Pressure Points / Sneak Attack

Ninja Discussion: Round 1

Sovereign Court

Hey there,

Small question that came up in our group; can you sneak attack more than once per round? i.e. do all your flurry of stars get sneak attack damage?

And if it does then does that mean Pressure Points strike 3 times in a round potentially?


Whenever the ninja deals sneak attack damage, she also deals 1 point of Strength or Dexterity damage, decided by the ninja.
[url= wrote:

Sneak Attack ]

The ninja’s attack deals extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja f lanks her target.

So, yes and yes.

Sovereign Court

Ah, then while I find that rather awesome for my character I think it may need to be depowered as right now that's knocking off three levels of an attribute a round provided they all hit, and with no save for the monster.

Mh i don´t think so. Flurry of stars gives you -2 on every attack and the ninja isnt high on BAB. Then shuriken have a range of 10, you need to be within 30 feet anyway for sneak attack if you dont have sniper goggles.

If you take all the feats and buy the stuff you need to be good with this attack, you deserve it, because its highly specialized and circumstantial.

Later in game you will need enchanted shurikens, what is going to be devastating expensive. My ninja can throw 5 shuriken a round (with haste), what lets one enchantment group deplete in 10 rounds. Most of our fights take that long. You can look yourself how much the cost is if you do that often.

There are nicer additions though. Like bleeding attack and attacking several enemies in one round. Or poisoning the shuriken. Or let the Alchemist poison them.

You can use poisoned shurikens together with pressure point or bleeding attack attack tough. Just for shiggles. But again, you will be wasting like 80% of your money on shurikens and poison and a lot of resources on this so, sure why not?

Mh, i think you can say pressure points and bleeding attack, or did you write or on purpose?

I´m working on a fix for the shuriken issue.
It consists of the throw anything feat or just normal shuriken and something like the amulett of mighty fists only for thrown attacks.
Nut you need to discuss this with your DM.

Hayato Ken wrote:

Later in game you will need enchanted shurikens, what is going to be devastating expensive. My ninja can throw 5 shuriken a round (with haste), what lets one enchantment group deplete in 10 rounds. Most of our fights take that long. You can look yourself how much the cost is if you do that often.

How about a set of returning shurikens?

Ksorkrax wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:

Later in game you will need enchanted shurikens, what is going to be devastating expensive. My ninja can throw 5 shuriken a round (with haste), what lets one enchantment group deplete in 10 rounds. Most of our fights take that long. You can look yourself how much the cost is if you do that often.
How about a set of returning shurikens?

Since shurikens are treated as ammunition and not thrown weapons, they are destroyed on a hit.

Hayato Ken wrote:
Mh, i think you can say pressure points and bleeding attack, or did you write or on purpose?

Or, because you can't use pressure points and bleeding attack in the same hit. You can use poison with pressure points, or use poison with bleeding attack but you can't use the three on the same shuriken. Now if you are using flurry of stars and all three stars hit with sneak attack, you could make: stars 1 and 2 have poison and uses pressure points to deal 1 point of str damage each, star 3 has poison and uses bleeding attack to deal extra x bleed damage every turn. Have three pouches of shuriken, each treated with a different poison to inflict three different poisons on the enemy.

1)get at ten feet from the enemy while invisible.
2)do a full attack while the enemy is faltfooted because he doesn't kown you arethere.
3)do what I described, dealing 2 points of str (or dex) damage, bleed damage and poisoning him three times.
4)LOL at the enemy who is pratically dead on his feet

Any other sneak attacks against the same enemy should use pressure points to chip away his str and dex until the wizard can defeat him in hand to hand.

At higher levels change star number two to slow reaction and use rogue talent:distracting attack on star four. Present the flatfooted enemy that can't make AoO to your fighter friend It takes eight levels, all your ninja tricks and one feat for extra rogue talent/ninja trick, and a lot of money, but you will kill any single enemy guard/sentry that you stumble upon while scouting and make the BBEG cry bitter tears of pain if he doesn't have gigantic Fort saves to resist three or four poisons at once. Even if he has poison immunity, you still leave him flatfooted, without AoO and bleeding, and then you start eroding his fighting ability. Feel free to cackle madly while doing so.

ZappoHisbane wrote:

Since shurikens are treated as ammunition and not thrown weapons, they are destroyed on a hit.

Yeah, the rules here were not quite made for shurikens. But just apply some logic to it, you are throwing massive metall which is not accelerated that fast as arrows are. Why should they break? Sometimes one has to think for himself instead of following rules by the word

Plus, I remember returning arrows from Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale - seems that there were at least someone else in the designers team who thinks of this as viable

Where does i actually read you can only apply pressure points or bleeding attack? We applied both so far.

Dark Archive

Hayato Ken wrote:
Where does i actually read you can only apply pressure points or bleeding attack? We applied both so far.
Ninja Playtest wrote:
Tricks marked with an asterisk (*) add effects to a ninja’s sneak attack. Only one of these tricks can by applied to an individual attack and the decision must be made before the attack is made.
Bleeding Attack* (Ex)
Pressure Points* (Su)

I see. Thanks.

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