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I've also learned that shower curtain loops are sold separately.

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At this point I'm beyond perplexed.

The Cranky Calico was very obviously dying on Thursday night, to the point that I had the neighbors come over to say "Goodbye" to her and when I went to bed at 9:00 pm, I expected GothBard and the kids to get home at 11:30 pm and find her dead.

GothBard and the kids got home, found her still alive, and moved her into the house so she could spend her final hours there. Instead, she got up, decided she was done dying, had some food and water, and proceeded to fully recover.

I have no fricking clue what that cat is, but there's some undead in her for sure.

May be distressing for those who have had to put a pet down:
If you've ever put your pet to sleep, first, I'm sorry.
Second, you know how they first give them a barbiturate cocktail to relax them and render them semi-conscious, and you can tell because they end up lying in an unnatural state because all their muscles have relaxed beyond their control?

That's where the Cranky Calico was on Thursday night at 9:00 pm. She no longer had control over her muscles, and was lying in an awkward pile, unable to even lift her head.

Then she fricking just decided, "OK. Done with that, now I'll get better," and did so.

I've never seen anything remotely like it in my life.

captain yesterday wrote:
I've also learned that shower curtain loops are sold separately.

We've learned that the hard way as well. But hey, at least you're dressed for the shower...

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NobodysHome wrote:
...At this point I'm beyond perplexed...

After talking about it with GothBard this morning, we're pretty sure she had a mild stroke... and then walked it off.

Damned Calico is as tough and ornery as my mother... or grandmother...

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And has 9,999 lives, by the looks of things.

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Limeylongears wrote:
And has 9,999 lives, by the looks of things.

She is the most obnoxious cat we've ever owned. Yet she is going on 19 years old and has survived (in order):

(1) Being abandoned as a kitten and having to live the first year of her life as a stray on the streets of Oakland.
(2) Being captured by the Oakland SPCA and undergoing an emergency spay while pregnant.
(3) Hyperthyroidism and a radiation treatment to destroy her thyroid.
(4) Feline leukemia from a bad reaction to the leukemia vaccine.
(5) Kidney disease so bad she lost 20% of her body weight.
(6) IBS so bad she lost another 20% of her body weight and had to be put on lifelong steroids.
(7) And now, apparently, a minor stroke.

And that's not mentioning not-lethal idiocy like taking a direct spray to the face from a skunk.

Cat's an ornery survivor. Gotta give it to her.

Making Florida Keys style cold garlic boiled shrimp and margaritas for dinner, listening to Jimmy and the Coral Reefer's cover of Brown-Eyed Girl.

Damn you Humble Bundle!

Tempting ME

Not with games...

Not even with rpgs...

But with books?!

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Drejk wrote:

Damn you Humble Bundle!

Tempting ME

Not with games...

Not even with rpgs...

But with books?!

Is it the survival books one? Or the Steven Erikson one?

I have too many things from Humble Bundle I've never looked at, so it has to be an amazing deal that I know that I'll have time for before I even consider it.


I have some of those books, on paper.

A bigger problem is, that those I have, are Polish translation, so reading English would be confusing because of Black Company's-style meaningful names of many characters, I would have to constantly check, who is who.

Drejk wrote:


I have some of those books, on paper.

A bigger problem is, that those I have, are Polish translation, so reading English would be confusing because of Black Company's-style meaningful names of many characters, I would have to constantly check, who is who.

I heard once that if you are reading anything from a classic Russian author, you need to keep a page with all the names and nicknames of the characters handy. Maybe that would help?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:


I have some of those books, on paper.

A bigger problem is, that those I have, are Polish translation, so reading English would be confusing because of Black Company's-style meaningful names of many characters, I would have to constantly check, who is who.

I heard once that if you are reading anything from a classic Russian author, you need to keep a page with all the names and nicknames of the characters handy. Maybe that would help?

Erikson's books already have those. No, the problem is that the character names were translated into their close or not so close equivalents from English to Polish, so, for example Whiskeyjack is Sójeczka, and Surly is... Gburka. Others are easier, like Quick Ben becoming Szybki Ben and Kalam staying Kalam, but others can be much worse to translate and remember.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Yup, remembered everything except for toilet paper.

Fortunately the grocery store is less than a ten minute walk.

depending on when you realized the problem that that could be a long 10 minute walk

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Yup, remembered everything except for toilet paper.

Fortunately the grocery store is less than a ten minute walk.

depending on when you realized the problem that that could be a long 10 minute walk

The last apartment I moved into, the landlords had put a roll of (cheap) toilet paper and a small bar of soap in each bathroom. They also left a coupon for a free pizza. Unfortunately, it was from Domino's, but hey, free pizza is free pizza.

When I bought my house, at closing my real estate agent gave me a gift bag that included, among other things, a roll of (nice) toilet paper.

