Multiclass Archetypes

Homebrew and House Rules

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RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Short and sweet. :)

The temple assassin is an inquisitor who specializes even more heavily than the norm in the eradication of enemy faiths. Using some of the rogue's stealth and hard-hitting technique, the temple assassin stalks targets important to antagonist churches and ends them efficiently.

Advancement Chart
1. Judgment 1/day, monster lore, sneak attack +1d6, stern gaze, versatile domain
2. Cunning initiative, detect alignment, track
3. Solo tactics, teamwork feat or rogue talent
4. Judgment 2/day, sneak attack +2d6
5. Favored enemy +2, discern lies
6. Teamwork feat or rogue talent
7. Judgment 3/day, sneak attack +3d6
8. Second judgment
9. Teamwork feat or rogue talent
10. Judgment 4/day, sneak attack +4d6
11. Stalwart or evasion
12. Favored enemy +4, teamwork feat or rogue talent
13. Judgment 5/day, sneak attack +5d6
14. Exploit weakness
15. Teamwork feat or rogue talent
16. Judgment 6/day, sneak attack +6d6, third judgment
17. Slayer
18. Teamwork feat or rogue talent
19. Judgment 7/day, sneak attack+7d6
20. True judgment

Primary Class: Inquisitor. 

Secondary Class: Rogue. 

Hit Dice: d8. 

Bonus Saves: +2 Reflex.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: A temple assassin selects three rogue skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal inquisitor class skills. The temple assassin gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A temple assassin is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, rapier, repeating crossbow, sap, shortbow, short sword, and the favored weapon of his deity. He is also proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Sneak Attack: This is exactly as the rogue ability by the same name. The temple assassin deals an extra 1d6 damage at 1st level when sneak attacking, and an additional +1d6 damage every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of +7d6 damage at 19th level. This ability, along with trapfinding, replaces the inquisitor's spellcasting ability.

Trapfinding: At 1st level, the temple assassin receives trapfinding, as a rogue.

Versatile Domain: A temple assassin is trained to use whichever aspect of his faith will aid him in his current hunt. The temple assassin may change his domain (or inquisition) once per week in a one-hour ritual. His new domain or inquisition must still be in his deity's portfolio. This otherwise functions as, and replaces, the inquisitor's domain ability.

Favored Enemy: At 5th level, the temple assassin receives this ability, which functions as the ranger ability by the same name, except that the temple assassin does not choose a creature type. He receives his favored enemy bonus on all relevant rolls against retainers of a chosen faith—usually, one in opposition to the temple assassin's. At 12th level, the bonuses from this ability increase to +4. This ability replaces bane and greater bane.

Rogue Talents: The temple assassin can select a rogue talent in place of a bonus teamwork feat. His effective rogue level for all talents with effects based on level is his temple assassin level. Starting at 12th level, the temple assassin may select advanced rogue talents in place of teamwork feats.

As a standard action, the temple assassin can choose to learn a new rogue talent in place of the most recent rogue talent he has already learned. In effect, the temple assassin loses the rogue talent in exchange for the new one. He can only change the most recent rogue talent gained. Whenever he gains a new rogue talent, the previous rogue talent becomes set and cannot be changed again. Changing his most recent rogue talent counts against the total number of times per day he can change his most recent teamwork feat. A temple assassin can not swap out a rogue talent with a daily usage limit if he has already used it that day.

Evasion: At 11th level, the temple assassin can choose to gain evasion, as the rogue ability, instead of stalwart. Due to his specialized training, a temple assassin's evasion functions even in medium armor.

Flak wrote:
Short and sweet. :)...

Looks great! I like the swapping of rogue talents too. I think the verszatile domain 1/week is propaply more in line wtith something like that than the 1/day. +10

If no one has any changes I shall put it in my Final doc. for later and count it as complete.

Now on to the Dead Shaman and Arcane Vessel.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Flak wrote:
Short and sweet. :)...
Looks great! I like the swapping of rogue talents too. I think the verszatile domain 1/week is propaply more in line wtith something like that than the 1/day. +10

Thanks, thanks =)

Rogue talent swapping was something I'd intended from the get-go but didn't take the time to write. As should be apparent, it's based on and goes hand in hand with the normal inquisitor's teamwork feat swapping.

Anyway, glad you like it, and man was it refreshing to do something so short (compared to, say sword dancer with his infinitely long all-new ability).

Flak wrote:
Anyway, glad you like it, and man was it refreshing to do something so short (compared to, say sword dancer with his infinitely long all-new ability).

It always is, Currently I'm working on my Sabaoth Knight archetype, and it's much like your

sword dancer that way - lots of new abilities.

Like I said, maybe more than 1/week it would be suited 1/mission?

Silver Crusade

Well, here is the true summoner/bard, in a better edited fashion.
Behold... the Freak Displayer.

A freak displayer is a major attraction in circuses and fun fairs : expert in strange creatures, may them be terrible, exotic monsters or human marvels scarred with crippling deformities, he is able to summon and show them in exhibitions and spectacles to any people ready to pay some pieces. If they are able to summon some strange monsters, each freak displayer takes a special pride in a terrible creature following them, an eidolon called Le Prestige. This creature's appearance is unique beyond all others ; sometimes inspired by legends, like mermaids, sometimes by real exotic animals unknown in this part of the world, sometimes presented as especially monstruous humanoids, or both at the same time – but it is commonly believed by scholars than a lot of Prestiges themselves have created such legends during the centuries, a thought encouraged by the most well kept of such circuses secrets : a freak displayer is able to remodelate it's Prestige at given times, thus feeding the mystery about these very creatures's existence from the beginning.

Primary Class: Summoner. 

Secondary Class: Bard. 

Hit Dice: d8. 

Bonus Saves: +2 Reflex.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: A Freak Displayer selects three Bard skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal summoner class skills. The Freak Displayer gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Freak Displayer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, repeating crossbow, sap, shortbow, short sword and whip. He is also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). Wearing a light armor and a shield don't incur any spell failure for the freak displayer.

Spellcasting : The freak displayer can cast spells from both the summoner and the bard spell lists. A freak displayer knows two less spells by spell level (minimum 1), and can cast one less spell per day per spell level. If the table indicates a number of spells per day equal to 0, the freak displayer can cast this spell level only if he gets bonus spells thanks to a high charisma value. This, prestige and the following bard abilities replace the summoner's normal spellcasting.

Prestige: A freak displayer's eidolon is called a Prestige. It is considered in all ways, including class variants, like the eidolon class feature, with the following differences : It gets one additional evolution point to it's pool and two more skill points to the indicated value for it's level, but gets one less attack to his number of Max Attacks.

Bardic Knowledge: A Freak Displayer adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance: At 1st level, the Freak Displayer receives Bardic Performance, as a bard.

Fascinate: At level 1, the Freak Displayer can use this ability, exactly as the bard ability by the same name.

Inspire Courage: At 2nd level, the Freak Displayer receives Inspire Courage. This works as the bard ability of the same name, with the following differences : at level 2, this ability gives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 6th level, and every six freak displayer levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 18th level.

Inspire Competence: At 4th level, the Freak Displayer receives Inspire Competence. This works as the bard ability of the same name, with the following differences : at level 4, this ability gives a +2 competence bonus on skill checks. At 8th level, and every four freak displayer levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +6 at level 20.

Dirge of Doom: At 8st level, the Freak Displayer receives Dirge of Doom, as a bard.

Soothing Performance (Su): At 14th level, the Freak Displayer receives Soothing Performance, as a bard.

Frightening Tune (Sp): At 16th level, the Freak Displayer receives Frightening Tune, as a bard.

Dark Archive

This looks like fun. I may have to give it a try.
Ranger Fighter Alchemist: "Witcher" :)

I'll try to actually build it later. lol.

Temple Assassin looks neat! My only issues is the evasion? I'd suggest removing the benefit of using it in medium armor. No one really wears medium armor anyway, it's either heavy or light. Mithril Breastplate and Adamantine Fullplate are the only real armors worth wearing outside of a few very specific exceptions!

I'd even consider taking away the TA's medium armor proficiency entirely...

Just my 2 copper though, it works as is.

Has anyone tackled Magus/Witch yet?

