How on are you supposed to fight an adamantine golem?!


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qlawdat wrote:

We are level 16. In the party we have a wizard, sorcerer, paladin (has an animated shield and switched from sword and board to two-handed), and a alchemist/barbarian/rogue/master chymist. We just entered a room with the golem in it. What we really need is to get past the golem. It is standing right in front of the door. However the room is small enough it doesn't really have to move to reach most of the room. The doors are set in a way that we cannot open them with the golem standing where it is. We have no way past its damage reduction.

Any advice on fighting this beast would be greatly appreciated. For the sake of ease assume we can rest and prep spells, and that the wizard has access to all wizard spells form the core book and APG.

16th level wizard you say

Get the group to buy him a 5th level spell ( PassWall ).

Then go around the golam, and avoid the fight. Easiest thing to do.


If you need the password = Might go to town, and get a cleric to use a Scrying and Divination spell, or get a Wizard to use Legend Lore.

If the DM say a Adamantine Golem is not Legendary... Argue with him, your within your rights !!!

qlawdat wrote:

We are level 16. In the party we have a wizard, sorcerer, paladin (has an animated shield and switched from sword and board to two-handed), and a alchemist/barbarian/rogue/master chymist. We just entered a room with the golem in it. What we really need is to get past the golem. It is standing right in front of the door. However the room is small enough it doesn't really have to move to reach most of the room. The doors are set in a way that we cannot open them with the golem standing where it is. We have no way past its damage reduction.

Any advice on fighting this beast would be greatly appreciated. For the sake of ease assume we can rest and prep spells, and that the wizard has access to all wizard spells form the core book and APG.

16th level wizard you say

Get the group to buy him a 5th level spell ( PassWall ).

Then go around the golam, and avoid the fight. Easiest thing to do.


If you need the password = Might go to town, and get a cleric to use a Scrying and Divination spell, or get a Wizard to use Legend Lore.

If the DM say a Adamantine Golem is not Legendary... Argue with him, your within your rights !!!


Oliver McShade wrote:
qlawdat wrote:

We are level 16. In the party we have a wizard, sorcerer, paladin (has an animated shield and switched from sword and board to two-handed), and a alchemist/barbarian/rogue/master chymist. We just entered a room with the golem in it. What we really need is to get past the golem. It is standing right in front of the door. However the room is small enough it doesn't really have to move to reach most of the room. The doors are set in a way that we cannot open them with the golem standing where it is. We have no way past its damage reduction.

Any advice on fighting this beast would be greatly appreciated. For the sake of ease assume we can rest and prep spells, and that the wizard has access to all wizard spells form the core book and APG.

16th level wizard you say

Get the group to buy him a 5th level spell ( PassWall ).

Then go around the golam, and avoid the fight. Easiest thing to do.


If you need the password = Might go to town, and get a cleric to use a Scrying and Divination spell, or get a Wizard to use Legend Lore.

If the DM say a Adamantine Golem is not Legendary... Argue with him, your within your rights !!!

From what the player has been saying so far, the walls, floor, ceiling, and everything else are reinforced with Plotonium, which nothing can get around. The players have to deal with the golem or nothing.

Well in that case, it might be best to do Nothing.

Running way is usually a good option.

At lest until, they find some EPIC weapons, on there next quest.

You can not win them All.

Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
From what the player has been saying so far, the walls, floor, ceiling, and everything else are reinforced with Plotonium, which nothing can get around. The players have to deal with the golem or nothing.

I'm tempted to say "tell the DM to grow an imagination while you go play another game" but ... I have to say, using some kind of tunnelling to get an angle on the golem and open the field a little is the best tactic I can think of.

If the players have no choice but to get to grips with the golem, then you need some way of avoiding it hitting you and enabling you to hit it.

Idea ... go capture lots of rust monsters. Lots of them. Starve them for a few days, then set them loose at the golem. Sure, it'll pound them into dust, but the number of hits they'll get on it will weaken is severely.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

+4 Adamantine Sword of Construct Bane will get around the DR/Epic, too. But the Scarab of Golembane is more modular.


