DM Kalizar's Greenbelt Heroes Game


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Flynn finds his way to the caravan. Master Eadens is it? What brings you to Oleg's so early in the season? Have you come directly from Brevoy? Are you going directly back to Brevoy? If so, I would like a letter delivered.

Flynn Steelheart wrote:
Flynn finds his way to the caravan.

Actually, the caravan is still a few hours from arriving. The rider was a scout, outriding to determine if all was well, spotting bandits, etc. If you head to Bokken's for the day, you will not be able to speak with the caravan until your return tonight/in the morning.

According to Oleg, Master Eadens generally takes his caravan out of Brevoy and into Numeria as far as Hajoth Hakados or down into the River Kingdoms as far as Daggermark or Gralton before returning to Restov.

Then I shall ask Master Oleg. Does Master Eadens come back through here on his way back to Brevoy?

I'm good with going to Bokken's for the day if we want to. We could also take the day to explore some of the area around the trading post.

Male Human Cavalier 1
DM Kalizar wrote:

I understand, my ... Master? Sir? Lord?

Gehen agrees to Keiran's interpretation/outline of his duties and role with the group. He comments that he intended to stay clear of the others, especially Adreccam, after witnessing Mij's treatment last evening, unless directed otherwise. He hopes to serve as best he can. He states he'll strive to perform better as he learns the expectations of your group.

Keiran raises an eyebrow "Keiran. My name is Keiran. And I believe you now have chores to do..

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Pleased with the ready information Rash and Gehen provided, Thank you both for your honesty and quick discussion Bisimone feels comfortable setting out for Bokken's, exploring his surroundings, and then exploring around Oleg's on the return journey, Excellent suggestion, Master Flynn. That should take up most of this day and the next, give two hexes explored, and leave time to decide both how best to approach Kressle's camp and do some shopping with the caravan before it moves onwards.

So, it seems I now have a horse of my very own. How exciting! Anyone care to give a lady some assistance? she coyly smiles and laughs as she clambors easily into the saddle.

Should we take one of the pack horses, just in case we find something worth bringing back?

Flynn Steelheart wrote:
Does Master Eadens come back through here on his way back to Brevoy?

Surely he does lad, two to three trips a season, but it will be weeks, if not a few months, before such a return journey is made. All depends on the trades and such. Let me assure you, there are other travelers that pass this way, so your letter will be sent on to Brevoy, it just may take a week or two to actually arrive. If I have to, I'll write to Nivatka's Crossing and have the patrol group swing by on their next outing.

Remember, it took your band four days to reach Oleg from Restov, and you pushed hard. It is generally a five day trip, one way. Longer still if your message must reach further into Brevoy, like New Stetven or Port Ice. Not sure where your sister resides.

Flynn only:
Unless of course you want to invest in carrier pidgeons with shorter notes or more some magical means of rapid communication. Also, to which city are you sending the letters? If the funds are made available, riders can be arranged for more frequent deliveries/pick-ups.

The new squires tend their duties as faithfully and quickly as bandits turned servants can be expected, so in short order the group is ready to move out. The new men are dressed in loose traveling attire, stripped of arms and armor. They ride horses they arrived at Oleg's upon, understanding they must earn the mounts back through deeds and service. Gehen leads the pack horse Bisimone mentioned, eager to do as Master Keiran advised, acting first and quickly.

The track to Bokken's is not hard to follow, so you decide to take the time to break out and use the strange contraption your pathfinder sponsor provided. Bisimone acts as cartographer for the machine, feeding it a series of parchment sheets as it does it's work.

Flynn rides out north of the group, catching sight of the South Rostland Road only in the distance. The caravan has already passed this way, so it seems he must wait until the group returns to Oleg's to meet the new travelers.

Adreccam and Mij ride back west of the group, following the groups tracks and assuring they are not followed. They tend to engage in short, sharp conversations, followed by moody bouts of silence. Mij doesn't seem to know how to approach his master, and his master does not seem to wish to be approached.

Xan and Rash ride south of Bisimone's centering location, spying the rising hills deeper south into the Greenbelt, but little else. They discuss tracks and hunting lore, noting several game trails, elk, deer, and similar game, though it is not uncommon to uncover bear prints as well near scattered oak, elder, or poplar copses.

Keiran and Gehen ride ahead of the band, to the east, so ultimately are first to sight the wisps of smoke that mark Bokken's homestead. They stop their discussion of armor polishing techniques, returning to gather the others, with hopes of making a proper entrance and introduction to Oleg's closest friend in these parts.

