Swordsmasher |

So, tonight while rolling up a character with my 9 year old she discovered I had several dice (d6's) with pictures instead of number 1's.
So, she rolled her stats (4d6, drop lowest, she got: 7, 16, 17, 16, 17, 13).
So, anyway, she asked me why the pictures counted as 1's. I told her that's the way the dice makers made it. So she said "Why don't we have them count as 6's, and the 6 count as 1."
Smegging brilliant!
So, my 9 year old's house rule is that if you roll a d6 with a pic as a number 1, it counts as a 6 if the pic comes up.
Do you guys have any dice rules?

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So, tonight while rolling up a character with my 9 year old she discovered I had several dice (d6's) with pictures instead of number 1's.
So, she rolled her stats (4d6, drop lowest, she got: 7, 16, 17, 16, 17, 13).Do you guys have any dice rules?
There must be something about kids rolling up characters. When I rolled up my last character, I had one 10, and all the rest were below 8. The DM let me re-roll (thankfully!), and I let my 6 year old roll for me. She got 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 15.
My rule is that she's rolling all my characters from now on!

Ringtail |

No dice allowed that are completely clear with engraved numbers, are covered with artsy patterns that weave into the numbers, have incredibly tiny numbers, or are otherwise difficult to read when sitting further than two inches away.
Don't leave D4's where my cats can (and will) attempt to eat them. I don't care how cute you think it is to watch the furballs bat them around and play. There will be no more rush visits to the vet during game time because of choking.
If the die falls off the table, reroll it.
If the die is cocked, reroll it.
Finally, no matter how upset or angry you are, you will never, never, never throw a die. If you hurl a die for any reason you are out of the group, and you need to fix what you did to my wall before my landlord sees it. This has only ever needed to be enforced once. Believe it or not those dice can break things and hurt people.

Sylvanite |

No dice allowed that are completely clear with engraved numbers, are covered with artsy patterns that weave into the numbers, have incredibly tiny numbers, or are otherwise difficult to read when sitting further than two inches away.
Don't leave D4's where my cats can (and will) attempt to eat them. I don't care how cute you think it is to watch the furballs bat them around and play. There will be no more rush visits to the vet during game time because of choking.
If the die falls off the table, reroll it.
If the die is cocked, reroll it.
Finally, no matter how upset or angry you are, you will never, never, never throw a die. If you hurl a die for any reason you are out of the group, and you need to fix what you did to my wall before my landlord sees it. This has only ever needed to be enforced once. Believe it or not those dice can break things and hurt people.
I'm with ya on some of those...but altogether it makes you sound like the fun-police. I'm not trying to be offensive, but at some point, if you don't trust your players then what's the point? If someone bought flowery dice because they liked em, they should be able to use them.
Our one rule is "re-roll if it's cocked."
Also, I firmly believe kids roll better for characters because they genuinely believe they are going to roll really well. It affects the rolls. They don't even consider that they might get stuck with bad scores, so it doesn't happen. You hafta stay positive ; )

Ringtail |

I'm with ya on some of those...but altogether it makes you sound like the fun-police. I'm not trying to be offensive, but at some point, if you don't trust your players then what's the point? If someone bought flowery dice because they liked em, they should be able to use them.
All of the rules have been the result of actual problems that have arisen. We've gamed with two people who've regularly used incredibly hard to read dice. One guy would roll, then spend a long period of time looking at the die figuring out what it rolled, the other used the difficulty of reading the dice to cheat. I couldn't tell being at the far end of the table, but after a couple sessions of those sitting near him clearly insisting that he was calling out numbers well above what he rolled everyone decided it would be a good rule to just get rid of hard to read dice altogether so the offenders didn't feel singled out.
When someone throws a handful of dice and you end up with a broken lamp, a damaged wall, and someone with a hurt eye its justifiable to impose a strong rule. Also, vet bills aren't cheap.

Karuth |

Our houserule for creating stats is to roll 8d6 three times and build 2 stats with 3 dice each (you may reroll once). This allows more flexibility if you want to get either one high and one low score or two average scores.
As special rule. If you roll 6 ones you can count them as one 7 and reroll the rest again. Meaning you have 7 + 7d6. You can even get over 18 this way.
Similarly: 7 ones = 8, 8 ones = 9
(My brother managed to get a 21 stat once)
If your dice stands on an edge (without falling into hole or on a soft surface, etc.) you sum up the two faces that are on top.
Quite silly and unlikely to happen, but it did happen once or twice.

