Recruiting for Kingmaker PBP

Gamer Connection

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Dark Archive

Best wishes to all the groups- may the light lead your way through darkness.

And to the Law & Order group: Chung Chung!

Thanks and good luck to you also. Oddly enough I'm a huge Law and Order fan though I'm not sure how well that fits Tomnus seeing how he's been a criminal since the age of 9...should be interesting.

Tomnus wrote:
Thanks and good luck to you also. Oddly enough I'm a huge Law and Order fan though I'm not sure how well that fits Tomnus seeing how he's been a criminal since the age of 9...should be interesting.

Tutuola had a colorful past too. Besides, sometimes this group might need someone to bend the law, or add a "unique" interpretation of things to keep the group moving forward.

Thanks very much for the nod, Kalizar. I look forward to gaming with everyone!

Dark Archive

My word, you are a wild man, DM Kalizar!

Ooh, the elf who wants to build a home for the Forsaken is in the Law & Order group, too! Cool. If we survive past the 'ridding the lands of bandits' phase, competing goals for how to develop the land will make it more interesting.

And no shifty Surtovas in the Law & Order group. Mwahahaha!

[Well, unless Patcher's Cavalier is a Surtova... Mounted on a Horse With No Name is a Cavaliar With No Name, atm. :)]

Set wrote:

[Well, unless Patcher's Cavalier is a Surtova... Mounted on a Horse With No Name is a Cavaliar With No Name, atm. :)]

Horse has a name. D: Her name is Ashe. Am working on the profile right now - his name will be Thom O'Brian. And he's a bastard, but has no clue what his noble heritage is.

Finally I get to be in a game with Patcher. I can't wait.

Arumil is not greedy, he is only interested in any elven property or places of his people's design. On that one subject he is unbending, everything else he is pretty flexible on and is willing to "interpet" in different ways.

If I remember right Kingmaker only has 2 or 3 elven locations so those will be the places he claims and will likely build into his favored cities, as a lord under the king or member of the council if we go that way.

But depending on everyone in the group we may have some problems assigning resources for things early on. Thats going to be the real interesting part I think.

*chin hits the floor in shock* holy bajeezus...that is awesome! First thank you for the selection. Second...Greenbelt Heroes Rock! As others have said please feel free to delegate any duties you feel you need help with. I am super excited about this and bow down before you for taking this on.

I will have Xanthan up shortly.

Just an FYI for guys in my group, I'm going to be out for the bulk of tonight playing in one of my biweekly games so I probably won't be posting in the OOC until tomorrow.

Sovereign Court

Wow... I'm running three PbP's but they are all seperate- and KM's the big daddy of amount of work needed by DM of the Ap's (over PbP anyway).

You are commended for taking on three groups, I tip my hat to you Kalizar! :O

That's pretty intense. Are you running them independently or as part of the same storyline, just three different starting locations?

Thanks for looking at my char. I am sorry I did not get into the game.

If you have time I would love a few notes as to why. I just want to get better at this.

DM Barcas wrote:
That's pretty intense. Are you running them independently or as part of the same storyline, just three different starting locations?

Three seperate storylines. So I expect divergence to occur the moment I post the game threads. Good thing I use Herolabs, I can create the PC's and NPC's in seperate files, then adjust as circumstances warrant.

Any advice on maintaining three games is welcome.

VonGonda wrote:
If you have time I would love a few notes as to why. I just want to get better at this.

Smendor was a fine character. The only issue that kept him from taking a spot, besides the workload I'm putting upon myself, is the following.

AP info:
Smendor is loyal to Brevoy, financially tied into the well-being of the existing dynasty, and interested in maintaining those ties. Later in the AP, the new kingdom must pull away from Rostland, Brevoy, and the thumb of the Surtova's. Further still, the dynasty actually sees the new kingdom as a threat. This would cause some trouble for Smendor, I think, and did not fit well with the other groups compiled.

However, I guess it does not hurt to point out that my proposed Group 4 Less Royals More Loyals, (had I the proper mix of courage and insanity to attempt it), would have been Smendor, Gurthock, Igorius, Grif, and Jaidev.

I think such a group, working at personal purposes which did not necessitate step on each others toes, would have made for an enjoyable RP experience.

Thanks for the consideration. This seems be one of the harder AP's to get into; I'll manage it one of these times. Have fun everybody!


EDIT: As for advice, I think you've alreay made the smartest choice by not trying to tie in the three groups storylines. While that always sounds neat in concept, different groups move at different speeds and will inevitably focus on different things. Trying to tie it all together halfway through the AP is practically impossible; especially when Group X is half a book behind everyone else.

Lantern Lodge

Thank you, and I cannot wait to start this AP with everyone.

