Tark's Council of Thieves OOC discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Orc Expert 5

yay hu5tru's around. Now if you don't mind hopping into the assassin game and deciding what to do that would be nice.

You know. I think the rebels group got off light with Calla. Just try and imagine if you had to deal with Pollux, or Sclivian, or gods forbid Meraxilar?

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

What's with this "or" business? A nebbish bureaucrat, mad ex-noble, violent destroyer, and Meraxilar. We rely on the new guy to keep us centered.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Yeh - I was looking at the Nobles. You have a NE, a LN and a CG - unless you have a Pal-a-dine and and Anti-pal-a-dine in the same group, I am not sure how much more divergent you could be. Not to mention that most of the group is apparently insane. I will have to read the thread at some point for laughs.

Rat, probably

I keep telling people the witch in yellow is perfectly sane. But do they believe me? Noooooo but they will oh yes they will.


Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

But I am perfectly sane!

I'm just not a witch.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

We all get along just fine!

Merax wants to destroy everything, Caldazar tries to make sure that he only destroys the man (you know the one that's keeping us down), Pollux and Castor have an eternal search for cheese and tea, while Sclivian keeps an astoundingly accurate ledger of what we've been up to.

Tal's there so he can open the doors for us :P

Though of all of them, Caldazar probably fears Lily the most....

Female Human Cleric/4

Hey, how come our two ladies in the rebels group don't complain about being cross dressed as men, but in both groups the guys are complaining about being barbarian ladies?

And I have not once complained about boning Thesing for publicity. In fact, it made the opening act rather fun!

Male Orc Expert 5
Asmodia Crispin wrote:

Hey, how come our two ladies in the rebels group don't complain about being cross dressed as men, but in both groups the guys are complaining about being barbarian ladies?

And I have not once complained about boning Thesing for publicity. In fact, it made the opening act rather fun!

Probably because the barbarian lady in question is supposed to be making out with a big masculine dude.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

I've got it! Milani can liberate Rovagug from the closet he's been hiding in all these years! Don't ask don't tell no more - Rovagugian worshippers the world over can come out and embrace their true sexuality....

Male Orc Expert 5

I'll try to have an update for the nobles as soonas I can get the time to run through the posts in their entirety. Lots of freelance work ahead of me and my daughter just turned one today.

Grats on the freelance gigs, and happy bday to the baby! :)

Caldazar wrote:
I've got it! Milani can liberate Rovagug from the closet he's been hiding in all these years! Don't ask don't tell no more - Rovagugian worshippers the world over can come out and embrace their true sexuality....

At least I'm not walking around with a rose all the time, flower guy! ;)

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Is this how you see me :P

Dark Archive

Male Chelaxian Wizard (Banishment) 1 | HP 8/8 | F+1 R+1 W+4 | AC 11 ff10 t11 | CMB -1, CMD 10 | Per +5 | Init +1

Hooray for Baby Tark!

Rat, probably

Go go gadget Tarkling!

Dibs on the eyeballs!

Congrats Tark. Hope you are sleeping throught he night. My 2 year old still gets up 4-5 times a night.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Heh - it gets better Tal / Lily. Our son didn't sleep through regularaly until about 2 years, but he's fine now at 3 :)

Though we'll be going back into sleep deprivation come April ish when number 2 makes an appearance.

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

Congrats as well Cal. Hope everything goes well with the pregnancy and the delivery.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Heh - ours are now 5 and 7. It is probably only the last year that one of them did not wake up one of us at least a few times a week. Getting a full nights sleep on a regular basis is very nice.

Male Human Barbarian 5
Lily Mainz wrote:
Congrats Tark. Hope you are sleeping throught he night. My 2 year old still gets up 4-5 times a night.
Caldazar wrote:
Heh - it gets better Tal / Lily. Our son didn't sleep through regularaly until about 2 years, but he's fine now at 3 :)
Aerieth Deventis wrote:
Heh - ours are now 5 and 7. It is probably only the last year that one of them did not wake up one of us at least a few times a week. Getting a full nights sleep on a regular basis is very nice.

Ug! I was hoping my 9 month old would let me get at least 6 hours of continuous sleep sooner rather than later. Sounds like it's going to be a while.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

The universal constant of babies is that every single one is different.... so you may get lucky yet!

I've know friends who'se newborns slept for 6 hours straight from a few weeks.

Our son cut his first teeth at 3 1/2 months, and we know of year old babies with no teeth.

Don't give up hope!

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Yup - it is a crap shoot. You might get 2 weeks of 10 hour sleeps followed by 3 weeks of nightly bed wetting or deciding that joining mom and dad at 2 am is a good idea. Either way, it all ends up good and ends up being a lot of fun. I started my two playing Pathfinder about 3 months ago. We play about 1 hour in the evening a few nights a week. It is at a much more basic level obviously, and I have to change all the taverns and other more adult stuff to milk and apple juice stores. It is quite amusing.

Rat, probably

Golarian's kid friendly pantheon

Abadar: God of allowance
Asmodeus: God of mean people.
Calistria: Goddess of play-dates. So no changes really.
Cayden Cailean: God of JUICE!
Desna: Goddess of finger-paint and beadtime-stories.
Erastil: God of grandparents/Santa
Gorum: God of bullies
Gozreh: God of recess
Iomedae: Goddess of because I said so.
Irori: God of the inside voice
Lamashtu: Unchanged, kids like monsters
Nethys: Unchanged, and magic
Norgorber: God of sneaking
Pharasma: goddess of naptime. Aka The Big Sleep
Rovagug: God of broken toys
Sarenrae: Goddess of ouchies
Shelyn: Goddess of the wheels on the bus
Torag: God of blocks
Urgathoa: God of stinky.
Zon-Kuthon: The boogyman

It may need some work mind you.