Purplefixer wrote:
Has anyone tackled Magus/Witch yet?


Darkholme wrote:

This looks like fun. I may have to give it a try.

Ranger Fighter Alchemist: "Witcher" :)

I'll try to actually build it later. lol.

Welcome to the thread Darkholme. As much as your Rgr/Ftr/Alc might be fun to do, all the multiclass archetypes in this thread are two classes, not three. So please restrict yourself to that if you could. Aside from that, please take a shot at creating one. Hopefully you've followed the thread and have seen what and how we've been doing it. If not, my first Core Multiclass Archetypes pdf is Here, and includes guidelines about the general process.

FYI I will be away from the thread until Wednesday, so don't be worried if you don't hear from me until then.

Magus/Witch essentially exists in the form of the Hexcrafter.

Also, currently working on one I'm calling the Dread Knight. Cavalier/Antipaladin, focusing on fear effects instead of tactical advantage. I'll run up a rough draft when I get the chance (probably Monday, since Sunday is our weekly game), but thoughts?

...Catch Phrase,

-Chris a bout of insanity and insomnia, I decided to go for it. Here's the Dread Knight.

Dread Knight PDF
Dread Knight doc

The PDF is there because I refuse to put out anything that isn't pretty. The doc is less pretty, but is there so you can snatch the art easily. Both use the OGL and the CUP.

I forgot to note that the saves associated with his Cause Fear ability are charisma-based.

...Catch Phrase,


P.S. - I'm thinking on an Inquisitor/Oracle I'm going to call the Divine Agent. Thoughts?

After getting some sleep, I took another look at the Dread Knight. I modified the Cause Fear ability.

Dread Knight v1.1 PDF

I'm leaving the doc version as it is, simply because it's mostly there for easy access to the art.

...Catch Phrase,


The Divine Agent. Very simple concept and execution.

Divine Agent PDF
Divine Agent Doc

Same deal as with the dread knight. PDF is pretty, and the doc grants easy access to the art.

...Catch Phrase,


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

@Bardess: not all games operate on a mission basis, and the nature of a mission can change in the middle of the mission. I think 1/week makes sense.

Liberty's Edge

Hey, don't really feel like going through the whole thread, but I just wanted to know if anyone's worked on a Cleric/Paladin multiclass archetype yet?

Nope! No cleric/paladin yet, but one that definitely needs to be done with some highly complementary stacking of abilities. Obviously paladin base, not cleric base.

Liberty's Edge

Purplefixer wrote:
Nope! No cleric/paladin yet, but one that definitely needs to be done with some highly complementary stacking of abilities. Obviously paladin base, not cleric base.

Started some notes on that, and I was thinking of using the Paladin's spell slot progression with the Cleric and Paladin's spell lists, plus the use of Domains.

Would replacing Smite Evil with Channel Positive Energy work?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Note on the temple assassin -- going through Ultimate Combat right now, and temple assassin can make use of the 'witch hunter' archetype package: I see this as a positive! Onward!

Liberty's Edge

Okay, here's my first pitch for my Paladin/Cleric Multiclass, the Divine Champion. Admittingly, I'm no expert in Class design.

Primary Class: Paladin
Secondary Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hit Dice: d10
Save Bonus: +2 Will
Bonus Skills and Rank:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Divine Champions are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and with shields (including tower shields).

Spells: A Divine Champion's spells are drawn from the Paladin and Cleric spell lists presented in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. Alignment restrictions still apply. He can prepare cleric spells as normal, but cannot exceed his base daily allotmen as shown on the Table. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score.

Note: the spell slot table used will be based on the Paladin Slot table, plus one extra slot for Domain spells.

Domains: A Divine Champion may choose one domain from among those belonging to her deity and otherwise follows all rules pertaining to his related domain powers and spells.

I'm considering having Positive Channel Energy replace both Lay on Hands and Smite Evil.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

lonewolf23k wrote:

Okay, here's my first pitch for my Paladin/Cleric Multiclass, the Divine Champion. Admittingly, I'm no expert in Class design.

** spoiler omitted **

Man, no updates in almost a day? With Elghinn not around this thread has died! Who can resurrect it?!?

In other words, who's working on what, and let's see them!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I've been too busy reading Ultimate Combat. :P

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Flak wrote:
I've been too busy reading Ultimate Combat. :P

Man, I wish I could get a copy of that PDF but I have to wait til August 2nd or whatever for the official release. :-(

So...nobody noticed my additions?

The Dread Knight
The Divine Agent

I'd still like some feedback on them, if that's possible.

And yeah, other than the firearm rules and gunslinger (good ideas, bad execution), UC has been pretty awesome so far.

...Catch Phrase,


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Christopher Delvo wrote:

So...nobody noticed my additions?

The Dread Knight
The Divine Agent

I'd still like some feedback on them, if that's possible.

And yeah, other than the firearm rules and gunslinger (good ideas, bad execution), UC has been pretty awesome so far.

...Catch Phrase,


Like I said, busy reading UC! :P

I could also spend all day acting the apologist for Paizo's guns, but that'd be off-topic.

Divine Agent: for some reason I was expecting a broader spell selection. Does the divine agent gain the mystery spells? If so, at what levels? Which ones? At what cost? Can the divine agent use more cleric spells than most inquisitors? If not... why not? Seems in-flavor with your fluff text. Also, 4 revelations (1, 6, 12, 18) in return for 3 teamwork feats (6, 12, 8) does not seem like a fair trade.

Aside from that, I like how you're keeping it simple.

I can definitely see some of the inquisitor's more hunter-y abilities (track, monster lore, exploit weakness, etc.) getting swapped out for more deific stuff, but there's no real need I suppose. Minimalism is ok.

Dread Knight: this one's a bit more complex. I feel the charging abilities should stay. Nothing quite as fear-inspiring as a huge dude in wicked armor bearing down on you with a lance! Maybe abilities like 'demanding challenge' could be swapped out instead. Especially since you're keeping supreme charge. Cause fear should have an HD limit equal to the character's dread knight levels, rather than being 5 until level 17 when it magically becomes 10. Basically, it's almost totally useless after level 8, and the boost at 17 does not help at all. Mass cause fear has a slightly higher HD limit, but still. You're trading tactician and its derivative abilities—which are all very good—for the ability to scare small mobs of enemies who can't even stand against you anyway. Basically, buff it up. I like the auras though. Good stuff.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Flak wrote:
Christopher Delvo wrote:

So...nobody noticed my additions?

The Dread Knight
The Divine Agent

I'd still like some feedback on them, if that's possible.

And yeah, other than the firearm rules and gunslinger (good ideas, bad execution), UC has been pretty awesome so far.

...Catch Phrase,


Like I said, busy reading UC! :P

I could also spend all day acting the apologist for Paizo's guns, but that'd be off-topic.

Divine Agent: for some reason I was expecting a broader spell selection. Does the divine agent gain the mystery spells? If so, at what levels? Which ones? At what cost? Can the divine agent use more cleric spells than most inquisitors? If not... why not? Seems in-flavor with your fluff text. Also, 4 revelations (1, 6, 12, 18) in return for 3 teamwork feats (6, 12, 8) does not seem like a fair trade.

Aside from that, I like how you're keeping it simple.

I can definitely see some of the inquisitor's more hunter-y abilities (track, monster lore, exploit weakness, etc.) getting swapped out for more deific stuff, but there's no real need I suppose. Minimalism is ok.

Dread Knight: this one's a bit more complex. I feel the charging abilities should stay. Nothing quite as fear-inspiring as a huge dude in wicked armor bearing down on you with a lance! Maybe abilities like 'demanding challenge' could be swapped out instead. Especially since you're keeping supreme charge. Cause fear should have an HD limit equal to the character's dread knight levels, rather than being 5 until level 17 when it magically becomes 10. Basically, it's almost totally useless after level 8, and the boost at 17 does not help at all. Mass cause fear has a slightly higher HD limit, but still. You're...

I definitely agree with Flak's assessment, your Divine Agent is very nice and simple, but you have to put in the Mystery spells, probably every three or four levels. Use one of the other archetypes with Oracle as the secondary class as the basis for that. The Dread Knight has all the right abilities (with a tweak to Cause Fear) but you're trading out the Charge abilities where you should be getting rid of things like expert trainer, demanding challenge, etc. Think about reworking those a bit.

