Is there any way to get an attack of opportunity while using a Bow?

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Is there any way to get an attack of opportunity while using a Bow?

I mistakenly assumed that point blank shot would allow you take AoOs but that just isn't the case. Is there a feat out there or some rule I am just missing that would allow an AoO while holding a bow?

Would you be able to punch out bare handed with out dropping the bow? Just looking for ideas.

Dark Archive

Mage Evolving wrote:

Is there any way to get an attack of opportunity while using a Bow?

I mistakenly assumed that point blank shot would allow you take AoOs but that just isn't the case. Is there a feat out there or some rule I am just missing that would allow an AoO while holding a bow?

Would you be able to punch out bare handed with out dropping the bow? Just looking for ideas.

Zen archer monks get the ability to do that at like 9th level.

You could make an unarmed strike or use armor spikes

The easy answer is "Armor spikes". There's also the 9th level Zen Archer ability Reflexive Shot.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Yeah, you only need one hand to hold the bow when you aren't firing it, so you'd be able to punch.

Unarmed strikes don't have to be punches either. You could use a kick, elbow, headbutt, whatever. So long as you have Improved Unarmed Strike (which you need to make Attacks of Opportunity with your unarmed strikes), you should be fine even if you don't have a hand free.

Dark Archive

What about when you have the bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Couldn't the arrow in hand be used as a weapon; applying the improvised weapon penalty maybe?????

the Haunted Jester wrote:
What about when you have the bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Couldn't the arrow in hand be used as a weapon; applying the improvised weapon penalty maybe?????

If you are an elf or a half-elf, it doesn't have to be improvised. Here's the Stabbing Shot Feat. Or Human's can do it with the racial heritage feat.

Edit: Sorry, I just reread it and saw it doesn't work with AoO.

Grand Lodge

markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.

Stabbing shot cannot be used on AoO's. You could take Catch Off-Guard and use arrows theoretically. Or just use normal arrows (at non-proficiency penalty)....or any other of the better aforementioned options.

D&D 3.5. has a 1st level arcane spell named arrow mind.

Dark Archive

Eridan wrote:
D&D 3.5. has a 1st level arcane spell named arrow mind.

Pretty sure that just removes the AoO for shooting, doesn't let you make them

If you want to make the AOO WITH the bow, then you need to look at the Zen Archer lvl. 9 ability.

If you just want to threaten squares next to you and make a passing slap at someone passing, then armor spikes are the cheapest option.

Well... If you do dip into Zen Archer for the first three levels of awesome, then do note that you get the ability to attack with any body part as an unarmed attack.

You do not get to Flurry in melee, but your unarmed attacks do get a neat boost.

Name Violation wrote:
Eridan wrote:
D&D 3.5. has a 1st level arcane spell named arrow mind.
Pretty sure that just removes the AoO for shooting, doesn't let you make them

Name Arrow Mind

School Divination
Level Arc 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Recharge Time General
Version SPC
Sources Complete Adventurer on page 143, Spell Compendium on page 15
Short Description Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

If you thread nearby squares then you can make AoO.

Dark Archive

Eridan wrote:
Name Violation wrote:
Eridan wrote:
D&D 3.5. has a 1st level arcane spell named arrow mind.
Pretty sure that just removes the AoO for shooting, doesn't let you make them

Name Arrow Mind

School Divination
Level Arc 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Recharge Time General
Version SPC
Sources Complete Adventurer on page 143, Spell Compendium on page 15
Short Description Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

If you thread nearby squares then you can make AoO.

Hmmm. Didn't remember the first part. Don't see a duration listed. Doesn't it last for 1 round? Useful, but not a permanent solution (unless you get an item with that spell permanently)

3.5 had a blade bow, a magic weapon that could switch between ranged or melee. Forget what book it was in, maybe the magic item compendium. Not sure how quick the switch was.

Dark Archive

elvencraft bows double as quarter staffs.

