Osama bin Laden dead

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

I have had enough of you "Morrison Bashing"!!! You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come!!!

....even though Morrison's a Brit...

Hey, I can't help it if Morrison's a hack. And you smell like gouda cheese. Don't try to deny it. I have proof.

Aberzombie wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

I have had enough of you "Morrison Bashing"!!! You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come!!!

....even though Morrison's a Brit...

Hey, I can't help it if Morrison's a hack. And you smell like gouda cheese. Don't try to deny it. I have proof.

Your "proof" is a rightleftwingnuthouseneoconhippie conspiracy theory!!!!

There are no pictures, no soaps and NO WET TOWELS to support your theory!!!


Besides, it's frumunga cheese, not gouda....

The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

I have had enough of you "Morrison Bashing"!!! You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come!!!

....even though Morrison's a Brit...

Hey, I can't help it if Morrison's a hack. And you smell like gouda cheese. Don't try to deny it. I have proof.

Your "proof" is a rightleftwingnuthouseneoconhippie conspiracy theory!!!!

There are no pictures, no soaps and NO WET TOWELS to support your theory!!!


Actually, in a way, he's right. Unknown to anyone, even yourself, you are actually an AI/RL cross-over construct developed by the PMG to test certain elements of internet security as it relates to interspacial anomalies here in real life. A side effect of your simulataneous existence both in the digital realm and the real world is a faint odor of something akin to gouda cheese.

Conspiracy Buff wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

I have had enough of you "Morrison Bashing"!!! You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come!!!

....even though Morrison's a Brit...

Hey, I can't help it if Morrison's a hack. And you smell like gouda cheese. Don't try to deny it. I have proof.

Your "proof" is a rightleftwingnuthouseneoconhippie conspiracy theory!!!!

There are no pictures, no soaps and NO WET TOWELS to support your theory!!!


Actually, in a way, he's right. Unknown to anyone, even yourself, you are actually an AI/RL cross-over construct developed by the PMG to test certain elements of internet security as it relates to interspacial anomalies here in real life. A side effect of your simulataneous existence both in the digital realm and the real world is a faint odor of something akin to gouda cheese.

That explains everytime he clicks, I get an ere.....


Conspiracy Buff wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The One Who Makes You Angry wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

I have had enough of you "Morrison Bashing"!!! You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come!!!

....even though Morrison's a Brit...

Hey, I can't help it if Morrison's a hack. And you smell like gouda cheese. Don't try to deny it. I have proof.

Your "proof" is a rightleftwingnuthouseneoconhippie conspiracy theory!!!!

There are no pictures, no soaps and NO WET TOWELS to support your theory!!!


Actually, in a way, he's right. Unknown to anyone, even yourself, you are actually an AI/RL cross-over construct developed by the PMG to test certain elements of internet security as it relates to interspacial anomalies here in real life. A side effect of your simulataneous existence both in the digital realm and the real world is a faint odor of something akin to gouda cheese.

So that is what happened to my damned PLAYSTATION!!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Sebastian wrote:

There's reasonable skepticism. There's critical thinking. And then there's garbled nonsense unfit for a tabloid about Michael Jackson returning from the dead with his alien lover(s). Scorn is rightfully attributable to one of those three things.

There may or may not be evil, but, by god, let no one doubt that there is stupid.

Sebastian, you are my hero. You win the internet for today.

Jason Nelson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

There's reasonable skepticism. There's critical thinking. And then there's garbled nonsense unfit for a tabloid about Michael Jackson returning from the dead with his alien lover(s). Scorn is rightfully attributable to one of those three things.

There may or may not be evil, but, by god, let no one doubt that there is stupid.

Sebastian, you are my hero. You win the internet for today.

For today, if the man keeps this up we will have to concede the internet to him, Al Gore be damned.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Liz Courts wrote:

Locking thread. I'll remind people of this post again regarding political topic threads.

Edit: Unlocking thread - please keep any further commentary civil.


explosive runes

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

What really matters is Batman's alignment...
Grant Morrison ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

Joel Schumacher ruined him! RUINED I SAY!!!!

Liberty's Edge

BPorter wrote:

1. The birth controversy started in the Hillary Clinton camp during the campaign. I didn't realize she was part of the right-wing (let alone the Rightwing).

2. Question GW Bush's eligibility? No. Question John McCain's? Bet your rear-end they did. Somehow that wasn't racist, though...

