Weapon wielded in 4-arms: Strength Bonus

Rules Questions

If an alchemist uses 4 arms to wield a 2-handed weapon, does it get 2 1/2 times its strength mod, or is it capped at 1 1/2?

There is no rules for that, i like the Way you are thinking but it is only 1 1/2.

Alchemists can't use their extra arms for holding weapons, as I recall.

Either way, you'd also need a Huge Greatsword or worse to "actually" wield something 4-handed, so you get a -4 to attack with it, and that's only IF that's even legal.

There's also the matter of how exactly your 4 arms are supposed to all grip the same weapon - I'm picturing the musculature, and even in a fantasy game, that's way too much anatomical BS to possibly ever work.

chbgraphicarts wrote:

Alchemists can't use their extra arms for holding weapons, as I recall.

Either way, you'd also need a Huge Greatsword or worse to "actually" wield something 4-handed, so you get a -4 to attack with it, and that's only IF that's even legal.

There's also the matter of how exactly your 4 arms are supposed to all grip the same weapon - I'm picturing the musculature, and even in a fantasy game, that's way too much anatomical BS to possibly ever work.

There are no rules for Holding bigger weapons in more hands than 2. You dont get to hold a large great axe with 3 hands no matter how they are set.

And alchemist Can hold weapons in there extra arms. They cannot get extra attacks from them.

I'd agree that many weapons just don't make sense as far as 4-handed wielding, but I was imagining that spears, longspears, lances, etc. could likely still be held in a reasonable manner.

Edit: Swords with a custom-made long hilt might also not be unreasonable.

I would use a two-handed weapon, plus have a shield and a thrown weapon (you never know).

What with spring-loaded wrist sheathes, the holding a thrown weapon bit isn't very useful, but the shield could be.

Anyone know what is the best shield to work around an alchemist's lack of proficiency when an extra limb is open?

Already planning on using armor expert + mithral to wear a breastplate.

Grand Lodge

Dark wood reduces armor penalty by 2, so a heavy darkwood shield has 0 armor check penalty.

as does mithral, as most folks know.

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