Name Violation wrote:
Eridan wrote:
Name Violation wrote:
Eridan wrote:
D&D 3.5. has a 1st level arcane spell named arrow mind.
Pretty sure that just removes the AoO for shooting, doesn't let you make them

Name Arrow Mind

School Divination
Level Arc 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Recharge Time General
Version SPC
Sources Complete Adventurer on page 143, Spell Compendium on page 15
Short Description Immediate. You threaten nearby squares with your bow and fire without provoking attacks of opportunity.

If you thread nearby squares then you can make AoO.

Hmmm. Didn't remember the first part. Don't see a duration listed. Doesn't it last for 1 round? Useful, but not a permanent solution (unless you get an item with that spell permanently)

I will look in my books when i am at home. I think is lasts 1min per casterlevel. It is immediate so you can cast it when you will get an AoO but it is not a permanent solution.

Mage Evolving wrote:

Would you be able to punch out bare handed with out dropping the bow? Just looking for ideas.

Unless you have improved unarmed strike you cannot make AOOs with unarmed strikes (as you're not considered 'armed').

Spiked gauntlets are an option, as are weapons that don't require a physical hand to use (armor spikes being the most prevalent of those).


I don't see why armor spikes give you an AoO in this case.

Armor Spikes: You can have spikes added to your armor,
which allow you to deal extra piercing damage (see “spiked
armor” on Table 6–4) on a successful grapple attack. The
spikes count as a martial weapon. If you are not proficient
with them, you take a –4 penalty on grapple checks when
you try to use them. You can also make a regular melee
attack (or off-hand attack) with the spikes, and they count
as a light weapon in this case. (You can’t also make an
attack with armor spikes if you have already made an
attack with another off-hand weapon, and vice versa.)
enhancement bonus to a suit of armor does not improve
the spikes’ effectiveness, but the spikes can be made into
magic weapons in their own right.

Emphasis mine. My interpretation of the use of armor spikes is they would not grant an AoO while wielding a 2 handed weapon as the off-hand is already busy with the bow.

Just El-Kabong them with your bow.

Grand Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.

I should clarify that I am dismayed by the Elf Only prereq, not the feat itself.

Grummik wrote:

Emphasis mine. My interpretation of the use of armor spikes is they would not grant an AoO while wielding a 2 handed weapon as the off-hand is already busy with the bow.

You don't need a hand free to use armor spikes (or a monk's unarmed strike as another example).

So if you wanted to with a BAB of 6 you could, as a full attack, fire your bow at 6BAB, then make a melee attack with the armor spikes/whatever at 1BAB.

You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.

For an AOO you can make it with any weapon with which you threaten the given square.

For example a fighter with a reach weapon and armor spikes/whatever could threaten both 10' away (with the reach weapon) and adjacent (with the armor spikes/whatever). If an AOO was provoked he could make the attack with the weapon threatening that square.

It doesn't sit well with people, but then again armor spikes don't really sit well with people. It really boils down to their problems with a turn based combat whether they realize it or not.


TriOmegaZero wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.
I should clarify that I am dismayed by the Elf Only prereq, not the feat itself.

You can thank LOTR and Legolas for that one. I wonder if Steve Jackson is an RPG fan ...

I'll most likely pick up a spiked gauntlet. Thanks.

Name Violation wrote:
elvencraft bows double as quarter staffs.

I've never seen this before I'll look into it. Do you have a page reference?

Uchawi wrote:
I wonder if Steve Jackson is an RPG fan ...

Yes. Yes he is.

Liberty's Edge

Jonathon Vining wrote:
Uchawi wrote:
I wonder if Steve Jackson is an RPG fan ...
Yes. Yes he is.

Cute. I don't think it's a stretch that Uchawi was talking about Peter Jackson..... ;)

TriOmegaZero wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.
I should clarify that I am dismayed by the Elf Only prereq, not the feat itself.

I'm kind of wondering why this has the Elf Only prereq. But then, I don't really understand why "Elven Accuracy" is restricted to Elves only either.

What is it about these traits that make them particularly Elven? They reflect special training rather than some kind of innate racial feature, unlike Razortusk, Ironhide, etc.

It just seems kind of silly to me.