It is close to meal time as your band approaches Bokken's farm. You seem pleased with the maps you have created, Bisimone tucking them away for safe keeping.

Bokken's "farm" seems a wild tangle growth of herbal knot gardens, flowering hedgerows, and partially tended fields of intermixed vegetable and medicinal plantings. His house is more a burrow, dug into a hillside, with a rough wooden doorway the only noted entrance. Two tiny windows are set to each side of the doorway, though barely visible beneath drying herbs hung along the framed awning leaning against the hillside. An aged three legged dog rises unsteadily. barking as you approach, it's mottled black and brown fur awash with hints of grey. A crashing clatter arises inside the cottage. The door bursts open, and a tiny man, hunched and crooked, stumbles forth, wrapped harlequin in colored bits of patchwork fabrics. In his hand he clutches a length of scrimshawed ivory, while leaning on a gnarled darkwood cudgel.

Ahh, mind you. I'm a powerful wizard. I'll have you not bother me again. Leave now, or I'll summon up a demon more fearsome than all in Hell. You'll die screaming with your throats ripped out. Ahhh. Go. Begone. Leave me be. He gestures wildly, his arms flailing wildly about him, his rheumy eyes milky yet bright, his mouth a crooked collection of broken teeth and barren gums. The dog stands by his side, growling fiercely, seemingly oblivious to it's handicap or your numbers.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran's eyebrow raises comically as he glances sidelong at Xan.."Umm.. great.. Bokken.. He of the.. ever.. growing.. weeds.. is it..?"

Muttering gibberish resembling an incantation and wand pointing high over your heads, Bokken suddenly stops mid-phrase to respond. What, ehh, speak up you thugs and rutters. Bokken knows your souls, now quake in fear. Run, run, shoo. Don't make me angry. Ahhh. Flee my growing wrath. Arrgghh. Bokken seems to try focusing his ire on Keiran's voice, yet stares intently in Xan and Bisimone's direction. The dog, sensing no threat, starts wagging his half missing tail, and settles down on his one back leg. He sits patiently, waiting perhaps for treats or petting.

Rash leans in to Xan, as Gehen does to Kieran. Both tell a similar story. We stopped harassing him long ago, he seemed too off the bean, and was just as likely to charge us for potions as pay us for 'protection'. Told Kressle he'd died. Mij keeps quiet, having not been spoken to by Adreccam.

Xan laughs at Rash's comment. Yeah, I'd be worried about him too. What is it with the people in this land. It seems as if everyone isn't exactly welcoming.

Xan looks up at Bokken and says, Hey Bokken! How about you quit sputtering and puffing your chest and we can do some business!

Stopping mid rant, Bokken stares intently, this time actually at the speaker. He straightens upright, his manner and mood changing. He looks from face to face, studying each with a focus and intent belied by his white shrouded eyes.

Some of you I've seen before, more full of yourselves, without the belittlement you've suffered recently. You others are new, though I recognize the Swordlord tabard, and hints of Surtovan ancestry about you. What have Brevites to do with Bokken? He'll not go back, never again. Speak or go, I have little patience for dalliers and scofflaws.

The man of moments ago is gone, the man of bearing now seems shed of years and weary. Whether act or magic, Bokken is more than he seems.

The Exchange

DM Kalizar wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

DM Kalizar:
I was just trying to figure out how long it would be for the letter to get to its destination. I don't mind it taking a few weeks. I expected that. I will give Svetlana the letter and let her use her judgement to give it to the right person. It is to be taken to Brevoy, as I mention in my post. (Or at least I thought I did)

DM Kalizar:

My apologies. I believe I meant that my character was from New Stetvon, the Brevoy capital. And this is where the mail should go.

Flynn pulls some dried meat from his pack and tosses it to the dog. Why are we here again? It was a good acting job, but I've seen better at the New Stetvon theater. Flynn hops off his horse and walks it forward towards Bokken.

Male Human Cavalier 1

As if he hasn't thought about it until now, Keiran throws up a confused look as he glances at Bisimone, "I.. actually don't know.. it was her suggestion.."

Xan is clearly getting frustrated and impatient and as such he starts forward towards Bokken's he says I just told you ye daft fool! We are here to see if we can purchase some potions and such from ye but based upon how you treat potential customers, I'm thinking yer as liable to poison us as do what ye intend. Now can we quit the posturing?!?

