New Races for Players: Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi

Homebrew and House Rules

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She certainly can Inspire Courage by giggling at the ghostly...

A Jester could be a Bard Archtype. She also has profession baker.

I need to be reminded of her cutie mark for this.
71. Pink Stone Horse.
This figurine of wondrous power is made of pink quartz and carved to look like a pony with a curly mane and tail. You can make out some kind of mark on one flank, and the Hasbro trade mark on the other flank. When it's name is said, "Pinky Pie", it turns into a real pony. An M sized character can ride it, it can carry stuff, and it can talk. Unaccountably, it throws pies, one a round, at whoever it wants(Must be roleplayed). It will return to stone if its name is said again. If killed it will return to stone and be un-summonable for 24 hours.
Hook: It was created to be a toy for very rich children. An aristocratic family is still looking for it. It also knows the names of the other 5 ponies in the set, and the others are more useful. The complete set can unlock great magic power.

I found out on DA. It's 3 balloons.
OH No!!!!!.

Molly Dingle wrote:

She certainly can Inspire Courage by giggling at the ghostly...

Not to mention break the 4th wall and teleport.

Ok, ok, ok... I'd restrict sorcerers and wizards to Unicorns. Maybe witches, too.

Bards and divine casters are open to anypony.

71. Pink Stone Horse.
This figurine of wondrous power is made of pink quartz and carved to look like a pony with a curly mane and tail. You can make out some kind of mark on one flank(3 balloons), and the Hasbro trade mark on the other flank. When it's name is said, "Pinky Pie", it turns into a real pony. An M sized character can ride it, it can carry stuff, and it can talk. It can also sing, as it is a second level bard, with 14 hit points. Unaccountably, it throws pies, one a round, at whoever it wants(Must be roleplayed). It will return to stone if its name is said again. If killed it will return to stone and be un-summonable for 24 hours.
Hook: It was created to be a toy for very rich children. An aristocratic family is still looking for it. It also knows the names of the other 5 ponies in the set, and the others are more useful. The complete set can unlock great magic power.

Now how much would you pay? Seriously, I'm having trouble with the magic item price rules.

Warning, my spelling is very bad.
Leave no pun behind.

I always have trouble figuring out fair magic item price rules, too. I'd just compare it to other figurines of wondrous power and adjust according to its perceived utility.

The figurine is most similar to is the obsidian steed, which is 14,250 gp. It doesn't have the same utility as the obsidian steed, but has 2 levels in a core class. It also doesn't have a limit on how often it can be summoned, nor a limit on how long it remains.

For Pinkie Pie there is a way to make her a bard without spellcasting: according to Super Genius Games's series of alternate class feature products (Archtype (not core Pathfinder definition) series) you can remove bard spellcasting and replace it with one of the options given in those books (or even something taken off another class that is also considered equivalent to those options).

Although, honestly? If you actually want to emulate the show closely (as opposed to just play Pathfinder with ponies) the unicorn magic is closer to the "psionics" system used as magic: no words, no gestures, Int-based users who don't seem to do any preparation. One could even suppose that the specialized spells of unicorns (that the racial write-up decides are limited to two specific ones) are actually manifestations of a 3.5 optional psionic feat:



Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
Prerequisite: This feat can only be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring
upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic
character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points, and you can take
psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.
If you have or take a class that grants power points, the power
points gained from Hidden Talent are added to your total power
point reserve.
When you take this feat, choose one 1st-level power from any
psionic class list. You know this power (it becomes one of your
powers known). You can manifest this power with the power
points provided by this feat if you have a Charisma score of 11
or higher. If you have no psionic class levels, you are considered
a 1st-level manifester when manifesting this power. If you have
psionic class levels, you can manifest the power at the highest
manifester level you have attained. (This is not a manifester level,
and it does not add to any manifester levels gained by taking
psionic classes.) If you have no psionic class levels, use Charisma
to determine how powerful a power you can manifest and
how hard those powers are to resist.
Note: This is an expanded version of the Wild Talent feat,
intended for use in high-psionics campaigns.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

For Pinkie Pie there is a way to make her a bard without spellcasting: according to Super Genius Games's series of alternate class feature products (Archtype (not core Pathfinder definition) series) you can remove bard spellcasting and replace it with one of the options given in those books (or even something taken off another class that is also considered equivalent to those options).

