>>Ask Merisiel Sillvari ALL your questions here<<

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Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
There's an assassin? DAMNIT! I coulda been stabbing!

He must have gotten distracted and lost the mission.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
I fight better with armor on and with weapons in my hands and strapped to wherever I can fit straps.

Is it true, then, that adventurers never have to go to the bathroom?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Haven't met this Ed character... should I be flattered or frightened?

As a butt-kicking silver-haired beauty who frequently enjoys not wearing clothes... I'd say flattered.

I know you hate to be called "Meri." Are there any nicknames you are OK with, or does everyone have to call you "Merisiel" on pain of stabbity vengeance?

ulgulanoth wrote:
next time your companions are asleep could you put a fez on each of them and take a picture?

Cameras are anachronistic, alas, so I can't take a picture. But I will fez them up for you anyway. You'll just have to take my word for it that it turned out as awesome as you hoped it would.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
are Lem's jokes any good?



"What's the difference between a dwarf and a bucket of otyugh puke?"

"What do you call a dwarf with twenty arrows in his gut?"
"A good start."

"Why do dwarves make their wedding cakes out of goblin dung?"
"To keep the flies off the bride."



Harsk's reaction to those was even funnier. Lem's jokes are the gifts that keep on giving.

Andrew Crossett wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
There's an assassin? DAMNIT! I coulda been stabbing!

He must have gotten distracted and lost the mission.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
I fight better with armor on and with weapons in my hands and strapped to wherever I can fit straps.

Is it true, then, that adventurers never have to go to the bathroom?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Haven't met this Ed character... should I be flattered or frightened?

As a butt-kicking silver-haired beauty who frequently enjoys not wearing clothes... I'd say flattered.

I know you hate to be called "Meri." Are there any nicknames you are OK with, or does everyone have to call you "Merisiel" on pain of stabbity vengeance?


Nope... we tinkle like the rest of you.

I'm kinda okay with "Stabby," but for the most part if you can't take the time to say my full name, I don't feel obligated to take the time to pay attention to you.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
are Lem's jokes any good?



"What's the difference between a dwarf and a bucket of otyugh puke?"

"What do you call a dwarf with twenty arrows in his gut?"
"A good start."

"Why do dwarves make their wedding cakes out of goblin dung?"
"To keep the flies off the bride."



Harsk's reaction to those was even funnier. Lem's jokes are the gifts that keep on giving.


Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

What do you think of Feiya?

Lantern Lodge

I am interested by your opinion about Damiel the alchemist and Alain, the jerkavalier.

And a private question : What do you fear ?

Shadow Lodge

Where did Lady Kyra go?

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
What do you think of Feiya?

Not sure yet. I like her pet fox and I like her hair and I like her stripy pants, but she's kinda mysterious and secretive still. Hopefully some day she'll open up.

ElderNightmare wrote:

I am interested by your opinion about Damiel the alchemist and Alain, the jerkavalier.

And a private question : What do you fear ?

I don't really hang out with either of them too much, to be honest, so I can't really give you much of an opinion except that neither of them is my type. Damiel's too twitchy and smells too funny. And Alain's more into Alain than anyone else, which makes no sense to me, cause there's just not all that much going on there to be into.

I don't fear ANYTHING, by the way. So don't try to figure it out. Cause it's a waste of time. Yeah. Total waste of time. It certainly isn't bats. That's for damn sure. Nope. Not bats at all.

Silver Crusade

Does Seltyiel play up his image for attention or is he really like that all the time?

Have you considered starknives?

Is Imrijka really one of those standoffish Jerk With A Heart Of Gold types like someone else inferred or something else entirely?

Hey-ya there! Some time reader an' part time watcher, Iv'e jus' a quick question.

Whut were it what put her feets on'a road t' becomin' an iconical?

An' whut'ere th' hints an' handy tips ye c'n be m'be sharin' with a young Elf who's jus' startin' out, t' mayhap be givin 'em a helpin' hand, kind o' thing?

Much cheers t' ye an' yours! (^_^)

Mikaze wrote:

Does Seltyiel play up his image for attention or is he really like that all the time?

Have you considered starknives?

Is Imrijka really one of those standoffish Jerk With A Heart Of Gold types like someone else inferred or something else entirely?

He's like that all the time. Kinda a drama queen.

I have... but they're a little too complicated for me, to be honest. Thrown daggers don't do much less damage, and it's easier to hit someone in the eye with them anyway.

Imrijka's another one of those newbies I haven't really hung out with yet. I do approve of her hat, though.

"Suny" wrote:

Hey-ya there! Some time reader an' part time watcher, Iv'e jus' a quick question.

Whut were it what put her feets on'a road t' becomin' an iconical?

