jemstone |

jemstone wrote:Leave it hollow, fill the hollow with all that gold you saved by not making it solid, put on a duck suit, a top hat, and a tailcoat. Go swimming.You win the thread.
Ah, excellent. I shall promise now to use my powers of ruling this thread, having won it fairly and squarely, only for GOOD!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy up land in the wonderful city of Saint Canard.

KaeYoss |

Nice calculation exercise. I still prefer the one about how much beer fits into a portable hole, though. :)
Jiraiya22 wrote:One gold piece is 9 ounces, so you need 800 trillion ounces of gold, which is about 880 million american short tons of gold.50 gold pieces are a pound, so a gold piece is about a third of an ounce. Not over half a pound.
And that's why I prefer the metric system :P

Firest |

Firest wrote:Wow Pinkey and the Brain?Foghammer wrote:Jiraiya22 wrote:That covers materials, what about labor costs?Including atmosphere, the Earth is about 15 trillion cubic feet. As a 20th level caster you can make 400 10 ft cubes with the Greater Create Demiplane spell, so 40,000 cubic feet per cast. It will take 3.8 billion casts to equal the volume of the Earth and its atmosphere. To cast that many permanency spells at 22,500 gp per cast it will cost 87 trillion gold pieces, plus 2 trillion gold for the cost of forked metal rods which are the material component for the Create Demiplane spells, so you will need 89 trillion gold pieces. One gold piece is 9 ounces, so you need 800 trillion ounces of gold, which is about 880 million american short tons of gold.
So for the low low price of a 1.5 billion square foot block of gold you can have Earth.
I was bored, I'm done now.
Just offer free t-shirts, everyone will show up to help.
Are you pondering what I'm pondering?

Brox RedGloves |

Including atmosphere, the Earth is about 15 trillion cubic feet. As a 20th level caster you can make 400 10 ft cubes with the Greater Create Demiplane spell, so 40,000 cubic feet per cast. It will take 3.8 billion casts to equal the volume of the Earth and its atmosphere. To cast that many permanency spells at 22,500 gp per cast it will cost 87 trillion gold pieces, plus 2 trillion gold for the cost of forked metal rods which are the material component for the Create Demiplane spells, so you will need 89 trillion gold pieces. One gold piece is 9 ounces, so you need 800 trillion ounces of gold, which is about 880 million american short tons of gold.
So for the low low price of a 1.5 billion square foot block of gold you can have Earth.
I was bored, I'm done now.
Good Afternoon Sir,
I'm send this to you in the hopes that you will respond to our numerous requests that you pay the invoice we sent to your place of business (three times). We here at Geldwynn's Magic Emporium appreciate your business with us, and would like to maintain a proper and business-like relationship, however, our Accounts Receivable Dept has brought to our attention that fact that you have only paid for exactly five of the Rod, Metal-forked (part# 26-1583) that was shipped to you. Please do not let this go to collections, as we value you and your business. You may reply to me here, or you may call us at 1-729-636-6911 (1-PAY-MENOW!!)

Majuba |

Your base assumption is incorrect. The volume of the earth, excluding atmosphere, is 1.08321 trillion cubic kilometers. Each cubic kilometer is 35.3 trillion cubic feet, yielding a total volume of 3.82 * 10^25 cubic feet. Divided by the per-casting volume of 400,000 cubic feet, you get 9.56 * 10^19 castings.
While the original calculations were not accurate, these are not either. A cubic kilometer is only 35.3 million cubic feet. So that's 3.82 * 10^19 cubic feet, or 9.56 * 10^13 castings (95 trillion). As Ross mentioned "50 gold pieces are a pound", so 450 gp per casting, or 4.3 * 10^16 pounds of gold. At 1204 pounds per cubic foot, that's 243 cubic miles of gold, or enough to cover the land area of the earth in a quarter inch of gold (or about 8 Mt. Everests of gold).
If we instead use platinum, that's only 4.3 * 10^15 pounds of platinum, or enough to coat the land area of the USA in 2/5 of an inch of platinum.
BTW, please, anyone quoting a volume of gold, do not use *square* feet.
Well, it's not that more powerful than say empower spell. I would put it in the same price range.
Actually, while I agree with your statement, it would be the same price as a rod of Maximize (both +3 metamagics).
Thanks Jiraiya!