Links for the games folks.

Game threads

Kingmakers Group

Greenbelt Heroes Group

Law and Order Kingmaker Group

OOC threads

Kingmakers Group

Greenbelt Heroes Group

Law and Order Kingmaker Group

DM Kalizar wrote:
Gurthock Fleshmincer wrote:
Thirded adn thank you for consideration.

Gurthock, I really wished I could fit you into the campaign. Your concept is interesting, and I think would do well in any game. For the number of groups I decided to run, I needed to scale down the sizes slightly, and that unfortunately left your summoner just off the edge.

I will say the only drawback I could see to your character, and it is in flavor only, might have been his darker egde, as the majority of characters offered up were good aligned, or expressed good tendencies. I know your character was neutral, but consorting with dark powers is one of the key aspects players fight in the AP, so it may have brought up one or two issues as the campaign progressed. Altering the background slightly, perhaps the land itself, sensing the coming upheaval, infused Gurthock's body and spirit in the cave, forever altering him and his destiny as a savior of the natural order.

I believe Erefine stated he might be up to running a Kingmaker game. I would heartily recommend he consider you for a seat at the table.

Alrighty tyvm for the feedback I'll keep an eye out for that game you mentioned.

We have had a disappearance amongst one of my PbP groups, and are looking for one additional participant. Is anyone interested in stepping into the spot? Thought I'd post back to this thread before opening up a new line.

The opening is in the Greenbelt Heroes game.

Sovereign Court

I very much want to play this game. Any class role you need, but I would ideally like to play Bard/Lion Blade.

Name:Corvo Centurion
Race: Human
Class: Bard

Appearance: Imagine a thin man with tanned skin. Not so hard. Can you picture the subtle nuances? His gravitating grin, blue irises awash in pale light and the scent of fresh herbs on a shore line? His hair is dark hazel, drawn combed over the skull with a sharply trimmed beard hiding but a fraction of his charm. His clothes you ask, why they are of the most noblest bearing if court bards had such a bloodline. Leather and cotton unified by the spartan tact of metal studs. Everything is stitched as if paid for by ransom, awash in colors of violet and slits of veiled crimson.

DM Kalizar wrote:

We have had a disappearance amongst one of my PbP groups, and are looking for one additional participant. Is anyone interested in stepping into the spot? Thought I'd post back to this thread before opening up a new line.

The opening is in the Greenbelt Heroes game.

DM Kalizar wrote:

We have had a disappearance amongst one of my PbP groups, and are looking for one additional participant. Is anyone interested in stepping into the spot? Thought I'd post back to this thread before opening up a new line.

The opening is in the Greenbelt Heroes game.

J. Cayne here, I applied for your game initially but didn't make the cut. I would like to submit this character (Human, Diviner) for consideration (I recyled names a bit, it's not related to my original submission). It's needs a little cleaning up, but all the basics are there. If there are any certain skills or the like that the group feel they have covered I don't mind doing some tweaking to accommodate.

A little supplemental information not included in the background in the profile. I see the Fetches as a minor noble house (as opposed the 7 major houses), that came with Choral the Conqueror when he came to Brevoy, the house has been retainers of Rogarvia ostensibly as court magicians but predominantly as information gathers and spies. They are extremely uncomfortable with Surtova rule given their former position, so a great deal of the effort has been put toward keeping their heads down and not giving the Surtovas an excuse to have a go at them. The Fetches have been quietly trying to figure out what happened to House Rogarvia and consolidate their own power enough to keep themselves safe.

DM Kalizar wrote:

We have had a disappearance amongst one of my PbP groups, and are looking for one additional participant. Is anyone interested in stepping into the spot? Thought I'd post back to this thread before opening up a new line.

The opening is in the Greenbelt Heroes game.

I would like you to consider Xerell Maj'ir to fill in the spot for the greenbelt heroes. He's a Inquisitor of calistria and uses mainly social skills and can also disable traps and is a minor healer. All his information is in his alias, and let me know if you have any questions.

I am writing to express my interest as William Flynn. It looks like you are absent a skill monkey, and that is a role I can fill. I am a face character who can assist with archery. Do not let my stats and starting class confuse you!

My information and backstory is mostly filled in on this alias, and I can adjust whatever stats you need for this game. I've been quite taken with the idea of a Kingmaker game, and I think William has what it takes.

He is a bastard of House Surtova... I see you have a member of the house already. I would love to play out that interaction.

I'm short of time, but I'll post more later, if you're interested.

I selected Surtova as the house of my father because I don't know my father's identity. That house was potentially the most scandalous, as the current ruler is a Surtova. If that doesn't gel with the party or what you have in mind, I could easily be a bastard of a different house.

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