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peeks in and admires the new servers before running away to a baseball game

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

(Also, woohoo! No government shutdown. I get to work AND get paid next week!)

Morning. I've been having a lovely weekend of goofing off, but now it's time to get back to work. Laundry. Grocery Store. Homework. All need doing before tomorrow. Sigh. Oh well. At least I spent yesterday unwisely. :)

Lindisty wrote:

peeks in and admires the new servers before running away to a baseball game

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

(Also, woohoo! No government shutdown. I get to work AND get paid next week!)

Woohoo indeed. :)

Maybe we will now be allowed to have a thread with over 75000 posts.
Anyway, it seems to me that some people have too much time on their hands...novaroma

Why do I suddenly feel hypocritical? ;)

Scarab Sages


taig wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

going to be out of it for several days at least. some have seen my fb updates from yesterday, for those who havent. "i fell off my bike"...

resulting in a fractured rib 4 dislocated fingers on my right hand and various patches of roadrash.

needless to say typing sucks, mouse maneuvers suck. but at the same time I'm BORED. been reading posts all morning but replies... bleh.

Also, Jess Door is an incredible friend. I'm not sure what I'd have done without her yesterday. You rock Jess!

We will try to keep you entertained while you recover, I will refrain from saying "don't do that," since you already know not to, plus my wife has gotten to SMACKING ME anytime I do anymore.

Huh. I don't think Urizen will have to do anything to "fix" this post.

It's better than self-abuse, IMHO. ;-)

Crimson Jester wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
My oldest son was caught, hmmm on my laptop looking up stuff. Found out this morning it was just some manga. Felt better but he was still in my room on my laptop. Then I realized WHAT SORT of manga it was. Boy is going to be grounded for a bit I think.
Oooo, found the hentai did he?
As a matter of fact he did.

Hm. He's at the age of being curious, in his defense. Use this as a means to educate when the opportunity presents itself.

taig wrote:

Hee hee. Hugo called Sharoth a plate dragon.

That's what he meant, right? :)

Stat it up, fuzzball! ;-)

Madclaw wrote:
lynora wrote:

Losing. My. Mind.

Boring lecture is bad. Confusing lecture is worse. Stoopid guest teacher. :(

Also when I printed out the labs I ended up with all of the labs except the one I need to do next....WTF?
So as soon as the insanity is over I have to book it over to the library and pay to print it out. Agh!

I know the feeling. I had a prof once who had a slide on his presentation that said, "Cancer is bad." He followed up with by saying, "Like really bad, guys."

Sounds like Mr. Mackey from South Park.

"Cancer is bad. Like really bad, guys. M'kay?"

Jess Door wrote:
Watch it in raw Japanese! :D

Uncensored Hentai version?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
I am a lazy guy who reads things for a living. I need a break in some of my entertainment. Don't make me read MORE...

Whereas I read a lot too, I have to take the opposite position as captioning of any kind makes it easier for me to comprehend.

I can handle dubs on animation, but not when it's a done over a foreign film's original language release. Given that I rely on lip reading frequently, nothing annoys me more than watching overdubs not matching what the speaker is saying. Subtitles, please.

Sovereign Court

Urizen wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Watch it in raw Japanese! :D
Uncensored Hentai version?

You shall not sully Inuyasha! ::glares::

Oh, and woot! WB, paizo messageboards!

Lindisty wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
You know, I think it's hard to find a gamer who doesn't like anime. I know they exist but I certainly haven't met one.

Ahem. You have now. Virtually, of course.

(Actually, it's not so much 'doesn't like', in my case, as 'isn't familiar with, and isn't motivated to become familiar with'.)

Count me in the ambivalent crowd when it comes to anime. Especially manga.

Scarab Sages

Watched Tron Legacy yesterday - interesting flick.

Today - tranferring beer from the primary to the secondary fermenter.

Woodraven wrote:
weekly update. Early in week five of tobacco cessation. Personal goal of 25 miles ran this week on the elliptical and I actually worked out all five days of the week.

Keep it up, Wooderson!

Moff Rimmer wrote:

The new hawtness erased my dots and new posts notification.


Jess Door wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Watch it in raw Japanese! :D
Uncensored Hentai version?

You shall not sully Inuyasha! ::glares::

Oh, and woot! WB, paizo messageboards!

I'm sorry, but Rule 34 has been invoked on Inuyasha long before I've been made aware. To preserve your sanity, I'll refrain from a link. :)

Scarab Sages

Urizen wrote:
Woodraven wrote:
weekly update. Early in week five of tobacco cessation. Personal goal of 25 miles ran this week on the elliptical and I actually worked out all five days of the week.
Keep it up, Wooderson!

Agreed. That's awesome. I went much the same route when I stopped. The workouts helped fill the void.

Urizen wrote:
I'm sorry, but Rule 34 has been invoked on Inuyasha long before I've been made aware. To preserve your sanity, I'll refrain from a link. :)

Sanity is overrated. Go ahead. Give them the link. You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it.

