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AH, naked family time.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

I don't like people near my age being GPs. Cut that out!


You think that's bad? This guy's one of two leader of the third largest party in Sweden.

How old are you Leafy?

Can't you tell from PIE, Sharoth?

Kajehase wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

I don't like people near my age being GPs. Cut that out!


You think that's bad? This guy's one of two leader of the third largest party in Sweden.

He's the same age as my youngest sister....doesn't seem unreasonable to me. :)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Can't you tell from PIE, Sharoth?

I am a Dragon. You mortals all seem way too young to me.

Emperor7 wrote:

First post 7/8/2008. I am but a sapling on these boards.

*Shapechanges into weeping willow* No, not the one from the movie.

Sept 28 2008

in the first year I made around 10 posts :-)

Dark Archive

Thanks for the good thoughts Dr. Leafy. Everyone is fine which is a blessing. I actually love being a grandfather. I get all the good things and when the time comes you can send them ho,e for mom and dad to deal with the bad stuff its great.

Gruumash . wrote:

why yes I did say grandchild. And yes you probably have seen a picture of me. The Monkey Man Mr Curtin took one this weekend of Ankelbiter and me together. I actually have two grandchildren one 8 months and one 5 years old.

Yes I am young looking and I have not yet hit 40 (This year). But my wife is a little older than me and her children are 26 and 19 right now both with children of their own.

I have to say I love the double take people do when I say grandchildren. ha ha ha

I always amazes me how young americans start families, we germans always wait until everything in our live is save secure and structered before we even think about kids, I am 36 and we are now start to plan for kids in the next 1 or 2 years, I can still beat my dad, he was 38 at my birth.

most germans move homes once or twice in their live (and usually not far away) and work for 1 or 2 companies, not long ago it was very very unusal to ever leave the company you started at.

we don't like to take chances and always expect the worst, you see the oportunities amd expect things to work out (and take the consequences if it does not), maybe that is our fundementasl difference between our cultures

Ps: to late to spellcheck

I can't even imagine staying in one place for a lifetime. We've been here in Ann Arbor for eight years and have moved houses three times. And this is the longest I've ever been in one city in my entire life. Three years is more of a normal length of time to live somewhere. I was 26 when my son was born and I really felt like I waited a long time. Most of the other people I knew that were my age had kids younger than that.

Definitely cultural differences. :)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well I sort of married into the whole thing. It was not a planned event for grandchildren and my wives first born was not planned either.

But I would change any of it for the world. I married a great woman. Patrick can attest she actually came to a convention with me despite her not being into the role playing thing. Just to give an example of her wonderfulness. She has many amazing qualities. We have have things in life which happen which perhaps if we could have planned it out we might have changed but the exciting thing that makes life is that despite those plans life throws you those curveballs you can't plan for sort of like a random encounter which is usually +3 CR levels higher than you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

I always amazes me how young americans start families, we germans always wait until everything in our live is save secure and structered before we even think about kids, I am 36 and we are now start to plan for kids in the next 1 or 2 years, I can still beat my dad, he was 38 at my birth.

most germans move homes once or twice in their live (and usually not far away) and work for 1 or 2 companies, not long ago it was very very unusal to ever leave the company you started at.

we don't like to take chances and always expect the worst, you see the oportunities amd expect things to work out (and take the consequences if it does not), maybe that is our fundementasl difference between our cultures

Ps: to late to spellcheck

Germans - making Swedes look like daredevils since 932. ;)

Scarab Sages

I'll be 40 in a few months, and Charlie just turned one. Weird.

Dark Archive

I will be 40 in October. My youngest granddaughter is 8 months. Strange indeed.

No you may not eat her brains AZ she is going to need those to support her grandfather in his dotage.

lynora wrote:

I can't even imagine staying in one place for a lifetime. We've been here in Ann Arbor for eight years and have moved houses three times. And this is the longest I've ever been in one city in my entire life. Three years is more of a normal length of time to live somewhere. I was 26 when my son was born and I really felt like I waited a long time. Most of the other people I knew that were my age had kids younger than that.

Definitely cultural differences. :)

26 is concidered very early over here

I once had a flat near work for 4 years but when my grandma had died my parents (already divorced, each living with new partners) gave me the house and I went back home. My dad is born in here, my granddad grew up in it, my grand-grandfather did built it, and the 4 generations before him also lived in the same small village.

my mum on the other hand has moved a lot, she was born in todays Czechia and her family had to flee after the war and where send from place to place as refugees. she even moved thrice in the last 30 years (out from our house into her own flat than to her second husband)

and of course I never left the company I started working at when I was 16 :-)
but seriously concidering it now

Dark Archive

I know I started lurking in 2007 or so when I ordered Dragon and Dungeon but I did not post until beginning of 2009. I still don't post that often.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gruumash . wrote:

No you may not eat her brains AZ she is going to need those to support her grandfather in his dotage.