Xan mutters back to Keiran and Bisimone, See? I can be diplomatic. He says with a wink and a grin.

Rash leans over to Xan, as the group unintentionally offends the hermit. I did mention he's off his bean. He has his moments, but hostility or aggression usually sets him back off, just as the door slams shut. Neither Bokken nor the dog are to be seen. Banging, crashing, and muttering can still be heard, albeit faintly.

The reason you are here is he is the only potion maker within days of Oleg's, he's lived here most of his life, and if anyone has knowledge of these lands, then it would be Bokken. Plus, the few NPC's offered up in the AP are important as potential position holders in future kingdom roles, needed to avoid penalties and the resulting slow down in kingdom creation. Of course, YMMV.

Flynn Steelheart wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I figured as much, just wanted to make sure. Did not know if you had something different in mind.

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Bisimone urges her mount forwards a pace, then turns to face her companions. Her eyes darken slightly, her voice softens and takes on a husky tone. Xan, Fylnn, Keiran. If we are to attack the Stag Lord in his fortress, would it not be wise to have some magical aids on our side? Potions of healing, protection, or perhaps, more importantly INVISIBILITY would be greatly appreciated. Now, I don't know if Boken can make such things, but I would like to know. I would like to know now. Please, dears, fix this. Bisimone sits atop her steed, waiting patiently, fingers lightly drumming her saddle pommel.

If the guys were NPCs, Intimidate 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 I imagine Rash and his fellows are probably nervous about now. ;b

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

Is it possible to piece together from his prior 'threat' if he actually knows some legitimate magic? Like, could we use a spellcrafting check to see if he was actually following a pattern similar to real spellcasting?
Oh, also, is it too late to try and identify the unlabeled potion and check the labeled ones?

If you and Bisimone would like to have checked the unlabeled potion, we can assume you started last evening. Detect Magic indicates the potion has a faint transmutative aura, but neither of you has yet determined it's full nature (even with aid another). As to the other potions, they seem correct as labeled. Oleg did mention, while you were checking, the potions he gave you were Bokken's. He mentioned previously Bokken was a crazy alchemist that traded with him, potions for supplies.

As to Bokken's casting, you both recognize his gestures and incantations, while unorthodox, were part of the casting process, however like nothing you have seen before. If you had to guess, he was attempting to cast a Baleful Polymorph before he was interrupted. Whether it would have worked, that you cannot say.

Potion Checks Last Night:

Simondale 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Bisimone 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Potion Checks Today:

Simondale 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Bisimone 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Bokken Casting?:

Simondale 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 Spellcraft
Bisimone 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 Spellcraft
Bisimone 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14 Knowledge Arcana

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Bisimone waits patiently for a few moments, looking from face to face, curious how her companions take her jesting tirade. Apparently not well. Guess you guys must have Bisimone's at home, don't want one in PbP too. :) So much for jocularity amongst the ranks.

She turns her mount back to Bokken's hovel-hole, then dismounts. Approaching cautiously, she knocks at Bokken's door, softly at first, then more forcefully. Please Crafter Bokken, we mean no disrespect. Oleg sent us to you. He said you would be able to show us what we need to fight the Stag Lord, to free the lands of his taint. Help me, oh wise Master Bokken, you're my only hope.

Diplomacy Check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Xan smiles and says Sorry my lady I have hearing loss when it comes to nagging. He winks at you to show he was jesting back before accompanying you to the door.

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran turns to Xan suddenly, "I'm sorry, did she say something..?"

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Glancing between Xan and Keiran, as she knocks once more, Perhaps next time I should add a little physical "nagging", hmm. From her hand a small gout of flame erupts, as she winks at Xan. Remember boys, hell hath no fury... ;}

Please Master Bokken, won't you speak with me? I am Mistress Bisimone Odraken, out of New Stetven, and I need your help against the Stag Lord.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

Perhaps we bark up the wrong bush. If he will offer no aid, he sides with the stag lord. Let us waste no more time here and leave him to be picked over by raiders. Simondale says in a huff.

Bokken, hearing the strange voice, pauses amidst 'rearranging his stores. Luke..., no, no 'nother lifetime. Rexor, what do you think? The dog simply looks on, his stub tail nearly thumping the floor. Yes, I agree. Definately red, really red.