3. If you bothered to do even a limited amount of research/listening/reading on the op that took bin Laden down, you'll find that it started 4 years ago and following the sources and leads took this long to be able to pull the op together. Last time I checked, Obama wasn't president 4 years ago.

It certainly is a victory for Mr. Obama. It's also a victory for Mr. Bush because the operation was a culmintation of an intelligence operation that started under his watch.

More important than a political pissing match, however, it's a victory for the US military; the victims, survivors, and family members of those lost in the 9/11 attacks and other bin Laden-directed attacks; the United States of America at large; and the world as a whole.

When I heard about bin Laden's death, I was thankful as an American. Right vs. Left, Republican vs. Democrat didn't enter into it. I find it a bit demoralizing that even an event such as this can't be a patch of common ground amongst the partisan divide of day-to-day politics.


One rich bastard less in the world. Now let's just finish the rest off.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Jason Nelson wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

There's reasonable skepticism. There's critical thinking. And then there's garbled nonsense unfit for a tabloid about Michael Jackson returning from the dead with his alien lover(s). Scorn is rightfully attributable to one of those three things.

There may or may not be evil, but, by god, let no one doubt that there is stupid.

Sebastian, you are my hero. You win the internet for today.

Just one day!?!?!? That's not enough time to replace all adult content on the internet with episodes of my little pony friendship is magic!!

Also, I should have attributed that quote to it's rightful author - Ghandi said it originally.

Already the news start dropping in about how the group killing him had specific orders to kill, not arrest, him. Also seems there was no human shield, and "someone else's wife" was killed by the firefight.

I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

Liberty's Edge

Sissyl wrote:
I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

I fail to see how things could get much more sober than "the poster child for terror was shot in the head".

You either think that's a good thing regardless of what circumstances surround it, or you don't.

Dark Archive

In today's White House press briefing it was finally revealed how they tracked down ibn Laden. He bought a new iPhone last month. :)

Jeremiziah wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

I fail to see how things could get much more sober than "the poster child for terror was shot in the head".

You either think that's a good thing regardless of what circumstances surround it, or you don't.

For many people he is the poster child of terror. For other people he is A poster child of terror, one among several. While you in the US may see him as THE terrorist, different people will see it in a different way.

It's not that I care about Usama's life, but you have to realize things aren't as easy as you appear to think. To many people, both Dubbya and Obama are other poster childs of terror - many civilian iraqis who's life has been destroyed by america's occupation. Whether you think the occupation is merited or not, that's how some people view it.

You know what they say - one mans liberator is one mans terrorist. I'm not saying he isn't a dangerous bastard or that he didn't deserve what was coming to him, but his status as "the poster child of terror" rather than just a terrorist isn't very important. He's been the cause of far less deaths than many others (though it's always hard to determine initial cause, so we can only go on being the actual catalyst and proponent of the actions that directly cause deaths).

Sissyl wrote:

Already the news start dropping in about how the group killing him had specific orders to kill, not arrest, him. Also seems there was no human shield, and "someone else's wife" was killed by the firefight.

I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

So why are you believing these stories? They are coming from the goverment. Just curious here.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sissyl wrote:

Already the news start dropping in about how the group killing him had specific orders to kill, not arrest, him. Also seems there was no human shield, and "someone else's wife" was killed by the firefight.

I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

My general rule is that on events of this magnitude, it takes a minimum of a week to sort out the actual news from rumored and Internet-driven speculation.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

There's a few people in this thread that are being unnecessarily fighty. Terms like "patriotards" don't help. Maybe step outside and take a walk or something?

Really would rather not have to lock this thread.

Look at it this way: Whatever else, the government admitting that what it previously said was completely wrong, and slanted to their advantage (human shield is so EVIL it's just like him, right?), that proves they are not being honest about what did happen. It would be easier to trust someone who did not consequently lie, tell untruths, apply "spin", paint a virtually true picture and so on and so forth.

What amazes me is that people still see information from the government as anything but crass propaganda.

He could have been sitting on a chair out in the middle of a field of lillies without so muc has a toothpick to defend himself, and got rolled up on and shot in the face. It's still a quick death, and more than he deserved, imho.

stringburka wrote:
Jeremiziah wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

I fail to see how things could get much more sober than "the poster child for terror was shot in the head".

You either think that's a good thing regardless of what circumstances surround it, or you don't.

