the Magus will get (as a Magus not a Wizard). I’d think it would be OK, but others may disagree (if anyone knows any official errata on this I’d love to hear it). This could work with a wand, an amulet whatever. Wand is nice, use it up and then re-enchant it as the same or a different wand.
Overall, I think this is a 1 level dip that could add a lot to a magus in the right situations. I know it isn’t perfect for all but certainly seems worth mentioning. A party that doesn’t have a pure wizard seems like it would benefit the most.

bigwyrms |
I have yet to read the entire entry but I have reviewed most of it..
I wanted to run my build on a Tiefling Bladebound Magus that uses infernal mortification to add to the arcane pool by you guys.
First off my GM is really flexible and gave us access to higher lvl stats and options. Such as having a masterwork weapon to start the game with.
STR 16
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 20
Cha 12
Wis 12
I read through the guide and I'm interested in using the natural armor prof. instead of the dervish dancer type. Any suggestions as how to maximize a build using infernal mortification to fuel arcane pool points?

Quaeryt |
I was reading through the guide (which is awesome btw) and was a little surprised to see almost no love at all for the Soul Forger. I freely acknowledge that when it comes to combat he's a little on the gimpy side, but as far as I can tell he offers almost the only approach to making sunder a workable party strategy.
At 11th level all he has to do is have a big enough Arcane Pool, and for the cost of a few restorations, he can undo all of the breakage that the whole party did to the weapons, armor, etc, in the previous fight. Wands and staves are particularly easy to sunder but you never want to 'cause those are usually big value loot. Well, now you don't have to worry.
So maybe not the greatest archetype ever, but in the hands of a team player it could be very useful.

Logan8054 |

Looking for Advise, help, even criticism please.
Looking for pointers on developing my first Paizo Pathfinder Character. We are coming off D&D 4e, and I have decided to play a Magus(kensei). I have also chose as a race, Tiefling. My current goal is to build a character that takes advantage of keen early because the dm is running Crit table. However I am not allowed to use guns or 3rd party published rules.
I am hoping the new weapon guide comes out with something a bit stronger for my character but at the moment i am looking at using a rapier.
Also my starting stats are good as we got to use a roll system.
I am focusing on dex as my secondary stat. For weapon finesse and because of canny defense.
PLEASE post me any suggestions or advice that you might have. As this is my first character in the system i dont want to be stuck with something I dont enjoy due to lame combat.
As for RP already very excited by the race and class combination coupled with my focus on skills and spells, tons of fun options here.

Logan8054 |

Use a scimitar and take dervish dance at 3rd level. It will be difficult for your first 2 levels, but after that you will be able to use Dex for attack and damage.
Of course if the rapier is for flavor your spells damage will make up for the lost damage.
I would love to take Dervish Dance, however thats 3rd party publisher.

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Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:I would love to take Dervish Dance, however thats 3rd party publisher.Use a scimitar and take dervish dance at 3rd level. It will be difficult for your first 2 levels, but after that you will be able to use Dex for attack and damage.
Of course if the rapier is for flavor your spells damage will make up for the lost damage.
Nope. It is in Ultimate Combat, which you obviously use if you want to be a Kensai. Anything mentioned in the guide is from the Paizo books.

Logan8054 |

Logan8054 wrote:Nope. It is in Ultimate Combat, which you obviously use if you want to be a Kensai. Anything mentioned in the guide is from the Paizo books.Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:I would love to take Dervish Dance, however thats 3rd party publisher.Use a scimitar and take dervish dance at 3rd level. It will be difficult for your first 2 levels, but after that you will be able to use Dex for attack and damage.
Of course if the rapier is for flavor your spells damage will make up for the lost damage.
Thank you for clarifying I was told it was 3rd party. I dont have all the books myself.
Are there any other big pointers you guys would recomend for a kensei that varies from standard magus?

Akerlof |
Logan8054 wrote:Nope. It is in Ultimate Combat, which you obviously use if you want to be a Kensai. Anything mentioned in the guide is from the Paizo books.Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:I would love to take Dervish Dance, however thats 3rd party publisher.Use a scimitar and take dervish dance at 3rd level. It will be difficult for your first 2 levels, but after that you will be able to use Dex for attack and damage.
Of course if the rapier is for flavor your spells damage will make up for the lost damage.
Actually it's in the Inner Sea World Guide (and the Qadira guide) which is pure Paizo. The Dawnflower Dervish (Dancer?) prestige class/archetype is 3rd party, I think, but the Dervish Dance feat is in Paizo's canon. (And the Dervish Dancer bard archetype is also from Paizo, in Ultimate Combat. Just to be more confusing.)

Logan8054 |

Logan8054 wrote:Nope. It is in Ultimate Combat, which you obviously use if you want to be a Kensai. Anything mentioned in the guide is from the Paizo books.Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:I would love to take Dervish Dance, however thats 3rd party publisher.Use a scimitar and take dervish dance at 3rd level. It will be difficult for your first 2 levels, but after that you will be able to use Dex for attack and damage.
Of course if the rapier is for flavor your spells damage will make up for the lost damage.
Oh i did have one particular question about leveling of a dancing dervish character.
As i level especially since im kensei. Should i focus my stat points in dex or int? I was planning on putting my first point into int to get a 20 int, which increases my number of shocking grasps and a few other things but looking or recommendations on this.
Oh btw is it work getting light armor prof and arcane armor or will i use my swift actions often? pros/cons to going this route?

