Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Rat, probably

It ain't over yet....

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

It ain't over til the fat lady sings. - - Oh, damn, then it is definitely over.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Time to squash Thesing. I hate him, he was a lousy lay.

Male Orc Expert 5
Andrea1 wrote:
Time to squash Thesing. I hate him, he was a lousy lay.

Ye gods. Why do female characters even shack up with him? I mean I laid the "totally an a##!+&$ who will do you and leave you with your bastard child in a dirty ditch" on prtty thick and he managed to bag one party member. If the other group wasn't a complete sausage party he'd probably have bagged one of them too.

Rat, probably

Monkey was making goo-goo eyes at him.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

I think we've shown significant restraint by not indulding ourselves and making Thesing eat his own sausage before leaving him to bleed out.

Male Orc Expert 5

Knowing pollux he'd probably have added a bun and relish. But no saurkraut. Saurkraut gives castor gas.

Male Orc Expert 5

Also, im not sure knocking the mans teeth out and kicking him hard enough to put him unconscious counts as "restraint".

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Non-verbally points to the Cleric of the Unmaker and the fact that Thesing remains as of yet whole.

Male Orc Expert 5
Caldazar wrote:
Non-verbally points to the Cleric of the Unmaker and the fact that Thesing remains as of yet whole.

Speaking of which does anyone else think it's weird that with Pollux being the nihilist the cleric of Rovagug is not?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17
TarkXT wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:
Time to squash Thesing. I hate him, he was a lousy lay.
Ye gods. Why do female characters even shack up with him? I mean I laid the "totally an a@$!**@ who will do you and leave you with your bastard child in a dirty ditch" on prtty thick and he managed to bag one party member. If the other group wasn't a complete sausage party he'd probably have bagged one of them too.

Art is suffering, life is suffering. besides, it all came out in the acid bath.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

We beat him the old fashion way. In the pocketbook. Pretty sure he was betting heavily one of us would die. What a pity he was wrong.

Male Human Barbarian 5

@Tark: Can you put links to the current maps under the Campaign Info tab?

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Seems like the tabs keep randomly appearing and disappearing since the update. I am sure it is dependent on how I get into the thread, but it is very annoying to have to go back to my Campaigns tab to find the Players link or the Discussion thread.

TarkXT wrote:
Caldazar wrote:
Non-verbally points to the Cleric of the Unmaker and the fact that Thesing remains as of yet whole.
Speaking of which does anyone else think it's weird that with Pollux being the nihilist the cleric of Rovagug is not?

I'm waiting for some opportunities to get real dark with some of my abilities. At the same time I'm CN so I have to balance out things. I also still need the group for fodder, but that's another thing entirely. ;)

For now ill just seethe and smile while I'm on broadway.

Female Half-Elf Witch (Sea Witch) 2

Just a heads up that my PC decided to stop operating as normal today. I hope to get it up and running over the weekend (not 100% sure what's wrong, but I have a friend who knows abit). It should only minimally impact the games I play in, as I can post from my iPad (just takes longer to draft a post). Just wanted to give a heads up on it.

Male Half-Elven Swashbuckler Lvl1 HP 9/9 INIT+4 AC 16 CMB+2 CMD+16 Rapier (+5 to Att) 1d6+2/18-20x2 Short Bow (+4 to Att) 1d6+2/x3 Saves: F+0 R+6 W+0

Sorry Ryzern, looks like you are a dancer, not a fighter. Great work on the weaving and dodging, cursed dicebots.

Male Orc Expert 5

Cue the nobles disappointment as they realize Thesing does not in fact die at the end.

m Human Ftr 10 HP:122/122 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:11/8*/9* CMB: +20 CMD: 39 Init: +3 Perc: +15 Link to the spreadsheet

Not yet but there is still after the play before everyone leaves that we have to get through yet. There is still time for his finale.

Female Human Fighter (Unarmed Fighter) 1

Tark, a little update on Besmara's?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Caldazar was already suspecting that... but surely there will be opportunity now. Especially since we have no vested interest in keeping him alive :P

Male Orc Expert 5

ARRRR! Treachery!

Male Orc Expert 5

Bump to Ailetha and bloodless to let them know there are posts in rebels.

