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gran rey de los mono wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
I meant when it comes to internet terms. It is a foreign concept to me, although there are times where I pretended that I understood it to not seem stupid.
Sock puppet according to that great, wondrous, and infallible source of knowledge: Wikipedia.

That is what I thought it meant. Thanks.

Stupid Lincoln Hills doing a really hilarious rant thread to ruin my ideas for this thread. I'm now currently taking ideas for what I can make this thread into.

You could make a broach, or a hat, or a pterodactyl...

gran rey de los mono wrote:
You could make a broach, or a hat, or a pterodactyl...

I like pterodactyls and triceratops too.

Ah, what the heck,

Dinobots Transform!

BluePigeon wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
You could make a broach, or a hat, or a pterodactyl...

I like pterodactyls and triceratops too.

Ah, what the heck,

Dinobots Transform!

How would I make this thread into a hat? My thread-fu is not very strong.

Oy, JMD031, if you're not going to use this as a rant thread, would you mind if I do?

VM mercenario wrote:
Oy, JMD031, if you're not going to use this as a rant thread, would you mind if I do?

I could use this as a rant thread, but then what would I rant about? Truth be told, I've probably only got about one good potentially funny rant in me and then it just becomes sad. So if you want to make this into a rant thread, go ahead. It might actually give me something to respond to and keep the thread alive.

JMD031 wrote:
How would I make this thread into a hat? My thread-fu is not very strong.

You stick it on your head and call it a hat.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
How would I make this thread into a hat? My thread-fu is not very strong.
You stick it on your head and call it a hat.

My computer is not that light and the heat is giving me a headache.

JMD031 wrote:
VM mercenario wrote:
Oy, JMD031, if you're not going to use this as a rant thread, would you mind if I do?
I could use this as a rant thread, but then what would I rant about? Truth be told, I've probably only got about one good potentially funny rant in me and then it just becomes sad. So if you want to make this into a rant thread, go ahead. It might actually give me something to respond to and keep the thread alive.

Didn't say they were going to be funny rants, or even interesting ones. I'm just to lazy to make a blog and the idea of having someplace to vent sounds cool.

VM mercenario wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
VM mercenario wrote:
Oy, JMD031, if you're not going to use this as a rant thread, would you mind if I do?
I could use this as a rant thread, but then what would I rant about? Truth be told, I've probably only got about one good potentially funny rant in me and then it just becomes sad. So if you want to make this into a rant thread, go ahead. It might actually give me something to respond to and keep the thread alive.
Didn't say they were going to be funny rants, or even interesting ones. I'm just to lazy to make a blog and the idea of having someplace to vent sounds cool.

And then I can make off-color comments about them, Brilliant!

What ever happened to Puppies and Kittens? I like them a lot.

Shadow Lodge


BluePigeon wrote:
What ever happened to Puppies and Kittens? I like them a lot.

As long as we continue to post in this thread, they are all safe.

JMD031 wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
What ever happened to Puppies and Kittens? I like them a lot.
As long as we continue to post in this thread, they are all safe.

Good, because I hate fish hooks.

Fish hooks are pretty bad.

So I got the Beginner Box and have not had a chance to look over it.

Ok, new idea. Everyone post a list of topics to be ranted about and I will attempt to hilariously rant about them.

Shadow Lodge

Space weasels.

Blargh, having a space to rant I lost all my rantiness.
Give me a couple days, tomorrow is a holyday, I'll catch up on some of the flametastic threads round the forum, see if I can build some steam.

I keep rereading what I just wrote and I'm not sure it actually makes sense...

TOZ wrote:

TOZ is my new favorite poster.

I'll be back in fifteen minutes...

Is This Still Going? Really? I'm Impressed

JMD031 wrote:
Ok, new idea. Everyone post a list of topics to be ranted about and I will attempt to hilariously rant about them.

Okay, let's see....,

World of Warcraft,
Airplane Disasters,
The Euro Currency Crisis,
France - the Nation or National Identity,
Severed Limbs,
Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons,
Dead Middle East Dictators,
Space Weasels,
Root Canals

and.....<drum roll>......,


TOZ wrote:
Space weasels.