On another note, Cheapy posted an alternate class progression for the Bard which he calls the Inspiring Commander, but after reading through it, it seemed to me that it would be better served as a multiclass archetype of the Cavalier. Here's my take on it:

Inspiring Commander:

An inspiring commander is the heart of his army, rallying his troops during battle while buffing them into better warriors with his warcries.

Primary Class: Cavalier
Secondary Class: Bard
Hit Dice: d10
Save Bonus: +2 Ref, +2 Will

Bonus Skills and Ranks: An inspiring commander may choose three bard skills to add to his class skill list, in addition to the standard cavalier class skills and those he gains from his chosen order.

Weapon and armor proficiency: An inspiring commander is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and the whip. He is also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Bardic Performance: Beginning at 1st level, the inspiring commander gains the Bardic Performance ability as a bard of his level. This replaces Challenge, Banner, and Greater Banner. He can use the following bardic performances:

Inspire courage: Beginning at 1st level, the inspiring commander can use Inspire courage as a bard of his level.

Inspire competence: Beginning at 3rd level, the inspiring commander can use Inspire competence as a bard of his level.

Inspire greatness: Beginning at 8th level, the inspiring commander can use Inspire greatness as a bard of his level.

Inspire heroics: Beginning at 15th level, the inspiring commander can use Inspire heroics as a bard of his level.

Tactical Awareness (Ex): At 2nd level, a Inspiring commander gains a +1 bonus on initiative checks. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 2nd level (+2 at 6th, +3 at 10th, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).

Great Voice (Ex): At 3rd level, an Inspiring Commander adds half his class level to Perform (Oratory). He may use his Perform(Oratory) check in place of Diplomacy and Sense Motive. This replaces Cavalier's Charge.

Inspiring Words (Ex): At 6th level, an inspiring commander can use the Aid Another action as a move action at a range of 30 feet. The inspiring commander may add his intelligence modifier to the bonus from Aid Another, up to a limit of +1 for every 5 class levels the Inspiring Commander possesses. This ability replaces his 6th-level bonus feat.

Greater Voice (Ex): At 11th level, an Inspiring commander adds his full class level to Perform(Oratory). He may now also use his Perform(Oratory) check in place of Bluff and Intimidate. This replaces Mighty Charge.

Supreme Inspiration (Ex): At 20th level, all performances that contain "Inspire" in the name have all bonuses given increased by 1. In addition, Performances that can affect a limited number of allies affect two additional allies. This ability replaces Supreme Charge.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

*insert obligatory "but i already maaaade a cavalier-bard multiclass archetype" here* :P

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Flak wrote:
*insert obligatory "but i already maaaade a cavalier-bard multiclass archetype" here* :P

Aww shit, really? I gotta go back and find that one... lol

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Knight Errant. It's here for easy reference. Does a bunch of the inspiring stuff.
EDIT: not that it's a problem. I think Cheapy likes bardic spellcasting, so he's looking for something more bard than cavalier.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Flak wrote:

Knight Errant. It's here for easy reference. Does a bunch of the inspiring stuff.

EDIT: not that it's a problem. I think Cheapy likes bardic spellcasting, so he's looking for something more bard than cavalier.

Yep, I see now. I like your Knight Errant better anyway. :-D

Flak wrote:

Knight Errant. It's here for easy reference. Does a bunch of the inspiring stuff.

EDIT: not that it's a problem. I think Cheapy likes bardic spellcasting, so he's looking for something more bard than cavalier.

Yes, I didn't like how Battle Herald ignores that whole aspect of Bards, so I made a bard archetype to play around with that.

Dread Knight: I'm with Flak. It feels... weak. I think you might want to start with the Anti-Paladin and add Cavalier to it instead. Even flat multi-classing if you have to.

That being said, I didn't review it before because I don't really approve of the evil classes getting support in a document like this. It just encourages people to play them. -.- Also, I note you removed the chaotic requirement from the Antipaladin...?

Divine Agent: Very simple. Guess you really couldn't have done more than that! Adding the Mystery makes anything 'oracle-ish'. And great supporting picture.

Purplefixer wrote:
Nope! No cleric/paladin yet, but one that definitely needs to be done with some highly complementary stacking of abilities. Obviously paladin base, not cleric base.


...I did one in one of the first drafts of the original Multiclass Archetype doc., called the divine protector. It didn't particularly seen awesome enough, so I removed it.

A divine protector combines both the spellcasting power of a cleric with the divine might of a paladin. She gains a greater spellcasting capacity and domain powers while sacrificing certain abilities of normally granted to a paladin.

Primary Class: Paladin.
Secondary Class: Cleric.
Hit Dice: d10.

Skills: Divine protectors gain all the skills of a paladin and may select three cleric skills to add to her class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Divine protectors are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all armors, and with shields (except for tower).

Spells: A divine protector casts divine spells which are drawn from both the paladin and cleric spell lists presented in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. She must choose and prepare her spells in advance, and in the same manner as a paladin. She also gains one domain spell slot per spell level per day that can only be used to cast her domain spell. A divine protector can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day according to her daily allotment, as shown on the table below. This ability replaces the paladin’s spell casting ability, aura of justice, aura of faith, and aura of righteousness.

Domains: A divine protector chooses one domain from among those belonging to her deity (see Domains at the end of the Cleric class entry in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook). A divine protector can select the Good or
Law domain as their choice. The divine

protector only gains access to the domain’s spells, not the
granted powers. She otherwise follows all other
parameters pertaining to domains as described in
the Cleric class entry. This ability replaces detect

Spontaneous Casting: Beginning at 3rd level, a divine protector can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The divine protector can “lose” any prepared spell that is not a domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name), just as a cleric does. This ability replaces mercy.

Lesser Champion (Su): At 20th level, a divine protector gains DR 5/evil upon becoming a holy champion instead of the normal DR 10/evil.

Spells per Day
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 1+1 — — — — —
2nd 2+1 — — — — —
3rd 2+1 — — — — —
4th 2+1 1+1 — — — —
5th 2+1 2+1 — — — —
6th 3+1 2+1 — — — —
7th 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — —
8th 3+1 2+1 2+1 — — —
9th 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — —
10th 3+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — —
11th 3+1 3+1 2+1 2+1 — —
12th 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — —
13th 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 —
14th 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 2+1 —
15th 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 —
16th 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 1+1
17th 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 2+1
18th 4+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1
19th 4+1 4+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1
20th 4+1 4+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1
Note: “+1” represents the domain spell slot

I'm totally for a Paladin/Cleric, because my favorite character from 2E/3.0E/3.5E was like a Paladin 30/Cleric 20. So, if we can come up with a good amalgamation of the two classes, maybe make it more unique like some of the more current multiclasses have become.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I might throw some weight at paladin/cleric if you want Elghinn. Or if there's anything else high on the priority list. Temple assassin is done with and my (pathfinder home-brewing) plate is empty for now.

Flak wrote:
I might throw some weight at paladin/cleric if you want Elghinn. Or if there's anything else high on the priority list. Temple assassin is done with and my (pathfinder home-brewing) plate is empty for now.

Sounds good. Have a go and I'll work it over with you.

On another topic, here’s my Sabaoth Knight (Paladin/Summoner archetype) called the Celestial Knight. I’m still not sure on the name, maybe Exalted Knight or Cherubic Knight? Thoughts? Anyways, here he is. Made soem alterations to evoultions and added some new ones of course, as restricted a bucnh to keep in line with the flavor of an angelic companion.


The celestial knight is a holy champion imbued with the divine powers to smite its foes and call upon his deity for aid in the form of a mighty angelic companion. Together, the celestial knight and his cassisian ally are dangerous opponents to any who serve the cause of darkness.

Primary Class: Paladin.
Secondary Class: Summoner.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Hit Dice: d10.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: Celestial knights may select three summoner skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal paladin class skills. The celestial knight gains a number of ranks at each level of the multiclass archetype equal to 2 + Int.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A celestial knight is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields).