What?!? This isn't drool.


Does this look lIke an avatar face that would lie to you?

Scarab Sages

On our way home. The wife left chilli slow-cooking in a crock pot today. Here's hoping the house didn't burn down.

Scarab Sages

Mmmm..... Chilli. This recipe uses stew beef and 2 different kinds of bean. Hide the matches!

Scarab Sages

Goddamned crotch-rocket riding bastards!!!!!

Scarab Sages

Also: mrgh.

Scarab Sages

Human League kicks ass.

Scarab Sages

Ack! The wife changed the station! What the hell is wrong with her?

Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:

No you may not eat her brains AZ she is going to need those to support her grandfather in his dotage.

What?!? This isn't drool.


Does this look lIke an avatar face that would lie to you?

You have a face? It looks like the decayed and rotted away already. I would offer you a napkin for the drool but I am afraid that you might dab away more of your face with it.

Scarab Sages

As you can no doubt tell, I get bored on the drive home.

Scarab Sages

Thank the gods for smart phones.

Dark Archive

"Don't you hurt me Baby"

I am checked out at work need to go home and get some sleep.

Scarab Sages

Gruumash . wrote:

You have a face? It looks like the decayed and rotted away already. I would offer you a napkin for the drool but I am afraid that you might dab away more of your face with it.

Your words wound me, good sir. We heart beat challenged are very sensitive.

Scarab Sages

Time to log off for a bit. Almost to daycare. Hope the boy had a good day.

Bye for now.


The Exchange

To whom it may concern:

So I was having a pretty good day today. Felt like a human being for once. Then at the end of my shift, my boss pulls me aside to let me know that the paperwork for FMLA was not approved and as such I was no longer gainfully employed. Now since my internet came as a free perk of work, and I will be unable to afford it without work, this maybe my final post for some time.

Ouch. That sucks, Crimson. Hope things turn out for the best - and quickly!

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

That's awful, CrimJ. You should talk to an attorney who knows employment law. The FMLA bit may be able to be appealed.

Dammit. I'm sorry cj. We will keep our eyes open for your return.

Also, what ch said.

Ouch, that sucks. Best of luck to you dude.

Ugh...that sucks CJ...hope you find aomething soon.

(It would figure something bad happening would cause me to stop lurking, heh.)

So sorry, CJ. Hope you can find something else soon.

Scarab Sages

Positive waves CJ!

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On another hand....

Good luck, Mike!

Damn CJ, that's really, really sh*tty of them. F*cking idiots. >:(

Belated condolences to Moorluck and Solnes over the loss of their beloved bunny. :(

Belated whew! to Gruumash for his step-daughter and her daughter being ok, but that sucks about the car.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Good luck to Taig on his Round 4 entry!

And huge congrats to Allen, Taig, Paris, Flash, and Hugo for getting full funding for Starlit Seas. Now you just need an eerie badgermin soundtrack.

The Exchange

Wow, I don't know what to say. Talk about suck CrimJ. :(

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Damn CJ, that's really, really sh*tty of them. F*cking idiots. >:(

Belated condolences to Moorluck and Solnes over the loss of their beloved bunny. :(

Belated whew! to Gruumash for his step-daughter and her daughter being ok, but that sucks about the car.

+1 to all the above!

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Now you just need an eerie badgermin soundtrack.

The only musical instrument guaranteed to rip your face off!!!

Sovereign Court

Jess Door wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Again, even though I'm broke, my family is rich, and even though I'm almost twenty-six, they still base their assessment of need on my parents' income. Absolutely ridiculous.

This drove me nuts too. Mom had to start working so we could keep the house...and then she went from part time RN at the local nursing home to getting promoted by the owner to Director of Nursing! My parents believe in "18 and you're out. No assistance.", but I also was denied need based scholarship based on their income.

It is absolutely ridiculous.

My wife works in financial aid for a college and she's always pointing out how some of the federal laws they have to follow make no sense. I like the one that says a guy making millions through a business he owns gets the same amount of money as a poor family as long as the company only has 99 or less employers.

Although why a 26-year-old is being lumped in with his parents is a new one I haven't heard...

Sovereign Court

Dude, Crimson Jack, sorry to hear that. I've been in that boat for a year now.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On a brighter note, my Crimson Throne minis are up!
Crown of Fangs with Queen Ileosa on the cover!.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Callous Jack wrote:

On a brighter note, my Crimson Throne minis are up!

Crown of Fangs with Queen Ileosa on the cover!.

Congratulations, Callous Jack!

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