Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Orc Expert 5

So here's me doing a mythic playtest making an ass of myself as I make 2 play errors and then find out that someone has been on my computer doing something incredibly embarassing and will probably get murdered for it later. I think Shifty and Tirion will recognize the fight even if the battlefield is different.

Hope everyone's holiday weekend went well. :)

Tark, did the girl Pollux and I rescued leave the Children of Westcrown yet?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

So hopefully everyone has enjoyed the holiday weekend.. well everyone except the turkeys I would expect.

Just waiting to find out if Pet was given a share of the gold. If he did then he has some shopping, if he didn't then I just need to make adjustments for his negative level and he will be ready to go.

I am planing on taking Mirror Image and Scorching Ray as my two new spells... if there are no objections.

Male Orc Expert 5

He got his share of gold unless the pc's withold the info from him.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Tal is ready and would tell Petronicus about his share given the chance unless Caldazar tells him first as I believe he was getting Petronicus caught up on the action.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

No problem sharing the wealth.

Male Orc Expert 5
Sunderstone wrote:

Hope everyone's holiday weekend went well. :)

Tark, did the girl Pollux and I rescued leave the Children of Westcrown yet?

No, not yet. You can inquire ingame for more info.

As to my mythic playtesters Bilbo sadly backed out after having concept block so I opened up a recruitment thread for it. I look to start this weekend.

Male Orc Expert 5

As to the games I will update tommorrow when i get home from work or maybe when I wake up depending on the amount of attention required.

Rat, probably

psst Pertronicus. The note from the league seemed to strongly imply that they could restore you. Saving the mayor some coin might be a way to get into his good graces. On the other hand bleeding the fat man does have a greater entertainment value....

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
Castor the rat wrote:
psst Pertronicus. The note from the league seemed to strongly imply that they could restore you. Saving the mayor some coin might be a way to get into his good graces. On the other hand bleeding the fat man does have a greater entertainment value....

True enough, my gastronomical garbage guru, but either way I have to wait a full week for the second restoration spell.

Male Orc Expert 5

You're honestly better off just swallowing your bitter bitter infernal medicine. Arael is not powerful enough to restore tat level himself.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Don't trust Arael... he's a worshipper of one of these Lawful gods...

HP: 142/165 AC:32 FF:29 T:17 F:16 R:18 W:20 Init:+4 Percep:+28


m Orc 8 Fighter / 2 Champion

Okay, I got hired in for the mythic playtest. My rough draft can be found in the recruitment thread, and I will actually be using my main avatar as the character is based off of him. Do we want to discuss any synergy or tactics? Or do we just want to wing it?

Male Orc Expert 5

And with that the gameplay is up

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

haha oh Siera, you threw me for a curveball on that one.

Male Orc Expert 5

Im waiting for the point where she sprouts ten legs and a gigantic spiked Phallus.

In any case as a run down.

I think everyone is roleplaying amonst themselves in nearly all my games. In nobles I still need to answer Meraxilar and in Rebels im waiting on Bloodless to go ahead and make the survival check to track if he wants.

In harpies I still need to answer lorn and in swashbucklers I think they're still roleplaying among themselve along wiht soe minor interactions.

HAve I got it all?

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)
TarkXT wrote:

Im waiting for the point where she sprouts ten legs and a gigantic spiked Phallus.

In any case as a run down.

I think everyone is roleplaying amonst themselves in nearly all my games. In nobles I still need to answer Meraxilar and in Rebels im waiting on Bloodless to go ahead and make the survival check to track if he wants.

In harpies I still need to answer lorn and in swashbucklers I think they're still roleplaying among themselve along wiht soe minor interactions.

HAve I got it all?

Mumbata checked the coin bag to see how much was in it. Depending on how much I won I was planning to give some to Rhialla so that she can buy back her Raiper. Then after trying to heal Owlbear look into getting my lockpicks back.

Male Orc Expert 5

20 silver.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

Plugg is a cheap-ass! Thanks, I'll update my character sheet.

Male Ulfen Cleric of Gorum (Evangelist) 8 / Mythic (Marshal / Hierophant) 2 / AC 21/11/20 / HP 66 / F +10 R +7 W +15 / Init. +30 / Perc. +14)

Dam Oterisk! You can fight until -90hp, that's crazy!

Mumbata of Bonuwat wrote:
haha oh Siera, you threw me for a curveball on that one.

