Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

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You, too? Strange...

Scarab Sages

Evil Lincoln wrote:
I believe that whenever Aberzombie complains about an individual, I somehow conclude that it is me he is talking about... even though I scarcely ever interact with him.

Are you a Port Engineer in San Diego?



Evil Lincoln wrote:

Mr. Lincoln,

I love you *checked*.

I've known engineers in San Diego, but I don't self-identify as an "engineer" and never have.

-- Andy

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Evil Lincoln wrote:



Well, there you go. I wasn't talking about you....this time.

Scarab Sages

I believe the Darth Vader shirt my wife put on the boy was very appropriate today. There is much anger in him.

I believe that I am prepPing for a day of tooth pain. Expect much grar and surly trollishness from the monkeY

In the name of the Church of Leafar, dear monkey, I issue you an indulgence for 1-day of surly trollishness.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe I'll log off "before I am caught/ in the mischief that I have wrought." (The Crimson Masque, Ye Olde Ballade of Fingers Tooke

Dark Archive

I believe there that losing your car in a crash that you were not in creates way too many problems. Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Scarab Sages

I believe I shall send positive waves your way, my good orc.

Scarab Sages

I believe someone around these parts got their rice crispies peed in this morning.

Oh, that was just BugBear Gryllz. He seems to like that better than milk on his cereal.

Gruumash . wrote:
I believe there that losing your car in a crash that you were not in creates way too many problems. Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

All I did was lose a perfectly good car. My idiot roommate, aside from his idiocy, never did anything to compensate, and stole my speakers when he moved out while I was gone, leaving me with rent and no one to copay.

The guy who was in the same accident harangued me with phone calls, asking that I compensate him for some imaginary loss. I told him to call my insurance agent. Surely, she could address his concerns better than I.

"You have insurance, right?"


"Well, if you're not happy with what you got, have your agent talk to my agent. Let them hash it out. That's what we pay them for, right?"


"Then stop calling me."

Such are the vagaries of life with useless people. Drink, and rise above.

Scarab Sages

I believe today started off OK, but quickly moved into the suckage region.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I believe that seems to be a common occurrence.

Dark Archive

I believe I am not looking forward to driving home this evening. No snow the entire winter until my car gets crashed and now I am renting a small Nisson Versa not the best car I would imagine in the snow.

I believe the snow is fast and furious up here now.

Dark Archive

About time New Hampshire got some snow.

I believe even the balmy beaches of Cape Cod are getting a blizzard today.

A perfect day to drink, alas I have nothing to alter my consciousness with =(

Dark Archive

Ack my good man that is horrible. You should go and rememdy such a travesty.

I believe my bartender is MIA. Probably following the Phish around or off on some rum-soaked Thompsonesque cross-country madcap adventure

Sovereign Court

Ack good god man this is horrible.

I would have my man drive down and assist you in such hardship yet that would leave me without can have that happen. Perhaps you could find another butler or some sort to assist you?

I could talk to my man and see if he could walk you through the steps to... I know this is a horrible thought but bare with me a moment, hard times take hard measures. He could walk you through on how to make a cocktail yourself? Well keep in touch hopefully this hardship passes soon.

Dark Archive

I believe I am going to be waiting for a while longer before I take the trek home in the Versa this evening and its wonderful snow.

Scarab Sages

I believe it's never a good sign when you're sitting in traffic and a police car goes riding past on the shoulder with lights flashing.

I believe I Am ready to hit the iron and then go home and hit the rack for a nice pup-laden mid-morning nap

Scarab Sages

I believe dinner tonight is a question that shall not be easily answered.

I believe I did not get my nap =( Grumpy monkey is grumpy

I believe it's a solvable problem.

And that you'll be solving it.

-- Andy

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I did not get my nap =( Grumpy monkey is grumpy

I believe I did not get my nap either. The guy in the next cubicle over was on a phone conference. :)

I believe I also did not get my nap. {shakes fist at anti-nap conspiracy}

I believe I am having roast chicken for dinner.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I did not get my nap =( Grumpy monkey is grumpy

Patrick, I was typing to Aberzombie about his lack of dinner solutions, not your lack of a nap.

However, I still think it's a solvable problem.

My regards, Patrick.

-- Andy

Dr. Sigmund wrote:
I know this is a horrible thought but bare with me a moment,..

I don't want to bare anything with you. That's a belief I accept.

Beliefs I accept before I start drinking: the more I drink the less I will have to drink later requiring skills and time to be given by me in exchange for currency to then exchange for more mind altering fluids.

I drink therefore I work!

Scarab Sages

I believe that show Awake was really cool last night.

I believe the children are the future

Scarab Sages

I believe last night's episode of Walking Dead was kind of a bummer.

Scarab Sages

I believe it's not even 0700, and I already want to smack someone upside the head.

Dark Archive

I believe I am ready to go home and have some wine.

Scarab Sages

I believe I can finally breath a (very small) sigh of relief.

I believe there must be a full moon or something; whence the incoherent newcomers?

Dark Archive

I bleive I am enjoying the "River" a good show.

Scarab Sages

I believe my sigh of relief can be a little bigger than it was before.

I also believe there are some people for whom the term pot meet kettle is very appropriate.

Scarab Sages

I believe today has the potential to be a FAWESOME day.

I believe I have one friend less than I did yesterday

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I believe I am very confused right now.

Scarab Sages

I believe things are starting to look....warm.

Scarab Sages

I believe the boy has to get some shots at the doctor's office today.

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm very much looking forward to the new episode of The Walking Dead tonight.

I believe I agree with you zombeh.

Scarab Sages

I believe last nights episode was awesome.

I also believe it's 0700 and I've already had to use the flagging feature.

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