Spellcasting: Celestial knights cast spells as a paladin and draw their spells from both the paladin and summoner spell lists. They cast spells at a caster level equal to their celestial knight level and favor abjuration and planar creature summoning spells. He is restricted from casting any spells that oppose his code of conduct.

Code of Conduct: A celestial knight must adhere to the guidelines presented in the paladin’s code of conduct.

Cassisian: A celestial knight begins play with the ability to call to his side a powerful outsider from the celestial planes called a cassisian (see Bestiary 2). The cassisian forms a link with the celestial knight who, forever after, can summon an aspect of the same creature. A cassisian is the weakest of the angelic beings, and come in answer of the celestial knight to serve him in his war against the powers of darkness. The cassisian is considered an outsider with the angel, extraplanar, and good subtypes. It is always lawful good in alignment, and can speak all of the celestial knight’s languages in addition to those it already knows. Cassisians are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its celestial knight, a cassisian can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.

A celestial knight can summon his cassisian in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the cassisian hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the cassisian was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The cassisian does not heal naturally. The cassisian remains until dismissed by the celestial knight (a standard action). If the cassisian is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The cassisian cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. If the celestial knight is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his cassisian is immediately banished.

The cassisian always appears in its true form as a helmet possessing a pair of bird’s wings. The exact style of helmet is determined by the celestial knight’s desires, and may vary from steel with angular cheek-plates and bascinets, to skullcaps, great helms, or even samurai helmets. However, the cassisian can assume other forms as described hereafter in the cassisian statisitics section. The cassisian’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the celestial knight’s class level and increase as the celestial knight gains levels. In addition, each cassisian receives a pool of evolution points, based on the celestial knight’s class level that can be used to give the cassisian different abilities and powers. Whenever the celestial knight gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of celestial knight.

The cassisian’s physical appearance is up to the celestial knight, but it always appears as a winged helmet of some sort (or one of it other forms). The cassisian also bears a glowing divine rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the celestial knight’s forehead as long as the cassisian is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts). This ability replaces divine bond.

Life Link (Su): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability replaces mercy at 3rd level.

Smite Evil (Su): This is exactly like the paladin ability of the same name. The celestial knight can smite evil once per day at 1st level, and an additional time per day every six levels thereafter, to a maximum of four times per day at 19th level.

Bonded Sense (Su): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability replaces lay on hands.

Shield Ally (Ex): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability replaces one daily use of smite evil.

Lesser Exaltation (Su): Staring at 5th level, a celestial knight’s body becomes infused with the otherworldly energies that emanate from his cassisian. These celestial emanations begin to physically change the celestial knight into an exalted creature of the celestial planes. This change is slow at first, but accelerates as the celestial knight increases in level. The celestial knight’s features take on an angelic appearance, and gains the following abilities: a +2 bonus to Charisma, darkvision 60 feet, and low-light vision. If the celestial knight already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet. This ability, exaltation, and greater exaltation replace channel energy.

Cherubic Call (Su): At 6th level, as a standard action, a celestial knight can call his cassisian to his side. The celestial knight can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels thereafter. This functions exactly like the summoner’s maker’s call ability. This ability replaces mercy at 6th level.

Transposition (Su): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability replaces aura of resolve.

Call Celestial Ally (Sp): At 9th level, a celestial knight can call upon his deity for aid, in the form of a powerful servant. This allows the celestial knight to cast lesser planar ally once per week as a spell-like ability without having to pay the material component cost or the servant (for reasonable tasks). At 13th level, this improves to planar ally and at 17th level, this improves to greater planar ally. The celestial knight’s caster level for this effect is equal to his celestial knight level. This ability replaces mercy at 9th and 18th level, and one daily use of smite evil.

Exaltation (Su): At 10th level, the celestial knight’s infusion of otherworldly energies increases. He gains DR 5/evil and resist acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5. This ability, lesser exaltation, and greater exaltation replace channel energy.

Aura of Greater Courage (Sp): This is exactly like the paladin’s aura of courage, except that each ally within 10 feet gains immunity to fear (magical or otherwise). This ability replaces aura of justice.

Greater Shield Ally (Ex): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability and shield ally replace channel energy.

Life Bond (Su): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This replaces aura of faith.

Aura of Faith (Su): At 15th level, the celestial knight gains aura of faith. This is exactly like the paladin ability of the same name. This replaces mercy at 15th level.

Merge Forms (Su): This is exactly like the summoner ability of the same name, but it applies to his cassasian instead. This ability replaces one daily use of smite evil.

Shining Light (Su): At 17th level, a celestial knight can unleash a 30-foot burst of pure, white light as a standard action. Evil creatures within this burst take 1d6 points of damage for every four celestial knight levels and are blinded for 1 round. Evil dragons, evil outsiders, and evil undead are blinded for 1d4 rounds on a failed save. A Reflex save halves this damage and negates the blindness. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the celestial knight’s level + the celestial knight’s Charisma modifier. Good creatures within this burst are healed 1d6 points of damage per two celestial knight levels and receive a +2 sacred bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 round. A celestial knight can use this ability once per day at 17th level plus one additional time per day at 20th level. This ability replaces aura of righteousness.

Greater Exaltation (Su): At 18th level, the celestial knight’s infusion of otherworldly energies greatly increases. He gains a +2 bonus to Strength and SR equal to 5 + the celestial knight’s level. This ability, lesser exaltation, and exaltation replace channel energy.

Exalted Champion (Su): At 20th level, a celestial knight becomes a true celestial creature. His DR increases to 10/evil, his resist acid, cold, and electricity increase to 10, and he gains both the native and outsider types. In addition, each time the celestial knight uses his smite evil ability, a nimbus of light emanates from him in a 10-foot radius. All allies in this area (including the celestial knight) receive a +1 morale bonus to AC and on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against fear as long as they remain in the area of light. This power lasts for 1 minute. This ability replaces holy champion.

Table: Celestial Knight (Exalted, Cherubic)
Class Attack Fort Ref Will Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Aura of good, cassisian, detect evil, — — — —
life link, smite evil 1/day
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Bond senses, divine grace — — — —
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Aura of courage, divine health — — — —
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Shield ally 0 — — —
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Lesser exaltation 1 — — —
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Cherubic call 1 — — —
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Smite evil 2/day 1 0 — —
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Transposition 1 1 — —
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Call celestial ally 2 1 — —
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Exaltation 2 1 0 —
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Aura of greater courage 2 1 1 —
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Greater shield ally 2 2 1 —
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +8 Smite evil 3/day 3 2 1 0
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +9 Life bond 3 2 1 1
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +9 Aura of faith 3 2 2 1
16th +16/+11/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Merge forms 3 3 2 1
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 Shining light 4 3 2 1
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 Greater exaltation 4 3 2 2
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Smite evil 4/day 4 3 3 2
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Exalted champion 4 4 3 3


A cassisian’s abilities are determined by the cherubic knight’s level and by the choices made using its evolution pool. Table: Cassisian Base Statistics determines many of the base statistics of the cassisian. Each cassisian possesses a base form that modifies these base statistics. Cassisians are outsiders for the purpose of determining which spells affect them.

Class Level: This is the character’s cherubic knight level.

HD: This is the total number of 10-sided (d10) Hit Dice the cassisian possesses, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal.

BAB: This is the cassisian’s base attack bonus. An cassisian’s base attack bonus is equal to its Hit Dice. Unlike eidolons, cassisians gain additional attacks using their natural weapons for a high base attack bonus, as shown.

Good/Bad Saves: These are the cassisian’s base saving throw bonuses. An cassisian possesses two good saving throws and one bad saving throw, determined by the creature’s base form.

Skills: This lists the cassisian’s total skill ranks. A cassisian can assign skill ranks to any skill. Cassisians with Intelligence scores above the base value modify these totals as normal (a cassisian receives a number of skill ranks equal to 6 + its Intelligence modifier per HD, to a minimum of 1). A cassisian cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice. Cassisian skill ranks are set once chosen, even if the creature changes when the cherubic knight gains a new level. The cassisian considers Diplomacy, Fly, Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth as class skills.