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Our 23 ? Year old cat wandered off for 10 days. And then turned up. At our vet. Past 5 other vets. 20ish miles away. They read his chip. Double read it. He's still ALIVE? and wanted us to get to him before he woke up because he still had a red flag in his file about clawing anything that gets within arm distance of the cage.

He's normally shy as opposed to mean. But he has told the humans he wants OUT of the cage and if they are not complying they will be clawed for their impertenence.

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Drejk wrote:


I have some of those books, on paper.

A bigger problem is, that those I have, are Polish translation, so reading English would be confusing because of Black Company's-style meaningful names of many characters, I would have to constantly check, who is who.

I can see why that would be an issue; the characters are the best part of Erikson's books (that I've read).

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Fantasy Monster: Burn-Wolf

A tribe of wolves that holds mastery control use of fire.

OK, I fully admit that I have a weird accent (for reference, I grew up here and spent a good portion of my adult life here). And yes, sometimes I slip into a near-incomprehensible rural northern New York dialect, leading a lot of the local Midwesterners to think I'm from either Canada or Boston. But after two years living in Iowa, this still throws me for a loop.

You want accents? This guy is terrifying.

David M Mallon wrote:
OK, I fully admit that I have a weird accent (for reference, I grew up here and spent a good portion of my adult life here). And yes, sometimes I slip into a near-incomprehensible rural northern New York dialect, leading a lot of the local Midwesterners to think I'm from either Canada or Boston. But after two years living in Iowa, this still throws me for a loop.

Nonsense. Your accent is normal.

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So, I’m sitting on my back porch, grilling some chunks of hog meat. Drinking some beer, listening to songs that are titled with the letter B. Along comes a beetle, one of the ones with iridescent green shells. I was taught to call them June Bugs, but it ain’t June. Anyway, the little bugger zigged into the wall of my house and crashed. Landed upside down. I gave it a helping finger, because it was on its back. Little critter sat there for a minute or two, then launched into its continued erratic flight. Buzzing my grill for a bit, before aimlessly zagging off. Fun times in central Az.

My Mom is in the hospital. Apparently, at church this morning, she turned around, fell, and broke her femur. It's broken right where her artificial hip joins to the bone. Surgery tomorrow to try and fix it. Not fun.

Get well soon to her, Gran.

all my best to your mom, gran. i hope her surgery and recovery both go well.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
My Mom is in the hospital. Apparently, at church this morning, she turned around, fell, and broke her femur. It's broken right where her artificial hip joins to the bone. Surgery tomorrow to try and fix it. Not fun.

Best wishes for a successful surgery and rehabilitation. Do you or she need anything?

Has anyone heard from TacticsLion on Discord since the hurricane? It really walloped the town where I lived in high school, which is only half an hour away from him.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
My Mom is in the hospital. Apparently, at church this morning, she turned around, fell, and broke her femur. It's broken right where her artificial hip joins to the bone. Surgery tomorrow to try and fix it. Not fun.

I hope everything goes well for her!

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And we have our third.

Impus Minor was in the Office Depot parking lot waiting for a cop to back out of a parking space when the person he was blocking started backing slowly into him. He honked. It did no good. They slowly backed up, ran into him, then started hitting the gas because their car stopped moving.

The good news is that the damage to the Prius was so trivial that Impus Minor didn't even bother exchanging information with the other driver.

The bad news is that that driver should not have a license. They backed up into a crowded parking lot without looking behind them, then when they felt resistance they hit the gas. What if had been a person instead of a crappy old Prius?

I'm incensed that the cop who witnessed the whole thing took one look, saw there was no damage nor injuries, and drove off.

That driver needs to be off the streets, and there's nothing we can do about it. Filing a claim wouldn't help, and the last thing I want is both cars in the shop.

lisamarlene wrote:
Has anyone heard from TacticsLion on Discord since the hurricane? It really walloped the town where I lived in high school, which is only half an hour away from him.

He seems to be online on Steam (but so does NobodysHome). I sent him a pm there.

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Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Has anyone heard from TacticsLion on Discord since the hurricane? It really walloped the town where I lived in high school, which is only half an hour away from him.
He seems to be online on Steam (but so does NobodysHome). I sent him a pm there.

I am unashamed of my Steam inactivity.

Mom didn't have surgery today. The doctor wanted better imaging, and since it was a holiday, she couldn't get it until tomorrow. And she is being stubborn about pain meds, so she isn't pushing the button until it gets unbearable. And then it takes a few minutes to kick in fully, leaving her in agony.

Wishing nothing but the best for your mom.

Seriously, if you need anything, even just an extra set of hands, let me know.

I appreciate all the offers of help, but there isn't much to be done right now except let the doctors do their thing. Positive waves are always helpful, though.

