EltonJ |

Fair enough. :)
Honestly, though, you should hone your talent for design. Its pretty raw, and you're amazing with what ever you are using. But a good education and the right tools can make you better.
It costs 50 dollars a month to subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud. You can get access to Adobe InDesign, which is better than Microsoft Publisher. Assuming you are not already not using InDesign. Secondly, signing up for a course or two in print design will help you take your talent in the rough and polish it.
Becareful, though, not all Universities and Colleges offer the best education in Design.

EltonJ |

“Orgrimmar was founded in the valleys and caverns of northern Durotar as the new home of the orcish race and the capital of the Horde.” - Explorers’ Guide to Kalimdor
We continue onward in our conversions with another city. The horde capital of Orgrimmar
If you look closely enough maybe you'll see what we are working on next.
Also you should check out our updated Stormwind City
In fact Valkyn Highwind has been hard at work updating all the files with new text and fixing some of the errors we've made in conversion. I suggest you check it out. You can see everything so far at this link.
You have too much white space on your races pdfs.

EltonJ |

I know that. Wasn't sure what of the text from the books that I could get away with using for them.
hmm. alright. You can add the open game license text to the side, or make two columns of text -- separate the page in half with a line, and add the open game license below it. That will fill up your white space. Good work on the page background.

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"Citizen of Dalaran. Turn your eyes to the sky.." - Rhonin
Today Maverick898, and I, bring you the city of Dalaran, the bastion of arcane knowledge and study upon the world of Azeroth.

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Wow... Nearly a month with no new conversions. I've got no excuse for that. I do however have a new one for you today. I bring you the Life-Binder herself, Alexstrasza.
“Life is my Aspect, Dark One, and I, like all mothers, know both the pain and wonders that entails! For the past several years, I have watched my children be raised as instruments of war, slaughtered if they proved insufficient or too willful! I have lived knowing that so many died that I could do nothing for!” - Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder
As always, Alexstrasza and all other conversions can be found here

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Here we have for you the single most disturbed, and disturbing, ogre of the Warcraft Universe courtesy of Maverick898.
“Foolish mortals - (Usurper’s children!) Nothing you have done - (SPAWN OF A LESSER GOD!) I am trying to speak here! (Words, words, words! The Master wants MURDER!) All falls to chaos. ALL will be destroyed. (Chaos, chaos!) Your work here today changes nothing. (Chaos, chaos, all things END!) No mortal may see what you have and live. Your end has come.” - Cho’Gall

clff rice |

Deathknights need their own anti paladin archtype.
Not sure if its more of a magus or anti paladin kinda thing though.
I was kinda thinking magus because arthas while he was a paladin at one point and anti paladin kinda fits the bill thematically, however almost none of an anti paladins abilities really mirrors those of a death-knight and arthas doesn't seem to be following another power, he is after his own ends.
Machanicaly DK seems closer to Magus. a warrior also versed in (Necromantic) magic.
Ideas? Thoughts?

Maverick898 |

I was thinking of using the Hogger conversion on the Conversion boards in the Rise of the Runelords path for my players but I can't figure out how to work him in-do you think that you could offer any suggestions sir?
Also great work on the conversions for WoW.
Make sure your players are lvl 2 at the very least. But perhaps around Sandpoint near the sheriff's office they notice a 'WANTED' poster with a picture of Hogger
"A huge gnoll, Hogger, is prowling the woods in southwest of Sandpoint. He has overpowered all attempts at his capture, killing many would be adventurers.
A generous bounty has been placed on the Gnoll. To earn the reward, bounty hunters should venture into the woods and deal with the beast."
Reward: 2,500 gp for the head of the beast.

Maverick898 |

Deathknights need their own anti paladin archtype.
Not sure if its more of a magus or anti paladin kinda thing though.
I was kinda thinking magus because arthas while he was a paladin at one point and anti paladin kinda fits the bill thematically, however almost none of an anti paladins abilities really mirrors those of a death-knight and arthas doesn't seem to be following another power, he is after his own ends.
Machanicaly DK seems closer to Magus. a warrior also versed in (Necromantic) magic.
Ideas? Thoughts?
The initial ideal was to make the Death Knight a prestige class in the vain of the hell knight, since lore wise that's pretty much what they are. Pre-req would be 'killed' before being raised in order to take levels in that class.
But yes an Archetype of either the Magus or Anti-Paladin would work so long as they are wield runeblades and wear plate armor.
As for the demon hunter I haven't had a chance to check them out.

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It was decided between Maverick898, and myself, that the Death Knight (CR +2) template from Tome of Horrors IV by Frog God Games will work for being a Warcraft DK. So here is that template with a little added background from the Warcraft Universe.
A hero... that’s what you once were. You stood boldly against the Shadow and purchased another dawn for the world... with your life. But the evil you fought is not so easily banished; the victory you claimed, not so easily held. For now, the specter of death looms over the world yet again and it has found new champions to bring about its final reign. Knights of darkness, wielding runes of death and destruction, bound by the will of the Lich King. This is the hour of their ascension! This is the hour of your dark rebirth...

clff rice |

I guess a PR class makes some sense.
I guess i can kinda see that template but not to sure. Is imbued weapon like runes blades or Like One of the DK strikes. They can animate dead but Where are the death Coils and the death and decays and the death grips and ice strikes and the other ability's?
Are the symbol spells supposed to be rune forging?
A DK magus can have allot of the DK signature ability's retooled into spells.
Abti paladin dk already has all the armor Profs and allot of the ability's that can be reskinned. Fiendish boon can get you a rune weapon (though all dk should get them anyway, Maybe swap out Smite with something like a weapon fiendish boon.) and it can also emulate having an undead minion if we use summon horror instead of summon monster.
Adding a few ice spells to the Paladins spell list would fluff out some stuff.

