Do you refer to Pathfinder as D&D?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

I was just curious if any one else refers to Pathfinder as D&D. A lot of the time I'll say things like, "its time to play some d&d," other people I know do it also.


I refer to it as both. However, I don't like the popular theory that those who will not are all 4E haters. My brother refers to it as Pathfinder only. He is a 4E hater, but he calls the game PF because he feels it's a separate game. Kinda like how we call Avatar Avatar, instead of Dances With Wolves.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Depends on who i am talking to. If it is a non gamer then I call it DnD as it is close enough. To fellow gamers I call it Pathfinder.

I think there was a discussion on this topic a few months ago. I'm not sure how to find it, though.

hogarth wrote:
I think there was a discussion on this topic a few months ago. I'm not sure how to find it, though.

I think I remember that. It was a threadjack, though.

Yes, sometimes, but less and less as time passes. I certainly consciously use it when discussing with non-gamers, who will identify D&D far more. On the board I frequently refer to PF/D&D to describe the evolution of the game over time, as I do consider PF to be a more logical evolution of traditional D&D than 4E.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Rarely, my players though still call it D&D.


And haven't we already had this thread/edition war in the making?

I often ponder questions like this when I am Xeroxing my Kleenexes.

Evil Lincoln wrote:
I often ponder questions like this when I am Xeroxing my Kleenexes.

I hope you had a coke fresh from the fridge while you were doing that.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
I often ponder questions like this when I am Xeroxing my Kleenexes.
I hope you had a coke fresh from the fridge while you were doing that.

I bet he googled how to do it.

Editing note: What a cola is called slangily is related to the geographical location of the speaker. It may not be genericized as "coke" in certain parts of the country or world.

Cartigan wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
I often ponder questions like this when I am Xeroxing my Kleenexes.
I hope you had a coke fresh from the fridge while you were doing that.
I bet he googled how to do it.

And then used a Q-tip to clean the Xerox Machine.

Also, Guilty. I refer to my Kingmaker game as "My D&D Game" when I don't call it "my Kingmaker Game".

Oh, and I have a full set of Pathfinder and D&D 4e Books. I do refer to 4e as 4e, and not as D&D though...

Sometimes, to people who may not have heard of Pathfinder. When I was playing 3.5 I would refer to the game to people in the know as my "threefive" game, and now I refer to it as a Pathfinder game. Or Dark Sun game or Shackled City game or what have you depending on what we're playing. Still though, when people who maybe wander over (we often play at a game store) and ask what we're playing I might say Dungeons and Dragons.

If I've explained what Pathfinder is to someone before, then I call it Pathfinder. If I'm describing it to someone new, I start out by mentioning that it's like DnD, but better.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Depends on who i am talking to. If it is a non gamer then I call it DnD as it is close enough. To fellow gamers I call it Pathfinder.


I would only say "Pathfinder" to someone who cared about the difference between D&D and Pathfinder. Otherwise I'd say "D&D".

I call it both with no real rhyme or reason to dictate when. Just my whims I guess. It will still be a cold day in hell before I ever adopt GM instead of DM. That I dont plan on changing in my vocabulary.

Reaperbryan: You're just saying that to make me like you more, aren't you?!

Dammit, it worked.



It's all DnD. I do tend to call 4th Ed, well, 4th Ed and Pathfinder DnD. I play in a game of each, each week. Though I do us GM and DM interchangeably.

Like many people, I call it Pathfinder, but to people unfamiliar with games or RPG's in particular I say "it's based on D&D but it's not D&D".

My gaming group refers to Pathfinder as D&D, and infact refers to fourth edition only as 4e. This was born of the fact that our weekly game was always generically refered to as D&D before we switched to pathfinder.

It depends on if I want to be understood.

Like Dark_Mistress says, non-gamers aren't going to understand "Pathfinder" and I'd rather stave off the inevitable "it's like D&D, in fact it's forked from it, containing the Open License components of the previous edition of the version of the game that still bears that name, only better". No.

But if I'm talking to a gamer, precision is useful. I don't need to invite some guy to play with me and find out he's a 3.5e purist and won't play Pathfinder rules. Or something.

hogarth wrote:
I would only say "Pathfinder" to someone who cared about the difference between D&D and Pathfinder. Otherwise I'd say "D&D".


Yup. I played D&D longer than I played PFRPG, so I guess my subconscious says that Pathfinder is an enriched, better set of rules and options for the base 3.5 game.

So yeah, I talk about D&D, and mention Pathfinder as some sort of 3.75 Edition.

I call every P&P RPG we play D&D because it is an amazingly convenient shorthand. Pathfinder takes longer to say. So does Mutants and Masterminds.

Pretty much the only time I don't call our current RPG D&D is if we're playing more than one system, so I have to specify to avoid confusion, or when we're playing GURPS...because GURPS is really fun to say.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Depends on who i am talking to. If it is a non gamer then I call it DnD as it is close enough. To fellow gamers I call it Pathfinder.


Personally, I just say what game I'm playing at any given time and then let someone who doesn't know ask the follow up. So, yeah, I say "Pathfinder"

To be fair, I have spent a fair bit of time playing non-D&D RPGs in the past, so that's probably where I picked up the habit.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I call it Pathfinder but will describe it as "DnD turned up to 11."

Anguish wrote:

It depends on if I want to be understood.

Like Dark_Mistress says, non-gamers aren't going to understand "Pathfinder" and I'd rather stave off the inevitable "it's like D&D, in fact it's forked from it, containing the Open License components of the previous edition of the version of the game that still bears that name, only better". No.

But if I'm talking to a gamer, precision is useful. I don't need to invite some guy to play with me and find out he's a 3.5e purist and won't play Pathfinder rules. Or something.


