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I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but I do not see a lot of adventuring sites in the Paizo products. Yes, the adventure paths contain sites that are used in the adventure paths, but I mean like places out of the campaign world guide.
Like Galowspire, the whispering Tyrants tower. I want to see adventuring sites I can build a campaign around. with maps of the sites, and the kind of enemies one can find there.
I may be wrong, i do not own all of the Paizo products, so there may be things like this out there I do not know about.

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The upcoming book Dungeons of Golarion might be of interest to you.

Fraust |

From what I've seen, there isn't a lot of precisely what you sound like you're looking for. There is a lot of potential sites, that are mentioned and described in various levels of detail in the various books, but outside of existing modules and APs, there isn't much in the way of mapped out adventure sites...as that's sorta what the modules and APs are supposed to be there for. The guide books might be close to what you're after, especially Guide to Darkmoon Vale. Least, most of the rest of the guides I have any experience with are for the cities (which lost cities might be worth looking into also), where Darkmoon Vale is a frontier area full of potential adventures (several early modules are set there, though the guide hints at a lot more possibilities).

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I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but I do not see a lot of adventuring sites in the Paizo products. Yes, the adventure paths contain sites that are used in the adventure paths, but I mean like places out of the campaign world guide.
Like Galowspire, the whispering Tyrants tower. I want to see adventuring sites I can build a campaign around. with maps of the sites, and the kind of enemies one can find there.
I may be wrong, i do not own all of the Paizo products, so there may be things like this out there I do not know about.
What flavor of setting and campaign are you looking for? Egyptian? Ongoing war zone? High magic?
It'll help narrow down the insane number of options. ;)

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I think it's more a problem of design scheduling.
When Paizo's ready to do an AP about The Spire of Nex, they'll schedule one of their designers (Mona, in this case) to design it for a product.
There's lots of places out there, The Sunken Queen and The Brinewall being the two that I most want to see -- but until Paizo decides to develop the region surrounding these Sites, we're not gonna see them.
.... I guess Paizo could do a book like Lost Cities of Golarion, where they touch on a 1/2 dozen Sites, but whether that's in the works for a future product or not, only Paizo knows.
I'd buy it.

DM Aron Marczylo |

If you read the Inner Sea Guide you will notice many different sites and hundreds of places to build an adventure that isn't in a AP (that I know of so far) but can still be unique and exciting.
Absolam: Spire of Nex, Kortos Mountains
Andoran: Candle stone caverns, Falcon's Hollow, Necropolis of Nogortha Peaks, Oregent.
Brevoy: Gronzi Forest, Skywatch, Vally of Fire.
That's only a very few, but reading all the way through the book will point out many, MANY places to host an adventure.
There's lots of places out there, The Sunken Queen and The Brinewall being the two that I most want to see -- but until Paizo decides to develop the region surrounding these Sites, we're not gonna see them.
The Sunken Queen is actually featured in Curse of the Crimson Throne along with Scarwall in Hold of Belkzen.
Lost Cities of Golarion might interest you.
just looked at that book and Xin-shalast actually appears in RotRL AP. I'm certainly buying this for some info on a lost city to put in a homebrew I'm hoping to do.

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I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but I do not see a lot of adventuring sites in the Paizo products. Yes, the adventure paths contain sites that are used in the adventure paths, but I mean like places out of the campaign world guide.
Like Galowspire, the whispering Tyrants tower. I want to see adventuring sites I can build a campaign around. with maps of the sites, and the kind of enemies one can find there.
I may be wrong, i do not own all of the Paizo products, so there may be things like this out there I do not know about.
There's actually a LOT of adventuring sites in Golarion. The Inner Sea World Guide lists many of them—I tried to include a lot in each region's section, so places like Viperwall, the Siege Castles, the House of Oblivion, and Fangspire are all over the place.
If you have the big giant map of the Inner Sea, you'll see that all of the diamond shapes are actually adventure sites. There's plenty of adventure sites in the cities too—they're the circles on the map.
As for actual maps of the sites and the enemies found there, you should check out one of the regional guides (the recent "Rule of Fear" has a whole chapter on adventure sites in Ustalav, for example, as will the upcoming "Land of the Linnorm Kings" book). And the Adventure Path line regularly has large locations mapped out that you can rebuild as your own adventure sites—the AP line even often has gazetteers with maps and such of the same. And finally, the upcoming "Dungeons of Golarion" has 6 megadungeon sites detailed (with maps of each), as well as a large list of others spread throughout the world.

devil.in.mexico13 |

To add to the esteemed Mr. Jacobs above post, almost of all of the adventure sites on the map have a corresponding article on one of the several pathfinder wiki sites. Most of those articles also list the paizo product that they draw that information from, usually with a link to the product in the webstore here. I have found it to be incredibly useful, as I can have an idea for an adventure, an idea for a site that I want to use, and find the one or two books that have the details I need fairly quickly.

Panguinslayer7 |

I think we should just plead for an awesome world map, in the style of the 2nd Dragonlance map of Ansalon. My old party used to spend hours just pointing at random spots and monster lairs saying "OH! Theres gotta be something cool there." We laid out a "road trip" and our DM knew exactly what to plan. Seriously best map for a game ever.

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I think we should just plead for an awesome world map, in the style of the 2nd Dragonlance map of Ansalon. My old party used to spend hours just pointing at random spots and monster lairs saying "OH! Theres gotta be something cool there." We laid out a "road trip" and our DM knew exactly what to plan. Seriously best map for a game ever.

