Guide to the Class Guides


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Silver Crusade

Well I have a new guide that I'd like to have added

How to become the Lord of Rage

And the discussion thread.

This guide is almost completely finished, and I plan to finish it sometime soon.

Shadow Lodge

N. Jolly, what a great guide! This is my new go-to guide for the Barbarian. Excellent work. Added.

Akrinra, a few times in your thread you mention that it's still in the works. Because you can't edit the original post, I'll wait for a final version and then put it in the Guide to the Builds.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides


Lunar Oracle Guide, Mostly done in Editable Format


Okay, back from a hiatus.

I made a new guide (chapter 3 of the GM guide) - but instead of making a third PDF, I combined the three into a single, chaptered version.

Could I make a request? Could you remove my old GM guide link and post a link to the new, compiled version? I've stored it on both Dropbox and Skydrive:


Skydrive:!107&authkey=!AK5G vgq8AwYimSM&ithint=file%2c.pdf

Here's the Discussion Thread:

Shadow Lodge

Excellent work as always KBrewer. Added.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Broken Zenith wrote:

Excellent work as always KBrewer. Added.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides


Silver Crusade

While not mine, I did find a guide to mythic stuff for those of you who were asking for it, and thanks to this, I probably won't be doing my own mythic guide (the idea didn't excite me a lot anyways, I like doing classes more)

CTP’s Guide to Pathfinder Mythic Adventures

As for myself, I'm deciding what my next guide will be. I'm half thinking of doing the Bard just to keep going in alphabetical order (eventually completing "N. Jolly's guide to playing Pathfinder"), but I'm not sure. What I CAN promise is that once the investigator comes out, I'll be doing a (Dangan Ronpa themed) guide for it, as it's the ACG class that's got me thinking the most.

Shadow Lodge

Thanks! Added!

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Found one.

An Extraordinarily Thorough Guide on using Handle Animal



Here's another:

Williamoaks construct crafter guide Or How I learned to stop worrying and build an army of mechanical slaves



Shadow Lodge

Wow, what interesting guides! Good finds. Added.

Guide to the Guides


So, I took a look at some of the "bad" oracle curses in an attempt to build an optimized oracle as part of my ongoing evaluation of the class for my guide (a seemingly ever ending process).

The latest build is found HERE I welcome critique and feedback.

Brief overview:

The Breaker is designed to be a debuffer via Misfortune Oracles Burden (-6 to all attack rolls, 1/2 armor for all armor/shields, and double all Armor Check Penalties at DC 19 Will [Grease slinging mages will love you]). Also buffing ability through standard Divine Spells (Bless, Prayer, etc.). In addition, adds support to allies in Melee through an Bonded Mount (Animal Companion - Nature Revelation) with a decent amount of survivability through revelations.

The role changes a little at level 10. At 10th, the Breaker starts using Antagonize to force others to attack him. When attacked with a weapon, the wielder has to make a DC ~22 reflex save or their weapon is destroyed. (An additional save at +2+1/2 CL of Magic Item save allowed for magical weapons). Keep up Detect Magic and make the Mooks focused on you for permanent Disarm disarms.

Found another:

OHKO: A Guide to Assassins



Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Added! Thanks for grabbing these Cevah!

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This guide isn't mine, but here is an Occultist handbook (thread).

Shadow Lodge

Great! I think that's our first 3pp guide.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!

Grand Lodge

Hey, Revel's Guide to the Monk's link is not working. Can somebody share another? It's stucked while loading..

Shadow Lodge

Looks just fine to me: Revel's Guide to the Monk

Version 2.0 of Bodhi's Guide to the Optimal Paladin and Antipaladin just went live. Please change your bookmarks to reflect its new address.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Shadow Lodge

Done! Looks good, per usual (though the images seem a bit dis-colored?). I haven't gotten around to playing a paladin yet, but when I do I'll give it a closer look.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Google Docs hosts .pdf files at a low resolution, it seems. The images in the old guide were discoloured in similar fashion. Not much I can do about it and still host through Google Docs, I'm afraid.