Bokken makes his way over to the door, unbolting the latch and swinging it wide. Stepping uncomfortably close to Bisimone, Odraken, Odraken. Hmmm, maybe I can help. He peers intently for a moment, then steps back, muttering. Yes, yes, not that one, no, not the Odraken. Now, yes, no, ahh, but Oda'raccoon, now that's a good name. Want it? I can sell it to you, cheap, real cheap. Good deals. I have lots to sell, yes lots. Names, drinks, and oils. Toes, this, and that. Ohh, yes, that other thing. No, not that. Please, please, what wares would you like? Bokken motions to the clutter of herbs, pots, and junk collected around what is loosely his porch area.

The dog follows Bokken to the door, barring the way behind him.

Amidst the pots and planters, you notice a few potion vials, herbal pouches, fetish trinkets, and alchemical items.

Flynn walks over to Bisimone, My apologies Madame Bisimone. I will not be so slow to reply in the future. Flynn pulls out another piece of meat and offers it to the dog.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

Daylight is burning, Sir Bokken. Shall we conduct business? What are your offerings?

Over the next half hour or so, you learn from Bokken that, he carries an assortment of the typical alchemical items.

Basically anything listed in an official Paizo Pathfinder RPG products
Further, he has a few specialty items, as well as a stocked magical potions array. Yes, yes, no, what, ohh, Takes a look. Like what you see. We can deal, we can deal. Maybe not you. No, yes, ok, maybe you. Why so red, so, so red? It seems he has lost that moment of clarity he had before, though the cause is not readily apparent.

Of the magical "potions", Bokken has the following. The varied modes of consumption all function similarly to a standard potion. Essentially, Topicals are applied externally, Edibles are chewed, Liquids are quaffed/drank.

3rd level potions:
750 gp value unless noted.
Oil of Speak with Dead T
Poultice of Remove Disease T (2 in stock)
Wafers of Remove Curse E
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds L (2 in stock)
Liniment of Flying T
Licorice of Haste E

2nd level potions:
300 gp value unless noted.
Lozenge of Lesser Restoration L
Oil of Gentle Repose T
Facial Cream of Eagle's Splendor T
Rinse of Delay Poison T/E
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds L (2 in stock)
Gum of Bull's Strength T
Ointment of Aid T
Vapor's of Cat's Grace {Inhaled}
Potion of Invisibility L

1st level potions:
50 gp value unless noted.
Ointment of Ant Haul T
Biscuit of Crafter's Fortune E
Potion of Cure Light Wounds L (3 in stock)
Oil of Endure Elements T
Confection of Enlarge E
Potion of Feather Fall (Labeled FLD) L
Coated Choco-Bit of Jump E
Oil of Mage Armor T
Confection of Reduce Person E
Gumdrop of Protection from Evil E (2 in stock)
Potion of Shield of Faith +2 L

Special Alchemical Items:
Prices as indicated
Dragon Bile - 80 gp enhanced Liquid Ice
Dragon's Breath - 40 gp enhanced Alchemist's Fire (2 in stock)
Dragon Spittle - 20 gp enhanced Acid (5 in stock)

Female Half Elf Sorcerer

Bisimone looks over the goods, commenting and asking mild yet polite questions. Things like how long does this last, what does this taste like, and why does it smell like that? She then gets around to what she really wants to know. About your potions of invisibility, how long would it take you to make more? I feel we may have use for a few of them. Are there any other potions or items you can create but do not have in stock which may be of use in fighting the Stag Lord?

Flynn pets the dog while Bisimone negotiates with the mad hermit. Perhaps we should get back to the fort before it gets dark?

Aye, I have no desire to stay here and we have places to go! People to kill! Damsels to save! Present company excluded in the damsels remark my Lady. You are much more than a mere damsel. Xan winks at Bisimone at this remark before getting his horse ready to travel.

Male Human Cavalier 1
Xanthan Lebeda wrote:
Aye, I have no desire to stay here and we have places to go! People to kill! Damsels to save! Present company excluded in the damsels remark my Lady. You are much more than a mere damsel. Xan winks at Bisimone at this remark before getting his horse ready to travel.

Keiran rolls his eyes. "Really..?"

Bokken mentions that he can have a few invisibility potions made up in a couple days. Come back in five days, yes, no, the new moon, so yes. Bring the shiny, bring the coin. We will trade. But watch, yes, not the Odraken. Angry dark hides in shadows. Will it bite, can it not? Bring it or don't. Bring them or don't. Feed the dark, no more it shall. Bokken then wanders back into his home, despite Bisimone digging into her pouches for potential purchases. The dog moves over to the door, hunkers down, growling softly should anyone approach.