Bob Sothoth wrote:
Urizen wrote:
I'm sorry, but Rule 34 has been invoked on Inuyasha long before I've been made aware. To preserve your sanity, I'll refrain from a link. :)
Sanity is overrated. Go ahead. Give them the link. You know you want to. All the cool kids are doing it.

An unfiltered images search on Google for the words bolded above should easily suffice a failed sanity check. ;-)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Congrats, Woodraven!

Crashthulhu wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

yay! paizopaizopaizo!

And how is the Crashy One feeling today?


much better than the last few days. was able to get in a fairly decent shower this morning. Jess and another friend were over yesterday to help with house cleaning and doing some shopping yesterday, and the kingmaker group will be over this afternoon!

i have every intention of making it into work tomorrow do that should be... interesting.

Glad to hear you are somewhat better. It's amazing how good a hot shower and good friends make you feel, isn't it? Preferably all at the same time, but separate is OK too.

Liberty's Edge


I mean, dot.

hello everybody - got away from the fiance and friends long enough to post a tiny bit... I'm going to be in Huntsville AL for two weeks starting on the 18th, does anyone have any gamer contacts in the area? I thought it might be nice to try and get a game or two in while I'm down there, but chasing down a game in a new place can be a painful undertaking.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer


And then I get to go back into work and fix the one thing I forgot to do during yesterday's fun.

Liberty's Edge

Gary Teter wrote:


And then I get to go back into work and fix the one thing I forgot to do during yesterday's fun.


How long were you guys tinkering away at that beast, Gary?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Gary Teter wrote:


And then I get to go back into work and fix the one thing I forgot to do during yesterday's fun.

You don't want coffee. You want Java!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

It was your basic eighteen-hour day. I've had worse.


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Hugo Solis wrote:
Speaking of jumping back in... I owe you guys the $5 for Ashton illo... should I send it to Taig or a gift certificate for Ashton?

JUST FOR HUGO: GC to me works best. Thanks!

The Exchange


Treppa wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Crashthulhu wrote:

yay! paizopaizopaizo!

And how is the Crashy One feeling today?


much better than the last few days. was able to get in a fairly decent shower this morning. Jess and another friend were over yesterday to help with house cleaning and doing some shopping yesterday, and the kingmaker group will be over this afternoon!

i have every intention of making it into work tomorrow do that should be... interesting.

Glad to hear you are somewhat better. It's amazing how good a hot shower and good friends make you feel, isn't it? Preferably all at the same time, but separate is OK too.

damn you! ::shakefist:: laughing makes my rib hurt.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So they replaced the hamsters, did they replace the 12 year olds too? ;)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

No, those are next. And now I'm going back home for bacon & eggs.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Gary Teter wrote:
No, those are next. And now I'm going back home for bacon & eggs.

Wait a second...I thought the new servers dispensed bacon.

RPG Superstar 2012

I'm a little slow on the uptake. That was a euphemism. Gotcha. ;)

taig wrote:

I'm a little slow on the uptake. That was a euphemism. Gotcha. ;)

Giggidy giggidy goo! </Quagmire>

cubs are up in the 2nd inning 3-2

Scarab Sages


Woodraven wrote:

cubs are up in the 2nd inning 3-2

YES! Oh wait...we are tied now....

Scarab Sages

Go team!

The Exchange

How is playing and why should I care?

Moorluck wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Too bad I didn't catch "D" in time to suggest Demeter, one of my most favorite Greek Deities. :)

See, I would have said Persephone, but at my age, I probably should settle for Demeter.

Urizen wrote:
Lindisty wrote:
Madclaw wrote:
You know, I think it's hard to find a gamer who doesn't like anime. I know they exist but I certainly haven't met one.

Ahem. You have now. Virtually, of course.

(Actually, it's not so much 'doesn't like', in my case, as 'isn't familiar with, and isn't motivated to become familiar with'.)

Count me in the ambivalent crowd when it comes to anime. Especially manga.

This is the great thing about being ambivalent about everything. For example, I think most horror films SUCK, but I love a great horror film. Same with anime. Same with books. Then I get to change ambivalent to "critical" or "discerning" or something like that. :D

Uri was on a role and I missed it.
I hope PMG is taking a nap or a breather or something.
Excited about Woody: I want there to be people alive when I'm in the nursing home needing someone to come visit and game with me.
Taig, when is the next update on The GA Adventure?

CrimJ: I care.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Uri was on a role and I missed it.

Heck, I missed it too. Which one?

Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Watched Tron Legacy yesterday - interesting flick.

It amazed me how we could have a movie called Tron that had surprisingly little to do with Tron.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Watched Tron Legacy yesterday - interesting flick.
It amazed me how we could have a movie called Tron that had surprisingly little to do with Tron.




[edit]Naked groggy dance!

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