Kevin Andrew Murphy wrote:
From what the player has been saying so far, the walls, floor, ceiling, and everything else are reinforced with Plotonium, which nothing can get around. The players have to deal with the golem or nothing.

Yep, probably have to talk with it. or find some key to bypass it from somewhere else in complex.

hopefully, it is not one of my least fave answers. Ask the superduper better than players NPC to handle it with a DM handwave spell. *poof* " There you go children, have fun with your adventure, and remember, you will never be able to do what I do"


Oliver McShade wrote:

Well in that case, it might be best to do Nothing.

Running way is usually a good option.

At lest until, they find some EPIC weapons, on there next quest.

You can not win them All.

Wall. Of. Lava.


This spell creates a vertical wall of lava that is 1 inch thick for every 4 caster levels and composed of up to one 5-foot square per level. A wall of lava's maximum height cannot exceed half of its width (with a minimum height of 5 feet). The wall cannot be conjured so that it occupies the same space as a creature or object. A section of a wall of lava can be destroyed by damage (hardness 4, hp 90), but if a section is destroyed, the remaining lava in the wall immediately fills in any such hole created, reducing the wall's overall size by one 5-foot square but remaining a contiguous barrier. Each time a weapon strikes a wall of lava, it takes 2d6 points of fire damage (or the creature who strikes the wall takes 2d6 fire damage if the attack was via an unarmed strike or natural attack).

A creature can move through a wall of lava as a full-round action by making a DC 25 Strength check-failure indicates that the creature is pushed back out of the wall to the point he just attempted to leave. A creature with a burrow speed can move through the wall using its burrow speed. An attempt to move through a wall of lava inflicts 20d6 fire damage. A wall of lava also radiates heat as if it were a wall of fire, although the heat from a wall of lava radiates from both sides.

Once per round as a move action, you can direct the wall of lava to erupt. This causes a plume of lava to fire at any target within 60 feet of either side of the wall, but reduces the wall's overall size by 1d4 5-foot square sections. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit the target, which takes 10d6 points of fire damage on a hit. Holes created in a wall of lava from this effect instantly reseal, reducing the overall size of the wall.

All damage inflicted by physical contact with a wall of lava continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this additional damage is only half that dealt during actual contact (that is, 1d6 or 5d6 or 10d6 points per round).

I mean, just look at it. And it's conjuration (creation) so no Spell Resistance.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Get a new GM?

Seriously, have you tried to talk to the golem? It sounds like your GM is doing his best to prevent a combat and force you into either a puzzle or an social interaction.

Look around more. Maybe you missed something.

Or maybe your GM really is just a jerk.

What's the problem with just defeating the golem? If your a group of level 16 characters then its well within your abilities to just kill the thing.

Purchase a Scroll of Wish for one of the casters and then beat it down. Best tactics would be use spells which don't allow Spell Resistance and keep the Paladin up and fighting. It will be a tough fight but not out of your range at that level.

Can't get a Scroll of Wish, then just beat it down and bypass it.

What book is a scarab of golem bane in?


CalebTGordan wrote:

Get a new GM?

Seriously, have you tried to talk to the golem? It sounds like your GM is doing his best to prevent a combat and force you into either a puzzle or an social interaction.

Look around more. Maybe you missed something.

Or maybe your GM really is just a jerk.

This might be a reason to use Projected Image from the wizard to go chat with the golem with zero risk to the party.

While I think combat situations can be good, there's no reason to do a combat solution for everything if there's a non-brute-force method.

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Offer gollum alchohol, get him drunk...wait golem?

Ding Dong Ditch.

You kill that Ding Dong, then throw the body in a Ditch.

Ding Dong Ditch.

I kind of like the Reverse gravity idea. No save, no SR. The thing is just up by the ceiling, oscillating slightly, and you fly up to the door, and do your thing.

