>>Ask Merisiel Sillvari ALL your questions here<<

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Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
DM Mathpro wrote:
Merisiel it has been hinted at that you made a cameo in one of the Pathfinder Tales novels. Is this true? The novel in question was The Redemption Engine.
Maybe. I didn't notice if I did, so it might have been a stalker dressing up like me.

how do you deal with all those stalkers?!

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
DM Mathpro wrote:
Merisiel it has been hinted at that you made a cameo in one of the Pathfinder Tales novels. Is this true? The novel in question was The Redemption Engine.
Maybe. I didn't notice if I did, so it might have been a stalker dressing up like me.
how do you deal with all those stalkers?!

Finger lickin good turkey apparently.

Silver Crusade

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Adorable bee closeup!

Dark Archive

Hey Meri, have you ever picked up a dagger and found that it started talking?

Silver Crusade

ulgulanoth wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever picked up a dagger and found that it started talking?

Addendum, have you ever picked up a dagger and found the body it was in still talking?

Dear Ms. Merisiel,

What could you accomplish if you had a wheelbarrow and a holocaust cloak?

Freehold DM wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
DM Mathpro wrote:
Merisiel it has been hinted at that you made a cameo in one of the Pathfinder Tales novels. Is this true? The novel in question was The Redemption Engine.
Maybe. I didn't notice if I did, so it might have been a stalker dressing up like me.
how do you deal with all those stalkers?!

By ignoring them or stabbing them or making friends with them. Kinda depends on my mood.

ulgulanoth wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever picked up a dagger and found that it started talking?

Nope. You might wanna lay off the booze though.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever picked up a dagger and found that it started talking?
Addendum, have you ever picked up a dagger and found the body it was in still talking?

HA! Yeah, a few times. That's always awkward.

Eddie Lizzard wrote:

Dear Ms. Merisiel,

What could you accomplish if you had a wheelbarrow and a holocaust cloak?

Ummmmm... I don't do wheelbarrows. And I'm not sure what a holocaust cloak is but it sounds kinda uncomfortable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dear Ms. Sillvari,

Do your eyeballs twinkle all sexy-like in candlelight and the warm glow of a campfire? And not to rudely pry, does Kyra like it?

Dark Archive

Meri why is there a tentacled crab monster look alike of you making its way around PaizoCon? Is this your Golarion Fan Base Representative?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri why is there a tentacled crab monster look alike of you making its way around PaizoCon? Is this your Golarion Fan Base Representative?

Dood, don't go around judging other species for wanting to cosplay someone as awesome as Meri.

Say, Meri, which main or major adventure path villain would you (or did you) take the most satisfaction in stabbing?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:

Dear Ms. Sillvari,

Do your eyeballs twinkle all sexy-like in candlelight and the warm glow of a campfire? And not to rudely pry, does Kyra like it?

Yes, and she'd BETTER like it!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri why is there a tentacled crab monster look alike of you making its way around PaizoCon? Is this your Golarion Fan Base Representative?

I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe you're exhausted from the con? Maybe you need to lie down a bit to get some rest? Here, use this completely normal pillow that's totally NOT an egg sac. It's very comfortable. Especially if you sleep face down on it.

Kavren Stark wrote:
Say, Meri, which main or major adventure path villain would you (or did you) take the most satisfaction in stabbing?

Ooooh... no contest. Barzillai Thrune. Grrrr.

Have you met any of the Hell's Vengeance iconics?

I... can't imagine that you'd get along with them, especially Lazzero and Urgraz.

Voyd211 wrote:

Have you met any of the Hell's Vengeance iconics?

I... can't imagine that you'd get along with them, especially Lazzero and Urgraz.

Haven't. Yet.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:

Have you met any of the Hell's Vengeance iconics?

I... can't imagine that you'd get along with them, especially Lazzero and Urgraz.

Haven't. Yet.

They're probably staying out of your way, at least if they know what's good for them. Lazzero is just about as stab-worthy as the aforementioned Mr. B. Thrune, and the rest of them aren't much better.