MultiClassClown |

nicklas Læssøe wrote:That "just lava" Is the reason we have atmosphere, because the mass of the entire earth gives it enough gravity to keep the air around it. Also, a hollow planet would be cold. Very cold. And mos probably a barren, frozen wasteland, with nothing to keep it warm on the inside.Why have u created the core of the earth? i mean paying billions and billions of gold to include it seems a bit to much, considering its just lava. So if you only include the first say 50 or 70 miles of bedrock, and the air, how much would that cost?
Not to mention constantly bombarded by deeadly radiation, since there'd be no core to generate a magnetic field to keep it out.

Kierato |

Hama wrote:Not to mention constantly bombarded by deeadly radiation, since there'd be no core to generate a magnetic field to keep it out.nicklas Læssøe wrote:That "just lava" Is the reason we have atmosphere, because the mass of the entire earth gives it enough gravity to keep the air around it. Also, a hollow planet would be cold. Very cold. And mos probably a barren, frozen wasteland, with nothing to keep it warm on the inside.Why have u created the core of the earth? i mean paying billions and billions of gold to include it seems a bit to much, considering its just lava. So if you only include the first say 50 or 70 miles of bedrock, and the air, how much would that cost?
There's nothing to generate the deadly radiation, either.

MultiClassClown |

MultiClassClown wrote:There's nothing to generate the deadly radiation, either.Hama wrote:Not to mention constantly bombarded by deeadly radiation, since there'd be no core to generate a magnetic field to keep it out.nicklas Læssøe wrote:That "just lava" Is the reason we have atmosphere, because the mass of the entire earth gives it enough gravity to keep the air around it. Also, a hollow planet would be cold. Very cold. And mos probably a barren, frozen wasteland, with nothing to keep it warm on the inside.Why have u created the core of the earth? i mean paying billions and billions of gold to include it seems a bit to much, considering its just lava. So if you only include the first say 50 or 70 miles of bedrock, and the air, how much would that cost?

Kierato |

But nothing in the spell describes this new demi-plane as being spheric. So what you're offering is a world that is flat. Do I really have to pay that much for a place where I risk sailing over the edge?? :O
Create demiplane lets you make it so it loops back on itself as you see fit. You could create the illusion of a "round" world.

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What if you used a combination of Clone, tarrasque's corpses, and Flesh to Stone?
While an intriguing idea, unfortunately the (singular) tarrasque cannot be killed, and is immune to petrification. Another annoyance: cloning takes 2d4 months per casting.
The cheapest (if not necessarily the least time-consuming) means of creating the Earth is via myraid castings of Wall of Stone. The matter created with WoS is also permanent (even after the wall itself is crumbled), so Permanency is unnecessary. Casting time is one standard action (vs 6hrs for Greater Create Demiplane.)
A 12th level sorcerer casting Wall of Stone creates a 12 x [5^2'x(1/12th'x12)] amount of stone, or 300 cubic feet. The formula is (25/12) x (level squared) cubic feet. At 18th level, the sorcerer creates 675 cubic feet, and 1,200 at 24th level (Wall of Stone creates exponentially more material per level as opposed to Greater Create Demiplane's linear increase). Divides all results by 1,000 to obtain the number of 10' cubes (for comparison with Greater Create Demiplane.)
Not counting feats or other esotera, a 20th level sorcerer any cast any 5th level spell he knows thirty times per day, which means he can create 25,000 cubic feet of stone per day, or 25 10' cubes, or 1/36th the amount of stone which could be created by three daily castings of Greater Create Demiplane (by an elven caster who only needs 4hrs of rest per day after eighteen laborious, non-stop hours of spell-casting). -- But it's free (and, with Eschew Materials, free of even the annoyance of making dozens of granite cubes every day), and the spellcasting is over and done with in just three minutes.