Although, honestly? If you actually want to emulate the show closely (as opposed to just play Pathfinder with ponies) the unicorn magic is closer to the "psionics" system used as magic: no words, no gestures, Int-based users who don't seem to do any preparation. One could even suppose that the specialized spells of unicorns (that the racial write-up decides are limited to two specific ones) are actually manifestations of a 3.5 optional psionic feat:



Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
Prerequisite: This feat can only be taken at 1st level.
Benefit: Your latent power of psionics flares to life, conferring
upon you the designation of a psionic character. As a psionic
character, you gain a reserve of 2 power points, and you can take
psionic feats, metapsionic feats, and psionic item creation feats.
If you have or take a class that grants power points, the power
points gained from Hidden Talent are added to your total power
point reserve.
When you take this feat, choose one 1st-level power from any
psionic class list. You know this power (it becomes one of your
powers known). You can manifest this power with the power
points provided by this feat if you have a Charisma score of 11
or higher. If you have no psionic class levels, you are considered
a 1st-level manifester when manifesting this power. If you have
psionic class levels, you can manifest the power at the highest
manifester level you have attained. (This is not a manifester level,
and it does

That's their telekinesis.

Twilight Sparkle actually gets her spells from books and has learned all the "known" first level ones. Is putting a mustache on someone a first level, or a cantrip? Anyway, Boastbusters made it clear that Universalists and illusionists are definitely unicorns.

Goth Guru wrote:

That's their telekinesis.

Twilight Sparkle actually gets her spells from books and has learned all the "known" first level ones.

Getting something from a book does not preclude it using the psionic system. I never said they were using psionic terminology, only the system. We never once see a unicorn do anything other than light up their horn: none ever speak spell words, and none ever gesture.

Goth Guru wrote:
Is putting a mustach on someone a first level, or a cantrip?

Cantrip, I'd say: if it's giving any sort of bonus it's highly situational.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Is putting a mustach on someone a first level, or a cantrip?
Cantrip, I'd say: if it's giving any sort of bonus it's highly situational.

I'd say it's making something with prestidigitation.

One thing you might be able to do is decrease the lethality of the game and adjust what magic "is". For example Hp could be altered and ponys cannot die, only knocked out for a short time. mundane actions could have magic effects, even if it is not magical. Pinkie pie the bard can make a character laugh to "heal hp", instead of a cure light wounds spell for example. With heavy Re-skinning you could probably make everything light hearted but still have a pathfinder game.

I just cannot see MLP in lethal combat, it destroys what it is to me...

jlord wrote:

One thing you might be able to do is decrease the lethality of the game and adjust what magic "is". For example Hp could be altered and ponys cannot die, only knocked out for a short time. mundane actions could have magic effects, even if it is not magical. Pinkie pie the bard can make a character laugh to "heal hp", instead of a cure light wounds spell for example. With heavy Re-skinning you could probably make everything light hearted but still have a pathfinder game.

I just cannot see MLP in lethal combat, it destroys what it is to me...


In keeping with these ideas, the Pinkie Pie Figurine can only use inspire courage and the spell Cure light wounds(using the laughter method). As it could be considered an artificial Bard, I'm going to set the value at 20,000 GP(Page 117GMG).

Warning, my spelling is very bad.
Leave no pun behind.

I cast Raise Thread.

The thread now has 2 negative levels. And I'm out 5000gp of diamond dust.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:

I cast Raise Thread.

The thread now has 2 negative levels. And I'm out 5000gp of diamond dust.

Should have gone with reincarnate thread, it hasn't even been a full week yet ...

Unfortunatley we don't have a druid or anyone with UMD in my party.

No zebras?

Scarab Sages

haha. No zebras :(

I'm eagerly watching this thread. I suppose it was all an April Fool's Day thing, after all. Though it would be SO much fun to play Ponyfinder.

Some great ideas in here. I love the description of Equestria's "campaign setting".

The Forrest of Infinity-Depending on where and when you turn on the way to the forrest, you could end up in a different forrest with a different name. Note that Earth Ponies have an innate ability to select the proper forrest. (The show has had at least 2 different forrests, in the same place! :) LOL )

Goth Guru wrote:
The Forrest of Infinity-Depending on where and when you turn on the way to the forrest, you could end up in a different forrest with a different name. Note that Earth Ponies have an innate ability to select the proper forrest. (The show has had at least 2 different forrests, in the same place! :) LOL )

So if I go a few yards west, a few yards south, a few yards east, and then several more north I end up in Hyrule?

zabei wrote:
haha. No zebras :(

You could play a zebra as a variant Earth Pony. Zecora had a cutie mark, after all. Apparently that's something all equines get, not just ponies.

I'm eagerly watching this thread. I suppose it was all an April Fool's Day thing, after all. Though it would be SO much fun to play Ponyfinder.

Some of the players in a Savage Worlds game I'm in (hi, Darigaaz!) want me to run a ponies game. I'm tempted...

Some great ideas in here. I love the description of Equestria's "campaign setting".

Mine? If so, thanks! ^_^

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
The Forrest of Infinity-Depending on where and when you turn on the way to the forrest, you could end up in a different forrest with a different name. Note that Earth Ponies have an innate ability to select the proper forrest. (The show has had at least 2 different forrests, in the same place! :) LOL )
So if I go a few yards west, a few yards south, a few yards east, and then several more north I end up in Hyrule?