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)
Castor the rat wrote:

Golarian's kid friendly pantheon

Abadar: God of allowance
Asmodeus: God of mean people.
Calistria: Goddess of play-dates. So no changes really.
Cayden Cailean: God of JUICE!
Desna: Goddess of finger-paint and beadtime-stories.
Erastil: God of grandparents/Santa
Gorum: God of bullies
Gozreh: God of recess
Iomedae: Goddess of because I said so.
Irori: God of the inside voice
Lamashtu: Unchanged, kids like monsters
Nethys: Unchanged, and magic
Norgorber: God of sneaking
Pharasma: goddess of naptime. Aka The Big Sleep
Rovagug: God of broken toys
Sarenrae: Goddess of ouchies
Shelyn: Goddess of the wheels on the bus
Torag: God of blocks
Urgathoa: God of stinky.
Zon-Kuthon: The boogyman

It may need some work mind you.

ROFL - but you forgot a god of Smurfs.

Rat, probably

Desna. Also goddess of cartoons.

Male Human Barbarian 5

"Gorum? God of bullies?"

"That doesn't do justice to those of us who fight back against the bullies in Gorum's name. Why don't we call him... the God of roughhousing?"

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

I know, Gorum can be the God of MINE MINE MINE!!!

Male Human Barbarian 5

Eh, more of the God of Resolving MINE MINE MINE!!!

Rat, probably

Roughsousing it is.
I like that better than bullies. Maybe Asmodeaus could get bullies?

Human? Witch 2
HP 14/7. Perception +5. AC/Touch11* CMD11* saves f3 r1* w5

You like me! You really really like me!

Pollux as romantic lead. Will the city survive?

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

All yours Pollux, the lead is the one that has to suffer the most I bet. I am sure he is in every act. the rest of us may have a chance to take it easy. Good luck and hope you have a high fort save.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4
Pollux wrote:

You like me! You really really like me!

Pollux as romantic lead. Will the city survive?

Caldazar as romantic foil... this will be interesting...

<--- Matchmaker/troublemaker

Caldazar and Aulamaxa sitting in the tree.....

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet
Sunderstone wrote:

<--- Matchmaker/troublemaker

Caldazar and Aulamaxa sitting in the tree.....

Good luck finding a tree big enough to hold her and Caldazar.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Druid (Urban) - 4

I'm running under the assumption that LeVash is in a situation where spellcasting is not an option for him...am i correct, or have I missed something?

Male Orc Expert 5

Well, being strapped to a rack/wheel and being generally whipped is a pretty good assumption yes. That being said there is time between acts for any kind of spell casting needed.

Female Human Housewife/1

Have i missed the kink?

Man, get stuck in a car for three days motoring to the american river and silicon valley back to the sweaty armpit of so cal and i miss out on all the best things...

guess i should see if Asmodia is enjoying drovalid's affections as well as she does bloodless's. :P

M Elf HP:33/33, AC:19/T:15/FF:14 - Percep: +10(LL Vis) F:+4/R:+9/W:+3 CMD: 20, Spd: 30ft, Init: +6 Rogue 4 (Pregen)

Depends on which way her tastes run I suppose...!

Male Orc Expert 5

Don't worry. You'll get all your fill for kink in the next act.

Also, Pollux's handling of Aulamaxa Delour has been the best laugh I had in a while.

Male Orc Expert 5

I can already hear the argument now.

"Sir I must protest! The script only calls for a horde of demons! These are obviously monstrous humanoids wearing gaudy costumes! And it was only supposed to be one application of the pear! Not two! Ye gods man just how many orifices did you think he had!?!"


m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

and I thought Pollux with Aulamaxa was bad. Now I see him interact with Thesing. What happens to the story line if a few of the actors get strung up before the play starts?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Caldazar is seriously considering throwing in all of the points and feat he invested in social skills...

m Human Ftr 9 HP:110/110 AC*:33,23,30 Saves:10/8*/9* CMB: +19 CMD: 38 Init: +3 Perc: +14 Link to the spreadsheet

We do need a face for the party and right now Pollux is not doing much but insulting everyone we come across.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Which I suppose is part of the point - I don't take umbrage with Pollux and Merax playing their characters, and enjoy their banter - but there isn't really much point trying to be diplomatic around them...

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30

Merax points at himself in an innocent manner. "I am not a diplomatic person? You wound me, Caldazar. I may not look like it, but I have feelings too." With that Merax runs off crying....


Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Maybe this type of diplomacy...

This is not an annoyance with how the game is playing... I don't mind that

Male Orc Expert 5

Well, thankfully thesing tends to despise anyone that doesn't have a great pair of t#%~ and a willingness to hop under his bedsheets. Plus, you were sort of already on his s$%+ list Mr. Rothern.

Male Human (Chelish) Cleric 4 AC: 17/10/17 HP: 30

I admit to overdoing the fat chick. I'll mind my Ps and Qs next time. :)
Thesing was an ass when we met him, I was in IC for him. :)

***First sentence didnt come out quite right...

Male Human (Chelaxian) Inquisitor of Milani (Preacher archetype) 4

Yeah, I know Thesing already disliked me... but I did try the nice approach back in the day at first...

Female Elf Rogue 2/Wizard(Air Elementalist) 3 (HP 33/33; AC 14(18 w/Mage Armor), FF 14, T 18)

Hey, you all realize that if you sleep with Thesing he is much easier on you. It worked for us, you should try it. I am sure that he is so full of himself that he will not realize that one of you is in drag.

And with that crappy post I capture the 1k slot in the OOC.

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