Commando Crawl?

Gunslinger Discussion: Round 2

The leaping shot feat and gunslinger dodge both have the event of making the gunslinger prone, there are several ranged advantages to shooting from the prone. Instead of making being prone a disadvantage as much as it is.. maybe the gunslinger needs something like the rogue crawl? This way if someone rushed up on him he could get out of the way and stand up if need be, if his firing position was compromised? Or even move tactically from one prone firing position to another, It would even be interesting to see a way for him to reload during his crawl?

What say you all?

Sounds like a good Deed to get - he's treated as having the Rogue Crawl talent as long as he has at least one grit in his pool.

yea i could go with that

I approve, especially if it is as long as he has at least one grit in his pool.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Cool idea! Now if we can just get a few more cool ideas, we can make grit abilities selectable like rogue talents rather than static and boring.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That would be nice. I also wouldn't mind seeing the inclusion of the different firing positions to make it easier to hit long range without needing the far reaching sight. Making gunslinger Deeds like Rogue Talents is also a nice idea, but some of them would need to be given to all Gunslingers like Lightening Reload and Quick Clear/Expert Loading. Could you imagine this: You dead shot with your musket and misfire twice? Boom! Gun is gone. Of course, that's a concern as it is right now until 11th. Worse if you DT Dead Shot with a DB Pistol... That's what I'm working with.

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