Fergie wrote:
Mr.Fishy wrote:

Offer gollum alchohol, get him drunk...wait golem?

Ding Dong Ditch.

You kill that Ding Dong, then throw the body in a Ditch.

Ding Dong Ditch.

I kind of like the Reverse gravity idea. No save, no SR. The thing is just up by the ceiling, oscillating slightly, and you fly up to the door, and do your thing.

I find it unlikely that the ceiling is above the range of reverse gravity. At which point it will probably stand on the ceiling and try to punch you to death.

Cartigan wrote:

I kind of like the Reverse gravity idea. No save, no SR. The thing is just up by the ceiling, oscillating slightly, and you fly up to the door, and do your thing.

I find it unlikely that the ceiling is above the range of reverse gravity. At which point it will probably stand on the ceiling and try to punch you to death.

I think that is why he said FLY to the door and do your thing. If you can fly, you don't care if he's on the ceiling, since he can't reach you from there (if he can, then don't reverse gravity).

it just seems to me like your GM is "preventing" you from entering the door. or your party just pissed him off enough. otherwise the solution to this dilemma is simpler than you might expect...

Use the wish to force the Golem's owner's soul into the Golem to ask him or her why you are being kept out of the room. There may be a very good reason. If not, scatter. The Golem will chase the wish user while the others come back and open the door.

Goth Guru wrote:
Use the wish to force the Golem's owner's soul into the Golem to ask him or her why you are being kept out of the room. There may be a very good reason. If not, scatter. The Golem will chase the wish user while the others come back and open the door.

You realize he said level 16 right? He hasn't said they have access to Wish, and since they aren't high enough to cast it themselves, safe to assume they don't.

Another option (reflex save) is telekinetic sphere. Pick the golem up (described as being made of 4,000lbs of stuff, TS lets you lift up to 5,000lbs) and move him where you'd like. Level 16 means its a 16foot square, so the golem should fit, and it lasts MINUTES!/level, which is great for having time to get in, then out.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Scarab, Golembane

Aura moderate divination; CL 8th

Slot neck; Price 2,500 gp; Weight —

This beetle-shaped pin enables its wearer to detect any golem within 60 feet, although he must concentrate (a standard action) in order for the detection to take place. A scarab enables its possessor to combat golems with weapons, unarmed attacks, or natural weapons as if those golems had no damage reduction.
Construction Requirements

Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, creator must be at least 10th level; Cost 1,250 gp

From the SRD.


Thanx! I guess I was looking it up as a "G" word. Duuh....

Could you possibly plane shift the golem away or push it through a gate?

Brambleman wrote:
Could you possibly plane shift the golem away or push it through a gate?

No to planeshift, as that will be foiled by the golem's magic immunity. Pushing through a gate requires contact with a monster that can grind boulders to dust. Not recommended.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Thanx! I guess I was looking it up as a "G" word. Duuh....


I really gotta do all my research at enworld. This place ain't safe.

I know there are a few spells and powers that can bull-rush from a distance.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Brambleman wrote:
Could you possibly plane shift the golem away or push it through a gate?

Push an adamantine golem? Bwahahahahaha!!!

*wipes tear away from eye*

That's... that was a good one! :D

Tarantula wrote:
Goth Guru wrote:
Use the wish to force the Golem's owner's soul into the Golem to ask him or her why you are being kept out of the room. There may be a very good reason. If not, scatter. The Golem will chase the wish user while the others come back and open the door.

You realize he said level 16 right? He hasn't said they have access to Wish, and since they aren't high enough to cast it themselves, safe to assume they don't.

Another option (reflex save) is telekinetic sphere. Pick the golem up (described as being made of 4,000lbs of stuff, TS lets you lift up to 5,000lbs) and move him where you'd like. Level 16 means its a 16foot square, so the golem should fit, and it lasts MINUTES!/level, which is great for having time to get in, then out.