Feats: This is the total number of feats possessed by an cassisian. Cassisians can select any feat that they qualify for, but they must possess the appropriate appendages to use some feats. Cassisian feats are set once chosen, even if the creature changes when the cherubic knight gains a new level. If, due to changes, the cassisian no longer qualifies for a feat, the feat has no effect until the cassisian once again qualifies for the feat.

Armor Bonus: The number noted here is the cassisian’s base total armor bonus. This bonus may be split between an armor bonus and a natural armor bonus, as decided by the cherubic knight. This number is modified by the cassisian’s base form and some options available through its evolution pool. A cassisian cannot wear armor of any kind, as the armor interferes with the cherubic knight’s connection to the cassisian.

Str/Dex Bonus: Add this modifier to the cassisian’s Strength and Dexterity scores, as determined by its base form. Some options available through the cassisian’s evolution pool might modify these scores.

Evolution Pool: The value given in this column is the total number of points in the cassisian’s evolution pool. Points from this pool can be spent on a wide variety of modifications and upgrades that add new abilities, attacks, and powers to the cassisian. Whenever the cherubic knight gains a level, the number in this pool increases and the cherubic knight can spend these points to change the abilities of the cassisian. These choices are not set. The cherubic knight can change them whenever he gains a level (and through the transmogrify spell). The cassisian has access to a limited number of evolutions, as shown hereafter.

Special: This includes a number of abilities gained by all cassisians as they increase in power. Each of these bonuses is described below.

Angelic Traits: The cassisian has darkvision 60 feet, detect evil at will, low-light vision, immunity to acid, cold, and petrification, resistance to electricity 10 and fire 10, a +4 racial bonus on saves against poison, breathes, but does not need to eat or sleep, proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and requires limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection to restore it to life.

Lesser Protective Aura (Su): A cassisian has a lesser form of the protective aura possessed by more powerful angels. This protective aura grants the cassisian a +2 deflection bonus to its AC against evil foes, and a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made against evil effects or spells cast by evil creatures. This aura extends to a radius of 5 feet, but can only benefit one additional creature other than the cassisian at any one time. A cassisian’s protective aura is fragile, and as soon as an evil creature successfully strikes the cassisian, or as soon as the cassisian fails a saving throw against an evil source, its protective aura fades away and is no longer applicable. The cassisian can reactivate its protective aura by spending 1 minute concentrating upon the task.

Link (Ex): This is exactly like the eidolon ability of the same name.

Share Spells (Ex): This is exactly like the eidolon ability of the same name, but can be used both the cassisian and the cherubic knight.

Slam: A cassisian can deliver a devastating slam attack. This attack is a primary attack and deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Medium, 2d6 if Large). The cassisian can use this attack in any form it assumes. The number of slam attacks a cassisian can make during its turn increases as the cherubic knight gains levels (see Table: Cassisian Base Statistics).

Truespeech (Su): A cassisian can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to cassian’s Hit Dice). This ability is always active.

Alternate Forms (Su): Although a cassisian’s true form is a winged helmet, it can assume one of the following four alternate forms: a child-sized (Small) angelic humanoid wearing a proportional helmet matching the cassisians’ true form, a dove, a dog, or a fish. The cassasian can assume any one of these forms, or revert back to its natural form as a standard action. The dog form has a land speed and the fish a swim speed, each of 30 ft., while all have wings suitable to allow them to maintain the cassisian’s fly speed, but only with a good maneuverability.

Breath Weapon (Su): The cassisian can breathe a 15-foot line that deals 1d6 points of cold or fire damage. Those caught in the breath weapon can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Constitution modifier. The cassisian can use this ability once per day.

Evasion (Ex): This is exactly like the eidolon ability of the same name.

Perfect Memory (Ex): Though they are not particularly intelligent, cassisians have perfect memories and remember everything they see or hear. They can faultlessly recite conversations they heard hundreds of years before. They also have the power to erase portions of their own memories, which they do (usually under orders from superior angels) to protect sensitive information.

Ability Score Increase (Ex): This is exactly like the eidolon ability of the same name.

Divine Apparel (Ex): Whenever the cassisian is in its true form, the celestial knight may don it as he would any other helm. In so doing, the cassisian instantly sizes itself to fit its master, regardless of its true size. While worn, the celestial knight counts as the cassisian for the purpose of its lesser (or improved) protective aura, true speech, and perfect memory abilities. This allows the cassisian to affect one additional creature (including the celestial knight) with its protective aura. In addition, the celestial knight may speak with any creature that has a language as though he was using a tongues spell (caster level equal to celestial knight’s level), and remember everything he sees or hears. Once the cassisian is removed, the celestial knight no longer gains the benefits of the true speech or perfect memory abilities, and once again counts against the number of creatures the cassisian’s protective aura can affect.

Improved Protective Aura (Su): The cassisian’s gains the normal protective aura granted to all other angels. Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the angel. Otherwise, it functions as a magic circle against evil effect and a lesser globe of invulnerability, both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level equals angel’s HD). This aura is no longer fragile and always remains active.

Improved Evasion (Ex): This is exactly like the eidolon ability of the same name.

Table: Cassisian Base Statistics
Class Good Bad Armor Str/Dex Evolution
Level HD BAB Saves Save Skills Feats Bonus Bonus Pool Special
1st 1 +1 +2 +0 6 1 +0 +0 1 Angelic traits, lesser protective aura,
link, share spells, slam, true speech
2nd 2 +2 +3 +0 12 1 +2 +1 2 Alternate forms, breath weapon,
evasion, perfect memory
3rd 3 +3 +3 +1 18 2 +2 +1 3 —
4th 3 +3 +3 +1 18 2 +2 +1 3 —
5th 4 +4 +4 +1 24 2 +4 +2 4 Ability score increase
6th 5 +5 +4 +1 30 3 +4 +2 5 Divine apparel
7th 6 +6/+1 +5 +2 36 3 +6 +3 6 —
8th 6 +6/+1 +5 +2 36 3 +6 +3 6 —
9th 7 +7/+2 +5 +2 42 4 +6 +3 7 Improved protective aura
10th 8 +8/+3 +6 +2 48 4 +8 +4 8 Ability score increase
11th 9 +9/+4 +6 +3 54 5 +8 +4 9 —
12th 9 +9/+4 +6 +3 54 5 +10 +5 9 —
13th 10 +10/+5 +7 +3 60 5 +10 +5 10 —
14th 11 +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 66 6 +10 +5 11 Improved evasion
15th 12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 72 6 +12 +6 12 Ability score increase
16th 12 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 72 6 +12 +6 12 —
17th 13 +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 78 7 +14 +7 13 —
18th 14 +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 84 7 +14 +7 14 —
19th 15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 90 8 +14 +7 15 —
20th 15 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 90 8 +16 +8 15 —

True Form
Cassisian (outsider, angel, extraplanar, good)
Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed fly 60 ft. (perfect, true form); AC +3 natural armor, +1 size bonus; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack slam (1d3); Ability Scores Str 3, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 10.


Each cassisian receives a number of evolution points that can be spent to give the cassisian new abilities, powers, and other upgrades. These abilities, called evolution, can be changed whenever the celestial knight gains a new level, but they are otherwise set. Some evolutions require that the cassisian assume one of its alternate forms or the celestial knight be of a specific level before they can be chosen. A number of evolutions grant the cassisian additional natural attacks.

Natural attacks listed as primary are made using the cassisian’s full base attack bonus and add the cassisian’s Strength modifier on damage rolls. Natural attacks listed as secondary are made using the cassisian’s base attack bonus –5 and add 1/2 the cassisian’s Strength modifier on damage rolls (if positive). If the cassisian only has a single natural attack, the attack is made using its full base attack bonus and it adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with that attack, regardless of the attack’s type.

Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever the celestial knight gains a level. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once. However, the cassisian is restricted from choosing the following evolutions: channel resistance (2 pt.), constrict (2 pt.), gills (1 pt.), gore (2 pt.), head (2 pt.), huge (6 pt.), incorporeal form (4 pt.), keen scent (2 pt.), limbs (2 pt.), pincers (1 pt.), poison (2 pt.), sense life (4 pt.), sting (1 pt.), swallow whole (3 pt.), tail (1 pt.), tail slap (1 pt.), tentacle (1 pt.), undead appearance (2 pt.), unnatural aura (1 pt.), weapon proficiency (2 pt.), and web (3 pt.). The cassisian has no need of the darkvison or low-light vision evolutions, as they already possess these abilities. The following section lists new evolutions or normal evolutions with changes specific to the cassisian.