FireberdGNOME |

If it's not on the table, it don't count.
Cocked dice are decided by placing a like-sized like-facing (d6 on d6) on top of the die. The placement is done by the person that wants the reuslt to stand. Cocked dice are re-rolled.
Dice must be readable from across the table; or at least three feet away ;)
Leave Successes on the table. Feel free to pick up any failures, swiping the die off the table is conceding a failed roll. Be proud of your successes and share them!
* * *
If it's a standard for everyone, it's not an accusation of cheating to enforce it :)

Sphynx |

Not sure if it falls under this category or not, but when my players roll the dice, I don't watch or look at the dice. If they want to roll behind a screen or whatever, it's ok with me. I keep track of how 'average' you roll for important situations, and if you always roll above average (even if it's ALWAYS rolled visibly), my hidden dice also always come up above average.
Character creation for us is always Epic Fantasy point system (because if I let them roll, Epic Fantasy would be a below-average character :P)
I don't particularly care if players cheat a bit, there are times where, if they admit they rolled as low as they did, they'd have to roll a new character. But my players have sorta figured out my system I think, cause their hidden rolls went from unbelievable to sane. They probably noticed that if those d20 rolls never result in a 2-5, my d20's tend to come up 16-20 on every roll against that character. :P
I try to remember that the story is the most important thing, and players surviving it is important for their view of the story. So, they always win initiative ties, they never bleed out to death, and I never coup-de-grace any of them. (and this is in ANY game)

FireberdGNOME |

I almost forgot one! A big one, too!
No Lucky Dice. Specifically, any die on the table is available for any player to roll, including the DM! (I have only ever had this happen once in an RPG-the guy would not let anyone roll his d20. Rather, his D1+19... thing rolled 20 about 50% of the time!)

Damian Magecraft |

I almost forgot one! A big one, too!
No Lucky Dice. Specifically, any die on the table is available for any player to roll, including the DM! (I have only ever had this happen once in an RPG-the guy would not let anyone roll his d20. Rather, his D1+19... thing rolled 20 about 50% of the time!)
Whats wrong with lucky dice?
Even as a GM I use them.I have a set of D% with skulls in the tens position. Any time a fumble/botch is rolled the skulls must be rolled to check for severity of the fumble/botch. If a skull appears then "something" bad happens (oft times humorous). If both skulls appear then "something very-wrong-bad" happens.
My players hate those dice. even though there is only a 19% of something bad happening and only a 1% chance of something extremely bad happening...
Those "little evil demonic things" (as my players call them) roll skulls a little too often. And the double skulls seem to always know just when would be the absolute worst time to show...lol.
out side of the botch rule I do not think we have any other dice rules.
Oh wait there is just one other rule... all D% must be clearly distinguished as a tens and a ones die (IE: one must have 10, 20, 30, etc marked on its faces) This because I had one player who never rolled above/below 55 when using just two different colored D10s (depending on if he needed to roll high or low) and the color he chose as his "high" die changed according to which one rolled highest.

Karlgamer |

Kids are awesome! They always think of things that you never would have.
I do point buy for stats. I miss the trade off for randomness but I like the stability.
I once suggested using 2d10 instead of 1d20 but my players were insulted by the very thought.
I love the randomness that dice provide. I love there ability to emulate chance.

Caineach |

I very much prefer dice with pictures on the 6s. I try to avoid dice with pictures on the 1s, unless I am playing battletech. My dice like to roll pictures too much.
Cocked dice get rerolled, unless the player accepts the worse of the rolls.
Floor dice get rerolled, but feel free to announce the number to mock people with their almost success.
I don't mind hard-to-read dice at the table, but wont use them if I can avoid them. I don't like reading yellow on white-yellow-blue-purple-pink speckled dice.

FireberdGNOME |

Whats wrong with lucky dice?
Those "little evil demonic things" (as my players call them) roll skulls a little too often.
If everyone has access to them, they aren't lucky dice. It's when you get "No one uses my dice but me!" that they become suspect. Think of microwaved dice that are then tested for their new tendency...
Maybe it's paranoia from seeing cheats at wargames?
Pretty funny that the players are frightened of your dice :)

wspatterson |

If it's not on the table, it don't count.
Cocked dice are decided by placing a like-sized like-facing (d6 on d6) on top of the die. The placement is done by the person that wants the reuslt to stand. Cocked dice are re-rolled.
Dice must be readable from across the table; or at least three feet away ;)
Leave Successes on the table. Feel free to pick up any failures, swiping the die off the table is conceding a failed roll. Be proud of your successes and share them!
* * *
If it's a standard for everyone, it's not an accusation of cheating to enforce it :)
I'm pretty much down with all of these rules.
Not really keen on the no lucky dice rule, except I may have to adopt it at my table. The fighter's player sometimes seems to have a little too much luck with his dice rolls, especially lately.
Loengrin |

