Wait... Grit is based off wis and Ki is based off cha?

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

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It is synonymous with fortitude..

Ha it agrees with me! Grit should reaally be based off CON.

It also means british. :/


World English Dictionary

charisma or charism (k&#601;&#712;r&#618;zm&#601;, &#712;kær&#618;z&#601;m) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n
1. a special personal quality or power of an individual making him capable of influencing or inspiring large numbers of people
2. a quality inherent in a thing which inspires great enthusiasm and devotion

Ævux wrote:

It is synonymous with fortitude..

Ha it agrees with me! Grit should reaally be based off CON.

It also means british. :/


World English Dictionary

charisma or charism (k&#601;&#712;r&#618;zm&#601;, &#712;kær&#618;z&#601;m) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n
1. a special personal quality or power of an individual making him capable of influencing or inspiring large numbers of people
2. a quality inherent in a thing which inspires great enthusiasm and devotion

Constitution has always been seen as physical (imo of course), with Wisdom applying to mental toughness / willpower. I think of "grit" as the ability to transcend the physical and drive yourself on despite physical limits. Wisdom, in short. Ymmv. As for Charisam, you've just pointed out the reason (Charisma = power) that got it linked to magical power (Sorcerors for example) in D&D 3.0. It makes sense in a fantasy setting that force / power of personality would express itself magically. Hence the Ki = Charisma argument. There are always other interpretations possible, but it's not difficult to see why the designers made the choices they did. For the most part, I agree with them.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Ævux wrote:

It is synonymous with fortitude..

Ha it agrees with me! Grit should reaally be based off CON.

It also means british. :/

Where are you getting Grit means "British"? Dictionary.com?

You know when they start an entry with "British" in italics, that means they're giving the British usage...in this case a link to the entry for 'gravel'.

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Ævux wrote:

It is synonymous with fortitude..

Ha it agrees with me! Grit should reaally be based off CON.

It also means british. :/

Where are you getting Grit means "British"? Dictionary.com?

You know when they start an entry with "British" in italics, that means they're giving the British usage...in this case a link to the entry for 'gravel'.

I know. Just was going down the list and it struck me.

However, But still. Here in Tucson, there is a big thing going on about it being the hundreth aniversery. So the local paper has a bunch of stuff on cowboys cowboy movies and John Dillanger.

Really grit/ninja ki needs to have wisdom or cha. The wisdom people can make thier brooding loner type of gunslingers, and I can make Earps.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Ævux wrote:

I know. Just was going down the list and it struck me.

However, But still. Here in Tucson, there is a big thing going on about it being the hundreth aniversery. So the local paper has a bunch of stuff on cowboys cowboy movies and John Dillanger.

Really grit/ninja ki needs to have wisdom or cha. The wisdom people can make thier brooding loner type of gunslingers, and I can make Earps.

Basing Grit off of Wisdom doesn't mean you can't play a Charismatic Gunslinger, nor does it mean the Gunslinger automatically becomes a 'brooding loner'.

Put one of your mid-range scores into Cha. You'll be able to play Earp or James or whatever historical gunfighter you want just fine. They may have had Charisma, but they also had guts.

Plus, with a high Wisdom score, you'll be good a Profession: Gambler, an iconic old west skill. ;)

It really comes downto what Paizo chooses to do, but I for one believe in options. So if they allow players to choose between Wis or Cha for both grit/ninja ki, then I would be happy.

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Ævux wrote:

I know. Just was going down the list and it struck me.

However, But still. Here in Tucson, there is a big thing going on about it being the hundreth aniversery. So the local paper has a bunch of stuff on cowboys cowboy movies and John Dillanger.

Really grit/ninja ki needs to have wisdom or cha. The wisdom people can make thier brooding loner type of gunslingers, and I can make Earps.

Basing Grit off of Wisdom doesn't mean you can't play a Charismatic Gunslinger, nor does it mean the Gunslinger automatically becomes a 'brooding loner'.

Put one of your mid-range scores into Cha. You'll be able to play Earp or James or whatever historical gunfighter you want just fine. They may have had Charisma, but they also had guts.

Plus, with a high Wisdom score, you'll be good a Profession: Gambler, an iconic old west skill. ;)

Though with high cha, I'd be good at bluffing. Which is also an iconic old west skill..

Something else.. People keep talking about how cowboys were fearless and thats why they should be based of wis. They also say that ninjas should be based off cha. But wouldn't this mean that the ninjas then are going against the iconic state and are easily scared by everything?

I also think that it's silly for Grit to be based on Wisdom and a Ninja's Ki to be based on Charisma. (Multi-classing Ninja and Monk is going to be kind of awkward when it comes to the Ki-pool subject...)

However, I can see why the designers are choosing these abilities. It all has to do with the rules as written, and making the most of them.

I have heard of people making house rules where ranged attacks and initiative are based off of Wisdom and Will saves are based on Charisma. This actually makes more sense to me when you think of aiming in terms of perception, and will power in terms of personal spirit.

I'm thinking about trying this out in my own campaign and seeing how well it plays. But, if I change the way that the core abilities work, now I have to change other things as well...

Upon creation, Elven characters are going to get +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence, –2 Constitution ("Elves are farsighted, and have many lifetimes to perfect their arts, but their form is frail."), and Dwarves will get +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Dexterity ("Dwarves are tough and bold, but centuries of living in confined spaces has left them somewhat uncoordinated.")

See what I did there? ; )

The rules are a multi-threaded spiderweb, and tugging on one thread does strange things to the rest. If Grit has to be based on Wisdom and Ninja Ki has to be a different flavor of Ki than Monk ki, so be it. I like what I see overall, and I'll fix the rest with house rules later.

I'm just thrilled to get to a decent gun-fighter in a "world's most popular role playing game" game.

martinaj wrote:
Okay, maybe in real life, you just shoot a guy, but the fantasy cowboy has been building a really romanticized image over the years in which they're almost like a (equally stylized) samurai, and that's the gunslinger that Paizo seems to be playing to.

N0. Just no.


Just because both interpretations include standing in the street for a duel, does not make them equivalent to each other.

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