VC - Sydney, Australia

Noted :)

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Hmmm, actually Ailetha would likely be very useful in this campaign. Unfortunately she is currently keeping a straight laced paladin company while the team rogue hangs out with his mutt and the priestess and sorceress shack up.

Male Orc Expert 5

bah, you know what i meant

Male Half-Elven Swashbuckler Lvl1 HP 9/9 INIT+4 AC 16 CMB+2 CMD+16 Rapier (+5 to Att) 1d6+2/18-20x2 Short Bow (+4 to Att) 1d6+2/x3 Saves: F+0 R+6 W+0

I will be out most of today, flying to Indy for and back later today so my posting will be very limited as it will be by blackberry.

Hurricane here in NY!

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

I bet they had no idea when they named some little storm off the Yucatan Peninsula "Sandy" that it would eventually be covering 25% of the United States in sand.

The Exchange

Assuming Sandy actually does drop sand instead of scouring the shoreline. Wish I had a sand quarry to export sand to the beaches.

Ill be a tad rare this week, Hurricane wrecked my new Jeep (2012 Wrangler Sahara). Insurance will cover, Im at my parents house until my building gets power back, and im running around between insurance stuff and searching for my rental car.

Bot me if needed till this week is done. Apologies.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Take care - RL always takes precedent - as long as you let your mates know you will be out, all will go well.

VC - Sydney, Australia


Hope you are all dodging the worst of it.

Sunderstone wrote:

Ill be a tad rare this week, Hurricane wrecked my new Jeep (2012 Wrangler Sahara). Insurance will cover, Im at my parents house until my building gets power back, and im running around between insurance stuff and searching for my rental car.

Bot me if needed till this week is done. Apologies.

No problems. Glad you came through this OKish.

Rat, probably

hmmm back of an eyeball calculations on ways of putting humpty dumpty back together again.

What the mayor is paying: 5400g {(caster 9 x spell 5 x 10)+5k} for Raise dead.

Full resurrection w/o the 2 neg levels. 10910 {(caster 13 x spell 7 x10)+10k}

Difference: 5460. If we can come up with this we may be able to get the full spell. Howls of derisive laughter.

Options to remove 2 negative levels.
1. Greater Restoration: 5910 {(caster 13 x spell 7 x 10)=5k}
2. Restoration: 1280 {(caster 7 x spell 4 x 10)+1k}. This cost is per negative level removed and there must be a week between castings.

Hmmmm perhaps life as a figment had it's appeal?

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Castor the rat wrote:

hmmm back of an eyeball calculations on ways of putting humpty dumpty back together again.

What the mayor is paying: 5400g {(caster 9 x spell 5 x 10)+5k} for Raise dead.

Full resurrection w/o the 2 neg levels. 10910 {(caster 13 x spell 7 x10)+10k}

Difference: 5460. If we can come up with this we may be able to get the full spell. Howls of derisive laughter.

Options to remove 2 negative levels.
1. Greater Restoration: 5910 {(caster 13 x spell 7 x 10)=5k}
2. Restoration: 1280 {(caster 7 x spell 4 x 10)+1k}. This cost is per negative level removed and there must be a week between castings.

Hmmmm perhaps life as a figment had it's appeal?

Come on, have some fun and be creative. Go cheap and get a 7th level druid to reincarnate the poor fool (I am really not sure who was killed actually).

Here, let me show you how it is done.

Reincarnated race: 1d100 ⇒ 33 <-- voila you are now a Gnome.

or how about this: 1d100 ⇒ 44 <-- half-elf.

If you are really lucky, you could something cool like a Bugbear or Gnoll - then you could be the life of the party.

Rat, probably

Looked at reincarnation. Same cost as Restoration and you still have the 2 neg levels.

So reincarnation: 1280gp

2 restoration spells cast a week apart: 2560gp.

Chance of Petronicus becoming a Bugbear wizard: priceless.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

It should not be the same price unless you are getting your diamond dust at a discount warehouse.