I live in a semi-rural environment. Semi-rural meaning that I'm not out in BFE, but I don't live in the big city. Some people may call it the Suburbs but those people can go (expletive deleted) themselves. Now it just so happens that I have a small garden in my backyard, nothing spectacular mind you just a small assortment of herbs. For a good while now, I've had no problems with my garden and I've had some nice home-made spices to use when I cook. But recently, something has been happening to my herbs. They're coming up missing, or trampled on, or even discolored. The culprit? Space weasels. That's right, (expletive deleted) Space weasels. "How can you be so sure?" you might ask. Well, shut up a minute and I'll tell you. You see, I thought long and hard about this for about 5 minutes and it occurred to me that at night some weird things have been going on recently. There are strange lights coming from outside and my clock radio is picking up weird signals. Not to mention the tiny foot prints on my back porch. I'm telling you its down right spooky. Sounds crazy? Well, you go ahead and don't believe me if you want to, but I'll be sitting here in my basement with my tin foil hat and shotgun loaded for when those (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) space weasels come to (expletive deleted) all of us.

Tune in tomorrow when I rant about World of Warcraft.

Shadow Lodge

BluePigeon wrote:

and.....<drum roll>......,


That will be fun.

JMD031 wrote:
Ok, new idea. Everyone post a list of topics to be ranted about and I will attempt to hilariously rant about them.


JMD031 wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Space weasels.

I live in a semi-rural environment. Semi-rural meaning that I'm not out in BFE, but I don't live in the big city. Some people may call it the Suburbs but those people can go (expletive deleted) themselves. Now it just so happens that I have a small garden in my backyard, nothing spectacular mind you just a small assortment of herbs. For a good while now, I've had no problems with my garden and I've had some nice home-made spices to use when I cook. But recently, something has been happening to my herbs. They're coming up missing, or trampled on, or even discolored. The culprit? Space weasels. That's right, (expletive deleted) Space weasels. "How can you be so sure?" you might ask. Well, shut up a minute and I'll tell you. You see, I thought long and hard about this for about 5 minutes and it occurred to me that at night some weird things have been going on recently. There are strange lights coming from outside and my clock radio is picking up weird signals. Not to mention the tiny foot prints on my back porch. I'm telling you its down right spooky. Sounds crazy? Well, you go ahead and don't believe me if you want to, but I'll be sitting here in my basement with my tin foil hat and shotgun loaded for when those (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) space weasels come to (expletive deleted) all of us.

Tune in tomorrow when I rant about World of Warcraft.

I like you, Stewart, you're different from all the other people, here in the trailer park...

World of Warcraft? More like World of Borecraft. If I wanted to do the same repetitive boring thing for hours on end I'll go watch reruns of As the Paint Dries. Don't get me wrong, I'm two years clean. Isn't that sad? I'm talking about quitting the game as if I'm a recovering addict, but that's another rant. One of the things I hated most about the game was the superiority complex people would get about it. "Your gearscore isn't high enough for this raid that's obviously going to fail because we care about imaginary numbers more than player skill" or "This game was better back in vanilla where when things were much harder and the fights weren't just different variations of the same concepts just with different polygons". On that last note, how many fights can you conceivably come up with that amount to "don't stand in the fire" and yet still have people fail these time and time again. Another thing I hated about the game was that after you reached max level you were practically forced to either join a raiding guild or PvP, because there was nothing to do but *shudder* dailies. Who thought this was a good idea? "Let's have all the players do the most boring, menial 'quests' we can come up with for the sole purpose of *snicker* (air quotes) making money". Seriously, these (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) really grinded my gears. So now they have announced a new expansion, keeping in mind they have yet to release the final content for their current expansion, and what do they come up with? PANDAS. That's right, (expletive deleted) pandas. Really? I mean out of all of the things they could have added to the game at this point...Pandas. How do you go from having people fight Deathwing the Destroyer to introducing Pandas to the game. This isn't just jumping the proverbial shark, this is more like parachuting into the shark's mouth while waving around a flag that says, "Go (expletive deleted) yourself fans!" Now, they (I'm refusing to call them by name for fear of summoning one of thier evil minions) are telling us that this is something that fans have been wanting for a while, which I will give them, but that was like two expansions ago. I mean lets really look at this, you go from 'vanilla' to BC and fighting Demons to Wrath of the Lich King where you fight...the (expletive deleted) Lich King to Cataclysm where you fight a (expletive deleted) super pissed off Dragon/God to messing around on some (expletive deleted) island because ???. I'm guessing that they are so busy with thier new pet project 'Titan' that they have decided to just let WoW die. Truth be told, I could go on, but I just realized I spent way to much time ranting about this (expletive deleted) game that not only to I no longer play, but I couldn't even be bribed into playing at this point.