An' whut'ere th' hints an' handy tips ye c'n be m'be sharin' with a young Elf who's jus' startin' out, t' mayhap be givin 'em a helpin' hand, kind o' thing?

Much cheers t' ye an' yours! (^_^)

I didn't set out to become iconic... it just sort of happened. I'm not totally sure I like all the attention. Some of the time it's awesome. Other times... not.

Best thing to do starting out? Make sure you team up with fellow adventurers who know what they're doing, aren't shrill and cantankerous and stodgy, and are cute!

How hard would you laugh if valeros was attacked by an animated barrel of wine?

Do any of your companion snore?

What would be your ideal weapon, in terms of material, type and enchantments?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ulgulanoth wrote:
next time your companions are asleep could you put a fez on each of them and take a picture?

Merisel, you should wear a fez, I have it on good authority that Fezzes are cool. Although a picture of you with a Stetson has some possibilities.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
I don't fear ANYTHING, by the way. So don't try to figure it out. Cause it's a waste of time. Yeah. Total waste of time. It certainly isn't bats. That's for damn sure. Nope. Not bats at all.

Well, if you DID, you wouldn't be the first legendary hero to fear bats.

Have you ever stabbed someone, fatally or non-fatally, and then regretted doing so?

Have you ever been stabbed yourself? If so, did it have any effect on your enthusiasm for stabbing others?

Amiri: sexy or scary?

Do you hate being called a Forlorn Elf? Because you don't seem very forlorn.

Who is the best kisser you've ever kissed? Feel free to categorize by male and female, and to embarrass your friends as much as you'd like with your answer.

Have you been working on the less stabby aspects of the rogue profession, such as picking pockets or finding traps?

Would you ever use a poisoned blade, or do you think poison is for people who aren't good enough at stabbing to get the job done without help?

Have you ever sucessfully disabled a trap by stabbing it?

The Exchange

I'm sure she's taken a stab at it.

doctor_wu wrote:

How hard would you laugh if valeros was attacked by an animated barrel of wine?

Do any of your companion snore?

How would you notice? Valeros is, shall we say... an "active" drunk.


Do you ever get that feeling that the out come of your actions are determined by funny polyhedron shaped dice?

Oh....and look out out behind you...it is...A BAT!!!!!

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
What would be your ideal weapon, in terms of material, type and enchantments?

With no restriction on cost?

Melee: +5 mithral flaming burst speed rapier of subtlety. And yes, I'm aware that the +5 part makes the mithral part irrelevant—the fact is that I think mithral weapons are shiny and sexy. Just because you have a +5 weapon doesn't give you a free pass on style.

Ranged: +5 mithral defending distance returning flaming burst luck blade dagger. With rechargeable wishes.

LazarX wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
next time your companions are asleep could you put a fez on each of them and take a picture?
Merisel, you should wear a fez, I have it on good authority that Fezzes are cool. Although a picture of you with a Stetson has some possibilities.

Eew. You never know how long ago it was that a monkey wore that fez.

Scarab Sages

Did you see that scary Dinosaur just a Moment ago?
What was the farest away from your home you've been to?

Andrew Crossett wrote:
Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
I don't fear ANYTHING, by the way. So don't try to figure it out. Cause it's a waste of time. Yeah. Total waste of time. It certainly isn't bats. That's for damn sure. Nope. Not bats at all.

Well, if you DID, you wouldn't be the first legendary hero to fear bats.

Have you ever stabbed someone, fatally or non-fatally, and then regretted doing so?

Have you ever been stabbed yourself? If so, did it have any effect on your enthusiasm for stabbing others?

Amiri: sexy or scary?

Do you hate being called a Forlorn Elf? Because you don't seem very forlorn.

Who is the best kisser you've ever kissed? Feel free to categorize by male and female, and to embarrass your friends as much as you'd like with your answer.

Have you been working on the less stabby aspects of the rogue profession, such as picking pockets or finding traps?

Would you ever use a poisoned blade, or do you think poison is for people who aren't good enough at stabbing to get the job done without help?


Yes, no.
Sexy AND scary.
Nah, I don't care what other people call me.
Succubi, although you gotta be careful with them on account of the getting killed if you don't watch what you're doing. Priests and priestesses of Calistria are a close second.
Yup! Of course!
Poison is most definitely NOT off the list. It just tends to get expensive is all.

doctor_wu wrote:
Have you ever sucessfully disabled a trap by stabbing it?

Yup! Sometimes with a finger.

John Kretzer wrote:

Do you ever get that feeling that the out come of your actions are determined by funny polyhedron shaped dice?

Oh....and look out out behind you...it is...A BAT!!!!!

LIES. My batdar didn't go off. (peers around in nervous fear anyway)

feytharn wrote:

Did you see that scary Dinosaur just a Moment ago?

What was the farest away from your home you've been to?