I've got 4 d20 that I use since I first play D&D... I always use them, they are my "lucky" dice, though they make are average (well a bit low) scores in the hand of any ohters, in my hand they crit often and do very often high scores ;)
Since I'm Dming my players hate those dices... Sometime they hide them from me :D
Once in a while they "borrow" them to make some rolls but inevitably they return them to me because they're crappy in their hand... ;)
I have no real dice rules, except maybe if a dice is out of the table or cocked you have to throw again all the dices you threw (for example if you have to throw 3d6 and one of the dice fall, you have to roll the 3d6 again)... :)

hexa3 |

I used to have players bet against percentile dice rolls. Example being 50% chance of stun, I roll a 60 and ask them "high or low?" if they said high (the higher percent being 51+) they would pass in this case, if they said low (the remaining 50%) they would fail in this case.
Sounds kind of complex, but it worked for a while. Though I guess it kind of made everything a 50/50 chance.

Damian Magecraft |

Damian Magecraft wrote:Whats wrong with lucky dice?
Those "little evil demonic things" (as my players call them) roll skulls a little too often.If everyone has access to them, they aren't lucky dice. It's when you get "No one uses my dice but me!" that they become suspect. Think of microwaved dice that are then tested for their new tendency...
Maybe it's paranoia from seeing cheats at wargames?
Ok I have heard this "microwaved dice" thing mentioned before... Is this confirmed? or just an urban myth?
cheating at wargaming? really? some folks tactics are that bad that they have to cheat to win?
Also I understand "some" folks need to use their dice.
If I use any dice but my own I roll horrible.
Conversely (some might say perversely) anyone other than me trying to use my dice tend to roll horribly.
Pretty funny that the players are frightened of your dice :)
actually I think it is my fevered imagination they fear more the skulls just give me the excuse to "legally" cut loose.

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Microwaved Dice? Will you players stop at nothing?
Getting any Number range you want

FireberdGNOME |

About Lucky Dice... Lucky dice are fine. *IF* they are available for all players at the table. Dice that are so 'lucky' you don't want the DM to use them are suspect ;) See, if all players use the same dice, then it is all balanced.
I have known at least one guy that actually rolled all of his dice, 100 times, and recorded the results. He kept the high-tendency dice in one case, the low probablility dice in another case. I don't remember his name, but am still friends with his daughter :)

Caineach |

About Lucky Dice... Lucky dice are fine. *IF* they are available for all players at the table. Dice that are so 'lucky' you don't want the DM to use them are suspect ;) See, if all players use the same dice, then it is all balanced.
I have known at least one guy that actually rolled all of his dice, 100 times, and recorded the results. He kept the high-tendency dice in one case, the low probablility dice in another case. I don't remember his name, but am still friends with his daughter :)
I've met people who've done chi^2 tests on their dice, and found that on different days their dice produced different results.
Annother rule I heard last night, that I haven't been at a table that uses it:
If you knock over a mini with your roll, your roll is a failure.

Damian Magecraft |

FireberdGNOME wrote:About Lucky Dice... Lucky dice are fine. *IF* they are available for all players at the table. Dice that are so 'lucky' you don't want the DM to use them are suspect ;) See, if all players use the same dice, then it is all balanced.
I have known at least one guy that actually rolled all of his dice, 100 times, and recorded the results. He kept the high-tendency dice in one case, the low probablility dice in another case. I don't remember his name, but am still friends with his daughter :)
I've met people who've done chi^2 tests on their dice, and found that on different days their dice produced different results.
Annother rule I heard last night, that I haven't been at a table that uses it:
If you knock over a mini with your roll, your roll is a failure.
That sounds like a good argument for not using minis to me. (but that is another discussion all together.)

guamae |
Our houserule for creating stats is to roll 8d6 three times and build 2 stats with 3 dice each (you may reroll once). This allows more flexibility if you want to get either one high and one low score or two average scores.
My favoured technique is similar, i roll 24d6, drop lowest 6, assign 3 dice to each stat. One thing about doing it like this is that you're pretty well assured an 18 in one stat if you want it, whether or not that counts as a bad thing is up to whatever group you're in.

