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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't believe in blaming agents, dude knows what he's doing, cashing paychecks. :-)

True. But it doesn't make them a bad actor.

For all his insanity, for example, Nick Cage is still one of the best actors of our generation, even though he really likes a quick paycheck. You almost think he's actually two different characters in Face/Off, for example, but Ghost Rider 1/2 are both abyssmal. (Though to be fair, Nick Cage is a massive Marvel Comics fan, and he just took the first script with a Marvel character offered to him. His name is really Copola, as in Francis Ford Copola's nephew, but he changed it to Cage to avoid nepotism and Luke Cage is one of his favorite characters.)

I liked bits and pieces of ghost rider 1 and 2. Certainly loved the penance stare.

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My clothes were clearly guilty.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Part 2 had good supporting characters.

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Kajehase wrote:
And today we mourn Kajehase's DVD player, which gave up the ghost at the advanced age of 15 after a long and much-appreciated life serving its owner with a steady stream of entertainment.

*Stands to attention and salutes as his trousers are the oddly circular and shiny flag is lowered to half-mast. A lone bugler plays the Last Postman Pat Box Set as the sun slowly slips below the horizon*

Welp. Magic Missile might be a thing in the distant future (but it'd likely be really energy inefficient).

^ This is speculation based on the ideas presented in the video, not a direct statement or even direct implication of said video. Also, it's a nerd joke. 'Cause I'm a nerd.
EDIT: it's not clear, sorry: force effects. The "joke" is about force effects. Force without mass (except with it).

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What I want to know is where the blinking heck my tea cosy has got to.

Solve that, science.

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{quietly munches tea cosy while lurking beneath couch}

Silver Crusade

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Limeylongears wrote:

What I want to know is where the blinking heck my tea cosy has got to.

Solve that, science.

Into the void along with one sock

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Hardback Pathfinder-updated Crimson Throne inbound!

HELLS YES!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!

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Orthos wrote:

Hardback Pathfinder-updated Crimson Throne inbound!

HELLS YES!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!

We Freeholds hate this news. I don't remember why, only that we hate it.

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The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Hardback Pathfinder-updated Crimson Throne inbound!

HELLS YES!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!

We Freeholds hate this news. I don't remember why, only that we hate it.

I don't even remember hating it. I think I am maintaining a stoic neutrality on this.

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Freehold DM wrote:
The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Hardback Pathfinder-updated Crimson Throne inbound!

HELLS YES!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!

We Freeholds hate this news. I don't remember why, only that we hate it.
I don't even remember hating it. I think I am maintaining a stoic neutrality on this.

Nope, we disliked it.

The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Hardback Pathfinder-updated Crimson Throne inbound!

HELLS YES!!! HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!

We Freeholds hate this news. I don't remember why, only that we hate it.
I don't even remember hating it. I think I am maintaining a stoic neutrality on this.
Nope, we disliked it.

that was a very specific aspect of the game....

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Am I arguing with myself?

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Yes. I think we caught something chaotic from the slaad.

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Work, amiright.

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At least yesterday I got to call in with a case of the Mondays.

Got that crossed off my list.

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Well, Impus Major got officially weighed in P.E. today.

He has finally cracked that brutal ceiling that is the Girl's Featherweight Wrestling weight class, at least according to the handout he received.

But wait! (Weight?)

Apparently in 2013, fearing injury to the teensy, they upped the minimum weight from 98 to 101 pounds. D'oh!

(For those wondering, he's 5'1", 98.1 pounds, or 155 cm, 44.6 kg for you furriners.)

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Just when you thought the Pastafarians were the end of it, turns out, they were merely the beginning.

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RWBY Volume 3

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Blergh. Kidlet has been home with a cold for the last two days and today I seem to have caught it as well. :/
But at least he is doing better and should be able to go back to school tomorrow. For which we are both grateful. He hates being stuck at home with just me. Not even unlimited video game time makes up for that apparently. :)

In better news, early spring means early spring clothes shopping and I am finally out of pants purgatory (that awkward spot where one size of pants is too big, but the next size down is too small) and have finally made it to the next size down. It's so nice to not worry about my pants falling down. :)
No idea how much if any weight I've lost since I'm not due to weigh myself until next month. For the sake of my sanity I only step on the scale every three months. But I've lost two inches off my waist since January, so I figure that's the more important measurement anyways. The current meds to control my blood sugar are working out really well and with my blood sugar down all that healthy crap I do like eating well and exercising actually make a difference. It's a nice change. Although the part where my shoe size went down was weird. And the blisters were unwelcome. As was having to buy all new shoes. Apparently high blood sugar makes my feet puffy. But it wasn't visually obvious until they became unpuffy. *shrug* It was just kind of odd.

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A semi-successful night in the gym. Mom got my wife and I a belated anniversary cake that resulted in a late start at the gym and the evening itself being cut short so we could bring the cake home. And what a cake- two types of cannoli cream. I know diet is important, but this is anniversary cake from mom on the day the wife and I started dating(dating anniversary), I think I'm forgiven. Legs did get a workout to boot as I took an extra long walk to the gym itself. Now to get some sleep and prep for the morrow...

And yes, high blood sugar, as well as high sodium, can result in mysterious swellings.

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:::Swoops down into the thread then pulls an incredible burst of aerial power and flies out of the thread:::

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Look, up in the sky!

It's a bird...

Yes, definitely a bird.

Dark Archive

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When a lone Level 1 PC ticks off the DM.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:

Look, up in the sky!

It's a bird...

Yes, definitely a bird.

No it isn't....

Dark Archive

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I have been super busy and have not gotten to exchange even a few words with him, so I hope you guys don't mind I'll leave this here for Freehold to warm his cockles.

