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Not sure what happened to the other Conan thread we had, and I don't feel like looking for it, but here is the brand spanking new trailer.
Can this even be called a "teaser trailer"? I hope they come out with something a bit more substantial soon.
For those who may not recall, this is the new version with Jason Momoa as Conan. From what I've seen he's come to look the part well enough. My only concern now is the actual story.

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I saw a ton of set photos for this at Gen Con and I have got to say that they got the look down pretty much pat. It also looks like it's going to have a _lot_ of blood and dismemberment, which is likely appropriate. Also: Rose McGowan.
That said, it's the story and the acting that will make or break this movie for me, and pictures don't speak to either of those things.

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From Wikipedia:
Plot Synopsis:
After his father is murdered and village destroyed, Conan ventures into an unforgiving world where he survives as a thief, pirate, and warrior. On his path of wanton adventure and women, Conan chances upon the warlord responsible for his tribe’s destruction. As he tracks Khalar Zym, Conan battles monsters, Zym's henchmen, and Marique, a powerful witch.
With Stephen Lang as Khalar Zym and Rose McGowan as the witch Marique. Could be good. I'm hoping that it at least makes enough money to interest the studio in a sequal, and that they then work on converting some actual REH Conan stories to the big screen.

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I'll have to go see the film for Donna* if nothing else.
Though the thought of a scantly clad Rose McGowan** does help increase my desire to go.

juanpsantiagoXIV |

From Wikipedia:
With Stephen Lang as Khalar Zym and Rose McGowan as the witch Marique. Could be good. I'm hoping that it at least makes enough money to interest the studio in a sequal, and that they then work on converting some actual REH Conan stories to the big screen.
Indeed. I would LOVE to see A Witch Is Born, Tower of the Elephant, or Queen of the Black Coast done as a movie.

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From Wikipedia:
With Stephen Lang as Khalar Zym and Rose McGowan as the witch Marique. Could be good. I'm hoping that it at least makes enough money to interest the studio in a sequal, and that they then work on converting some actual REH Conan stories to the big screen.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. We need to see if this first film will be any good before asking for sequels.

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Aberzombie wrote:Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. We need to see if this first film will be any good before asking for sequels.From Wikipedia:
With Stephen Lang as Khalar Zym and Rose McGowan as the witch Marique. Could be good. I'm hoping that it at least makes enough money to interest the studio in a sequel, and that they then work on converting some actual REH Conan stories to the big screen.
And....what part of "I'm hoping that it at least makes enough money to interest the studio in a sequel..." did you not understand?

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...For those who may not recall, this is the new version with Jason Momoa as Conan. From what I've seen he's come to look the part well enough. My only concern now is the actual story.
I agree. I really hope they do Conan justice. The Conan the Barbarian comics from Darkhorse are so wonderful!! (I'm talking the new ones they did back in 2003 or 4 I believe - Frost Giant's Daughter, God in the Bowl, Tower of the Elephant, Hall of the Dead, Rogues in the House, & the Hand of Nergal, to name the first six trades I have of the run)
Conan the Cimmerian was also wonderful, when they went to the jungle island & the statues that woke in moonlight... Ahh so awesome!!
Seabyrn |

I'll have to go see the film for Donna* if nothing else.
Though the thought of a scantly clad Rose McGowan** does help increase my desire to go.
*** spoiler omitted **
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I just saw Rose McGowan on a new episode of Law and Order: SVU - she's had so much poorly done plastic surgery that I almost didn't recognize her.

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Matthew Morris wrote:I just saw Rose McGowan on a new episode of Law and Order: SVU - she's had so much poorly done plastic surgery that I almost didn't recognize her.I'll have to go see the film for Donna* if nothing else.
Though the thought of a scantly clad Rose McGowan** does help increase my desire to go.
*** spoiler omitted **
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That's a shame, she's too damn young for the knife.

Urizen |

Rose McGowan is such a brat.
Just saw her on a recent episode of Law and Order SVU the other week. Was her lips always like that or did she get them 'plumped' via Botox or plastic surgery?
EDIT: Just saw Seabyrn's ninja'ed comments after posting, so I'm not alone in thinking this.