Tune in tomorrow for when I rant about...airplane disasters? Seriously? Because let, not until tomorrow.

Awesome. Pure Awesome-ness.

JMD031 wrote:
World of Warcraft? More like World of Borecraft. If I wanted to do the same repetitive boring thing for hours on end I'll go watch reruns of As the Paint Dries. Don't get me wrong, I'm two years clean. Isn't that sad? I'm talking about quitting the game as if I'm a recovering addict, but that's another rant. One of the things I hated most about the game was the superiority complex people would get about it. "Your gearscore isn't high enough for this raid that's obviously going to fail because we care about imaginary numbers more than player skill" or "This game was better back in vanilla where when things were much harder and the fights weren't just different variations of the same concepts just with different polygons". On that last note, how many fights can you conceivably come up with that amount to "don't stand in the fire" and yet still have people fail these time and time again. Another thing I hated about the game was that after you reached max level you were practically forced to either join a raiding guild or PvP, because there was nothing to do but *shudder* dailies. Who thought this was a good idea? "Let's have all the players do the most boring, menial 'quests' we can come up with for the sole purpose of *snicker* (air quotes) making money". Seriously, these (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) really grinded my gears. So now they have announced a new expansion, keeping in mind they have yet to release the final content for their current expansion, and what do they come up with? PANDAS. That's right, (expletive deleted) pandas. Really? I mean out of all of the things they could have added to the game at this point...Pandas. How do you go from having people fight Deathwing the Destroyer to introducing Pandas to the game. This isn't just jumping the proverbial shark, this is more like parachuting into the shark's mouth while waving around a flag that says, "Go (expletive deleted) yourself fans!" Now, they (I'm refusing to call them by name for fear of summoning one of thier evil...

But Panda's are cool.

So today I'm suppossed to talk about airplane disasters. Want to know what the real disaster is? Paying (expletive deleted) $75 for your luggage to fly with you. Let me ask you something, how is it that it costs any more for one piece of luggage to travel under the plane than it does for you to fly inside it? Now I'm no engineer, but if the plane can lift X amount of weight every single time and will likely spend the same amount of fuel to do so every single time, it stands to reason that it doesn't cost that much more to fly an empty plane that it would to fly a completely full one. Does your automobile expend more fuel when you cart your friends around or your groceries? Not (expletive deleted) likely. And while we are talking about airplane disasters, why is that everytime one of these (expletive deleted) things fall out of the sky it makes national news YET is still considered one of the "safest" methods of travel? I don't know about any of you, but if I was on a flight to Seattle for say Paizocon, and the (expletive deleted) thing went down, I would be madder than Freehold DM at a Joss Whedon fan club convention. Truth be told, from where I live it would pretty much cost the same amount for me to just drive there with the only difference is the amount of wear and tear I would put on my car. Speaking of airplane crashes making the news, what the (expletive deleted) makes it news? I think it is some morbid curiousity we have with stuff that crashes, which explains why the (expletive deleted) NASCAR is so (expletive deleted) popular. How often do you drive to work and wonder why the traffic is slowed down to find out that there was an accident IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. (Expletive deleted) that (expleteive deleted) me off. If I seriously wanted to know about death and destruction I would just move to some inner city location and hang a sign outside my door with enough racial slurs to (expletive deleted) off everyone. News isn't that anymore. It is all about the shock and awe....but I'm getting off-topic. What was I ranting about? Oh right, airplane disasters. Who picked this topic, because its not a very good one. What the (expletive deleted) were you expecting me to rant about? (Expletive deleted) this, I'm done.