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Panguinslayer7 wrote:I think we should just plead for an awesome world map, in the style of the 2nd Dragonlance map of Ansalon. My old party used to spend hours just pointing at random spots and monster lairs saying "OH! Theres gotta be something cool there." We laid out a "road trip" and our DM knew exactly what to plan. Seriously best map for a game ever.Something exactly like this, then?
I've been championing a globe since before the gazetteer came out....

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James Jacobs wrote:I've been championing a globe since before the gazetteer came out....Panguinslayer7 wrote:I think we should just plead for an awesome world map, in the style of the 2nd Dragonlance map of Ansalon. My old party used to spend hours just pointing at random spots and monster lairs saying "OH! Theres gotta be something cool there." We laid out a "road trip" and our DM knew exactly what to plan. Seriously best map for a game ever.Something exactly like this, then?
Well... I have a hand-drawn globe of Golarion on my desk here at the office. It's the only one! It's also already slightly out-of-date and needs a bit of continental retconning, alas, which is why I haven't shown it to anyone outside of the office yet.

Panguinslayer7 |

Cpt_kirstov wrote:Well... I have a hand-drawn globe of Golarion on my desk here at the office. It's the only one! It's also already slightly out-of-date and needs a bit of continental retconning, alas, which is why I haven't shown it to anyone outside of the office yet.James Jacobs wrote:I've been championing a globe since before the gazetteer came out....Panguinslayer7 wrote:I think we should just plead for an awesome world map, in the style of the 2nd Dragonlance map of Ansalon. My old party used to spend hours just pointing at random spots and monster lairs saying "OH! Theres gotta be something cool there." We laid out a "road trip" and our DM knew exactly what to plan. Seriously best map for a game ever.Something exactly like this, then?
Oooh super map is pretty.

Echo Vining |

I am waiting on the dungeons of Galorian product for sure. I was just a little let down with the inner sea guide, in that it contained little to no physical detail, like maps of sites and things like that.
The World Guide is packed full of other great things. Really, it's not the sort of product to do stuff like dungeon maps. If you want maps and mostly-detailed bits, I think the modules and APs are really your best bet.

J. Christopher Harris |

Yeagh, I got to waist my money on an adventure path I do not want. They should just do some products aimed at DETAILED SITES.
What good are vague articles on these places.
They're a whole lot of good to a lot of people who use the setting. As for 'vague articles' on specific sites, it's for people who need or want a nudge in a creative direction, but not an entire boxed set on a place.
It sounds like the purchases that you've made and aren't happy with were things you should have either read more about, or looked at a copy of somewhere before buying. They're all pretty clear as to what's within. There's a reason things like this sell well and get reviewed well.

Steve Geddes |

Yeagh, I got to waist my money on an adventure path I do not want. They should just do some products aimed at DETAILED SITES.
What good are vague articles on these places.
What's an example of some sourcebook you're looking for? (Not necessarily Paizo or pathfinder - just some RPG book which you'd like to see the equivalent of in Golarion)
I ask because it's difficult to provide suggestions - I'd like to suggest City of Strangers (about Kaer Maga) and Lost Cities of Golarion - two of my absolute favorite Paizo products and which seem to me to be what you're looking for. Having said that, I'm not entirely clear what you are actually looking for so some context might be useful.

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Triga wrote:Yeagh, I got to waist my money on an adventure path I do not want. They should just do some products aimed at DETAILED SITES.
What good are vague articles on these places.
What's an example of some sourcebook you're looking for? (Not necessarily Paizo or pathfinder - just some RPG book which you'd like to see the equivalent of in Golarion)
I ask because it's difficult to provide suggestions - I'd like to suggest City of Strangers (about Kaer Maga) and Lost Cities of Golarion - two of my absolute favorite Paizo products and which seem to me to be what you're looking for. Having said that, I'm not entirely clear what you are actually looking for so some context might be useful.
I would say something like the wotc 4e adventure site books. Like the hammer fast book or vor rokuth book.

Steve Geddes |

Steve Geddes wrote:I would say something like the wotc 4e adventure site books. Like the hammer fast book or vor rokuth book.Triga wrote:Yeagh, I got to waist my money on an adventure path I do not want. They should just do some products aimed at DETAILED SITES.
What good are vague articles on these places.
What's an example of some sourcebook you're looking for? (Not necessarily Paizo or pathfinder - just some RPG book which you'd like to see the equivalent of in Golarion)
I ask because it's difficult to provide suggestions - I'd like to suggest City of Strangers (about Kaer Maga) and Lost Cities of Golarion - two of my absolute favorite Paizo products and which seem to me to be what you're looking for. Having said that, I'm not entirely clear what you are actually looking for so some context might be useful.
They don't have the same focus on encounters, but the pathfinder campaign setting line (previously pathfinder chronicles) is the closest to those two, IMO.
I'd try lost cities of golarion - it provides half a dozen cities with maps, outlines of npcs, monsters and their agendas plus some campaign arc sketches at various levels. It doesn't give you any preset encounters, nor many specific stats as such but I reckon that's the closest you'll find to vor rokuth.

Jeff de luna |

Dungeons of Golarion is probably a good bet for you when it comes out.
What I would do (what I do do, actually) is snag a good dungeon map from a fine d20 type product, revise it, and match it to the undetailed site I want to develop. Better yet, I search out a real world dungeon map (tomb complex, ruin, cave) with some kind of parallel to the Golarion location and convert it into a square grid.
Though-- at least for me making dungeon sites is kind of a personal DM thing. I've been doing it since I was 9. I like being entrusted with finetuning my Golarion that way. The shared world aspect of the rest of it is also fun -- it means people know what you mean, when you say, "Thuvia" or such. So the balance of the work in making a home version of the world seems about right to me.