>>Ask Merisiel Sillvari ALL your questions here<<

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HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

What sort of treasure do you favour? Gems, for their light weight and high value, coins for their ease of spending, trade goods for working the market or magical items that can benefit yourself or your party members?

What would be your first reaction to finding your 'natural' family?

Would you be overly distressed if you found yourself the victim of a 'punking' involving a Girdle of Opposite Gender?

If Calistra sent a messenger to you, instructing you to undertake a Holy Mission for free, would you do it?

Have you ever, or would you ever, use a party member or allied NPC like this.

Why are you so focused upon Kyra (without getting to heavy into the details, given some of the shenani ... shamanee ... thingies that have been going on around here lately) and was there a specific incident that sparked this?

What would be your impression of the Shadow Dancer 'Iconic'?


Depends on if they were jerks or stuffed shirt politicians.
No. At least, I doubt it. Mabye.
She's mysterious and intriguing and heals my wounds and has a sexy accent.
She's a bit spooky looking, but I like her knives.

Hippygriff wrote:

Which makes the best pet, a chupacabra or vexgit?

Are you a sucker for mystery?

How many gnolls does it take to chase a boar?

Are angry hellknights a common annoyance for you?


Ummm... one?
Nope. I avoid central and southern Cheliax for a lot of reasons.

JoelF847 wrote:
Trapsense seems to be your least favorite rogue talent - what are your top 3? And if they're all from the core book, what's your favorite from the advanced player's guide?

Sneak attack, evasion, and finesse rogue talent.

Monkeygod wrote:

Magnificent Merisiel of Marvelous Maiming,

I too proscribe to the theory of stabbing makes most problems go away. A friend of mine just said "People are mean". So i told her "stab them".

With this in mind, do you think we go on an adventure or three?? nothing inappropriate, just treasure seeking, monster stabbing fun.

Besides, monkeys can help with over any heart, cough cough**Kyra**cough cough.

Monkeys also have filthy hygiene, though... Gross. Also, they're kinda noisy. And they throw bombs.

ulgulanoth wrote:
what happened to my T-Rex egg?

RESCUED! Mwa ha!

Sylphenia of Silvermoon wrote:

dear Ms Sillvari

how do you feel about the elves of alternate worlds, such as Azeroth?

They're okay, I guess. Kinda weird though.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

Magnificent Merisiel of Marvelous Maiming,

I too proscribe to the theory of stabbing makes most problems go away. A friend of mine just said "People are mean". So i told her "stab them".

With this in mind, do you think we go on an adventure or three?? nothing inappropriate, just treasure seeking, monster stabbing fun.

Besides, monkeys can help with over any heart, cough cough**Kyra**cough cough.

Monkeys also have filthy hygiene, though... Gross. Also, they're kinda noisy. And they throw bombs.

I do not have filthy hygiene, I am dapper monkey, thank you very much. I smell good, like a cross between chocolate and awesome. And yes, I can be noisy, or I can be hella sneaky and quiet. And I don't throw bombs, I throw and uses knives. I like that up close feel.

Plus, I can induce all sorts of insanity in peoples.

Liberty's Edge

I once played a Tengu wizard with a monkey familiar he called "Human" and he would sometimes spank his familiar (the monkey) in public screaming "Bad Human!" at the top of his lungs.

Isn't that great?

How many whetstones do you need to keep all of your knives sharp?

Dark Archive

If you smelled the scent of vanilla and death, what would be the first thing you thought of?

Do you know how lucky you are not to have a dad to deal with?

doctor_wu wrote:
How many whetstones do you need to keep all of your knives sharp?

Each knife has its own whetstone. Using the same whetstone for multiple knives is creepy.

David Fryer wrote:
If you smelled the scent of vanilla and death, what would be the first thing you thought of?

Now? Probably this post.

Vanessa Doofenshmertz wrote:
Do you know how lucky you are not to have a dad to deal with?

Obviously not.

Dark Archive

Which adventure path did you get the biggest haul in? Which AP nearly killed you?

What kind of swag (not just gems and coins and such) is most appealing to you? Do you place the highest priority on utility, style, or monetary value?

Back in Pathfinder #5, I seem to recall a picture of you creating a runeforged dagger. What lead you to go for a dagger instead of your rapier, and which type of runeforged weapon did you make? Do you still have this dagger?

It's well-established that you're a Calistrite. How do get along with the laymen of other religions? You know, those guys that aren't overly preachy but still fairly devout.

Which of the iconics has the highest-pitched voiced?

What's the most interesting city you've ever been to?