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Why I got fired from the police:

Perp: "I ain't talkin'."
Me: *sharpens knife slowly* "We have ways of making you talk."
Perp: *nervously* "You wouldn't dare."
Me: *slices delicious cake*
Perp: "Can...Can I have some?"
Me: *takes a big bite* "Cake is for talkers."

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Some customer requests are eternal:

"So, we know that your docs say that we have to be really careful and plan ahead when we set this up because once we load data we won't be able to change the settings. And we know that when we tried to load our data we received not one but TWO warnings we had to click through that we wouldn't be able to change our setup once we loaded data...
...but we ignored all that and loaded the data anyway, and now we realized we want to change the settings and so your product sucks."

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Other customer questions are, "Only in Enterprise Software Land":

"Why is 'Disable' disabled?"

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Mom had a CT scan this morning. Doc said it doesn't need surgery after all. Probably go home tomorrow, but possibly not until Thursday.

lisamarlene wrote:
Making Florida Keys style cold garlic boiled shrimp and margaritas for dinner, listening to Jimmy and the Coral Reefer's cover of Brown-Eyed Girl.

Jimmy passed away on Friday.

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He passed on surrounded by family, friends, dogs, and music. Can't ask for anything more.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Making Florida Keys style cold garlic boiled shrimp and margaritas for dinner, listening to Jimmy and the Coral Reefer's cover of Brown-Eyed Girl.
Jimmy passed away on Friday.

Yeah, that's how we celebrated him. WW and Teensy Valeros are both big fans.

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Sad TOZ wrote:
He passed on surrounded by family, friends, dogs, and music. Can't ask for anything more.

I've told the stories before, but the juxtaposition between my father's suicide, which left gaping emotional holes because no one was able to say a proper goodbye, and our friend's, "OK. It's time for me to die. Everyone come by and tell me stories of our lives together," could hardly be starker.

We're all mortal. If you have the luxury, it's better for both you and your loved ones if you arrange a big old goodbye-fest.

We even tried it for the Cranky Calico. But the darned girl just keeps right on surviving...

Well, today'll be interesting. We desperately need a shopping trip and the corner store's produce is utterly unacceptable (about 25% of it is actively rotting in the bins whenever I check), so I found my bike bags and I'm going to try biking up to Andronico's and doing a shopping run over lunch.

Property crime around here is barely overstated on the media; on our street if you leave your car unlocked overnight it will be searched and looted, guaranteed. (It's kind of amusing; the people who go through your car will take anything of value, but then will carefully put everything else away so as to not make a mess.) Thus I'm nervous about parking my bike outside the store for the 15-20 minutes it'll take me to shop.

But if I can't use my bike to go places and do things, then it's not much good as a mode of transportation, so we'll see how it goes.

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A few days ago someone stole bike from my friends' house. The neighbors were appalled because such things didn't really happen in their village.

Stolen bikes are not a thing that is recovered often... Excepts a few days later, the friend announced that the cops actually found the bike!

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Drejk wrote:

A few days ago someone stole bike from my friends' house. The neighbors were appalled because such things didn't really happen in their village.

Stolen bikes are not a thing that is recovered often... Excepts a few days later, the friend announced that the cops actually found the bike!


I'm playing the lotto tonight then.

Moot point. Impus Minor offered to go later in the afternoon, so since he doesn't know what I mean by "salad ingredients" I used my lunch walk to text Impus Major and tell him to get home early with the car, then go by Safeway to get my salad stuff.

So of course Impus Major texted back that he was meeting with his lab group after class and wouldn't be home 'til later, so I ended up picking up all the essentials and schlepping 40-50 pounds of groceries home on foot.

Not my favorite thing.

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And yet again the survivors of my former organization are trying to headhunt me to join them.

It's kind of sad; I know exactly why they want me: They work 50-60 hour weeks, get no more than two weeks off per year, and typically suffer 2-3 reorgs per year so layoffs are always hanging over their heads. Getting me in there would reduce their workload, let them take more vacation, and would put a warm body between them and the inevitable next layoff.

But on the, "What's in it for ME?" department, I can't name a single thing.

It's considered rude to decline such requests without at least listening to the person, so we have a meeting this afternoon, but I can't imagine him making ANY offer that I'd seriously consider.

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Drejk wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Has anyone heard from TacticsLion on Discord since the hurricane? It really walloped the town where I lived in high school, which is only half an hour away from him.
He seems to be online on Steam (but so does NobodysHome). I sent him a pm there.

He's alive and well. I got the message on Steam from him.

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Mom is back home. Hopefully she'll actually rest so she can heal. When she had double hip replacement, she spent a week in a nursing home, then came home with instructions to "take it easy". The next day she was trying to deep clean the house.


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