Mutated Doc Holliday

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

So I'm handing over the DM reins and need to bring in a 14th level PC to our long running campaign. As much as I do not like building characters at higher levels, I decided to see what Ultimate Magic did for the gunslinger.

Turns out, it does quite a bit. For the investment of two alchemist levels, you can solve the reloading problem of using two pistols. Just take the vestigial arm or tentacle discovery--I'm kinda torn as to which one to go with. With Alkenstar next to the Spellscar Desert, it kinda makes sense that those wandering the wasteland might suffer a bit from magical mutation.

With that problem out of the way, it becomes clear that there are definite cutoff points to the gunslinger class. Every class has these, but it seems more pronounced with this one. For me, level seven is the magic level as startling shot with a vivisectionist alchemist (or rogue--but the alchemist solves the reload issue)gives you pretty reliable sneak attack damage. Coupling that with rapid shot and the two-weapon fighting chain, you can afford to send that first shot justa few inches wide of your enemies ear.

Throw in some of the new discoveries that make alchemists extremely hard to kill with the undead anatomy extracts, and you have an ex-surgeon turned gunslinger with a little Lovecraftian ick-factor throw in.

Anybody else try this or have comments?

Just that it's historically appropriate as well. "Doc" wasn't just a nickname, Holliday actually was a doctor. A dentist to be accurate.

You might want to see if you can do anything with an Oracle with the wasting curse, as that would probably represent his lifelong illness better.

I'd just like to mention that this sounds like an unbelievably awesome character.

Definite thumbs up.

Is that four thumbs up :D

This brings up an interesting question though.. Why does the gunslinger picture depict them wielding two pistols with only two arms when it it is impossible?

Thanks for the thumbs up--and I think it will just be two as tentacles sneaking out from beneath armored coat sleeves have a cool visual. I did indeed know that Holliday was a dentist of sorts. How far I will go to emulate him I am not sure yet. Undead Anatomy extracts along with mummification (if we get that far)is probably it.

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