Don't really have a home, so zero? Since "home" is wherever I happen to fall asleep?

Scarab Sages

Have you ever visited a place not on/under Avistan or Garund?

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

Do you ever get that feeling that the out come of your actions are determined by funny polyhedron shaped dice?

Oh....and look out out behind you...it is...A BAT!!!!!

LIES. My batdar didn't go off. (peers around in nervous fear anyway)

Oh it must be one of those new Stealth Bats.

Dark Archive

so you won't recieve this ghost bat gift i'm giving you?

hands over ghost bat to Merisiel

feytharn wrote:
Have you ever visited a place not on/under Avistan or Garund?

Yup. Not really allowed to talk about that with non-elves though.

ulgulanoth wrote:

so you won't recieve this ghost bat gift i'm giving you?

hands over ghost bat to Merisiel

(stabs through ghost bat into ulgulanoth, then runs away)

Dark Archive

guess...i'll...get...normal bat...next time....

So Merisiel, among the iconics which of the following types of romantic relationships would each of you be willing to pursue:

Whic would you prefer to fight - a skeletal Lich or a Vampire who summons bat swarms?

The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:

So Merisiel, among the iconics which of the following types of romantic relationships would each of you be willing to pursue:


Monogamy is booooooring.

Polygamy is too much responsibility.

C, all the way, in other words!

The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:
Whic would you prefer to fight - a skeletal Lich or a Vampire who summons bat swarms?

I would prefer to fight the jerk who set me up to fight in that encounter in the first place.

I bet it was Ezren.

What's your earliest memory?

Do your first and last names mean anything in Elvish, or are they just names?

Silver Crusade

Occasionally a rogue will pick up stuff that their travelling companions regard as their personal property.

How frequently does this misunderstanding arise with you? Never? Sometimes, but just with real stick-in-the-muds that don't count as friends? Lots of times? Or never, but only because you are way too tricksy to let them know what's happening?

Eric Zylstra wrote:

Occasionally a rogue will pick up stuff that their travelling companions regard as their personal property.

How frequently does this misunderstanding arise with you? Never? Sometimes, but just with real stick-in-the-muds that don't count as friends? Lots of times? Or never, but only because you are way too tricksy to let them know what's happening?

Give her some credit, man. She's an elf, not a kender.

Silver Crusade

Talonne Hauk wrote:
Give her some credit, man. She's an elf, not a kender.

Yes, of course. But asking a rogue "how often do you steal from the party" seems like inviting a stabbing.

Andrew Crossett wrote:

What's your earliest memory?

Do your first and last names mean anything in Elvish, or are they just names?

I remember a bat getting tangled in my hair as a kid. People who say they don't do that have never had a bat get tangled in their hair.

My names do indeed mean something—ME!

(And the language is "Elven," not Elvish.)

Eric Zylstra wrote:

Occasionally a rogue will pick up stuff that their travelling companions regard as their personal property.

How frequently does this misunderstanding arise with you? Never? Sometimes, but just with real stick-in-the-muds that don't count as friends? Lots of times? Or never, but only because you are way too tricksy to let them know what's happening?

Ummm... never?

Stealing stuff from friends is a really good way to not keep friends. Rogues who do that are better suited to be loners and weirdos who live in alleys and talk to stains on the walls and maybe drink too much and smell like cabbage stew left in the sun too long. Either that, or they're looking for a stabbing on general principle.

Eric Zylstra wrote:
Talonne Hauk wrote:
Give her some credit, man. She's an elf, not a kender.
Yes, of course. But asking a rogue "how often do you steal from the party" seems like inviting a stabbing.

(rolls eyes)

Just because I know how to fight with style and don't need to wear ugly armor and don't bother casting silly spells and am sneakier than you doesn't also automatically mean I don't understand the difference between what's mine and what's not mine.

Again... folks who get all grabby and snatchy are jerks and should be pushed into a well where a monster lives and then maybe sprinkled with rot grubs.

Actually, I didn't yet say that, so saying "again" doesn't make much sense, but still.

Rot grubs.


what style of fashion do you prefer when you are not adventuring? i personally prefer the kimono.

it would be highly discomforting for you to wear all those belts 24/7

what style of rogue are you?

i am personally a ninja of sorts

do you have advice on how a godling ninja can overcome the drawbacks of her massive level adjustment?

Liberty's Edge

Do you like Tacos?

I Loooooooooooooooooooove Tacos.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
(And the language is "Elven," not Elvish.)

Kids these days. Back in my day, "Elven" was something made by elves. "Elvish" was the language they spoke. I'm hopelessly staid, though.

Dark Archive

So Merisiel, I will give you this scroll detailing the layout, and patrol rotation of the manor house of that stodgy and miserly nobleman Getz down in the garden district. If you'll steal me a particular item out of his house. What do you say?

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