Which type of small, non-magical creature do you find most creepy: rats, bats, snakes, spiders, or something else?

Kavren Stark wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:

Have you met any of the Hell's Vengeance iconics?

I... can't imagine that you'd get along with them, especially Lazzero and Urgraz.

Haven't. Yet.

They're probably staying out of your way, at least if they know what's good for them. Lazzero is just about as stab-worthy as the aforementioned Mr. B. Thrune, and the rest of them aren't much better.

Which type of small, non-magical creature do you find most creepy: rats, bats, snakes, spiders, or something else?

Bats. No contest.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Bats. No contest.

That being the case, would you say that skaveling in the basement of The Misgivings was the scariest monster you ever fought? Subjectively at the time you faced it, of course -- I know you've met and vanquished far more formidable foes since then, but you were also more formidable yourself. If not, what was the scariest monster you ever fought?

Kavren Stark wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Bats. No contest.
That being the case, would you say that skaveling in the basement of The Misgivings was the scariest monster you ever fought? Subjectively at the time you faced it, of course -- I know you've met and vanquished far more formidable foes since then, but you were also more formidable yourself. If not, what was the scariest monster you ever fought?

It's high up on the list, that's for sure. But it all goes back to a bat swarm I fought early in my "adventuring" career that set me on the path to bat fear.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

They were probably just as scared of you as you were of them...

Dark Archive

Meri has Lini ever turned into a bat and given you a scare?

ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri has Lini ever turned into a bat and given you a scare?

She has not. Because she's not a monster.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri has Lini ever turned into a bat and given you a scare?
She has not. Because she's not a monster.

What about Seltyiel? He is sort of a monster, and he does have access to all four Beast Shape spells.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kavren Stark wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
Meri has Lini ever turned into a bat and given you a scare?
She has not. Because she's not a monster.
What about Seltyiel? He is sort of a monster, and he does have access to all four Beast Shape spells.

He's too into his own chest to turn into a bat. Which is fine with me.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Into his own chest? You mean he's a MIMIC?!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Into his own chest? You mean he's a MIMIC?!

I warned you those berries were fermented before you picked the bushes clean. Now you're drunk-asking poor Meri. Paladins never take ranks in Survival.

Shadowborn wrote:
So Merisiel, any romantic entanglements with your fellow party members?

Search this thread for "Kyra."

Shadowborn wrote:
He's too into his own chest to turn into a bat. Which is fine with me.

Do you mean that he likes his own looks too much to polymorph into something ugly, or just that he has a healthy respect for your ability to stick pointy objects in his chest if he ticks you off too much? Or both?

What is your opinion of Imrijka? You seem to have known her for a good long while (I mean, she appeared fighting alongside you in the Beginner Box).

Kavren Stark wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
So Merisiel, any romantic entanglements with your fellow party members?

Search this thread for "Kyra."

Shadowborn wrote:
He's too into his own chest to turn into a bat. Which is fine with me.
Do you mean that he likes his own looks too much to polymorph into something ugly, or just that he has a healthy respect for your ability to stick pointy objects in his chest if he ticks you off too much? Or both?

It means that he's easy on the eyes.

Voyd211 wrote:
What is your opinion of Imrijka? You seem to have known her for a good long while (I mean, she appeared fighting alongside you in the Beginner Box).

She's one of the best of us. Especially when it comes to being kinda intimidating.

Silver Crusade

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:
What is your opinion of Imrijka? You seem to have known her for a good long while (I mean, she appeared fighting alongside you in the Beginner Box).
She's one of the best of us. Especially when it comes to being kinda intimidating.

I bet she's also cuddly.

Oooo, aside from Kyra who all are the best cuddlers?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

On a scale of 1-10, how awkward was the reunion between you and Shensen when you, Kyra, and the rest of the Hell's Rebels team rescued Shensen? If I recall from this thread, there was some history there.

Rysky wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:
What is your opinion of Imrijka? You seem to have known her for a good long while (I mean, she appeared fighting alongside you in the Beginner Box).
She's one of the best of us. Especially when it comes to being kinda intimidating.