Have you ever traveled to the Great Beyond? If so, what is the coolest plane you've visited?

joela wrote:
Which adventure path did you get the biggest haul in? Which AP nearly killed you?

I've actually not officially been on an Adventure Path yet. Judging from the art, though, Legacy of Fire is the big money award. And the end of the second Runelords is the one that almost gets me killed.

martinaj wrote:

What kind of swag (not just gems and coins and such) is most appealing to you? Do you place the highest priority on utility, style, or monetary value?

Back in Pathfinder #5, I seem to recall a picture of you creating a runeforged dagger. What lead you to go for a dagger instead of your rapier, and which type of runeforged weapon did you make? Do you still have this dagger?

It's well-established that you're a Calistrite. How do get along with the laymen of other religions? You know, those guys that aren't overly preachy but still fairly devout.

Which of the iconics has the highest-pitched voiced?

What's the most interesting city you've ever been to?

Have you ever traveled to the Great Beyond? If so, what is the coolest plane you've visited?

Magic weapons.

Who says I only made one runeforged weapon?
Ha. Laymen. Ha. Pretty well!
Yup; the City of Brass is pretty nifty.

Sorry if this is a sore subject but if you had a mother what would you do for her on mothers day? I'm taking mine out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. Hope she remembers that I'm currently unemployed so I don't have a lot of money...

Who knows maybe one day you will be a mother and be able to celebrate on that day.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Wouldn't correct English grammar indicate you should have said "Took it from a dead guy who wasn't as good at stabbing folks as I,"?
int 8...
Ahem. Int 10. Pathfinder smarted me up.

Does your elf clan kill children who dont roll the minimum Intelligence at birth or trim their ears and call them human?

mathpro18 wrote:

Sorry if this is a sore subject but if you had a mother what would you do for her on mothers day? I'm taking mine out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. Hope she remembers that I'm currently unemployed so I don't have a lot of money...

Who knows maybe one day you will be a mother and be able to celebrate on that day.

I'd probably give her a big pile of gold. Or maybe a magic knife, and then she'd say "oh I don't like these" and then she'd let me keep the knife.

yellowdingo wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Wouldn't correct English grammar indicate you should have said "Took it from a dead guy who wasn't as good at stabbing folks as I,"?
int 8...
Ahem. Int 10. Pathfinder smarted me up.
Does your elf clan kill children who dont roll the minimum Intelligence at birth or trim their ears and call them human?

Elves don't have clans. That's for dwarves.

Have you ever looked for your parents? Or ever wondered about who they were?

Liberty's Edge

There is lava pouring in from tubes in the ceiling of a dungeon room. There is an obvious exit behind you that seems to lead to the safety of the surface. To your left and right are corridors filling with liquid hot magma. Ahead of you is a room filled with gold, but the lava will pour into the room at some point and you don't know how high it will reach. You have to make a decision quickly.

What do you do?

John Kretzer wrote:
Have you ever looked for your parents? Or ever wondered about who they were?

Yes and Yes. No luck so far. I kinda gave up 40 years ago.

Studpuffin wrote:

There is lava pouring in from tubes in the ceiling of a dungeon room. There is an obvious exit behind you that seems to lead to the safety of the surface. To your left and right are corridors filling with liquid hot magma. Ahead of you is a room filled with gold, but the lava will pour into the room at some point and you don't know how high it will reach. You have to make a decision quickly.

What do you do?

Run into the gold room and let the edges melt so I can ride a gold surfboard out of the dungeon on a wave of lava.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:

There is lava pouring in from tubes in the ceiling of a dungeon room. There is an obvious exit behind you that seems to lead to the safety of the surface. To your left and right are corridors filling with liquid hot magma. Ahead of you is a room filled with gold, but the lava will pour into the room at some point and you don't know how high it will reach. You have to make a decision quickly.

What do you do?

Run into the gold room and let the edges melt so I can ride a gold surfboard out of the dungeon on a wave of lava.

Sigh...I am in love. You should have your own novel seris+ TV show+ Movies etc.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Have you ever looked for your parents? Or ever wondered about who they were?
Yes and Yes. No luck so far. I kinda gave up 40 years ago.

Ever thought of asking Kyra to cast some divine divination magic to help you out?

Or a wizard?

If you had a Helm of Opposite Alignment that was faulty, the effect only lasting for 7 days, which of your fellow Iconics would get punked with it?

How valuable would werewolf pelts have to be before you would start skinning them?

What areas of Golarion are known for geysers, hot springs, and other geothermal features?

How many stabs would giving you a yeth hound in a box earn?