Sure, lets PO a video game company while were at it. :)

Warning, my spelling is very bad.
I forgive and apologize to everyone.
Leave no pun behind.

brreitz wrote:
I know, right! And I'm still waiting on the stat blocks for parasprite swarms!

At long last, as modified by me from the Army Ant Swarm stat block.... THE PARASPRITE SWARM

Parasprite Swarm CR 4
XP 1,200
N Fine vermin (swarm)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., scent; Perception +4
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 18; (+8 size, +2 Dex)
hp 49 (11d8)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune weapon damage
Weakness music
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Melee swarm (3d6)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks cling, consume, distraction (DC 15)
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +8; CMB —; CMD —
Skills Fly +18, Perception +4; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Environment any forest
Organization solitary, pair, patrol (3–6 swarms), or legion (7–16 swarms)
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Cling (Ex) If a creature leaves an parasprite swarm's square, the swarm suffers 1d6 points of damage to reflect the loss of its numbers as several of the crawling pests continue to cling tenaciously to the victim. A creature with parasprites clinging to him takes 3d6 points of damage at the end of his turn each round. As a full-round action, he can remove the ants with a DC 17 Reflex save. High wind or any amount of damage from an area effect destroys all clinging ants. The save DC is Dexterity-based.

Consume (Ex) An parasprite swarm can rapidly consume any creature it swarms over. Against helpless or nauseated targets, an parasprite swarm attack deals 6d6 points of damage.

Weakness to Music (Ex) Parasprites are easily hypnotized by polka music. The musician must succeed on a DC 20 Perform check each round as a move action. Each round the musician is successful, all parasprite swarms within a 60 ft. radius must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be affected as if by a mass charm monster spell.

If you need to increase the CR.
Cute. The creature is treated as having sanctuary DC18.
This power adds 1 to the CR. This counts as half a character level.

Goth Guru wrote:

Cute. The creature is treated as having sanctuary DC18.

Where does it say that? I'm not seeing it.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:

Cute. The creature is treated as having sanctuary DC18.

Where does it say that? I'm not seeing it.

He's suggesting it as another special ability.

Molly Dingle wrote:
Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:

Cute. The creature is treated as having sanctuary DC18.

Where does it say that? I'm not seeing it.
He's suggesting it as another special ability.

Exactly. I saw the episode and did not want the bugs to be Mary Janed.

If the DM says, "No, you can't hurt it, because I said so." players leave the table.
It has to be a power that can be overcome.
In the episode most of the ponies wanted to adopt a bug because they are cute. Then they were unable to fight the bugs for the same reason.

Dark Archive

I can't say that I want to play a pony, but I have considered using the write ups as the basis of playable centaur and pegataur races.

Silver Crusade

David Fryer wrote:
I can't say that I want to play a pony, but I have considered using the write ups as the basis of playable centaur and pegataur races.

Now I'm having Shining Force flashbacks.

And recalling that centaurs are integrated with civilization here and there on Golarion, including centaur Hellknights....

Could be something to work with!

Dark Archive

I broke down.

Scootaloo CR 6
Female Pegasus Cleric 7
LG medium magical beast
Init: +3, Senses: Perception +9
AC: 22, Touch: 16, Flat-footed: 19 (+7 armor, + 2 deflection, +3 Dex)
hp: 38 (7d8+3)
Fort: +5, Ref: +5, Will: +8
Resist electricity 10
Speed: 40 ft, Fly 40 ft (average)
Melee: hooves +6 (1d4+1 non-lethal)
Special Attacks: Channel Positive Energy (4d6, Will DC 16, 6/day), Lightning Arc (1d6+3, 30 ft, 6/day)
Spells Prepared (CL 7th)
4th: Dimension Door (d), Lesser Planar Ally
3rd: Create Food and Water, Daylight (2), Gaseous Form(d)
2nd: Aid (2), Consecrate, Wind Wall(d), Zone of Truth
1st: Bless (2), Bless Water, Detect Undead (2), Longstrider (d)
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Domains: Air, Travel; d=Domain spells
Str: 12, Dex: 16, Con: 11, Int: 8, Wis: 16, Cha: 12
Base Atk: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 19
Feats: Channel Smite, Extra Channel, Improved Channel, Turn Undead
Skills: Spellcraft +9
Languages: Common
SQ: Agile Feet (6/round), Cloud Walk, Non-Dexterous, Super Speed Strut
Combat Gear: Ring of Protection +2; Other Gear: +3 chain shirt, 140 gp worth of gear and coins

I'm trying to decide which of these I like better:

Maps of Equestria

I like the art style of the black and white map, but the color version is done more in the style of an RPG setting map. It's also more spread out, which makes it easier to fit in homebrew stuff.

What about this one?