Kierato |

Klaus van der Kroft wrote:What if you used a combination of Clone, tarrasque's corpses, and Flesh to Stone?While an intriguing idea, unfortunately the (singular) tarrasque cannot be killed, and is immune to petrification. Another annoyance: cloning takes 2d4 months per casting.
The cheapest (if not necessarily the least time-consuming) means of creating the Earth is via myraid castings of Wall of Stone. The matter created with WoS is also permanent (even after the wall itself is crumbled), so Permanency is unnecessary. Casting time is one standard action (vs 6hrs for Greater Create Demiplane.)
A 12th level sorcerer casting Wall of Stone creates a 12 x [5^2'x(1/12th'x12)] amount of stone, or 300 cubic feet. The formula is (25/12) x (level squared) cubic feet. At 18th level, the sorcerer creates 675 cubic feet, and 1,200 at 24th level (Wall of Stone creates exponentially more material per level as opposed to Greater Create Demiplane's linear increase). Divides all results by 1,000 to obtain the number of 10' cubes (for comparison with Greater Create Demiplane.)
Not counting feats or other esotera, a 20th level sorcerer any cast any 5th level spell he knows thirty times per day, which means he can create 25,000 cubic feet of stone per day, or 25 10' cubes, or 1/36th the amount of stone which could be created by three daily castings of Greater Create Demiplane (by an elven caster who only needs 4hrs of rest per day after eighteen laborious, non-stop hours of spell-casting). -- But it's free (and, with Eschew Materials, free of even the annoyance of making dozens of granite cubes every day), and the spellcasting is over and done with in just three minutes.
Elves need to sleep like humans in pathfinder...

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Elves need to sleep like humans in pathfinder...
Myeh. Way #72 elves get screwed in Pathfinder. They're no longer smarter than anyone else, goblins make them look like fools at archery, dwarves have a sweet new racial feat available which leaves elves in the dust saving vs magic, and wizards now take a back seat to sorcerers.

Kierato |

Kierato wrote:Elves need to sleep like humans in pathfinder...Myeh. Way #72 elves get screwed in Pathfinder. They're no longer smarter than anyone else, goblins make them look like fools at archery, dwarves have a sweet new racial feat available which leaves elves in the dust saving vs magic, and wizards now take a back seat to sorcerers.
I'm lost, elves gained an Int bonus in pathfinder, Elves have feats and PrC especially for archery, dwarves have always been better at saving vs magic than elves, and wizards and sorcerers are on par IMO.

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Everybody got one stat bump in Pathfinder. In 3.5, drow and gray elves made the most powerful wizards as only they had an INT bump. (Wood elves were the most formidable rangers.) In 3.5, the choice, when making a wizard, was "human for feat and hit-points, or elf for raw power"; now you can get almost the whole package with human (forfeiting only saves and higher DCs to elves).

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Yeah, i hated the whole xyz elf subraces. It was stupid.
It wasn't any more stupid than Pathfinder's variant classes.
-- It's just another way of letting you play what you want.
(IMO all long-lived races should at least get the Breadth of Experience trait for free, with it not counting toward their limit. I intensely dislike the notion of beings hundreds of years old being dumb as posts compared to snot-nosed 19yo human apprentice wizards.)

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Hama wrote:Yeah, i hated the whole xyz elf subraces. It was stupid.It wasn't any more stupid than Pathfinder's variant classes.
-- It's just another way of letting you play what you want.
(IMO all long-lived races should at least get the Breadth of Experience trait for free, with it not counting toward their limit. I intensely dislike the notion of beings hundreds of years old being dumb as posts compared to snot-nosed 19yo human apprentice wizards.)
Yes, it was...dwarves, gnomes and halfling had like two subraces, and humans had none...nor other half-races.
But nooooooo elves had to have a boosted primary stat for every occasion. Stupid.At least Pathfinder variant classes make sense...

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Yes, it was...dwarves, gnomes and halfling had like two subraces, and humans had none...nor other half-races. But nooooooo elves had to have a boosted primary stat for every occasion.
And were stuck with the always horrible CON penalty and unpleasant favored classes (if you wanted to M/C, and not have the FC). Effectively speaking elves only had two subraces (since grey and wood were the two most often chosen). Humans, dwarves, half-orcs and halflings had killer feats and PrCs. IMO, the toughest classes in 3.5+splats were dwarf ragers, half-elf Paladin/Outcast Champion with decent CHA and 14s elsewhere, and halfling rogue2/clericXs; other combos were situationally powerful, but nobody could cake-walk high-level saving throws like those combos.