We still call it D&D. Old habits... But when asked by someone who knows a bit about gaming, I will say that we play the "Pathfinder version" of D&D. New players and prospective players are told that we play Pathfinder so that they don't make errors in acquiring source books.

Our weekly game is still referred to by all as D&D. As in, "I wish every day was Tuesday, because Tuesday is D&D!" Or, "No I am not available Mr. President, I have D&D that night."

Dark Archive

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Kinda like how we call Avatar Avatar, instead of Dances With Wolves.

Or Fern Gully

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Depends on who i am talking to. If it is a non gamer then I call it DnD as it is close enough. To fellow gamers I call it Pathfinder.


Same here.

Eh, I usually call it D&D because traditionally with my weekly group that's all we have ever played (except some random world of darkness). However, aside from that, I will interchange Pathfinder and D&D from time to time. Like most, when talking about the two with a new person, I'll usually start with the "it's D&D 3.5, only better..."

Oddly enough, Never.

Up until a few days ago in a WotC thread here at Paizo I never even typed the word "D&D". When I did in that thread, I was mildy amazed about how long it's been since ive used the word.

I just call pathfinder "my pathfinder game"... "playing pathfinder"...etc.

Sovereign Court

I always call it Pathfinder, and when asked if it is D&D i say no. Because, D&D now is 4th edition. And there is no similarities between these systems. Plus, people in my country don't stupidly refer to every RPG ever made as D&D....they usualy call it "that sect business".

Kriss Lambert wrote:
Like many people, I call it Pathfinder, but to people unfamiliar with games or RPG's in particular I say "it's based on D&D but it's not D&D".

This is me, right here.

Sovereign Court

I find myself using "D&D" and "Pathfinder" interchangeably honestly. It fills that role in the games I play and I see it as a worthy successor to the title of Dungeons and Dragons. Everything else is just semantics about trademarks and copyrights and so forth.

Grand Lodge

I call Pathfinder just that, and 3.5, D&D. But then I play both, and when the opportunity presents itself I like to play 4ed D&D (refered to as just 4th ed.) as well.


Triga wrote:
I was just curious if any one else refers to Pathfinder as D&D. A lot of the time I'll say things like, "its time to play some d&d," other people I know do it also.

If it's a non-gamer, I use D&D as a generic term. If it's a gamer, I tell them either Pathfinder or Pathfinder D&D or 3.75.

I rarely tell another gamer I'm just playing D&D on the assumption that they'll correctly assume which edition of the game I'm playing, be it 3e, 3.5, Pathfinder, etc. I always refer to edition and find it rather disconcerting when folks only talk about D&D as some sort of monolithic whole comprising only whichever version they prefer.

Dark Archive

When I first started playing I was in the habit of calling it DnD, now it is Pathfinder.

I refer to Pathfinder as Pathfinder because when I say to our group about Pathfinder they know I refer to my Forgotten Realms campaign using PF rules I just started. When I say D&D they know I refer to D&D 3.5 campaign that one of my friends started a few weeks before and we generaly plan to alternate session on weekends.

I usually say D&D when refering to 3.5 and if I say about other edition I add edition number. If we already speak about various D&D iterations we often drop D&D and refer just by edition number.

I would never thought about saying D&D about any other RPG - both me and most of my friends got started playing RPGs when (A)D&D was considered dying legend of the past from the other side of the Atlantic.

Grand Lodge

Drejk wrote:
I would never thought about saying D&D about any other RPG...

I agree, it would just be a tad odd to refer to other systems as D&D, if I was going to talk to a non-gamer about it, they would just be 'role-playing'.

Liberty's Edge

I call it D&D, mainly because that's what it feels like/is to me and my players, 'cause in my (whacked out) brain I'm using the "Pathfinder Campaign and Rules set for D&D".

Though I don't refer to all games as D&D, the rest that I play are referred to by either title or abbreviated form (IE Dresden for The Dresden Files RPG, Vampire for Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf for WtA, etc.) And I now default to Game Master rather then either Dungeon Master or Storyteller thanks to playing so many non D&D games that use the term (Tank you 3 years of running West End Star Wars)

I still call it D&D because that is what it feels like to me. 4th Edition is not D&D to me... Heck, GURPS feels more like D&D to me than 4E.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, this flamewar again?

So, in before Scott Betts...

This video clearly shows that Pathfinder = D&D, look at 0:50 to see which core rulebook they are using

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:

Oh, this flamewar again?

So, in before Scott Betts...

This video clearly shows that Pathfinder = D&D, look at 0:50 to see which core rulebook they are using

Oh, cool! I was a bit disappointed when I saw that "Roll a D6" video was 4th Edition :P

Krimson wrote:

Yup. I played D&D longer than I played PFRPG, so I guess my subconscious says that Pathfinder is an enriched, better set of rules and options for the base 3.5 game.

So yeah, I talk about D&D, and mention Pathfinder as some sort of 3.75 Edition.

I work for a company that sells both Pathfinder and D&D books, so i generally call them by the name on their cover, but when explaining Pathfinder to customers i normally as well tell them it is basically 3.75 D&D.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Depends on who i am talking to. If it is a non gamer then I call it DnD as it is close enough. To fellow gamers I call it Pathfinder.

Tritto (a third "Ditto.")

No use in confusing people who aren't steeped in the hobby. It's the same reason I tell other people,

"At work today I had a server giving me problems, and it took a couple of hours to fix,"

instead of saying,

"One of our GPOs wasn't propagating to the member servers because a misconfigured script altered the ACLs on it, and it took us a couple of hours to track down the problem."

No sense confusing someone unless they really have an interest.

My group uses the terms D&D and Pathfinder interchangeably. Though that's become a minor problem as we get new players that have never played before and know only Pathfinder.

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