Has anyone come up with any cutie marks yet? I am to lazy to think of any myself.

Well... according to this thread started by the creator of Ponyfinder, you'll just have to wait. He apparently wants to convert more parts of the PF Core Rulebook.

FightingFire wrote:

So anyway, here are my standing right now:
Dragon: 95% (final edits)
Buffalo: 65%
Griffin: 50%
Zebra: 25%
Feats: 20% (just began the sheet, looking good so far. How does advanced Unicorn Magic sound?)
Weapons: 10% (concepts being completed and preliminary playtesting)
Other stuff: 5% (concepts)

Is this image the one that should be used for Applejack? lol.

Dark Archive

Madness Follows wrote:
Is this image the one that should be used for Applejack? lol.

Ahhhhhh.... What have you done man? Once something is seen it can never be unseen.

David Fryer wrote:
Madness Follows wrote:
Is this image the one that should be used for Applejack? lol.
Ahhhhhh.... What have you done man? Once something is seen it can never be unseen.

Those aren't your coveralls, are they ? :)

humorous intent!

I've got to put on an Amulet of Mighty Fists [Forehead Bane] and a Monk's Robe to get the level of facpalm I need after seeing that image.

Madness Follows wrote:
Is this image the one that should be used for Applejack? lol.

Someone crossed Poison Joke with Mandrake and put it in the cupppy cakes! LOL.

Dark Archive

Turin the Mad wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Madness Follows wrote:
Is this image the one that should be used for Applejack? lol.
Ahhhhhh.... What have you done man? Once something is seen it can never be unseen.

Those aren't your coveralls, are they ? :)

humorous intent!

Well not anymore! :)

I .... am speechless. I'm watching this on YouTube right now. Jesus. Finally. A half-way decent Kid's show that an adult can actually sit through and actually laugh honestly, not just 'Aw gawd' laughter.

Also no porny references .... NOT THAT IT STOPS PEOPLE TRYING, G&*!$*MIT! *glares at Deviant Art*

Madness Follows wrote:

Well... according to this thread started by the creator of Ponyfinder, you'll just have to wait. He apparently wants to convert more parts of the PF Core Rulebook.

FightingFire wrote:

So anyway, here are my standing right now:
Dragon: 95% (final edits)
Buffalo: 65%
Griffin: 50%
Zebra: 25%
Feats: 20% (just began the sheet, looking good so far. How does advanced Unicorn Magic sound?)
Weapons: 10% (concepts being completed and preliminary playtesting)
Other stuff: 5% (concepts)

Whoa, didn't see that part (bolding mine). BOO YAH! PLAYABLE DRAGONS IN PATHFINDER!

Why my dot keep dissapearing from this?

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Also no porny references .... NOT THAT IT STOPS PEOPLE TRYING, G#!%&%MIT! *glares at Deviant Art*

Yeah it's a sad equation.

Popular show + teen/adult fans + Internet = rule 34

And as rule 34 itself states, no exceptions. :\

I just follow in the hoofprints of the Great and Powerful Lauren Faust herself when it comes to that kind of stuff. Quote:

LaurenFaust wrote:
"I'm a big girl. When stuff gets too icky I just find something else to do.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
Also no porny references .... NOT THAT IT STOPS PEOPLE TRYING, G*!#!*MIT! *glares at Deviant Art*

Yeah, that place is pretty wierd...

I forget if this was done already but...
Applejack - Ranger (Skirmisher), Winona is her animal companion
Fluttershy - Ranger (Beastmaster, Skirmisher), Angel is the primary animal companion
Pinkie Pie - Bard/Witch, Gummy is her familiar
Rainbow Dash - Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Rarity - Sorcerer, Opalescence is her familiar
Twilight Sparkle - Wizard, Spike is her familiar

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:

I forget if this was done already but...

Applejack - Ranger (Skirmisher), Winona is her animal companion
Fluttershy - Ranger (Beastmaster, Skirmisher), Angel is the primary animal companion
Pinkie Pie - Bard/Witch, Gummy is her familiar
Rainbow Dash - Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)
Rarity - Sorcerer, Opalescence is her familiar
Twilight Sparkle - Wizard, Spike is her familiar

If you're going to let familiars be intelligent, maybe I'm back in. :)

Good Ninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've heard rumors that there might be an off-schedule Ponyfinder game at PaizoCon.

...Just sayin'.

...Pay no attention to the gninja in the corner.

I'm just going to throw this out there.

Caedwyr wrote:
I'm just going to throw this out there.

With the scale differance, MLP toys could trample all the gene stealers.

I'm just saying, scale matters.

Goth Guru wrote:
Caedwyr wrote:
I'm just going to throw this out there.

With the scale differance, MLP toys could trample all the gene stealers.

I'm just saying, scale matters.

I wonder what a twin-linked railgun would do to a pony?

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