1-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 1 point from the cassisian’s evolution pool.

Basic Celestial Magic (Sp): A cassisian learns to cast a basic spell as a spell-like ability. Select one spell from the following list: detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, purify food and drink, read magic, resistance, spark*, or stabilize. This spell can be cast once per day as a spell-like ability. At 4th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points. The caster level for this evolution is equal to the cassisian’s Hit Dice. The save DC for this spell is 10 + the cassisian’s Charisma modifier. The cassisian must have a Charisma score of at least 10 to take this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each time a cassisian selects this evolution, it applies to a new spell. (*Advanced Player’s Guide)

Bite (Ex): The cassisian must assume its dog form to use this evolution.

Claws (Ex): The cassisian must have the eagle form to select this evolution. The cassisian must assume the eagle form to use this evolution.

Climb (Ex): The cassisian must assume its humanoid form to use this evolution.

Hooves* (Ex): The cassisian must have the equine form and Large evolutions to select this evolution. The cassisian must assume its equine form to use this evolution.

Mount (Ex): The cassisian must be one size larger than its celestial knight to select this evolution. The cassisian must assume the dog, eagle, or equine form to use this evolution.

Slam (Ex): The cassisian must assume its true or humanoid form to use this evolution.

Wing Buffet (Ex): The cassisian may use this evolution in any of its forms.

2-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 2 points from the cassisian’s evolution pool.

Eagle Form (Su): A cassisian can assume the form of an eagle in addition to his other alternate forms. The cassasian can assume this or any other form it has, or revert back to its natural form as a standard action. The cassisian must have the Medium or Large evolution to select this evolution.

Improved Breath Weapon (Su): The cassisian’s breath weapon increases to a 30-foot line and deals 3d6 points of cold or fire damage. The cassisian can use this ability 1 additional time per day by spending an additional 1 evolution point (maximum 3/day). The celestial knight must be at least 7th level before selecting this evolution. If the cassisian spends 2 additional evolution points the breath weapon damage increases to 6d6. The celestial knight must be at least 11th level before selecting this evolution.

Medium (Ex): A cassisian grows in size, becoming Large. The cassisian gains a +4 bonus to Strength, and a +2 bonus to Constitution. It takes a –2 penalty to its Dexterity. This size change gives no other size bonuses or penalties to AC, attack rolls, CMB and CMD, Fly skill checks, or Stealth skill checks. When the cassisian assumes its humanoid form, it also gains 10-foot reach. Any reach evolutions the cassisian possesses are added to this total. The cassisian must be Small to take this evolution. The celestial knight must be at least 4th level before selecting this evolution.
If 4 additional evolution points are spent, the cassisian instead becomes Large. The cassisian gains a +8 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 bonus to its natural armor. It takes a –2 penalty to its Dexterity. This size change also gives the creature a –1 size penalty to its AC and on attack rolls, a +1 bonus to its CMB and CMD, a –2 penalty on Fly skill checks, and a –4 penalty on Stealth skill checks. If the cassisian has the biped base form, it also gains 10-foot reach. Any reach evolutions the cassisian possesses are added to this total. The cassisian must be Medium to take this evolution. The celestial knight must be at least 8th level before selecting this evolution. These bonuses and penalties replace, and do not stack with, those gained from becoming Medium. The celestial knight must be at least 8th level before selecting this option.

Minor Celestial Magic (Sp): A cassisian learns to cast a minor spell as a spell-like ability. Select one spell from the following list: bless, command, cure light wounds, detect chaos/evil/good/law, divine favor, entropic shield, forbid action**, know the enemy**, obscuring mist, sanctuary, or shield of faith. This spell can be cast once per day as a spell-like ability. At 7th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points. The caster level for this evolution is equal to the cassisian’s Hit Dice –2. The save DC for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Charisma modifier. The cassisian must have a Charisma score of at least 11 and must possess the basic celestial magic evolution to take this evolution. The celestial knight must be at least 4th level before selecting this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each time a cassisian selects this evolution, it applies to a new spell from the above list. (*Ultimate Magic)

Nature’s Pacifist (Ex): Animals and plant creatures do not willingly attack the cassisian, though they can be forced to do so by magic. If the cassisian attacks a plant or animal, its protection against that creature ends.

3-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 3 points from the cassisian’s evolution pool.

Equine Form (Su): A cassisian can assume the form of a horse in addition to his other alternate forms. The cassasian can assume this or any other form it has, or revert back to its natural form as a standard action. The cassisian must have the Large evolution to select this evolution.

Major Celestial Magic (Sp): A cassisian learns to cast a major spell as a spell-like ability. Select one spell from the following list: aid, align weapon, arrow of law**, augury, compassionate ally**, consecrate, cure moderate wounds, hold person, lesser restoration, shield other, silence, spear of purity**, or weapon of awe*. This spell can be cast once per day as a spell-like ability. At 10th level, this spell can be cast three times per day by spending 2 additional evolution points. The caster level for this evolution is equal to the cassisian’s Hit Dice –2. The save DC for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Charisma modifier. The cassisian must have a Charisma score of at least 12 and must possess the minor celestial magic evolution to take this evolution. The celestial knight must be at least 7th level before selecting this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each time a cassisian selects this evolution, it applies to a new spell from the above list. (*Advance Player’s Guide, **Ultimate Magic)

Solid Blow (Su): If a cassisian strikes an opponent twice in one round with its slam, that creature takes extra damage equal to 1d6 (1d8 if Medium, 1d10 if Large) + the cassisian’s Strength modifier.

Stunning Blow (Su): If a cassissian strikes an opponent twice in one round with its slam, that creature must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Strength modifier) or be stunned for 1d6 rounds.

4-Point Evolutions
The following evolutions cost 4 points from the cassisian’s evolution pool.

Fiery Rebirth (Su): When slain, a cassisian explodes in a burst of heavenly fire that deals 40 points of damage (half fire, half holy damage). Any creature within 100 feet may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Constitution modifier) for half damage. The cassisian can be summoned again 24 slain cassisian is resurrected the following da1d4 days later with half its hit points. The celestial knight must be at least 13th level before selecting this evolution.

Flight (Su): The cassisian gains the ability to fly via magic means. In so doing, the cassisian looses its angelic wings and gains a perfect maneuverability in all its forms. The cassisian’s fly speed can be increased by spending additional evolution points, gaining a 20-foot increase to fly speed for each additional point spent. The celestial knight must be at least 5th level before selecting this evolution.

Protected Life Force (Ex): The cassisian is never harmed by positive-dominant or negative-dominant planar traits. The celestial knight must be at least 9th level before selecting this evolution.

Ultimate Celestial Magic (Sp): A cassisian learns to cast a powerful spell as a spell-like ability. Select one spell from the following list: archon’s aura**, blessing of the mole**, cure serious wounds, daylight, dispel magic, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove disease, sacred bond*, searing light, summon monster III, tongues, or wrathful mantle*. This spell can be cast once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this evolution is equal to the cassisian’s Hit Dice –2. The save DC for this spell is 10 + 1/2 the cassisian’s HD + the cassisian’s Charisma modifier. The cassisian must have a Charisma score of at least 13 and must possess the major celestial magic evolution to take this evolution. The celestial knight must be at least 11th level before selecting this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each time an cassisian selects this evolution, it applies to a new spell from the above list. ((*Advance Player’s Guide, **Ultimate Magic)

I'll also take a look at some of the new posted archetypes too, and give my 2 bits.

This is GREAT to me! Thanks for taking my suggestion and making it out so spectacularly well!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Okay... paladin-cleric multiclass archetype Flak-style draft 1...

I did something totally unspeakable. Well, two somethings.
1. I used cleric as the base.
2. I made it alignment-neutral.