Silver Crusade

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Where are all these old farts coming from?

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Greenhouse gases, perhaps.

I'm not really an expert on storing farts personally, but it seems like Arizona would have a place for that. :-D

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Come on down to (blue) pigeon street
Here are the FaWTLs you could meet
Here are the FaWTLs who will say

I've been eating cake out of a soup bowl, cos I is well classy.

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Anyone ever play Iron Kingdoms? I just joined a group playing that. Seems an interesting system. Very simple roll resolution, but character generation seems a bit complicated.

I like that even though it's classed, you pick two classes and make a hybrid of them.

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Sounds fun, never tried it.

If I ever need RPG guinea pigs though, I'm totally calling you, Drejk and Tacticslion, you guys have played everything. :-D

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Not even close to everything. I've played:

D&D 2 (Not enough flexibility)
3 (every thing wrong with 3.5 but worse)
3.5 (decent but too mathy and poorly balanced)
4th edition (Every class is the same with different fluff text. Hated it.)
Pathfinder (7/10, best they can do with a classed system and exponential growth)
New World of Darkness (loved it) and its subgames
GURPS (too complicated to build characters for newbies)
Mutants and Masterminds 2nd and 3rd (what all d20 needs to be)
Shadowrun 4th (far too complicated)
Savage Worlds (simple, streamlined, and plugs into anything - my favorite)
Rifts (too randomized, chargen relies on luck and can vary greatly)
Iron kingdoms (as I said earlier)

...that's all I can remember.

My brothers were always a#~&%+~s about Rifts, not Tolkien enough, I guess.

Nightbane was a fun concept, gotta look around for that one again. :-)

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
4th edition (Every class is the same with different fluff text. Hated it.)

Wow... so beautifully and succinctly put. Don't forget, "Every class has at least one at-will ability that is better than its basic attack, so anyone using a basic attack, ever, just doesn't understand the rules..."

I notice nothing from Chaosium (Runequest, Call of Cthulu). A hatred of d100 systems?

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Just never found a group playing it, NH. I'm up to try it.

Except I will say I hate Cthulhu's "even if you win you lose" flavor.

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I love 4e myself.

It was so bad it led me to pathfinder, couldn't be happier. :-)

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Now, I've gotta find the stupidest f$~!ing thing that I can put on my head, and insist it's religiousness is so profound, I simply must wear it in my driver's license photo.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Now, I've gotta find the stupidest f##%ing thing that I can put on my head, and insist it's religiousness is so profound, I simply must wear it in my driver's license photo.

I have a response for this that is tremendously offensive and starts with "Its been done"

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Did you not read the story I linked above?

Of course it's been done before, that's the joke.

Personally, I don't care for hats. :-)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
4th edition (Every class is the same with different fluff text. Hated it.)
Wow... so beautifully and succinctly put. Don't forget, "Every class has at least one at-will ability that is better than its basic attack, so anyone using a basic attack, ever, just doesn't understand the rules..."

*cough* You still had to use basic attack if you wanted to make an attack of opportunity (though there were at-will powers with "you can use this power in place of basic attack when making attack of opportunity" rule). Or if you were melee-focused character that picked up a ranged weapon (or ranged-focused who was forced to fight with melee weapon for some reason).

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captain yesterday wrote:
Just when you thought the Pastafarians were the end of it, turns out, they were merely the beginning.

This is what I was talking about.

*grumble* make me link my own post *grumble*

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I read it:
Actually, I did, but my joke...well my sarcastic snark...was derivitive of one major religion's garb that literally leads to a lack of identificationif worn on an identifying document, because you can't see the person's face. Actually, I wonder why there aren't more banks robbed by people claiming religious garb upon entering...

I'll go no further than that.

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adds coughing Dragon countermeasures to pillow fort, but not using 4e rules

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7th Sea
13th Age beta
AD&D 2nd edition
Call Of Cthulhu
Cyberpunk 2020
Dzikie Pola (Wild Fields): Polish system taking place in XVI-XVII century Commonwealth.
D20 Modern
D&D 3rd edition, 4th edition, 5th editions
Earthdawn 1st edition
Fading Suns 2nd edition
GURPS 3rd and 4th editions
Kryształy Czasu (Crystals Of Time): overcomplicated Polish system developed in early 90ties.
Legend Of Five Rings 1st, 3rd, 4th editions
Marvel Superheroes (TSR)
Monastyr (Monastery): Polish dark fantasy system
Neuroshima: Polish post-apocalypse
Oko Yrhedesa (Eye Of Yrhedes): Polish system written by Andrzej Sapkowski - Witcher series author.
Savage Worlds
Star Wars d6 edition
Warhammer 1st and 2nd edition
Warhammer 40k - Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader
Witcher RPG
Wolsung: Polish edwardian/victorian/pulp era mix steampunk.
New World Of Darkness Chronicles Of Darkness
Old World Of Darkness

I might be missing a few games that I played once and forgot...

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Warhammer FRPG

That's it.

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There are tons of games that I haven't played. Some of them I wish I could play, some of them I wish I have played but now have no intent to play them because of mechanics too clunky for my current patience (though I might consider reusing their ideas while using a different system... I am looking at you RIFTs).

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*After a session of D&D 5th edition recently we were standing at a bus stop*

Me: <something-something> In a few weeks my rpg career will span 22 year...
Another player glares at me with hatred. I think she might reach 22 this year herself...

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1st edition, basic, 2nd edition, started getting but never actually played 3.5.
Palladium systems: TMNT, Robotech, Rifts, Nightbane, Heroes Unlimited.
Shadowrun, 1st edition
Star Wars, 1st edition.

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