I'm still not sure that this feat lets you threaten neighboring squares, though. I wish Armor Spikes were less... silly. As it is, they're almost a prerequisite for anyone using a reach weapon. But honestly, they must look pretty ridiculous :) And after all, what's the point of being awesome if you look like a tool? ;)

Dark Archive

Doesn't seem silly to me.

A shoulder thrust, a knee thrust, or "batman" style backhand are all logical uses of armor spikes. Even when holding a 2 handed weapon

My complaints about silliness were two-fold. One was in the fact that Stabbing Shot was restricted to Elves, and the other was more to do with the whole concept and appearance of armor spikes. I just don't like the idea that anyone wielding a reach weapon, unless he wants to be seriously hampered in combat, should have big spikes on his armor.

Liberty's Edge

james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.

Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


Perhaps there are some claw or attachable punch dagger-like weapon that don't get in the way of drawing an arrow or the string? You only need 1 hand to hold a bow, and iirc most people use their dominant hand to draw the string. With that (or just ye olde IUS) you still threaten and can make attacks of opportunity.

james maissen wrote:
The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


And any GM who would allow you to do so is a fool. Just because dropping a weapon is a "free" action doesn't mean you get to do it an unlimited number of times. That's not RAI. But I get the feeling that you're going for a RAW approach, am I right?

Silver Crusade

With one level of monk you can do AOO if if holding a bow:

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

karkon wrote:
With one level of monk you can do AOO if if holding a bow:

Is there really anything that states you can't do it without a monk level? I'd expect anyone with IUS could use unarmed attacks for that. You may need 2 hands to attack with, say, a greatsword, but you should be able to just hold it for a second or two while you use your other hand to punch someone's face in.

Talonne Hauk wrote:
james maissen wrote:
The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


And any GM who would allow you to do so is a fool. Just because dropping a weapon is a "free" action doesn't mean you get to do it an unlimited number of times. That's not RAI. But I get the feeling that you're going for a RAW approach, am I right?

I had a player who did this all the time with throwing things (sans the AoO mind you)

Silver Crusade

The Shaman wrote:
karkon wrote:
With one level of monk you can do AOO if if holding a bow:
Is there really anything that states you can't do it without a monk level? I'd expect anyone with IUS could use unarmed attacks for that. You may need 2 hands to attack with, say, a greatsword, but you should be able to just hold it for a second or two while you use your other hand to punch someone's face in.

There was another thread on the subject on using one hand to do something when wielding a two handed weapon. Someone quoted one of the developers as saying that doing so is RAI. If you search you might find the thread and quote.

SimianChaos wrote:
Talonne Hauk wrote:
james maissen wrote:
The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


And any GM who would allow you to do so is a fool. Just because dropping a weapon is a "free" action doesn't mean you get to do it an unlimited number of times. That's not RAI. But I get the feeling that you're going for a RAW approach, am I right?
I had a player who did this all the time with throwing things (sans the AoO mind you)

That's using weapons as ammunition. That's different.

beej67 wrote:
Just El-Kabong them with your bow.

What he said. Use your bow as an improvised melee weapon, -4 on attack roll, I'd go with 1d3 damage and wouldn't allow 1.5 strength bonus due to the fact that you probably won't have time to change your grip.

Liberty's Edge

Nixda wrote:
beej67 wrote:
Just El-Kabong them with your bow.
What he said. Use your bow as an improvised melee weapon, -4 on attack roll, I'd go with 1d3 damage and wouldn't allow 1.5 strength bonus due to the fact that you probably won't have time to change your grip.

My GM clearly explained to me that such a use would be very likely to break my +1 composite longbow (STR 18) :-(

Silver Crusade

If you take improved un armed strike then you can also do the same thing in the combat section it says

“Armed” Unarmed Attacks: Sometimes a character's or creature's unarmed attack counts as an armed attack. A monk, a character with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, a spellcaster delivering a touch attack spell, and a creature with natural physical weapons all count as being armed (see natural attacks).

Note that being armed counts for both offense and defense (the character can make attacks of opportunity).