Divine Exemplar

1. Aura, channel energy 1d6, diminished casting, domain, righteous fury, smite 1/day
2. Lay on hands/touch of corruption, versatile channeler (-2)
3. Favored
4. Mercy/cruelty
5. Channel energy 2d6, domain
6. Aura
7. Smite 2/day
8. Abundant channeling
9. Channel energy 3d6, domain
10. Mercy/cruelty
11. Channel energy 4d6, improved righteous fury, versatile channeler (-0)
12. Aura
13. Domain, smite 3/day
14. Conductive weaponry
15. Channel energy 5d6
16. Mercy/cruelty
17. Channel energy 6d6, domain
18. Aura
19. Smite 4/day
20. Divine champion, supreme righteous fury

Primary Class: Cleric. 

Secondary Class: Paladin. 

Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: A divine exemplar selects three paladin skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal cleric class skills. The divine exemplar gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 2 + Int.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Divine exemplars are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Divine exemplars are also proficient
with the favored weapon of their deity.

Aura (Su): A divine exemplar's aura is more potent than that of an ordinary cleric. At 1st level, a divine exemplar has auras of all his non-neutral alignment components, as a paladin of his level.

At 6th level, and every six levels thereafter, good divine exemplars select and add one aura effect that a paladin gains by that level. Evil divine exemplars likewise select aura effects from the antipaladin's list. Neutral divine exemplars instead receive the constant benefits of a different magic circle spell as a supernatural effect at each of these levels. The magic circle effect cannot ward against an aspect of the divine exemplar's alignment (so a chaotic neutral divine exemplar cannot select magic circle against chaos). The DC for this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 the divine exemplar's level + the divine exemplar's Charisma bonus. This otherwise functions as, and replaces, the cleric's aura ability.

Diminished Spellcasting: A divine exemplar gains one fewer spell of each level than normal, and does not receive the normal domain spell slot at each spell level. If this reduces the number of spells at a certain level to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if he receives bonus spells of that level from having a high ability score. A divine exemplar uses his Charisma score to determine bonus spells per day and spell DCs, and must have a Charisma score equal to 10 + a spell's level in order to cast it. A divine exemplar receives no 0-level spell slots.

Domains: At first level, and again every four levels thereafter, the divine exemplar receives one of his deity's domains. Unless the divine exemplar worships a true neutral deity, the first domain he selects must be one of his deity's alignment domains. He gains all the granted powers of his domains as a cleric of his level, but he uses Charisma to determine his save DCs and uses per day. This otherwise functions as and replaces the cleric's domains ability.

Domain Spells Only: A divine exemplar does not receive the normal cleric spell list. Instead his spell list is composed of the spells associated with all his domains. He can prepare any combination of domain spells in appropriately-leveled spell slots. This does not affect the cleric's spontaneous casting class features: divine exemplars of good deities can still channel stored spell energy into healing spells, and divine exemplars of evil deities can still channel stored spell energy into harmful spells, despite these spells not technically being on the divine exemplar's spell list. (Divine exemplars of neutral deities can choose one or the other as normal.) For the purposes of spontaneous casting, the divine exemplar's spells are not considered to be "domain spells."

Righteous Fury (Ex): At 1st level, a divine exemplar uses his divine exemplar level in place of his base attack bonus when when smiting and using domain powers which require an attack roll. He also uses his divine exemplar level as his base attack bonus for the purpose of determining the number of attacks he can make in a full attack action while smiting.

Smite (Su): At 1st level, a divine exemplar can smite as a paladin of his level. If he is Lawful Good or Neutral Good, he smites Evil. If he is Lawful Neutral, he smites Chaotic. If he is Chaotic Neutral, he smites Lawful. If he is Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil, he smites Good. A true neutral divine exemplar can smite both Lawful Good and Chaotic Evil. A divine exemplar can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus an additional time at 7th level, and every six levels thereafter, to a maximum of 4/day at 19th level. This ability replaces orisons, channel energy 4d6, channel energy 7d6, and channel energy 10d6.

Lay on Hands/Touch of Corruption (Su): At 2nd level, divine exemplars of good or evil deities can expend one of their daily channel energy uses to use lay on hands or touch of corruption, as appropriate. When using channel energy in this way, the healing (or damage) dice are calculated as though the divine exemplar were a paladin of his level (so a 9th level divine exemplar channels energy normally for 3d6 points of healing or damage, but when using lay on hands/touch of corruption this is boosted to 5d6). Using lay on hands or touch of corruption on himself is a swift action for a divine exemplar. Non-good, non-evil divine exemplars do not receive this ability.

Versatile Channeler: At 2nd level, divine exemplars who worship neither good nor evil deities receive Versatile Channeler as a bonus feat. At 11th level, the penalty for channeling a different type of energy using this feat is removed.

Favored (Su): At 3rd level, a divine exemplar receives a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on all his saves. This bonus is a sacred bonus if the divine exemplar worships a good deity, profane if the divine exemplar worships an evil deity, and untyped if the divine exemplar worships a neutral deity. This functions as, and does not stack with, the paladin's divine grace or antipaladin's unholy resilience ability. This ability replaces channel energy 2d6.

Mercy/Cruelty (Su): At 4th level, and again at 10th and 16th levels, a divine exemplar selects one mercy or cruelty available to paladins or antipaladins of his level. If the divine exemplar channels positive energy, he selects a mercy. If he channels negative energy, he selects a cruelty. If the divine exemplar has the Versatile Channeler feat, he may select either a mercy or a cruelty. Good divine exemplars apply all mercies known when using lay on hands; evil divine exemplars apply all cruelties known when using touch of corruption. Non-good, non-evil divine exemplars apply each mercy they know to one creature healed by their positive channeling, and each cruelty they know to one creature harmed by their negative channeling. If multiple creatures are affected by the non-good, non-evil divine exemplar's channeling, and he has multiple mercies or cruelties to apply, he may divide them amongst those affected.

Abundant Channeling (Su): Starting at 8th level, a divine exemplar may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his divine exemplar level + his Charisma bonus (instead of 3 + his Charisma bonus).

Improved Righteous Fury (Ex): At 11th level, a divine exemplar uses his divine exemplar level in place of his base attack bonus whenever he makes an attack roll with his deity's favored weapon. He also uses his divine exemplar level as his base attack bonus for the purpose of determining the number of attacks he can make in a full attack action with his deity's favored weapon.

Conductive Weaponry (Su): At 14th level, a divine exemplar treats any magical melee weapon he wields as though it had the conductive special ability. If he is proficient with unarmed strikes, he receives Domain Strike as a bonus feat.

Supreme Righteous Fury (Ex): At 20th level, a divine exemplar's base attack bonus is equal to his divine exemplar level so long as he remains in good standing with his deity. This applies to all relevant calculations, including CMB and CMD.

Divine Champion (Su): At 20th level, when the divine exemplar uses smite and successfully strikes an outsider of the alignment(s) he smites, the outsider is also subject to a banishment, as the paladin's holy champion ability. In addition, good divine exemplars heal the maximum amount when using channel energy or lay on hands. Evil divine exemplars deal the maximum amount of damage when using channel energy or touch of corruption. Divine exemplars with neither good nor evil alignment components double their favored save bonus against good- and evil-aligned spells and spell-like abilities, and add it as an untyped bonus to AC against attacks made with good- or evil-aligned weapons.

Code of Conduct: A divine exemplar must adhere to his deity's exact alignment as a strict moral code, and loses all class features except proficiencies if he ever willingly breaks this code. Additional restrictions on the divine exemplar's behavior may be derived from his deity's rules, preferences, etc.

Special: Though the divine exemplar is not a paladin, he qualifies for the Unsanctioned Knowledge feat if his Intelligence score is high enough. He adds the received spells as 1st-4th level spells which he can prepare alongside his domain spells. The divine exemplar also counts as having more specific versions of his abilities, such as smite evil, divine grace, or any aura effects he gains via his aura ability, as class features for the purposes of qualifying for feats and prestige classes.


I'm a bit worried that the spellnerfs are too strong, but I did compensate quite a bit (there are a number of 'free' abilities in there). Thoughts welcome. Basically I tried to blend what was baddest-ass about being a cleric (amazing domain spells & channel) with what's baddest-ass about being a paladin (smiting, full bab, auras). Didn't come out very "divine protector"-y but if you choose a god with law, good, and protection in his portfolio I'm pretty sure it'll play like a divine protector.