Yeah, Siera is a special gal. Although I'm still trying to determine if the curveball means strangely good or terribly bad (I know next to nothing of baseball).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Orc Expert 5

What would you do if you were being hit....with a SPOOOOON!

m Orc 8 Fighter / 2 Champion
Kranoc White-Pelt wrote:
Dam Oterisk! You can fight until -90hp, that's crazy!

That's without any magical bonuses to my Con as well. As we get better equipment or levels, that will go up. I am still staggered after hitting 0, so that's why I took vital strike. If we get one more mythic tier, I can get Mythic Vital Strike too.

The cool thing is that I didn't pick this character just for this bonus. I originally made him in another campaign setting. The fact that it worked out is just cake.

Although, the rest of the party looks pretty epic as well. We got me and three full casters. I have a feeling we will do alright, even if we are winging it a bit.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

Tark, thanks for the SPOON link.

I will be offline until Sunday eve. Hopefully Lorn remains undiscovered for the interim. Also, Mumbata, just how much time do you spend translating? Have you thought about making a separate dictionary to upload and autocorrect in MS Word? Probably more work, but a wonderful intel exercise. And I agree with Mumbata comment regarding curveball thrown by Siera. The PC quirks and eccentricities are starting to come out. Actually to be expected in close confined quarters with no respite.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

The translation dosen't take that long Lorn, the more I have written as Mumbata the easier it has gotten. I like the idea though, and I'll take a look at it

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

Hello! I'm back after disappearing for nine months for layoffs and other issues. I know things have moved on, and I'm not asking to be back into the game or anything.

I just needed to apologize to everyone, and Tark in particular. I dropped out of two games of his without a trace, and never showed up to say what was happening. That was wrong of me. So I'm sorry.

Rat, probably

Hey tic-man good to see you are among the ambulatory!

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1
Castor the rat wrote:
Hey tic-man good to see you are among the ambulatory!

While I appreciate the good cheer, I am compelled to point out that my post has, in no way, indicated my capability of ambulation or lack thereof.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Don't worry Scliv, your replacement only died in horrid fashion after enduring agonizing pain. Probably better off in the long run. Glad to hear that you are still around though. We were worried what may have happened to you.

Female Tiefling Witch/1

We sacrificed your oracle to the Rough Beast, but since she was mute, nobody heard the screams.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4

Tis true. You missed the feast of the rot grub. Thankfully we live in a land of magic and I came back.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Waves at the sorely missed arbiter of law. Hope things are good for you now Scliv.

We've almost completely converted to the house of Chaos... just one hold-out, but we're working on him slowly.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

There are at a least 2 of us non chaotic sorts. Pet is N as well as Tal.

Male Human Bard 4
Mumbata of Bonuwat wrote:
The translation dosen't take that long Lorn, the more I have written as Mumbata the easier it has gotten. I like the idea though, and I'll take a look at it

It takes me hours to proccess Mumbata's speech. For Siera my only worry is trying to fit in a "f*!*" at least once per paragraph.

Male Orc Expert 5

Wow, I'm not really sure what to say. Well, except to say I'm glad to see you still stand among those capable of typing posts.

As for coming back I honestly would not mind. But really it'd just be a question of whether you'd want to and whether or not the players want to have you back?

There is a question of how to bring you back as the players just hit 4 and, well, I can understand some slight grudging considering what they went through to earn that level.

VC - Sydney, Australia
TarkXT wrote:
considering what they went through to earn that level.

No doubt something akin to what the eponymous character went through in the 1986 classic 'Amber pays the rent'.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:
There are at a least 2 of us non chaotic sorts. Pet is N as well as Tal.

You worship Gorum - that's close enough to CN for me :P

Petronicus is the one we needs to work on.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)
Sir Bronwyn Raslov wrote:
Mumbata of Bonuwat wrote:
The translation dosen't take that long Lorn, the more I have written as Mumbata the easier it has gotten. I like the idea though, and I'll take a look at it
It takes me hours to proccess Mumbata's speech. For Siera my only worry is trying to fit in a "f%&*" at least once per paragraph.

Haha I'm glad it takes you a little while comprehend it. I actually played with the idea that Mumbata was pretending to be more stupid the he was just so he would be underestimated by the ships crew, but I think as we gain levels I'll tone back the accent a bit as you all start to understand more of how Mumbata speaks.