Just like the monk an unarmed attack is not confined to fists so you can kick. Now your damage stinks so a level on monk might be nice.

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
markofbane wrote:

If you are an elf or a half-elf...Stabbing Shot Feat.
I should clarify that I am dismayed by the Elf Only prereq, not the feat itself.

Clearly the dozens of extra years elves spend in training for their first class level means they have the unique, racial prowess to stab someone with a pointy implement between firing them.

... Damn you Legolas...

Talonne Hauk wrote:
james maissen wrote:
The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


And any GM who would allow you to do so is a fool. Just because dropping a weapon is a "free" action doesn't mean you get to do it an unlimited number of times. That's not RAI. But I get the feeling that you're going for a RAW approach, am I right?

Using quickdraw to make multiple attacks with drawn ranged weapons is actual RAW as described in the feat itself. The Attack of Opportunity is not and I might or might not allow it depending on the circumstances.

RAW wrote:

A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons

at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character
with a bow).

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Talonne Hauk wrote:
SimianChaos wrote:

I had a player who did this all the time with throwing things (sans the AoO mind you)
That's using weapons as ammunition. That's different.

Throwing an axe is not simply "using ammo". And yes, you can quick draw as many throwing weapons as you need to make 4 attacks in combat (at 16 BAB), so why shouldn't you be able to do the same if you really want to in melee? Not that many people would want to, you can only strap so many long swords to your back.

Mage Evolving wrote:

I'll most likely pick up a spiked gauntlet. Thanks.

Name Violation wrote:
elvencraft bows double as quarter staffs.
I've never seen this before I'll look into it. Do you have a page reference?

It is in races of the wild, new equipment section.

Alternatively, quick drawing weapons at the end of your turns then dropping them works, I like daggers.

Liberty's Edge

james maissen wrote:
The black raven wrote:
james maissen wrote:
You would not be TWF, but rather making your normal full attack routine with different weapons.
Which according to at least one of the developers is the very definition of 2-weapon fighting. I do not remember in which thread it appeared though, something about a shield bash and what off-hand penalties really mean, I believe.

You are confused.

TWF is when you use two weapons in order to gain an extra attack.

You could, via quickdraw, use a different weapon for each of 6 attacks in a given round and then make AOOs with yet a 7th weapon.


Found the thread where James Jacobs explains how it works here.

Note that he does not mention making an attack with a second weapon in your off-hand. Just making an attack with a second weapon in the same round is apparently enough to incur the off-and penalties.

Also note that James' statement is reinforced by the mention "Not an error" which appears in the FAQ corner of both the first post and James' post.

It is also consistent with the Shield Fighter class feature of the Shielded Fighter archetype : "Shield Fighter (Ex): At 5th level, a shielded fighter gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when making a shield bash. These bonuses increase by +1 every four levels beyond 5th. With a full attack action, a shielded fighter may alternate between using his weapon or his shield for each attack. This action does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as two-weapon fighting does. This ability replaces weapon training 1."

I found it quite counterintuitive and it opens whole new cans of worm such as deciding to switch to another weapon after your first attack, which is apparently forbidden judging from the description of the Shield Fighter class feature above, or making an AoO with another weapon, but whatever. Dura lex sed lex

The way I would rule it : you only take the penalties when you get an additional attack through two-weapon fighting and these penalties do not apply to AoO.

Note that all of this would apply to a shield bash too. In fact, according to what James stated in the aforementioned post, there is no need to print any special off-hand rule for a shield bash, just that you can use your shield as a weapon which is called a shield bash and that the defensive enhancement bonus and offensive anheancement bonus are 2 different things. One more errata for the CRB, I guess.

Liberty's Edge

karkon wrote:
Just like the monk an unarmed attack is not confined to fists so you can kick.

No, you cannot. The Monk ability to make unarmed strikes while having his hands full (for example while holding a bow with both hands) is part of his Unarmed Strike class feature. It is not part of the feat Improved Unarmed Strike.

In the same way, even if you have Improved Unarmed Strike, you can still get off-hand penalties while striking unarmed. Only the Monk escapes this through this class feature.