Seabyrn |

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:Rose McGowan is such a brat.Just saw her on a recent episode of Law and Order SVU the other week. Was her lips always like that or did she get them 'plumped' via Botox or plastic surgery?
EDIT: Just saw Seabyrn's ninja'ed comments after posting, so I'm not alone in thinking this.
She had a lot of plastic surgery done - do a google search for her and 'bad plastic surgery' and you'll see before and after pictures.
I think this "after" picture makes her look a lot better than she did on Law and Order though - it's hard to describe how weird she looked on the show.

Obvious_Ninja |

I saw a ton of set photos for this at Gen Con and I have got to say that they got the look down pretty much pat. It also looks like it's going to have a _lot_ of blood and dismemberment, which is likely appropriate. Also: Rose McGowan.
That said, it's the story and the acting that will make or break this movie for me, and pictures don't speak to either of those things.
Good... I for one am getting tired of nothing but kid-centric fantasy that has some great evil that only "little Billy, the chosen one" can stop. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are more and more fantasy flixs but I for one and tired of Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and the Narnia kids... *chuckle*

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Aberzombie wrote:...For those who may not recall, this is the new version with Jason Momoa as Conan. From what I've seen he's come to look the part well enough. My only concern now is the actual story.
I agree. I really hope they do Conan justice. The Conan the Barbarian comics from Darkhorse are so wonderful!! (I'm talking the new ones they did back in 2003 or 4 I believe - Frost Giant's Daughter, God in the Bowl, Tower of the Elephant, Hall of the Dead, Rogues in the House, & the Hand of Nergal, to name the first six trades I have of the run)
Conan the Cimmerian was also wonderful, when they went to the jungle island & the statues that woke in moonlight... Ahh so awesome!!
I highly recommend going back and reading the source material. There have been many amazing comic runs staring Conan, my personal favorite is The Savage Sword of Conan, but all pale in comparison to REH's original stories.

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From Wikipedia:
Plot Synopsis:
After his father is murdered and village destroyed, Conan ventures into an unforgiving world where he survives as a thief, pirate, and warrior. On his path of wanton adventure and women, Conan chances upon the warlord responsible for his tribe’s destruction. As he tracks Khalar Zym, Conan battles monsters, Zym's henchmen, and Marique, a powerful witch.
Sounds like a basic re-hash of the first movie. Mixed feelings on that, I'd rather see something of Howard's, if they have to tell a dang origin story, at least try something different.
Oh well, the trailer looks great and Momoa looks more the part than Arnie ever did. So that's something anyway.

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Sounds like a basic re-hash of the first movie. Mixed feelings on that, I'd rather see something of Howard's, if they have to tell a dang origin story, at least try something different.
Oh well, the trailer looks great and Momoa looks more the part than Arnie ever did. So that's something anyway.
See, I'm not so sure it's a complete re-hash. Seems the basic premise is there - Conan's family killed. Years later he goes after the dude who did it. But if they can avoid stupid crap like "he spends years pushing some big f@%*ing wheel", then it's already an improvement.
Plus, the synopsis makes it sound like Conan just sort of happens on this dude while living his typical Conan life, then decides "Hey, this is the ass who killed my family. Think I'll just go ahead and get some payback."
Agreed that Mamoa looks way better than Arnie ever did.

Urizen |

She had a lot of plastic surgery done - do a google search for her and 'bad plastic surgery' and you'll see before and after pictures.
I think this "after" picture makes her look a lot better than she did on Law and Order though - it's hard to describe how weird she looked on the show.
It was on the scale of 'WTF did you do Meg Ryan?' weird.

Shadowborn |

Speaking of "what the hell happened to your face?"...
Has anyone found any better trailers for Conan yet? I'm anxious to see something, anything, that will better sell me on the movie.

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Xabulba wrote:Conan-TopSpeaking of "what the hell happened to your face?"...
Has anyone found any better trailers for Conan yet? I'm anxious to see something, anything, that will better sell me on the movie.
Sadly, the "smokey" trailer is the only one they've released so far.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal |

*Stabs at his eyes with a dull, rusty spork*
getitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutget itoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetito utgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutg etitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgeti toutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitou tgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutge titoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetit outgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutget itoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitoutgetitout.......