Tune in tomorrow for another fun filled rant about The Euro Currancy Crisis....seriously? Man, who came up with this (expletive deleted)?

No rant today...or tomorrow as it is my drill weekend. I'll be back Sunday with a rant about The Euro Currancy Crisis.

Tired....rant tomorrow.

JMD031 wrote:
No rant today...or tomorrow as it is my drill weekend. I'll be back Sunday with a rant about The Euro Currancy Crisis.

Take your time, lead it build up, and will we begin the next phase of catharsis on Monday.

Sorry for the interruption, I promise to get back to my regularly scheduled ranting.

The Euro Currancy Crisis is probably something I should be more concerned about...except I'm not because I'm an American. See, that's the American way. We act all oblivious to problems that will effect us and then (expletive deleted) about it when it actually happens to us. But this is supposed to be about Europe, not America. The way I see it, (and trust me it's from the standpoint of someone who really doesn't know what is going on) this whole thing started as a semi-good idea that has now blown up in everyone's face. Initially, all these countries were cool, each contributing what they could to ensure the survivial of the currancy and things were good. Then, someone had to go and (expletive deleted) it all up. This particular country (I'll not name it for it's own good but it sounds like an old movie with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John) is in serious debt for some reason I couldn't tell you. But the end result is like living with a drug addict, where you know that any money you give the person you will never see again. If I'm correct, this is pretty much exactly what these other countries have decided, they basically said, "Well (expletive delted), that's money we'll never see again. Might as well take the loss and move on". The question is, will it work? Of course it won't. Much like the drug addict, I'm almost positive this particualr country...or one like it, will continue making bad financial decisions. I know this as much as I know that the sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar...(expletive deleted) now I got that (expletive deleted) song stuck in my head. My point being, just because the debt is being forgotten about, it doesn't mean that suddenly the country will start turning itself around and start producing like it once was. No, in order for that to happen, lots of money needs to be put into restoring it to what it once was, with the promise that this time they will pay it back. However, where is this money going to come from? And furthermore, if they were able to come up with the money, which country would cause the next crisis from bailing this one out? It seems like they are in a never ending cycle of debt. Which is sad but at least the Euro is still worth more than the American dollar...which really isn't saying much. Hmm, this rant wasn't as ranty as it could have been. Perhaps it's because of my American heritage and my obliviousness to all things not American that has curbed my fire this evening. Hopefully, I will be able to provide you with a more entertaining rant when I rant about...France - The Nation or the National Identity. Oh that will be a good one I'm sure.

I used up all of my ranting energy promoting free speech. I'm going to have to come up with a better schedule for these things.

JMD031 wrote:
I used up all of my ranting energy promoting free speech. I'm going to have to come up with a better schedule for these things.

Need an energy drink? Red Bull, Monster, etc?

BluePigeon wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
I used up all of my ranting energy promoting free speech. I'm going to have to come up with a better schedule for these things.
Need an energy drink? Red Bull, Monster, etc?

No I was just not feeling it. I want to make sure that if I do this that it will at least be on topic and slightly funny. Besides, I'm not even sure any reads these.

(Expletive deleted) forum ate my (expletive deleted) rant post. *RAGE!!!!*

(Note to Gary, I'm pretty certain it was my computer, and not the forum, but it makes for an easy scapegoat :-)).

Grrr, I really was on a roll there. Now I don't even remember what I had and I'm too spun up to try and retype it.

Sorry boys and girls, maybe tomorrow. :-(

:::Shakes Fist:::

Having computer glitches myself today.

Some people on this forum have compulsive blabbermouth typing syndrome. They type a books worth of junk, and nobody wants to get a headace reading a books worth of ranting so I say quit wasting your time typing ridiculous amounts of words cause Im not reading them.