I bet she's also cuddly.

Oooo, aside from Kyra who all are the best cuddlers?

I assume you're asking just among the iconics? I'm not sure. Haven't cuddled with any of them BUT Kyra.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Misroi wrote:
On a scale of 1-10, how awkward was the reunion between you and Shensen when you, Kyra, and the rest of the Hell's Rebels team rescued Shensen? If I recall from this thread, there was some history there.

It wasn't awkward at all! No way! Why would you think that? Not at all. It was fun. No awkwardness. Any of it. I mean none of it was awkward.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Misroi wrote:
On a scale of 1-10, how awkward was the reunion between you and Shensen when you, Kyra, and the rest of the Hell's Rebels team rescued Shensen? If I recall from this thread, there was some history there.
It wasn't awkward at all! No way! Why would you think that? Not at all. It was fun. No awkwardness. Any of it. I mean none of it was awkward.

HA! Cute.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Hi Shensen! You rock!

Silver Crusade

Posted this in Kyra's thread by mistake (talk about AWKWARD), but, what was your impression of the Vampiric Kyra from the Nightmare Realm?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Posted this in Kyra's thread by mistake (talk about AWKWARD), but, what was your impression of the Vampiric Kyra from the Nightmare Realm?


Sovereign Court

Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Eunaya Alumari wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

What... no. What the hell is a rope dragon? It sounds like some sort of bondage thing, but I know that can't be right, cause I would have ummm... heard of it.

No. Maybe a rope dragon is something you fought at the seaside tavern after drinking too much grog and attacked a coil of rope in the corner? Hope you won that fight!

Silver Crusade

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Eunaya Alumari wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

What... no. What the hell is a rope dragon? It sounds like some sort of bondage thing, but I know that can't be right, cause I would have ummm... heard of it.

No. Maybe a rope dragon is something you fought at the seaside tavern after drinking too much grog and attacked a coil of rope in the corner? Hope you won that fight!

Have you ever gotten into one of those fights?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Eunaya Alumari wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

What... no. What the hell is a rope dragon? It sounds like some sort of bondage thing, but I know that can't be right, cause I would have ummm... heard of it.

No. Maybe a rope dragon is something you fought at the seaside tavern after drinking too much grog and attacked a coil of rope in the corner? Hope you won that fight!

Have you ever gotten into one of those fights?

Of course not! And if I did, of COURSE I won!

Silver Crusade

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Eunaya Alumari wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

What... no. What the hell is a rope dragon? It sounds like some sort of bondage thing, but I know that can't be right, cause I would have ummm... heard of it.

No. Maybe a rope dragon is something you fought at the seaside tavern after drinking too much grog and attacked a coil of rope in the corner? Hope you won that fight!

Have you ever gotten into one of those fights?
Of course not! And if I did, of COURSE I won!


But yeah rope dragons are these adorable small and long dragons that well, look like rope. I'm sure they'd love to play with you and Kyra. Just make sure to give it a bunch of sweets afterwards.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Eunaya Alumari wrote:
Hey Meri, have you ever encountered a... Rope Dragon, in any of your adventures?

What... no. What the hell is a rope dragon? It sounds like some sort of bondage thing, but I know that can't be right, cause I would have ummm... heard of it.

No. Maybe a rope dragon is something you fought at the seaside tavern after drinking too much grog and attacked a coil of rope in the corner? Hope you won that fight!

Have you ever gotten into one of those fights?
Of course not! And if I did, of COURSE I won!


But yeah rope dragons are these adorable small and long dragons that well, look like rope. I'm sure they'd love to play with you and Kyra. Just make sure to give it a bunch of sweets afterwards.

Its whats been eating all of my sweets in the middle of the night! The gunslinger picked it up in a dungeon and didn't even notice it in his pack! Its too cute to stay mad at though... and it can shoot twine from its mouth... its adorable.

Dark Archive

Meri what have you been up to lately?

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