Tensor |

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:>>New trailer is up.<<I never doubted.
Behold... and despair. Hmm.
I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt, but in the 2m:15sec trailer Conan was the center of attention for about 30 seconds and in that time he was basically shown doing the same move again and again.
The producers conspicuously did not have him saying much in this advertisement. I really, really hope that dude has the Charisma + Acting Chops to pull this role off.

Tensor |

Studpuffin wrote:Proof of the Lion-O/Carrot Top connection.PROP JOKES, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I find Carrot Top to be very funny. But on a personal level he unnerves me.
He could definitely be one of Conan's henchmen. In fact, I think Carrot Top would like that.

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Behold... and despair. Hmm.
I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt, but in the 2m:15sec trailer Conan was the center of attention for about 30 seconds and in that time he was basically shown doing the same move again and again.
The producers conspicuously did not have him saying much in this advertisement. I really, really hope that dude has the Charisma + Acting Chops to pull this role off.
I'm rooting for this, both because I know I'd have had to keep closing Donna's jaw. (Jason Momoa, Ron Perlman, if ever there was a movie made for her fantasies... this was it) And because I like Momoa.
If you can find Stargate Atlantis for rent or on demand or on Hulu or something he plated Ronan. You can judge his acting chops from that, I think.

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I saw a billboard for Conan in my hometown (LA). It looked like it could be the cover of one of the novels, maybe one by Boris Vallejo or some artist like him. It made me want to see the movie, and I previously wasn't that interested in it...I guess having Arnold as my governor kinda turned me off to the whole "Conan" thing. :P

Jandrem |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just watched the trailer, and my response is a resounding "Meh."
I know Arnold didn't match up with the Conan of the novels, and I'm well aware how beyond his action-movie years he is now, but this Mamoa guy just doesn't do it for me. I grew up on the Conan movies, they are what got me into fantasy gaming in the first place. The first Conan movie wasn't very flashy, I loved the gritty realness of it. This new one looks like a 90 minute CGI special effects orgy with a little bit of story on the side. It's not fair to judge a movie before watching it, but the trailer is a real let-down for me.
I'll wait for the DVD.

Shadowborn |

Proof of the Lion-O/Carrot Top connection.
I smell live action movie. Someone call a producer.
As for Conan, I'm feeling more anticipation now that I've seen the new trailer, not to mention Mamoa himself in Game of Thrones. I'm still not geeking out over it like I am the new Green Lantern movie, but it might be worth a trip to the multiplex.

Werthead |

I met Jason Momoa at a press junket for the new CONAN movie a couple of weeks ago. His attitude was pretty good. When he got the role he sat down and read a whole bunch of the original Howard short stories. He also studiously avoided watching the Arnie movies. He said he wasn't interested in competing with Arnie at all and the best way to do that was to simply not have the basis of comparison. He's also met Arnie, who approved of this approach.
Someone did ask him about the riddle of steel, and rolled his eyes and mentioned he'd been asked that a few times :-)
The problem is that whilst it's true and accurate that the 1982 movie is not really like Conan in the books and short stories, the movie version is the popular image of Conan amongst the general audience. So whilst it's great that they are hewing close to the stories, the general audience may get confused if it's not a proper remake of the 1982 movie. Reminds me of the situation when Kubrick's THE SHINING is nothing like the novel but people don't care because the film's so iconic, and when King produced a version much closer to the book, no-one gave a toss (though the second version was awful and obscure, which didn't help).

Tensor |

Someone did ask him about the riddle of steel, and rolled his eyes and mentioned he'd been asked that a few times :-)
I am bit disappointed Momoa rolled his eyes at the mention of the riddle of steel (probably the 500th and counting.) I would hope he understood its importance to the Conan sagas, and by this time have come up with a 'stock answer' if not a really good answer.

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Werthead wrote:Someone did ask him about the riddle of steel, and rolled his eyes and mentioned he'd been asked that a few times :-)I am bit disappointed Momoa rolled his eyes at the mention of the riddle of steel (probably the 500th and counting.) I would hope he understood its importance to the Conan sagas, and by this time have come up with a 'stock answer' if not a really good answer.
Sorry for asking, but what's its importance to the Conan sagas? (i.e. I never read any of them)