For many people he is the poster child of terror. For other people he is A poster child of terror, one among several. While you in the US may see him as THE terrorist, different people will see it in a different way.

It's not that I care about Usama's life, but you have to realize things aren't as easy as you appear to think. To many people, both Dubbya and Obama are other poster childs of terror - many civilian iraqis who's life has been destroyed by america's occupation. Whether you think the occupation is merited or not, that's how some people view it.

You know what they say - one mans liberator is one mans terrorist. I'm not saying he isn't a dangerous bastard or that he didn't deserve what was coming to him, but his status as "the poster child of terror" rather than just a terrorist isn't very important. He's been the cause of far less deaths than many others (though it's always hard to determine initial cause, so we can only go on being the actual catalyst and proponent of the actions that directly cause deaths).

I don't know of too many people that willingly claim credit for being responsible for the deaths of almost 3000 people, acknowledging that they weren't military, while simultaneously claiming to be morally superior for the act. Bin Laden makes that list.

One man's liberator may be another man's terrorist. Sometimes, however, a douchebag is a douchebag. Bin Laden makes that list also.

I don't know how the rest of the world thinks, but when I see terror attacks happen in other parts of the world, I don't sit there and think, "yeah, they probably deserved that" or "if only the British Empire hadn't oppressed so many people" or "if the Germans hadn't let the Nazis rise to power it wouldn't have happened". My heart goes out to my European brethren for having suffered a horrific act at the hands of EVIL COWARDS who would have their hind-ends handed to them in a straight up fight.

I really don't care if the US gets your sympathy or empathy. But don't think for a minute there's ANY intellectual honesty equating bin Laden to Presidents Bush or Obama.

First they took out bin Laden, now they are coming for your weed.

Pres. Obama, the anti-hippy liberal.

For some reason, nothing was done when Sebastian suggested I should be committed to a psychiatric institution, even after i flagged it.

But I will behave.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, this new information sure does add support to the Weekend at Bernie's theory of Osama Bin Laden, in which wacky government agents take him water skiing and otherwise fake that he is alive for a half dozen years before killing him again (maybe) and burying him at sea (possibly) so he won't return as a reverse vampire (very likely).

Patriotard?! That's funny. I've been called retarded many times, but I don't think I've ever been called patriotic. I always prefer the more neutral term, "sane".

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

I don't know what you think of us Americans, but if Osama sends us into another war I can almost guarantee he won't get a 2nd term. I am sure in a few weeks people will be back to asking when we can bring the troops home.
Relevant link!
That was... OK, that was really funny.

LOL. I can't even go back and edit either.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:

For some reason, nothing was done when Sebastian suggested I should be committed to a psychiatric institution, even after i flagged it.

But I will behave.

I don't think you should be committed, but I do think your posts display enough paranoia to merit a suggestion that you seek some type of treatment.

Andrew R wrote:
Why not have them all PROVE they are fit to hold that high office, regardless of color or ideology?

Ye see it was proved, His birth certificate was good enough to.

*Go to public school
*Get a drivers license
*Apply for collages
*Apply for student loans and grants
*Get a passport
*Run for senate
*Hold a senate seat
*register to run for President

The short form {which we all use} has been available online since 2008 and has always been good enough for everyone but racists.

The fact that he is black with a non white name is the only reason this ever came up at all.

Sissyl wrote:

Look at it this way: Whatever else, the government admitting that what it previously said was completely wrong, and slanted to their advantage (human shield is so EVIL it's just like him, right?), that proves they are not being honest about what did happen. It would be easier to trust someone who did not consequently lie, tell untruths, apply "spin", paint a virtually true picture and so on and so forth.

What amazes me is that people still see information from the government as anything but crass propaganda.

Um as far as I know the goverment said nothing about human shields... somebody with a unconfirm souce probably said it. The goverment was just setting it straight. The press lies more often than the goverment. They mostly do it to get rating or sell papers...etc than any attempt to manipulate people.

Now I do have a issue with the raid now. He was unarmed...but resisting. Now if thw fire fight was still going on...I have to trouble with just shooting him...but you would think a trained spec ops person could subdue a old man in his PJs...ultimately lewtting him go down with the illusion of fighting...I think it would be better to have detained him and brought to trail.

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Why not have them all PROVE they are fit to hold that high office, regardless of color or ideology?

