Help with an oracle curse

Homebrew and House Rules

So I find myself irked a bit at Oracle curses. Not so much at their concept, but instead the lack of them. Oracle curses come with opportunity to add some nice flavor to a character with the added benefit of some useful abilities(at least for some of them). The issue is that the handful of curses available can be quite limiting in terms of character possibilities. For instance I am currently working on a flame oracle who follows Sarenrae. She was trained and partially raised by the church(boarding school style) and now acts as a dervish. She believes that Sarenrae gifted her with her powers(true or not is not important) and has faith as strong as any cleric. Now I don't really see any of the current curses quite fitting in with her background and I honestly don't fell like hammering one of them into her character.

Obviously I could just say that God A removed the curse for Oracle B, in return for service or whatever fluff works with the character/campaign. However, I am a little uncomfortable with flat out removing the curse. Not to mention that it is a little boring and heavily GM dependent. No but I figure we can take that fluff and work it into a new curse.

In service to a god(Ex)[little wordy I know]: Oracles with this curse must pick a single deity to follow, she many only choose a mystery that has the selected deity listed. This deity might have granted the Oracle her powers or might have simply recruited her for service.

And this is where I'm falling a bit flat, anything I can think of is either too weak and has no meaning, or way too powerful/harsh. So I call out to you my brothers and sisters, care to help me finish this?

TLDR: Help me with a new curse.

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Corrik wrote:

So I find myself irked a bit at Oracle curses. Not so much at their concept, but instead the lack of them. Oracle curses come with opportunity to add some nice flavor to a character with the added benefit of some useful abilities(at least for some of them). The issue is that the handful of curses available can be quite limiting in terms of character possibilities. For instance I am currently working on a flame oracle who follows Sarenrae. She was trained and partially raised by the church(boarding school style) and now acts as a dervish. She believes that Sarenrae gifted her with her powers(true or not is not important) and has faith as strong as any cleric. Now I don't really see any of the current curses quite fitting in with her background and I honestly don't fell like hammering one of them into her character.

Obviously I could just say that God A removed the curse for Oracle B, in return for service or whatever fluff works with the character/campaign. However, I am a little uncomfortable with flat out removing the curse. Not to mention that it is a little boring and heavily GM dependent. No but I figure we can take that fluff and work it into a new curse.

In service to a god(Ex)[little wordy I know]: Oracles with this curse must pick a single deity to follow, she many only choose a mystery that has the selected deity listed. This deity might have granted the Oracle her powers or might have simply recruited her for service.

And this is where I'm falling a bit flat, anything I can think of is either too weak and has no meaning, or way too powerful/harsh. So I call out to you my brothers and sisters, care to help me finish this?

TLDR: Help me with a new curse.

A quick thought: give the oracle a domain of her deity, treating her oracle level as her cleric level, but with CHA instead of WIS determining uses, DCs, etc. In exchange for a fairly strict code of conduct. The oracle with this 'curse' could lose class features like an ex-cleric. I don't think it's as crippling as some of the curses in the APG, nor as benign at higher levels, but eh, just putting it out there.

Corrik wrote:

In service to a god(Ex)[little wordy I know]: Oracles with this curse must pick a single deity to follow, she many only choose a mystery that has the selected deity listed. This deity might have granted the Oracle her powers or might have simply recruited her for service.

And this is where I'm falling a bit flat, anything I can think of is either too weak and has no meaning, or way too powerful/harsh. So I call out to you my brothers and sisters, care to help me finish this?

TLDR: Help me with a new curse.

I must admit that I don't really like it. I don't think there is much of a oracle's curse in being devoted to a certain got.

How about this:

Child of the Dawnflower:
You are touched by Sarenrae, accustomed to living in the light. You treat dim light as total darkness. You add Light to your list of spells known. At level 5 you can cast daylight 1/day as the spell. At lvl 10, you are immune to the blinded condition.

It is quite similar to clouded vision, but adjusted to fit your character. I couldn't think of a really fitting lvl 15 ability so I left it open.
I do like the idea, though, that the character being devoted to Sarenrae needs to walk around clad in a shimmer of light.

I have to check the book, but how about this,
Touched: They were almost stillborn, but they survived and have a handprint of an outsider outlined in scar tissue. They must follow a code of honor or suffer real damage on the handprint. I recommend 1 point per die, half for bending the rules, double for outright defiance. At higher levels they are immune to death magic because their life belongs to a diety, not some undead.

Why not Tongues? Take a language that the goddess would be associated with, like Igni or Celestial. A dervish whirling around and speaking in tongues as if possessed by her Goddess is really cool.

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