Cuàn |

Got a question: Could the Kapenia Dancer archetype be used in conjunction with Spell Dancer archetype? (first doesn't have a racial perquisite so could be done with an Elf who's been travelling with Varisians if you're concerned about the fluff)
The Kapenia Dancer alters the starting weapon and armor proficiency, which are untouched by the Spell Dancer. While Kapenia Dancer would logically also do away with the armor proficiencies gained at later level it isn't written that way and as such I guess the archetypes would stack. Any ideas?
On a sidenote, what's with the bladed scarf for the Kapenia Dancer being a two-handed weapon? How are you supposed to spellstrike with it?

Logan8054 |

Dervish Dance is in Ultimate Combat, in addition to the other sources mentioned.
Any recommendations on handling stats as I level, Ninjaxenomorph or Maiathreen?
Also how many swift actions to magus end up using. As I kinda like the armor prof light and arcane armor idea. Or should i focus on damage dealing feats between spell and weapon feats.

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You get Iajitsu as you level up, which does not stack with armor, plus it would be a b%@@& to constantly make checks. I don't know how much swift actions a Kensai ends up using, as they give up Spell Recall. Which is why, however much I like the archetype, I am never touching it. As for stats, I would say Dex is important, followed by Int, being your defensive stat with Canny Defense, followed by Con.

AzureKnight |

How many swift actions you use will depend on you. The magus does have a lot of ways to use swift actions: Arcane Strike or Armor, quickened spells (especially if you get to lvl 15 and Spell Perfection), several magus arcana.
I would say look over the arcana, Arcane Accuracy is a popular one that uses your swift action. It also would be good for you with a 20 starting Int. Enhancing your weapon is a swift action to start combat. Look over all those options and decide, if using Arcane Accuracy or other arcana is not important to you then the Arcane Strike/Arcane Armor.
As for stats that is also up in the air, how many encounters do you average per day? If it is low then Int is a good way to go as it grants you a lot of things and then you can spam Arcane Accuracy. I know a lot of players like the Str and it is a great way to go. But for my mileage I see that 2 points of Int grant me the following:
+1 bonus spell per day (depending on level)
+1 Concentration
+1 to break SR
+1 Spellcraft
+1 skill point / level
+1 to hit when using Arcane Accuracy
+1 arcane pool point
+1 DC on spells
+1 DC on hexes (I play a hexcrafter)
+1 round on Hasted Assault (I like this arcana as I lost greater spell recall to the hexcrafter).
+1 AC (for Kensai - level dependent of course)
Conversely strength gives me to hit/damage....since I am in a low encounter per day setting and can often spam Arcane Accuracy it is an easy choice for me: Intelligence.

Saint Bernard |

Hey Guys,
So my DM may not allow Dervish Dance cause its OP, is that the concensus I was curious to see others thoughts. Since is a paizo feat and his original thought was no 3rd party. The fact he wants to axe this seems lame. Does this feat break us as a class or make us OP in anyway?
The only thing you lose over using a rapier with weapon finesse is a little damage and the dex based magus become a little more MAD due to needing strenght and dexterity. A strenght based magus using a scimitar or a katana can keep up with damage potential. If you want to mess with the GM's mind do a whip based magus. 15 foot reach with the correct feats allows for a lot of control.

lyle lucas |
I just tried and it is loading fine for me. Perhaps try again? Clear your cache and temporary internet files? What country are you in, I've heard that some countries ban Google and it is in Google docs.
Thanks. I'm in South Africa, Google is perfectly legal here. I'll try clearing the cache. I noticed someone had a similar post on the previous page and someone sent a link to the guide. My only concern is if this is the updated guide. It says it was last updated on the 30th of March of this year. Is that correct?

Logan8054 |

Logan8054 wrote:The only thing you lose over using a rapier with weapon finesse is a little damage and the dex based magus become a little more MAD due to needing strenght and dexterity. A strenght based magus using a scimitar or a katana can keep up with damage potential. If you want to mess with the GM's mind do a whip based magus. 15 foot reach with the correct feats allows for a lot of control.Hey Guys,
So my DM may not allow Dervish Dance cause its OP, is that the concensus I was curious to see others thoughts. Since is a paizo feat and his original thought was no 3rd party. The fact he wants to axe this seems lame. Does this feat break us as a class or make us OP in anyway?
So question, is Multi classing very good. I am playing around with the idea of multiclassing a barbarian 2 levels for Titan Mauler. To get Jotuns Grasp. Wielding 1 handed the Elven Long Blade.
Does anyone see this as a bad idea or can give me ideas of large weaknesses.