Male Orc Expert 5

Frankly I have no idea what any of you are saying. I think Rhialla and Siera are just a music cue away from reenacting Butt Pirates of the Carribean. Mumbata is speaking somethign that is probably common somewhere somehow maybe. The halfling has gone mad and the only person I can understand is the witch whose trying to play bird whisperer to a cursing angry parrot.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)

Haha, I gotta tell you Tark, after being stationed on a naval ship, the zanyness that we have in the Harpies is not that uncommon on a actual ship. No rats, whippings or grog,
But there is the occasional fist-fight in the bosun-hold and plenty of bilges to be scrubbed and decked to be washed. I'm really enjoying it... Aside from Plugg and Scourge. They can go pound sand.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

I gotta concur with what Mumbata stated. Personality quirks usually surface somewhere out of sight of land and within 48-72 hours. Soon thereafter people start to press each others buttons just to watch the free entertainment. Lorn is actually modelled after one particular barely held together socialpathic female sailor I knew. Or at least that was the impression she aspired for. Fortunately it's been less than a week so far. Tick tock.

Meraxilar Zoon is contagious. Petronicus will fall into chaos..... or, ummmm.... Die again. Chaotic folk live longer.

As for Mr. Ruttle...
I'm glad you are ok. :) Your concept was interesting to say the least.

(Male Mwangi Alchemist (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) 2 AC 14/11/13 / HP 18/18 / F +5 R +4 W +3 / Init. +1 / Perc. +7)
Lorn Butterrum wrote:
I gotta concur with what Mumbata stated. Personality quirks usually surface somewhere out of sight of land and within 48-72 hours. Soon thereafter people start to press each others buttons just to watch the free entertainment. Lorn is actually modelled after one particular barely held together socialpathic female sailor I knew. Or at least that was the impression she aspired for. Fortunately it's been less than a week so far. Tick tock.

Nothing can be more amusing / mean then a bored crew. I once knew a guy who liked to fill up pans from the galley with water and ice. Them he would wait for someone to get into the shower. As they were in (and keep in mind you gotta conserve water on a ship "sea-showers") he would whip open the shower curtain and throw the ice water on them and watch the hilarity ensue.

F Stormborn sorceror(2), Halfling Female [AC 13, Current HP 2/10, F+1, R+2, W+5, Init +3,Perc+3]

And everyone knew where the hotwater shutoff valve was. Or just to be an ass, both water valves. Shoe polish on binoculars standard fare, toilet seat and ladder rungs a bit more indiscriminate. Simple vulgar targeted graffiti in grease pencil or dry erase markers. Ah. Memories.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Wizard(Enhancement)/4
Caldazar wrote:
Tal Bernard Mainz wrote:
There are at a least 2 of us non chaotic sorts. Pet is N as well as Tal.

You worship Gorum - that's close enough to CN for me :P

Petronicus is the one we needs to work on.

I don't know why but after reading your post I just pictured this

... in a darker more threatening manner, of course.

Rat, probably
TarkXT wrote:

Wow, I'm not really sure what to say. Well, except to say I'm glad to see you still stand among those capable of typing posts.

As for coming back I honestly would not mind. But really it'd just be a question of whether you'd want to and whether or not the players want to have you back?

There is a question of how to bring you back as the players just hit 4 and, well, I can understand some slight grudging considering what they went through to earn that level.

Me and the monkey are all for having the Tik-man back. After all more people means more eyeballs! I have no opinion on the level. I say just let him have it for some secret off screen shenanigans that the Tik-man need not go into after all everybody's got something to hide...

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Castor the rat wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Wow, I'm not really sure what to say. Well, except to say I'm glad to see you still stand among those capable of typing posts.

As for coming back I honestly would not mind. But really it'd just be a question of whether you'd want to and whether or not the players want to have you back?

There is a question of how to bring you back as the players just hit 4 and, well, I can understand some slight grudging considering what they went through to earn that level.

Me and the monkey are all for having the Tik-man back. After all more people means more eyeballs! I have no opinion on the level. I say just let him have it for some secret off screen shenanigans that the Tik-man need not go into after all everybody's got something to hide...

Maybe he got extra experience for finding loopholes in the law which allow the Nobles to act chaotically without drawing the ire of the Chelaxian nobility.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

It's just one more spell aster that Tal has to protect...not that he isn't used to it by now ;p

All seriousness though, fine by me if Tark can handle it. The encounters get tougher, but we have more spell casting to counter the threat. All Tal needs is platemail to stand n front of everyone and let the spells fly..

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

I'm willing to play a level down. Heck, if I'm around mainly as "local color," more as a flavorful NPC than a main party member, that's cool, too. I wouldn't want to step on anyone's toes.

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