I thought I had seen a build discussion on the Myrmidarch Magus, and the synergy with the Bladesinger (Elf racial arc), though now I can't find it.


Is this a place where one can request a guide?

Personally, I'd like to see a guide to the Mystic Theurge. That one comment I made about using expanded races still stands, though. I like variety.

Voyd211 wrote:

Is this a place where one can request a guide?

Personally, I'd like to see a guide to the Mystic Theurge. That one comment I made about using expanded races still stands, though. I like variety.

Not sure that one has been written.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Submitting guide.

Rolling on the Floor Cackling - The Witch Handbook

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


1 person marked this as a favorite.

A brand new Guide to the Optimal Paladin & Antipaladin, now with Mythic Support! Really, it's the same guide as 2.0, but now with 14 pages of mythic materials, so please just update your links.

Shadow Lodge


Comprehensive Guide to the Builds

Terribly sorry, but I'm going to ask you to update the link again. Unfortunately, Google Drive won't let me save a new version of the .pdf file over an old one (that would make life much simpler), so the new link can be found here.

Shadow Lodge

No worries, its a small price to pay for such an awesome guide. Done!

I Made a guide to the bard focused on buffing party members in the best possible way. Hope it will be included in the guide to the guides!


Shadow Lodge

Added - Interesting bard guide!

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

harmor wrote:


If you tweak the first two Witch guide links to their respective Google Docs like so:

Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble
The Viking Irishman's Witch Guide

then the user/viewer gets the toolbar back, and can download the guides (under "Files" > "Download as" >) as PDFs, DOCs, RTFs, etc. for offline reading.

Edit: I haven't gone through the rest of the linked Guides on Google Docs, but some of them may have the same issue.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm hoping to get a new version of my contruct guide soon. Soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Leaving two guides here.

Guide to feats

Guide to martial tanking

Shadow Lodge

Great, got them both.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Lantern Lodge

Almost finished an exhaustive guide on the Kensai Magus, here's a link:

The Comprehensive Guide to the Kensai Magus

Discussion will be here

Shadow Lodge

Sweet, added.

Cool frodo. I'll take the time to read it tonight, I've been wanting to optimize a kensai, I LOVE the magus.

Zenith, can you put a link to my mirror of KBrewer's Blockbuster Guide? Mirror

Brewer's dropbox copy has been dead for a couple months now; I'm not sure he's coming back but it's still a good guide.

I'm also rehosting his Jargonaut guide, but without the images as it's been down almost as long as his Blockbuster Guide. (Hopefully it was the images that got it DMCA'd)

jargonaut no images

Shadow Lodge

@ ZanThrax. Huh. I didn't realize those were down, and I hope Brewer comes back at some point. He makes some sweet guides. Thanks for brining that to my attention, and I've changed the links around.

Are those links for those two mirrored files working correctly for other people? On my phone, they're both linking to the public folder of my skydrive instead of to the actual files.

Shadow Lodge

Yup, I can see them fine.

Ok, thanks. The folder's just full of character sheets, but I wanted to make sure that the direct links were actually working as intended. Just my mobile browsers not interacting properly with SkyDrive I guess.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.

For those who have used it, I'm going to try to do a big update on my Guide to Races pretty soon, though it's definitely going to take a backseat to the RPG Superstar competition as of now. I'd like to add the few new playable races that were added in Bestiary 4 as well as keep adding some of the "Uncommon" races from the Advanced Race Guide.

Good luck with it. G

Lantern Lodge

Hey Zenith, I've mvoed the Kensai Magus guide due to format issues. Here's the new link:

Exhaustive Guide to the Magus

Thanks a bunch!

Shadow Lodge

No problem! Changed the link.

Comprehensive Guide to the Guides

Silver Crusade

Hey BZ, my guide now has a new home on Google Docs


Please make sure to update your link accordingly. Did a bunch of stuff to spruce it up, and I think it's even better than it was before (which is crazy since it was already the best Alchemist guide written.)

Shadow Lodge


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