Maverick898 |

I guess a PR class makes some sense.
I guess i can kinda see that template but not to sure. Is imbued weapon like runes blades or Like One of the DK strikes. They can animate dead but Where are the death Coils and the death and decays and the death grips and ice strikes and the other ability's?
Are the symbol spells supposed to be rune forging?
A DK magus can have allot of the DK signature ability's retooled into spells.
Abti paladin dk already has all the armor Profs and allot of the ability's that can be reskinned. Fiendish boon can get you a rune weapon (though all dk should get them anyway, Maybe swap out Smite with something like a weapon fiendish boon.) and it can also emulate having an undead minion if we use summon horror instead of summon monster.
Adding a few ice spells to the Paladins spell list would fluff out some stuff.
Genius Guide to: Death Knight's Does alot of what I would expect from my DK.
But I find the Death Knight template works well, perhaps combine it with some magus/anti-paladin flavor to accomplish what is needed.

Wraithguard |

If I had to make a Death Knight for Pathfinder I would use the Death Knight class with Sphers of Power casting. Restrict the class to the Death, Destruction, Darkness, and a limited amount of the Conjuration sphere to allow a personalized undead buddy.
I think that about covers it, unless the Death Knight got some cool new tricks in the last few years that I haven't played WoW.
Ah, like to drag guys to yourself, get Telekinesis and Telekinetic Maneuver.

Entryhazard |

Here we have for you the single most disturbed, and disturbing, ogre of the Warcraft Universe courtesy of Maverick898.
“Foolish mortals - (Usurper’s children!) Nothing you have done - (SPAWN OF A LESSER GOD!) I am trying to speak here! (Words, words, words! The Master wants MURDER!) All falls to chaos. ALL will be destroyed. (Chaos, chaos!) Your work here today changes nothing. (Chaos, chaos, all things END!) No mortal may see what you have and live. Your end has come.” - Cho’Gall
I think it's nice but did you consider a Dark Tapestry Oracle instead?

LizardMage |

Is it bad that I ran Twilight Citadel enough that I can remember his dual voiced rantings real well, even after not playing for years? Thanks for the memories Cho'Gall.
-Quelthien, Paladin Tank
-It's always nice to be the center of attention, except when it isn't.
No worse than being able to recite segments from Diablo or SC. You quote to your hearts content!

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“All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge.” - The Lich King’s first words to a new death knight
New Death Knight related spells:
Death Coil; Death Grip; Death Grip (Mass)

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After more than a month missing we bring you an enemy from the frozen depth of Nothrend.
“I was cast out by my comrades. Exiled. Forced to wander the frozen wastes...but I was not alone. Not entirely. The voice, now my only companion, guided me to my destination. Strange, nightmarish creatures awaited me at the entrance. I felt my blood run cold, as cold as Icecrown itself.
Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.
Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.
I am Kel’Thuzad...
Your curiosity will be the death of you.”
- Kel’Thuzad
World of Warcraft for Pathfinder (Main File)

EltonJ |

After more than a month missing we bring you an enemy from the frozen depth of Nothrend.
“I was cast out by my comrades. Exiled. Forced to wander the frozen wastes...but I was not alone. Not entirely. The voice, now my only companion, guided me to my destination. Strange, nightmarish creatures awaited me at the entrance. I felt my blood run cold, as cold as Icecrown itself.
Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.
Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.
I am Kel’Thuzad...
Your curiosity will be the death of you.”
- Kel’ThuzadWorld of Warcraft for Pathfinder (Main File)
That looks a lot better. Both of the pages are fully used. Good work. :)

clff rice |

After more than a month missing we bring you an enemy from the frozen depth of Nothrend.
“I was cast out by my comrades. Exiled. Forced to wander the frozen wastes...but I was not alone. Not entirely. The voice, now my only companion, guided me to my destination. Strange, nightmarish creatures awaited me at the entrance. I felt my blood run cold, as cold as Icecrown itself.
Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.
Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.
I am Kel’Thuzad...
Your curiosity will be the death of you.”
- Kel’ThuzadWorld of Warcraft for Pathfinder (Main File)
GREAT WORK! The summon horror spells actually allow for the summoning of undead and cthulhu (i.e. Old god) like monsters. might want to add a "If you have heroes of horror" side bar.

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Impaling Spikes, on page 44 of the document, is misspelled 'Impailing Spikes.' I have no idea if it's misspelled or not, but the spells are converted by 'clff rice.' Should that be Cliff?
Seems like I might've gotten a little type happy when copying things over. I'll fix it tomorrow.
As for clff being Cliff no idea. I just used the handle that I saw here on the board. He is free to speak up if he'd like it changed.

clff rice |

wow spells
Ice Block
School evocation [cold]; Level sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of quartz or rock crystal)
Range medium Personal
Effect Self and adjacent squares
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; see text; Spell Resistance no
The Barrier takes the form of a hemisphere, filling the squares adjacent to the caster Providing Full cover. Creatures and objects in the area of the forming barrier are pushed unharmed into unoccupied squares.
The barrier has 5 hit points per caster level. Creatures can hit the wall automatically. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 15 + caster level.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It was pointed out to me a little bit ago today that I'd been sitting on a finished statblock for a Warcraft related conversion. I apologize and now present it all to you.
“What’s more boss than riding a parrot with a jawbone for a shoulderpad while wielding a giant hook-lance-thing and wearing a pirate hat? NOTHING.” - Grand Tournament Fan
Skycap’n Kragg (Orc Male; Cavalier 11)

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