Your band camps an hour or so away from Bokken's, the mood somewhat somber and subdued. The night takes a slight turn to the cooler, promising a possible storm soon. Speaking with the squires, you realize you may be close enough to head on after Kressle, before she catches wind of the caravan's early arrival.

Rash draws a crude, yet, at least according to the men, accurate map of the Thorn River encampment, discussing the approaches to the place.
She'll gather everyone she can before she strikes, hoping to wipe everyone out quickly. If Happs' band doesn't arrive in maybe three days, she'll head out the next day, riding straight for Oleg's and the caravan's trail. Might be a good idea for them to wait at Oleg's until you send word it's clear to proceed. Otherwise, it'll be difficult to catch her on the road, she seems to have a sixth sense out in the open.

It would take three more days to explore the hexes between your current location and the encampment, including the encampment hex. To ride on directly, you can be there in a day and a half. I am posting the map to google docs below. Any questions, post in the OOC thread.

So, ride hard for Kressle's, or conduct the surveys and not need to pass this way again, retraipsing familiar ground? The others can ride back to Oleg's and inform him of the plan, while I lead you on to the camp, if that's ok, masters.

Thorn River Camp

Male Human Cavalier 1

Keiran is clearly uncomfortable with Rash referring to him as "master", and whinces slightly when hearing the word. He turns to his companions, asking, "How do you want to approach this? From all accounts, this will be much harder than our previous run in. Are we to go in, swords swinging, offering quarter only when we are sure that the battle is won? Or do we offer quarter immediately, foregoing our surprise advantage?"

Rash, if asked and I assume over the course of two days it has come up, which bandits he recognizes on your wanted list.

Scratching his head as he leafs through the posters, Right, ok Masters, Lady. Now, I can't say whether they're in camp or on patrol, but I recognize Breeg, Yoshiri, Aalric, Deudermont, Wesley, Brann, Darobi, Garkem, Jubi, Ogrich, Maimun, Jex, Maria, Owlin, Isep, Pratte, Tarel, and Ulvin. Darobi's an elf, Ogrich's a half-breed orc. Maimun's a halfling, served as cook before Seamus came along. Can't say I'm close to any of them, but we've all pretty much shared a story or two over the fire. At least those tolerable enough to share a fire with.

He tries to think about anyone he's met at the Stag Lord's fort, coming up with a little more information. Aside from the Stag Lord, I think there was a Valindra there. His seconds are those Akiros and Dovan. Real bad blood there, though not sure why. Akiros seemed outta place with the group, more akin to Master Keiran than Stag Lord in demeanor and style. That Auchs guy, a real ogre of a man, is Dovan's pet, or at least it looked that way when we last visited the fort. Couldn't say for who the regular thugs were, so no clue on the other names.

Gehen and Mij confirm Rash's assessments, offering insights as needed.
Gehen seems to think that Nugrah, or was it Nugarat, maybe was the name whispered about the thing living in the Stag Lord's basement. Some kinda creepy, slimy, bogey-man shaman or something. Sirs.

They can provide more info or insights if asked.

Xan looks at Keiran and says Do you really have to ask? We go in hard and fast and then offer terms from a position of strength. I don't think this Kressle will be one to submit so she'll probably have to be killed anyway. I'm thinking that exploring will be much easier and safer once we get rid of some of these bandits.

I'm all for an infiltration and sneak attack! Kressel doesn't sound like the type to allow any of us to live.

Ok, so we have one suggestion for hard and fast, one for slow and sneaky, and one for surround them and call out for warrants for their arrest, so to speak.

As DM, I kinda need to know how you want to proceed. If you plan to strike hard and fast, then I assume you wish to haul arse on to the camp quickly. This would take a day and a half without distress for the horses.

Sneaky, I suppose will be slower, and more cautious, scoping it out as you proceed. This would take a good two days, but less risk of anyone spotting you before you have the chance to spot them.

For the thrid option, you will probably need your squires to be armed and assisting, otherwise you will not be able to cover all avenues of escape, least wise cover one exit from a massed charge. Giving quarter will give them the chance to prepare to make a stand or make a break for it. Should note on the map, only the exits shown are traversable, the wooded boundaries are impassable.