Then use this to move it through a gate. Strand it on the desolate patch of nowhere of your choice.

Ravingdork wrote:
Brambleman wrote:
Could you possibly plane shift the golem away or push it through a gate?

Push an adamantine golem? Bwahahahahaha!!!

*wipes tear away from eye*

That's... that was a good one! :D

I do like the image of an entire party trying to budge a golem through a portal.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
I really gotta do all my research at enworld. This place ain't safe.

Heh heh heh ...

Don't worry, I'll bet altai doesn't read this thread. My lips are sealed. ;-)

Liberty's Edge

james maissen wrote:
qlawdat wrote:
We just entered a room with the golem in it. What we really need is to get past the golem. It is standing right in front of the door. However the room is small enough it doesn't really have to move to reach most of the room. The doors are set in a way that we cannot open them with the golem standing where it is.

It's a golem.

It's mindless.

Try to out-think it.

If you fail, then you deserve what you get.



Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

Ravingdork wrote:
An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

4,000 Pounds !!!


2,350 gold per pound
x 4,000 lb
= 9,400,000
Divide by 6 person group

1,566,666 gold, 66 silver and 7 copper per person


Ah were did you say you say that Adamantine golem again, ??

Thanks again everyone for all the advice. A few things. We are on a recon mission. We are pretty (95%)sure what we need is on the other side of the door the golem is guarding. So in theory we need to get through the door, investigate the room, and be able to get back through the door.

We have some time to prep spells, but not unlimited time. The walls are indeed protected by plotonium. A disintegrate spell might work, but I don't want to burn a spell only to find out it doesn't work.

We can leave, but then won't be able to return easily. So no scarab of golem bane. No buying a scroll of Wish (we cannot cast it).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Oliver McShade wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

4,000 Pounds !!!


2,350 gold per pound
x 4,000 lb
= 9,400,000
Divide by 6 person group

1,566,666 gold, 66 silver and 7 copper per person


Ah were did you say you say that Adamantine golem again, ??

I'm not sure where you got the idea that a lb. of adamantine is worth 2,350gp (it clearly isn't).

An adamantine golem's body isn't all adamantine either. It consists of adamantine, mithral, gold, platinum, and other metals and is only worth 100,000gp on its own.

Oliver McShade wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

4,000 Pounds !!!


2,350 gold per pound
x 4,000 lb
= 9,400,000
Divide by 6 person group

1,566,666 gold, 66 silver and 7 copper per person


Ah were did you say you say that Adamantine golem again, ??

Not quite, maybe try checking the book. Beastiary 2, "A adamantine golem’s body is made of more than 4,000 pounds of adamantine, mithral, gold, platinum, and other metals worth a total of 100,000 gp."

Ravingdork wrote:
An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

Judging by the weights of some of the large humanoids in the book i can only conclude that they're made out of balsa wood (while weapons are apparently made of lead instead of steel)

Is the golem medium or large?

A human being is about 3 cubic feet.

*************Per cubic foot******3 cubic feet
Cast iron*********450*****************1350

so thats about right if adamantium is as dense as platnium (which is a VERY dense metal)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
An adamantine golem is only 4,000 pounds!? Is it hollow or something?

Judging by the weights of some of the large humanoids in the book i can only conclude that they're made out of balsa wood (while weapons are apparently made of lead instead of steel)

Is the golem medium or large?

A human being is about 3 cubic feet.

*************Per cubic foot******3 cubic feet
Cast iron*********450*****************1350

so thats about right if adamantium is as dense as platnium (which is a VERY dense metal)

Adamantine golems are huge by default.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

so thats about right if adamantium is as dense as platnium (which is a VERY dense metal)

Strength does not equal density. If that were true, the strongest metals found abundantly would be lead and gold.