The black raven wrote:

Found the thread where James Jacobs explains how it works here.

Note that he does not mention making an attack with a second weapon in your off-hand. Just making an attack with a second weapon in the same round is apparently enough to incur the off-and penalties.

James was answering a question as to whether shield bash attacks were always 'off hand attacks' rather than the question that you are reading into his answer.

My namesake is a great developer, but one should not hold a board post to that level of reading in... Take it for the question he was asked rather than other consequences to his choice of wording for answering it.

Go to the core rules on what 'two weapon fighting' means and you'll see that it means when you use a second weapon to gain an extra attack. So the way that you want to rule it is indeed correct.

If you want to further convince yourself simply ask 'what is three weapon fighting' for a human with 2 hands? Via quickdraw it's perfectly acceptable and even intended (expressly mentioned via thrown weapons.. which btw to the other poster are not, except for shuriken, ammunition).

The problem you are seeing is that the 3.5 rules needed a lot of patching in places. They were carried over patchwork style from 3e and some things just don't make as much sense, or they get confused even at the level of writers/authors at times. Paizo has done a great job with Pathfinder, but there are many places where they just took the SRD as it was rather than rewriting it entirely. That's laudable to an extent, and perfectly understandable (as they've done herculean work to come this far) but there are places where things could be polished and places where people have the tendency to misread the rules.

It was my hope that an active FAQ system would compile these and let them get addressed by the developers. Both on the level of what's confusing thus in need of rewording and on the level of what simply needs fixing.


Silver Crusade

The black raven wrote:

No, you cannot. The Monk ability to make unarmed strikes while having his hands full (for example while holding a bow with both hands) is part of his Unarmed Strike class feature. It is not part of the feat Improved Unarmed Strike.

In the same way, even if you have Improved Unarmed Strike, you can still get off-hand penalties while striking unarmed. Only the Monk escapes this through this class feature.

The feat does not grant it. The unarmed combat section and the purposely undefined natue of unarmed attacks does. Kicking with your feet while holding a bow is two weapon fighting and will be subject to penalties as such. But a bow based character should have a high enough dex to take TWF plus improved unarmed if he really wants to take AOOs.

Like I said originally one level of monk is the way to go as it gives you a host of benefits if you desire to make AOOs with you hands full.

Liberty's Edge

karkon wrote:
The black raven wrote:

No, you cannot. The Monk ability to make unarmed strikes while having his hands full (for example while holding a bow with both hands) is part of his Unarmed Strike class feature. It is not part of the feat Improved Unarmed Strike.

In the same way, even if you have Improved Unarmed Strike, you can still get off-hand penalties while striking unarmed. Only the Monk escapes this through this class feature.

The feat does not grant it. The unarmed combat section and the purposely undefined natue of unarmed attacks does. Kicking with your feet while holding a bow is two weapon fighting and will be subject to penalties as such. But a bow based character should have a high enough dex to take TWF plus improved unarmed if he really wants to take AOOs.

Like I said originally one level of monk is the way to go as it gives you a host of benefits if you desire to make AOOs with you hands full.

Oops. You are quite right. My bad.

Wow, I am always delighted to find such new nuggets in rules I have read and reread several times before. Thanks a lot there :-)

The Exchange

If you don't want to be all spiked-up, and aren't interested in spending a Feat on Improved Unarmed Combat or Quickdraw, then you may want to take a look at the spring loaded wrist sheath from the Adventurer's Armory - it holds a light weapon of 1lb or less (like a dagger) and can drop it into your hand as an immediate action. That way the other guy happily runs past you, thinking you don't have a melee weapon to hand, and you can pop the thing out and AoO him as he passes.

That's assuming you're wanting the ability to AoO on rare occasions when your bowman happens to get an opportunity, as opposed to wanting to be a bowman in the thick of melee where AoO happen much more often.

A weapon cord is another idea - just leave your melee weapon dangling there as you fire your bow, then swift action it into your hand at the end of your turn, before dropping it as a free action at the start of your next turn of bowmanship.

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