What's your least favorite type of giant?

Are intelligent magic items worth the hassle?

Which is more fun to use, alchemist's fire or thunderstones?

Have you ever seen an adventurer that had a ram as their animal companion?

Hello my fine lady, haven't spoken to you in a while so I thought I would take a break from my questing to stop in here and say hi and of course pick that fine brain of yours.

Would you think that a trip to a hot springs for a soak would be a good date?

What do you think the DC be for a diplomacy check to get Kyra to go out with me? Note that I'm lawful evil and usually have 1-2 weapons dripping with some sort of poison...not to mention the neckless of parts of my victims that I keep around my neck.

If I fail that check what would you estimate the chances of her trying to heal me to death for my evil transgressions?

Now back to you

What would you say to your parents if you ever did find them?

What is your favorite place to go when you need to release stress by stabbing things?

Have you ever seen a picture of your self and wanted to seek revenge on the camera man for not capturing you in the best light?

Right, flicking through a Wizard friend's library, stumbled across this 'Tome of Ultimate Evil' (why does he store these sort of books under glass-steel covers? Makes it so hard to get to....) and it lists some enchantments that I wonder if you'd like.

These 'Fleshgrinding' and Master-Slaying' seem to be interesting. Do you think four daggers that, when thrown, continue to grind deeper into the target's flesh unless removed, and so long as you're holding their original sheaths, you can command them to strike their current wielder would be useful for somebody like yourself? Or do they strike you as 'bad touch' enchantments that would get Kyra and Seelah looking at your in the 'time for the talk' kinda way?

How many daggers can you throw anyways?

John Kretzer wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
Have you ever looked for your parents? Or ever wondered about who they were?
Yes and Yes. No luck so far. I kinda gave up 40 years ago.

Ever thought of asking Kyra to cast some divine divination magic to help you out?

Or a wizard?

Nah... didn't have the money or the connections to do so before, and now, after 40 some years, I've kinda let the whole no parents thing scab over. It's a mental scar now and I'd rather not pick at it much more since it'd only end in disappointment.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
If you had a Helm of Opposite Alignment that was faulty, the effect only lasting for 7 days, which of your fellow Iconics would get punked with it?

Seltyiel, definitely, Hee hee hee.

Hippygriff wrote:

How valuable would werewolf pelts have to be before you would start skinning them?

What areas of Golarion are known for geysers, hot springs, and other geothermal features?

How many stabs would giving you a yeth hound in a box earn?

What's your least favorite type of giant?

Are intelligent magic items worth the hassle?

Which is more fun to use, alchemist's fire or thunderstones?

Have you ever seen an adventurer that had a ram as their animal companion?

Gross... you do realize that once you skin (aka KILL) a werewolf it turns back to a person... along with his skin, yeah? Eew.

Cinderlands! And north-central Andoran I hear, although I ain't really never been there really.

At least 3.

Hill giants. That's a powerful stink.

Yup! Sometimes.



Damar wrote:

Would you think that a trip to a hot springs for a soak would be a good date?

What do you think the DC be for a diplomacy check to get Kyra to go out with me? Note that I'm lawful evil and usually have 1-2 weapons dripping with some sort of poison...not to mention the neckless of parts of my victims that I keep around my neck.

If I fail that check what would you estimate the chances of her trying to heal me to death for my evil transgressions?

Now back to you

What would you say to your parents if you ever did find them?

What is your favorite place to go when you need to release stress by stabbing things?

Have you ever seen a picture of your self and wanted to seek revenge on the camera man for not capturing you in the best light?


DC 1 + whatever the highest number you can possibly roll.

She'd try to get you to stop with the body part fetish for starters, and then move on to your other evil from there.

Thanks a lot. (sarcasm mode + narrowed eyes)

Kintargo. Or maybe Sandpoint.


HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:

Right, flicking through a Wizard friend's library, stumbled across this 'Tome of Ultimate Evil' (why does he store these sort of books under glass-steel covers? Makes it so hard to get to....) and it lists some enchantments that I wonder if you'd like.

These 'Fleshgrinding' and Master-Slaying' seem to be interesting. Do you think four daggers that, when thrown, continue to grind deeper into the target's flesh unless removed, and so long as you're holding their original sheaths, you can command them to strike their current wielder would be useful for somebody like yourself? Or do they strike you as 'bad touch' enchantments that would get Kyra and Seelah looking at your in the 'time for the talk' kinda way?

How many daggers can you throw anyways?

Eeew... gross. No thanks.

I can throw enough daggers already. No need to get all icky with it.