However, a good steel knife will cut gold and lead easily. Even a copper knife can cut lead and gold fairly easily. At the very least, a steel or copper knife will cut a gold or lead knife easier than the reverse. :)

Has any one attempted to disbelieve the golem ? It could be an illusion. However, as it is only a CR 19 to the party's APL 16, it is probably real.

Forcecage (barred cage) - no SR allowed, 16th caster level means that puppy is hardness 30, 320 hit points. It does allow a Reflex save, but at a paltry +9 bonus (if it is a "book standard") its odds of success are slim indeed. (Assuming an Intelligence bonus of +9 and no feats for Spell Focus (Evocation), that's a DC 27 Reflex save - the sorry critter needs a natural 18+ on the d20 to escape the cage). If this fails, withdraw, refresh, toss another one. Rinse, lather, repeat until the golem has been caged.

With a reasonable expectation of imprisoning the golem in question, it on average will need minutes of time to batter through the cage. Only its critical hits can deal sufficient damage, which *average* at one such blow every five rounds means that it will take the golem about 15 rounds to batter through the cage, although above-average damage rolls could see the cage fold in two critical blows. Prepare two of them just in case - while the door is being bypassed, ready an action to drop another one around the golem if the cage "pops".

I hope your wizard has 1,000 gp or more of ruby dust on hand ...

Oh... I recommend the wizard uses arcane blast, with his highest spell levels.

Adamantine golems are huge by default.

Huge...? Hallow like hell, its an adamantium foil covering over wicker frame.....

That might be a problem for using wall of lava in a small room. You can only make the wall as small as 10 by 10 and can't put the wall in the golems space.

Strength does not equal density. If that were true, the strongest metals found abundantly would be lead and gold.

I'm aware of that, hence one metal for strength ( i couldn't find steel) and one for density. Even if adamantite has wrought irons' surprisingly low(to me) density, the statue is still far lighter than expected.

Maybe it's an aircraft grade aluminum alloy golem in reality?

After all adamantine does come from crashed spaceships -- so it could just be an odd name for a type of aluminum alloy right?

Dark Archive

Rust monster, I choose you!!!!

Radavel wrote:
Rust monster, I choose you!!!!

Adamantine is immune to rust monster attacks.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Strength does not equal density. If that were true, the strongest metals found abundantly would be lead and gold.

I'm aware of that, hence one metal for strength ( i couldn't find steel) and one for density. Even if adamantite has wrought irons' surprisingly low(to me) density, the statue is still far lighter than expected.

Just pointing it out. :)

Personally, I'm thinking everyone is assuming the golem is solid metal. Personally, I assume it's more like a set of Huge Full Plate Mail, animated. Hollow inside, with reinforcing rods and magical toughness. Basically, I imagine it like the suit of armor from Full Metal Alchemist.

Dark Archive

mdt wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Rust monster, I choose you!!!!
Adamantine is immune to rust monster attacks.

Breed an adamantium eating monster then.

Radavel wrote:
mdt wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Rust monster, I choose you!!!!
Adamantine is immune to rust monster attacks.
Breed an adamantium eating monster then.

Do that, and you'll have every adventurer in the land hunting you down to sodomize you with the remains of their beloved adamantine stuff.

mdt wrote:
Radavel wrote:
Rust monster, I choose you!!!!
Adamantine is immune to rust monster attacks.

Where does it say that? I don't see it under either the rust monster or the adamantine descriptions. Besides, the adamantine golem is more than just adamantine so it should work just fine.

Beastiary, Rust Monster, "Against creatures made of metal, a rust monster’s antennae deal 3d6+5 points of damage. An attended object, any magic object, or a metal creature can attempt a DC 15 Reflex save to negate this effect. The save DC is Constitution-based."

That's at best 23 points of damage, that won't go through DR 15/epic. So the rust monster will be doing 0-8 points of damage to it per turn, assuming the golem doesn't make the save. Not that great.

The golem has a bad reflex save but it is so high in level that it will have smashed all the rust monsters before any of them take a chip out of it. You are better off with the lantern archon clown car.

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