Shadow Lodge

I only keep checking to see what you rant about me.

SuperSlayer wrote:
Some people on this forum have compulsive blabbermouth typing syndrome. They type a books worth of junk, and nobody wants to get a headace reading a books worth of ranting so I say quit wasting your time typing ridiculous amounts of words cause Im not reading them.

I'm adding you to the list.

Alright boys and girls, time for another rant. This time I’ve taken precautions to ensure I don’t lose my rant before it’s posted. Today I will be talking about France – the nation or the national identity. Yesterday I had this whole thing where I first talked about how I don’t hate all French people, just a certain subsection. So, I’ll pretty much start from there. A good portion of the French people are ok in my book. This is because they remember what happened during WWII and are grateful for the efforts of the allies during that time. Unfortunately, a small minority don’t remember and are also the most vocal. These pretentious (expletive deleted) are so full of themselves that they likely couldn’t enter into a room because their heads are so over inflated. Honestly, I hope those (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted) choke on their (expletive deleted) own (expletive deleted) while another (expletive deleted) person (expletive deleted) them in their (expletive deleted) (expletive deleted). Why do you ask? Because they’re a bunch of (expletive deleted) elitist (expletive deleted). Don’t get me wrong, Americans can be a bunch of (expletive deleted) elitist jerks, but at least we admit it and, sadly, pride ourselves on it. The thing that really bugs me is how people from that country will sit there and act all high and mighty, telling other people how to act, pretending like their (expletive deleted) doesn’t stink, and all the while being a bunch of (expletive deleted) hypocrites. “What do you mean by hypocrites?” Well, shut the (expletive deleted) up and I’ll tell you. From my vantage point, this vocal minority that I despise so much, talks a big game about how they are better than the rest of the world because they are not war mongers and are more civilized than the rest us. (Expletive deleted). These (expletive deleted) are no better than anyone else because they, like the U.S and others, have nukes. Not only that, they are actively testing them. Now for what reason would a country need nuclear arms for? These are not defensive weapons. The only reason to use a nuclear weapon is if you want to ensure that your opponent will never (expletive deleted) with you again AND no one will ever what to go into that location ever again. I do not believe that they have these weapons “just in case”. Just in case of what exactly? When they get a (expletive deleted) up their (expletive deleted) and decide to end everything? Not on my watch froggie. The only other reason to have “the bomb” is for the power that comes with it. Every major country in the world today has it and every country that wants recognition as a big name is trying to get it. Don’t believe me? I believe North Korea and Iran may beg to differ. No bomb, no respect. Getting back on topic, if France is so sophisticated, why do they still have nuclear weapons? Why don’t they start the trend of not having to have nuclear weapons and still being a major force in the world? Maybe then I’ll have some respect for the country, but until then they will always be the country that got the (expletive deleted) kicked out of them in WWII.

Tune in next time for a rant about...severed limbs. Hmm, I'm going to have to really think about that one.

Remaining topics to rant about:

Severed Limbs
Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Dead Middle East Dictators
Space Weasels (could have sworn I've done this one)
Root Canals
That (expletive deleted) guy who said I should stop ranting.

Dark Archive

JMD031 wrote:

Remaining topics to rant about:

Severed Limbs
Fourth Edition Dungeons and Dragons
Dead Middle East Dictators
Space Weasels (could have sworn I've done this one)
Root Canals
That (expletive deleted) guy who said I should stop ranting.

I want to see a TOZ rant please.

Today is Veteran's Day. I'm a veteran and I degree there will be no rant today. Instead I urge you to go out and hug a veteran...unless they smell in which case, offer them a hot beverage.

JMD031 wrote:
Today is Veteran's Day. I'm a veteran and I degree there will be no rant today. Instead I urge you to go out and hug a veteran...unless they smell in which case, offer them a hot beverage.

That is generous of you, Sir.

Wow....I almost completely forgot about this thread. I'll try to come up with something tonight. Stay tuned.

:::Pulls out bass guitar and plays a couple of rifts:::

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