Resurrection (910+10000) = 10910
Raise Dead (450+5000) + 2xRestoration (2560) = 8010
Reincarnation (280+1000) +2xRestoration (2560) + a fun Troglodyte wizard = 3840

Just think of the parties you could throw (or maniacal civility destroying antics you could pull off) with an extra 5000 gold, not to mention that you would have a Gnoll (orc, goblin, lizardman, bugbear) wizard to help you.

Rat, probably

Sorry I meant that the cost of the Reincarnation spell {(7 caster x 4 spell x 10)+1k oils} is the same as the cost of a Restoration spell {(7 caster x 4 spell x 10)+1k dust}

Yes Reincarnation + 2 Restoration is the cheapest choice but not one we have access to.

Finger-man is already doing the Raise dead so I was really looking at the costs for restoring the neg levels vs. the cost of paying the difference for a Resurrection.

Resurrection costs 5510 more than raise dead

Greater Restoration costs 5910 so paying the difference is better. If we had that kind of cash.

Restoration is {1280 x2} 2560 and has a week between castings. We might, if we are lucky be able to cover at least one casting of this assuming we sell off most of what we own.

hmmmm Things not looking too hopeful for Petronicus.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

I can hear the chants now - BugBear - BugBear - BugBear.

And really, I think that finding a 7th level druid somewhere near you is far more likely than finding a 9th level good cleric in Cheliax.

But hey, what do I care, I am going Arcane Trickster all the way.

Male Orc Expert 5

I'm surprised no one has thought to chat with the man actually flipping the bill.

In other news I am rather impressed with Ryzern A one legged wizard managing to beat Chunk with a hand tied behind his back. I honestly did not expect that encounter to happen the way that did.

But yes, the first mate and the boatswain were definitely not made more friendly today. The captain however is merely amused.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Hey, this is the OOC, everyone is welcome to put in their two cents. Just because the miserly rat is making the dead guy save his change for a fancy makeover is not my fault.

Go Ryzern! From Not-Wizard to Front Line Fighter without leaving Level 1!

Rat, probably

Monkey doesn't know about it and Xarem and Cal are busy committing a major felony.

I didn't think Ryzern could pull it off either. My goal was to amuse the Captain and stand out a bit from the crew. At his (assumed) level we are ants. I was just trying to be the ant that does a cute trick.

Spoilers! Only Ryzern's shipmates please:

Tactically The fight was strongly slanted in Ryzern's favor.

1. I was using a ranged attack in melee and not eating attacks of o for some reason.
2. Owlbear never charged or used maneuvers.
3. The bluff DC was nice and low and the benefit was amazing.
4. Owlbear was unarmored and clearly none too agile.

All that said I did have Color Spray as a back up plan. Still given 1-4 especially 1 it was not too surprising that the wizard survived. A fighter in the same conditions would have splattered the poor buffoon with alacrity. One rat's opinion anyway.

Male Orc Expert 5

The bluff check negated ALL his attacks for one round.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
TarkXT wrote:
I'm surprised no one has thought to chat with the man actually flipping the bill.

I have :) - but we ain't in that position just yet.

And Merax is the one felonising at the moment...

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Oh man, that was awesome with the NegChannel. Now comes the plate mail boot to the sensitive parts.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

So I just got power back last night. Sandy was a real *itch.

I have to say it was pretty cool getting on the boards and seeing I will be raised.

At this point I am fine with whatever the party decides.... seeing as how I can't voice any opinion ;-P

I am not stating any preference because I don't want to influence any decision. Whatever happens I will role-play accordingly.....i do have one stipulation. If you pick reincarnation NO ROT GRUB!!

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Petronicus Crispin wrote:

I am not stating any preference because I don't want to influence any decision. Whatever happens I will role-play accordingly.....i do have one stipulation. If you pick reincarnation NO ROT GRUB!!

Rot Grub is not an option in PF, although if your party manages to roll a 100, then it is DM choice and this DM can have a pretty twisted mind (I can see Petronicus the pixie or gremln or goat).

Then you could tell your chaotic party that their decision is a baaaaaaaaaaad choice.

Male Gnome Oracle (Heavens) 4 AC 20/12/18 (+2 in urban terrain) / HP 26/26 /F +4 R +3 W +5/Init. +1/Perc. +11 (+5 at night)


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