Sorry I didn't get to these sooner. I just received my copy of UC, and have been on a furious tear re-writing the gunslinger and firearm rules. I should be posting those soon in the homebrew section.

Dread Knight v1.2
I modified Cause Fear, so now its HD limit is based on the DK's HD. I also changed Aura of Cowardice from a Cavalier's Charge replacement to an Expert Training replacement.
And to Purplefixer: I'm not a fan of PCs playing evil characters either, but I think this could make a very intimidating villain.

Divine Agent v1.1
Two abilities added to make its flavor fit a little more.
A little justification, too: No mystery spells simply because it doesn't get domain spells normally. Also, it trades 3 teamwork feats for 4 revelations because the mystery doesn't give it a base power, as the domain does, so I thought it needed something at level 1.

...Catch Phrase,


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Ok. Just so that the divine exemplar is not casting 'protection from x' for 5 levels prior to getting his first cool spell...

Update (emphasis new)
Domain Spells Only: A divine exemplar does not receive the normal cleric spell list. Instead his spell list is composed of the spells associated with all his deity's domains, including those the granted powers of which he can not yet access. He can prepare any combination of domain spells in appropriately-leveled spell slots. This does not affect the cleric's spontaneous casting class features: divine exemplars of good deities can still channel stored spell energy into healing spells, and divine exemplars of evil deities can still channel stored spell energy into harmful spells, despite these spells not technically being on the divine exemplar's spell list. (Divine exemplars of neutral deities can choose one or the other as normal.) For the purposes of spontaneous casting, the divine exemplar's spells are not considered to be "domain spells."

@Chris: good point on revelations, my miss. Good job =)

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Flak wrote:
I might throw some weight at paladin/cleric if you want Elghinn. Or if there's anything else high on the priority list. Temple assassin is done with and my (pathfinder home-brewing) plate is empty for now.

Sounds good. Have a go and I'll work it over with you.

On another topic, here’s my Sabaoth Knight (Paladin/Summoner archetype) called the Celestial Knight. I’m still not sure on the name, maybe Exalted Knight or Cherubic Knight? Thoughts? Anyways, here he is. Made soem alterations to evoultions and added some new ones of course, as restricted a bucnh to keep in line with the flavor of an angelic companion.

** spoiler omitted **...

UC was supposed to have an archetype called the Angel Knight (I might be wrong on the exact name), but came up lacking. That could work for this class, if you wanted to keep it simple.

...Catch Phrase,


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Christopher Delvo wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Flak wrote:
I might throw some weight at paladin/cleric if you want Elghinn. Or if there's anything else high on the priority list. Temple assassin is done with and my (pathfinder home-brewing) plate is empty for now.

Sounds good. Have a go and I'll work it over with you.

On another topic, here’s my Sabaoth Knight (Paladin/Summoner archetype) called the Celestial Knight. I’m still not sure on the name, maybe Exalted Knight or Cherubic Knight? Thoughts? Anyways, here he is. Made soem alterations to evoultions and added some new ones of course, as restricted a bucnh to keep in line with the flavor of an angelic companion.

** spoiler omitted **...

UC was supposed to have an archetype called the Angel Knight (I might be wrong on the exact name), but came up lacking. That could work for this class, if you wanted to keep it simple.

...Catch Phrase,


Just posted a draft of a cleric/paladin multiclass archetype above. Angel knight sounds interesting...

Flak wrote:
Just posted a draft of a cleric/paladin multiclass archetype above. Angel knight sounds interesting...

Taking a good look at it. Looks great at first glance, now going piece by piece through it.

Will comment more. Thought about a name change? How about Divine Warrior or Holy Warrior? Reminiscent of the old 2E Holy Warriors (Myrikhan, Arikhan, Paramander, Lyan, etc.) but combined into one archetype. +1

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

I'm a bit confused now --

is it being proposed that clr/pal be an 'angel knight'/'2E holy warrior' or is it being proposed that the celestial knight -- which is quite nice btw -- be an 'angel knight'/'2E holy warrior' ? Or or or, you know what, I'm shutting up now. Let's see what happens.

Flak wrote:

I'm a bit confused now --

is it being proposed that clr/pal be an 'angel knight'/'2E holy warrior' or is it being proposed that the celestial knight -- which is quite nice btw -- be an 'angel knight'/'2E holy warrior' ? Or or or, you know what, I'm shutting up now. Let's see what happens.

Wow, you are confused.

Everything I said was in reference to your Divine Exemplar. What I'm saying is that is has a flavor like unto the seven 2E "Holy Warriors" but all compiled into one archetype, which allows the player to select his specific alignment. You may (or may not) want to change its name to holy warrior or divine warrior.

Angel Knight is the suggested name change for the celestial knight. I think Angelic Knight sounds better than angel knight.

QUESTION: I need more explanation on the aura ability. I kinda get it, but not quite. What "aura effects" are you refering to?

Alright, gonna keep looking at it more.

BTW: Started working on the Alch/Rog archetype. Called it the Toxic Knave (working name for now), based on being a living walking poison source, where he becomes resistant/immune to poison, and later is infused with the alchemic poison itself. This allows him to use his own blood as a poison to apply his weapons (but doing so costs him 1 temp Con damage each time he does so). Still working out the specifics and details, but that's the general idea. He essentailly becomes a poison delivery system (maybe injection at first, then at highest levesl exudes poison from his skin = contact poison that sickens, nauseates, etc.)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Aura ability functions as paladin's aura of good ability, but in whichever alignments the character has (not necess. good). At level 6, you add aura of courage (assuming good). At level 12, you can add aura of aura of resolve or aura of justice. At level 18, you can add aura of faith or aura of righteousness, or a lower-level aura if you don't already have it. An evil divine exemplar would pick from the antipaladin's auras at similar levels.

Do you need clarification on the non-good, non-evil variant as well?

Flak wrote:

Aura ability functions as paladin's aura of good ability, but in whichever alignments the character has (not necess. good). At level 6, you add aura of courage (assuming good). At level 12, you can add aura of aura of resolve or aura of justice. At level 18, you can add aura of faith or aura of righteousness, or a lower-level aura if you don't already have it. An evil divine exemplar would pick from the antipaladin's auras at similar levels.

Do you need clarification on the non-good, non-evil variant as well?

Ah, I didn't realize those auras were an extension of the paladin's aura of good.

I assume for the neutrals (LN,N, CN) at 6th you add aura of courage/cowardice, depending on character choice. At 12th resolve/despair (by choice) or justice/vengeance (smite law or chaos, or by choice if N). At 18th add faith/sin (lawful or chaotic aligned wps) or righteousness/depravity (DR 5/law or chaos, and subsequent additional effects). ???

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

With how the paladin is written, they're not. I was trying to consolidate them, it made sense to me.

The neutral version is different!! Ack!

me wrote:
Neutral divine exemplars instead receive the constant benefits of a different magic circle spell as a supernatural effect at each of these levels. The magic circle effect cannot ward against an aspect of the divine exemplar's alignment (so a chaotic neutral divine exemplar cannot select magic circle against chaos). The DC for this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 the divine exemplar's level + the divine exemplar's Charisma bonus. This otherwise functions as, and replaces, the cleric's aura ability.

Flak wrote:
Neutral divine exemplars instead receive the constant benefits of a different magic circle spell as a supernatural effect at each of these levels. The magic circle effect cannot ward against an aspect of the divine exemplar's alignment (so a chaotic neutral divine exemplar cannot select magic circle against chaos). The DC for this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 the divine exemplar's level + the divine exemplar's Charisma bonus. This otherwise functions as, and replaces, the cleric's aura ability.

Does the above include 1st level for LN/N/CN?

This is for clarification.

At 1st level a LG/NG/CG divine exemplar = aura of good; LE/NE/CE = aura of evil.

That's obvious.

Then, does LN = aura of law, CN = aura of chaos, and N = ???; OR is it LN/N/CN may select from Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, but not one that would oppose himself, such as LN selecting magic circle against law.

Obviously you have 6th/12th/18th level that LN/N/CN may select from Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law, but not one that would oppose himself, again such as LN selecting magic circle against law.

I'm not being a jerk, just making sure I understand how this works. There's nothing worse then having someone completely misunderstand something you're trying to describe.

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