Also, should someone be sent to Oleg's to keep the caravan waiting for your return? It would keep the market open for you, and make it easier to protect them if they weren't out on the open road. The longer you take to decide, the more likely Kressle will have sent riders out to scout the area, or chase down the caravan.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

The swiftest among us should head back and warn Oleg that we're pressing our advantage. Then rejoin us as we scout the camp for any changes that our little friends may not have been aware of. I do not believe we have enough numbers to conjole them into surrender- I fear we have to cut our way in by surprise to even the score. The map shows a pathway toward the back? If we make a beeline for the little princess at dusk we might be able to cut off the head of the monster before the body awakes.

Vote - rush with stealth.

Early the following morning, Adreccam, Gehen, and Mij ride hard for Oleg's, to inform him and the caravan of your intentions. Adreccam promises to meet up with you in three days at the edge of the forest, the earliest he can reach Oleg, speak with them, then ride on to meet you at a point the squires indicate. Rash volunteers to stay with your group, to aid you in locating the encampment and scouting the area. The morning is cool and damp, but the skies show promise of sunny weather and little cloud cover ahead. If the weather holds, you should have little trouble reaching your destination.

A few hours after you depart, nearing to lunch, Bisimone notices a small gully off the track you are following strewn with webbing, brush, and debris. As it is not in line with your current path, you may avoid it or take a detour and investigate further. At most, it would take you round off and back onto your path, maybe a half hour to an hour in toto.

The lands here slowly transition from open plains to grassy hills, rising and falling like lush green waves cresting upon the rising darkened boughs of the Narlmarches in the distance.

If you choose to investigate, Perception checks please.

If you continue, you should reach the outskirts of the forest just after dark, though Rash doesn't recommend camping that close to Kressle's bandits, as sometimes they have patrols leaving or arriving at twilight, as your fires or mounts might be noticed. He recalls a small redoubt of oaks an hour from the forest that may do for your band for the night.

Well...that looks ominous. Xan says. Let's take a quick look. I wouldn't want someone to stumble upon danger when we might have prevented it, but I will defer to the group.

Dark Archive

M Human- Cheliax Cleric 2 of Sarenrae

A quick side jaunt won't put us too much off of our path. I may have an idea for the camp. I say we send someone in that's under an invisibility potion, douse the logs with oil, release the horses and light the defenses and tents with oil. In the chaos, we make a tight bee line to the boss and take her out. And I don't mean that in a 'biblical sense.'

If everyone's okay with taking a short side jaunt, Flynn will investigate.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Human Cavalier 1

"well, we WERE commissioned to explore this land... might be prudent to all stick together.. shall we?"

As you proceed off the trail into the shallow gully, you notice several small clumps of debris and webbing scattered about. Many of the piles appear to consist of small branches, tufts of plains grass, an assortment of rocks and shale scree, with a smaller, darker, mass at the center. Your band stops to examine one such mound, with Xan and Rash dismounting for a closer look. Carefully cutting into the mass, Xan finds the desicated remains of a large gopher, perhaps once fat and hale, now a leathery, bony husk. The animal is fairly intact, with only three puncture wounds along it's side, each roughly an inch in diameter. Xan shows his find to Rash, then proceeds to show him how to scan the grounds around them. He notes the trail along this gully appears worn at the center from runoff, then the sides from passing game. He notes the side tracks are old, faded, with no traces at all along the path of the discarded web bundles. Xan, Tracking Roll please

For Flynn:
You notice the far rough side of the trail up ahead, about twenty feet away, is slightly different than the rest of the gully, it's coloring seems fresher, as if recently disturbed. Roots, twigs, and scree have slid down the embankment, coming to a rest along the side of the slope. At the edges of this rough patch, you see five or six small black roots that jut from the hillside, like little black horns edging the oblong, seven foot area.

Survival1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

For Xan:
The tracks have been swept, or more correctly brushed away, and rather recently, perhaps a day ago, two tops. Off to the side of the gully, near a cleft up and out, you spy a hoof print and thrown horseshoe, a few days, no more than a week, old. Part of the hoof remains attached. Whatever spooked the horse, it caused it to flee in a hurry, injuring itself in the process.

A calm quiet falls over the group as Xan and Rash finish their examination of the trail. The birds have stopped singing, no incessant insect drone, with only the faintest whisper of a breeze to stir the slightly pungent air through the gully. Your mounts seem nervous, pawing the ground anxiously, eager to be on their way. Rash comments, What is that sharp, acrid scent? It seems stronger ahead,. He motions on, facing down the path before you.

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