Oliver McShade |

RPG when playing with small kids (who are not into rules).
Note this is a very Heavy DM is in control game, as he gets final say on All things/action done.
Dice / All in cup. Cup comes down, with all dice being rolled and shown. (only DM is allowed to hides his dice behind screen so they do not know what 1d12 AC he rolled this round is = which player are trying to beat).
You are trying to go for High Numbers.
You get one attack per round (before, during, or after a move).
Starting HP: 5
1d20 = Who goes first this round = Initiative.
1d12 = AC/Defended/DC check (This applies to everything for this round)
1d10 = See below = Assigned by player
1d8 = See below = Assigned by player
1d6 = See below = Assigned by player
Melee Attack = Player assign to one stat. =
Combat = If you make a melee attack, then you can do damage ( Melee roll - ac roll = - to hit points), effect any target you want that is within or comes within melee range (square next to yours), anytime during this round. Or you can do a stats effect vs one target this round (trip, grab, bull rush, disarm) etc.. effect last for 1d4 rounds.
Non-combat = Any Physical check.
Range attack = Player assigned to one stat =
Combat = number rolled is range you can hit target from squares away = Also ( Range roll - ac roll = - to hp ), effect any one target you want that is within range, you can do damage to.
PS = Yes this encourages, melee attack over range attacks. Melee attack is it can effect any target that come within one square. Range attack is that you can attack from a distance and they try to run away or move away.
Skill/Movement = Player assigned to one stat =
Combat = Movement only. This is how far you can move in a given round.
* = Non-Combat skills during combat = You can do a skill during combat, but it takes 10 rounds of uninterrupted work. If you have to make a AC check vs any reason during these 10 rounds, the skill fails, and you would have to start over. ((( Skill are not recomended during combat ))).
Non-Combat = This is your skill ability to perform ALL Skills. (Skill roll vs AC roll = Highest number wins).
Level or reality agreed apon before game (yes vague, but suppose to be) = Most important think is to have fun.
1) Real = If you can not do it real life, your action fails. Range attack require ammo to use and keep track of.
2) Simi-Real = If you can not do it in real life, but there is a chance no matter how slim that it might work, You get to try it. Range attack might require ammo to use and keep track of.
3) Fantasy/Future = Same as Simi-Real, except your allowed to use Fantasy effects. Example, I want to stick my Flaming Sword in the lock (melee vs AC) to burn the lock out. Range attack do not require ammo to use or keep track of.
4) Forget Real = If you think you can do it, try it.
5) Carton Land = If you could do it in a cartoon, you can do it.
Elf = 1d10 is Range attacks, (Special ability) = Any range attack that hits can effect 1d4 extra target that are within melee range of target player choose to hit. DM decide which extra target are effected (assuming it beats there AC defense score), not the PC. DM can make these target be effected in a sphere, cone, triangle, line, or not at all.
Dwarf = 1d10 is Melee attacks, (Special ability) = +1d4 extra HP at start.
Halfling = 1d10 is Skill/Movement = yes small and fast ;P (special ability = none, skill/movement is best option for role-play).
Human = 1d10 is there choose. (special ability = none, they get to choose there abilitys).
Level (everyone start out at level ZERO)
+1 per level to all dice rolls. Example a 5th level character get to add +5 to all 1d20,1d12,1d10,1d8,1d6,1d4 dice rolled for this round.
+1 extra hp per level gained (example 5th level character has 5 + 5 hp for = 10 hp total at 5th level.
Magic = Ok that the hard one as i have come up with 3 total different way to add it. (Magic uses the 1d4)
1) Simple = +1d4 to one ability choose by player at start of game. Can not exceed max dice total. (example 3 level Player choose to add +1d4 to melee 1d10, so that all melee attack get to add the 1d4 number rolled to them, except the number can not exceed 10+3level = 13 total. So if the player rolled a 9 (d10) + 4 (d4) + 3 (for level) = The 16 total would be droped down to 13 as 13 is max total allowed.
2) Items = Wings boots = Player can fly. Can move up or down 1d4 squares per movement round.
3) Complex = 1d4 + level = vs Target AC to effect.
Spell list ( at level 1 you can do this spell, at level 5 you can do that spell, at level 10 you can do a different spells, etc)
==== To be Honest to lazzy to fool with this, and most kids do not want to read the books, and as DM i do want to fool with looking this up. ======
In general if player descried the effect, i will let him get away with it for this round if he beats the target AC, and maybe even let it effect the target a number of round that it was over the ac need to effect the target, as long as no Damage to hp is done. ((note = even a non moving Petrified target, still get a normal AC score vs all attacks/action every round)).
Anyway it sounds complex, but really all you need to play is
1 sheet of paper
1 cup
1 full set of dice d20.d12.d10.d8.d6.d4
1 DM who is fun, fair, and wants everyone else to have fun.