So's, gettin' back t' the piratical type o' question.

Whut sort of hat would ye want?



Feather or no feather?

What position would ye be wantin'? Captain? First mate? Quartermaster?

Any ideas fer th' style an' type o' ship?

Much cheers t' ye an' yours! (^_^)

Its not a fetish persay I just like having a reminder of my kills handy...its just tongues. Though I have a sneaking suspicion if I continue down this like that dino spirit will show up again and he scares me so we'll leave it at that.

On another topic all together have you ever though of using hidden weapons? From the pictures I've seen of you, your not shy about showing where your weapons are, though then again those shots aren't really live action.

If you were to use hidden weapons, where would you hide them? I've heard if your into long sleeved shirts or coats the sleeves work well, as well as inside armor or cloaks.

Do you think a person could tip a weapon in poison and then try to hide it with out the poison rubbing off? If it is possible I am so going to do that from now on with my mithrial dagger or maybe my assassins dagger though that's not really something you want to throw.

Liberty's Edge

So, in all your travels around the world did you ever have any mentor figures? Professor Lorrimor maybe?

Which of the inconics is the best at cooking?

By the gods not a post in this thread in 9 hours....

If you could change your hair color( hair dye, Hat of disguise, etc) what color would you pick?

Ever been to prison? Or ever faced any kinda of punishments for anything?

You perfer night or day?

any more dwarf jokes? I have been using them....but need more.

"Sunny" wrote:

So's, gettin' back t' the piratical type o' question.

Whut sort of hat would ye want?



Feather or no feather?

What position would ye be wantin'? Captain? First mate? Quartermaster?

Any ideas fer th' style an' type o' ship?

Much cheers t' ye an' yours! (^_^)

Pirate hat! Although the iconic gunslinger's got a pretty awesome hat too. Tri-corn!!!

Feathers are a bit much. Plumes, on the other hand, are awesome.

Damar wrote:

Its not a fetish persay I just like having a reminder of my kills handy...its just tongues. Though I have a sneaking suspicion if I continue down this like that dino spirit will show up again and he scares me so we'll leave it at that.

On another topic all together have you ever though of using hidden weapons? From the pictures I've seen of you, your not shy about showing where your weapons are, though then again those shots aren't really live action.

If you were to use hidden weapons, where would you hide them? I've heard if your into long sleeved shirts or coats the sleeves work well, as well as inside armor or cloaks.

Do you think a person could tip a weapon in poison and then try to hide it with out the poison rubbing off? If it is possible I am so going to do that from now on with my mithrial dagger or maybe my assassins dagger though that's not really something you want to throw.

Ummm... tongues? Grooooossss... (makes yucky face... edges away slowly...)

Hiding weapons? Why hide your awesomeness? Doesn't make sense. Let the world see how cool you are! Or if you suck... let the rest of us get a few laughs at your expense!

Studpuffin wrote:
So, in all your travels around the world did you ever have any mentor figures? Professor Lorrimor maybe?

I've outlived most of the people I'd count as mentors, and I stopped counting them as mentors once they went and died of old age.

doctor_wu wrote:
Which of the inconics is the best at cooking?


Lem's a close second.

John Kretzer wrote:

By the gods not a post in this thread in 9 hours....

If you could change your hair color( hair dye, Hat of disguise, etc) what color would you pick?

Ever been to prison? Or ever faced any kinda of punishments for anything?

You perfer night or day?

any more dwarf jokes? I have been using them....but need more.


Yup. And yup. Stupid Hellknights...


Here's another dwarf joke, courtesy Lem:

So a dwarf walks into a bar with a filthy monkey wearing a stained fez, a diaper, and an inside-out goblin-felt vest. They belly up to the bar, and the bartender says, "Woah, where'd you get that filthy pet?"
The monkey replies, "The Five Kings Mountains."


Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Ever been to prison? Or ever faced any kinda of punishments for anything?

Yup. And yup. Stupid Hellknights...

So can we get the story? And how did you get out?

I love dwarf jokes.

Silver Crusade

How strong is Alahazra's neck?

Could you arrange for Lem and Balazar to get into a boxing match? And take pictures?

Ever eaten pugwampi?

Ever been so mad you wanted to eat pugwampi?

Any suggested recipes?

John Kretzer wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Ever been to prison? Or ever faced any kinda of punishments for anything?

Yup. And yup. Stupid Hellknights...

So can we get the story? And how did you get out?

I love dwarf jokes.

Maybe someday. I'm still frustrated that I got caught for now. Too frustrated to recount it. It was only 23 years ago after all.

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