AzureKnight |

You can't Rage and cast at the same time...that is one big drawback. Also you are losing 2 levels of casting and other abilities to have a -2 to hit with a weapon that does on average +2 to damage. I'm not sure that is a good trade off unless you just like the thematics of it. Then I say go for it and damn the numbers :-)

Logan8054 |

You can't Rage and cast at the same time...that is one big drawback. Also you are losing 2 levels of casting and other abilities to have a -2 to hit with a weapon that does on average +2 to damage. I'm not sure that is a good trade off unless you just like the thematics of it. Then I say go for it and damn the numbers :-)
Well i would like to play a kensei tiefling with scimitar for dervish dance. I am waiting to see if that option is available or not.
Was hoping to find strong alternate options, for trying to max out crit range tables. Scimitar is 18-20. One of the reasons i had thought about titan mauler multiclass was for craziness.

Logan8054 |

Hey Guys,
I appreciate all the responses so far.
My dm has locked out Dervish Dance.
So with that I have decided to use a Wakazashi, and use Haramaki. Since it fits the Kensei almost eastern version of the Magus.
Will still focus on Dexterity as main score followed by Intelligence.
I am trying to make my guy about getting as many swings as possible with high crit chance.
Would you guys have any other suggestions about options or feats or anything I could look at.
Oh btw doing tiefling and gonna have decent stealth and weapon crafting to tweak on the fact that im a old japanese weapon smith master of his creations.

james maissen |
Duraxis wrote:I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but spell storing weapon is a must for my magus. Free shocking grasp? (usually once a combat) hell yesFor extra nastiness, put Frigid Touch into a spell storing weapon and wait until you crit with it.
Because you can wait to activate spell storing after you hit (and crit) doesn't mean that you automatically get it as if you criticalled with it.. It's a nice hope, but not the case.

Jodokai |

Is Dervish Dance overpowered? Absolutely, however getting rid of that one feat isn't going to solve his problem. You just have to add the Agile enhancement from Seekers of Secrets to your finessable weapon and you accomplish the same thing.
In case you're wondering why I say it is: You use DEX to hit, for damage, for AC and for Init. That one stat is all you need, nothing else can do all that.

King Cobra |
King Cobra wrote:Duraxis wrote:I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but spell storing weapon is a must for my magus. Free shocking grasp? (usually once a combat) hell yesFor extra nastiness, put Frigid Touch into a spell storing weapon and wait until you crit with it.Because you can wait to activate spell storing after you hit (and crit) doesn't mean that you automatically get it as if you criticalled with it.. It's a nice hope, but not the case.
Source? By RAW you do.

Firengineer |

Does anyone have an opinion of the 4th level Magus spell Wreath of Blades? It seems quite powerful to me when you can deal 5d4 damage (At level 10) to each target around you every turn, and completely negate the possibility of attacks of opportunity. The only downside I see is the minimum 2016gp cost of using the spell (Though it's a focus component, so you only need to pay it once)
Cheers! And thanks for the guide

james maissen |
By RAW you do.
I disagree with your reading of the RAW then.
If you want to go strictly by RAW you are talking about a targeted spell cast by the weapon. If you are talking about a touch spell, then the weapon is going to need to deliver the touch attack.. right?
How is this becoming an automatic critical just because your attack (not your weapon's touch attack) was a crit?
It's not.
PS: Also I do believe that this has come up before.. say YEARS before and this is how it's gone. I don't see anything having changed in that time either.
You have better footing claiming that the CL is based, not on what was cast into it, but the CL of the weapon. This doesn't seem intended, but does have a RAW support for it... unlike your position, unless you have some quotes that I'm missing here.

james maissen |
Does anyone have an opinion of the 4th level Magus spell
It's a 4th level spell, it should do well.
But let's see.. it's not selective, so it will hit allies. That means you are on your own, and aren't welcoming to anyone to run up to heal you. It only lasts 1r/level. And dealing say the 12pts of damage there isn't all that much at 10th level.
At around 10th level a magus could deal around 55pts of damage with a 3rd level spell slot, so unless you have a lot of enemies around you that's almost 5 rounds to break even against a single opponent.
That's not counting the chance (30%) to crit on that spell, so we can up that to an expected 70pts or so, which means we're talking 6 damages to break even and this is using a LOWER level spell slot. One that next level an arcane pool point will bring back, rather than a 4th level slot which is more precious.
As to casting defensively.. by 10th level, not that much of a benefit.. while a HUGE cost in terms of his spells, right?
I think this is one that *looks* good when you are at lower levels, but by the time you get it much of that appeal should either have faded or be fading fast.

james maissen |
Is Dervish Dance overpowered? Absolutely
In case you're wondering why I say it is: You use DEX to hit, for damage, for AC and for Init. That one stat is all you need, nothing else can do all that.
It just helps make a DEX based magus viable at lower levels.
At higher levels the +DEX damage is nice, but the crit range and everything else will deal the majority of your damage.
I don't see Dervish Dance as overpowered. Useful and powerful? Yes. But not out of line.
The hatred it receives is the 'but now everyone looks alike' hatred that many gamers have. The blame there needs to go to the magus class that distinguishes between crit range and crit multiplier for spellstrike. This funnels magi into one-handed wide crit ranged weapons... can we say rapier or scimitar?
But honestly I'm not a fan of the hatred towards 'popular' builds. I think it's unhealthy.