Ye see it was proved, His birth certificate was good enough to.

*Go to public school
*Get a drivers license
*Apply for collages
*Apply for student loans and grants
*Get a passport
*Run for senate
*Hold a senate seat
*register to run for President

The short form {which we all use} has been available online since 2008 and has always been good enough for everyone but racists.

The fact that he is black with a non white name is the only reason this ever came up at all.

Yup, I believe that was exactly the reason the Clintons started the whole thing. They are from the South you know.

pres man wrote:

First they took out bin Laden, now they are coming for your weed.

Pres. Obama, the anti-hippy liberal.

Bummer man! So many negative waves.....

Sebastian wrote:
.....so he won't return as a reverse vampire (very likely).

Good point! We already have far too many of those types walking around: Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa, D. B. Cooper, Ambrose Bierce, Anastasia Romanov....

Sissyl wrote:
For some reason, nothing was done when Sebastian suggested I should be committed to a psychiatric institution...

Sebastian's shenanigans are cheeky and fun whereas your shenanigans are cruel and tragic.

CourtFool: I am not answering that. Just consider it again, okay?

Scarab Sages

I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

CourtFool wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
For some reason, nothing was done when Sebastian suggested I should be committed to a psychiatric institution...
Sebastian's shenanigans are cheeky and fun whereas your shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


One for agreement, the second because he used the term Cheeky.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
pres man wrote:

Yup, I believe that was exactly the reason the Clintons started the whole thing. They are from the South you know.

If Hillary started this during her presidential campaign run, I'd chalk it up to standard political sleasze. Considering however that Obama hired her for one of the top positions for his cabinet, I'd say that he's moved beyond whatever shennanigans the Clintons pulled during the primary elections.

However the birther movement has taken on a life of it's own... a life drawn from the uglier sides of the American psyche. And right now the current supreme crass award goes to Donald Trump, who should know better.

Sovereign Court

Sissyl wrote:

Already the news start dropping in about how the group killing him had specific orders to kill, not arrest, him. Also seems there was no human shield, and "someone else's wife" was killed by the firefight.

I expect the reality of what happened to sober things up a bit. And incidentally, piss on the parade of people who behave like first class patriotards.

Yes because if you've heard it from some source on the internet it has to be true. Way to back up what you've said with researched links.

Sissyl wrote:
CourtFool: I am not answering that. Just consider it again, okay?

O.k. Considered it. Now I am going for pie. Want some?

Sure. We asylum inmates need wholesome and nutritious food.

Aberzombie wrote:

I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

Hey Farva...

Aberzombie wrote:

I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."


seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Why not have them all PROVE they are fit to hold that high office, regardless of color or ideology?

Ye see it was proved, His birth certificate was good enough to.

*Go to public school
*Get a drivers license
*Apply for collages
*Apply for student loans and grants
*Get a passport
*Run for senate
*Hold a senate seat
*register to run for President

The short form {which we all use} has been available online since 2008 and has always been good enough for everyone but racists.

The fact that he is black with a non white name is the only reason this ever came up at all.

+1. In any event the argument of him being born a U.S. citizen, but not a naturalized citizen is more a case of the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law, assuming it was true anyway.

If the issue is that big of a deal then push Congress to make a change to the constitution saying that all citizens that are born as Americans are naturalized. If it is not that big of an issue then it ain't worth discussing.

BBC account of events during raid on Osama bin Laden's hideout. Pretty interesting read.

Personally, I'm glad Osama bin Laden left the stage. Training teens to perform suicide attacks is something which warrants, in my opinion, annihilation of organization he belonged to.


Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Sebastian wrote:

Patriotard?! That's funny. I've been called retarded many times, but I don't think I've ever been called patriotic. I always prefer the more neutral term, "sane".

LOL. As if anyone has ever called you that!

Erik Mona wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Patriotard?! That's funny. I've been called retarded many times, but I don't think I've ever been called patriotic. I always prefer the more neutral term, "sane".

LOL. As if anyone has ever called you that!

It's funnier when Erik says it.

It is a little difficult to take a purple princess pony serious. Unless we are in an anime.

I shall remember that the next time I want to say that someone has a paranoid delusion that they need to seek help for. Apparently, it helps.

Grand Lodge

I use Bo9S, so clearly I am in an anime.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
I use Bo9S, so clearly I am in an anime.

AT LAST! You admit the truth. We are so proud of you man.

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