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BigNorseWolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

You don't have a wilderness survival class where you just taught the class to set snares, then when they're setting their very first snares sprinkle the ground with poisonous snakes because "you already did that chapter! Remember!"

well no you have to use the venomous ones for lesson 12 B

My very first chainsaw exercise was with two broken fingers and i got points off for running the saw at full speed the whole time ....

My first time running a chainsaw they said "Here's a saw, there's the tree, you'll figure out the rest!".

Edit: You have to understand, these were different times! It was the early 90s and authentically ripped denim jeans were all the rage and I always had an eye for precision cutting...

I have a client that has its own internal IT team. They contract with us to perform some of the bigger projects either due to technical details they don't have the skillset for or just due to lack of time.

Yesterday the second highest ranking member of that IT team asked me questions about doing a password reset. And he copied his boss on the email.

I'm, um, impressed by this display of talent.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Edit: You have to understand, these were different times! It was the early 90s and authentically ripped denim jeans were all the rage and I always had an eye for precision cutting...

HAD an eye....

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Wow, I am so done with 1970s-style management. Why can't it die?

From our CEO on down at every level, the executives at Global Megacorporation have a singular message: "Work-life balance is critical to productivity."

Since they adopted that stance, our stock price has tripled and our employee churn has plummeted.

And yet again in our anonymous division survey, we got:
- "I work even when I'm sick because I don't feel I can afford the time off."
- "I don't take vacation time because it stresses me out too much trying to catch up on all the work I've missed."

It was kind of funny listening to our Executive Vice President yelling at us that this was NOT OK, and if any employees felt their manager wasn't letting them take time off, they should report it directly to him.

Have I mentioned that the longer this post-COVID anti-worker trend goes on, the more appreciative I am towards Global Megacorporation for bucking the trend?

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Tuesday the general contractor building the house we're doing a patio for shows up with a bunch of Latino laborers and drops them off for the day.

Wednesday he complains that nothing is done right, and worse of all "they barely speak English!".

Today he shows up with a truck load of Amish laborers that only speak German.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Tuesday the general contractor building the house we're doing a patio for shows up with a bunch of Latino laborers and drops them off for the day.

Wednesday he complains that nothing is done right, and worse of all "they barely speak English!".

Today he shows up with a truck load of Amish laborers that only speak German.

Duh. It's obviously which language they speak that matters.

Tomorrow I'd expect either Chinese or Hindi.

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I'd bet on a lorry full of monoglot Basque speakers.

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Management where I work makes me regret taking vacation, but would ridicule me if I lost some by not taking it. On the other hand, all the jobs I had before didn’t even offer paid vacation.

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Waterhammer wrote:
Management where I work makes me regret taking vacation, but would ridicule me if I lost some by not taking it. On the other hand, all the jobs I had before didn’t even offer paid vacation.

The whole service industry's approach of, "If you don't show up, you don't get paid," is yet another reason I overtip.

This morning my manager was making sure I understood that I should take time off whenever I needed it and it was kind of hilarious.

Manager: So I know you already know this, but I'm supposed to make sure you understand that you're to take time off whenever you feel like it, OK?
NobodysHome: Yep. We're good. Heck, I think I'll just leave now.
Manager: Uh, what? OK. Have a good day!
NH: No, no! I was kidding! But that's kind of my point -- you didn't exactly argue with me there...

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speaking of post-COVID anti-worker trends:

they're crushing our hours at work. just launched this new campaign this week, as our night-time team just had a new XVP put in place, and this individual is WAY too "extra". majoring in minors, enforcing all the wrong policies, and is notorious for simply being difficult "because".

it's starting to look more and more like my brother got away from all this at exactly the right time.

this is not good.

Limeylongears wrote:
I'd bet on a lorry full of monoglot Basque speakers.

Nope. They are not in the schedule until week after the next one.

i get more sour about work with every passing day.

that "hours-crush" i mentioned has just gotten even more onerous: from this point forward, my Thursdays have been shaved by an additional hour.

so i've effectively had half a day's pay excised from each work week henceforth, after the revelations of the last few days.

and i haven't even been in the new home for more than two months.

belt-tightening will do only so much. however, someone like myself who still has a whole lotta quit left within will find another way forward, should push come to shove come to beatdown come to self-defense.

i'm quite fed up with being told that i'm not worth the money i've been making, and my lifestyle is not one of extravagance, if generally comfortable.

seems to me the American dream is being stabbed to death, and the popular "consensus" voices want us to be pleased about it, and reconciled to the idea. all such notions can collectively and thoroughly get f%*~ed.

'cause blatantly political, inflammatory, and divergent:
it's shocking just how much i've changed over the last couple of years. it wasn't all that long ago that i voted for Bernie Sanders in a Democratic primary; i used to be proud to come from one of the FOUR counties in the state that voted predominantly blue back in 2000 or 2004; i come from a long line of bone-deep liberal Democrats, and at least thought, until recently, that even my personal values had a place left-of-center in this country's political discourse. but i've come to the conclusion in the midst of this breakneck-paced political polarization that i simply want to be left the hell alone, if only because it seems no "side" of our internecine conflict offers me much of value. though i do know which side is more likely to leave me be.

how in the Nine Hells did i become a conservative? and so quickly?

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(Opens mouth)

(Pens political tirade)

(Closes mouth)

(Deletes political tirade)

You should not tempt me so, Sir!

(Though I'm sorry you're going through all that s***. Practically everyone I know is going through "how much can we abuse our workers?" cycles at work, so I can definitely sympathize.)

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i have no issue with discourse, NH. you should know that.

feel free to wax locquacious in a PM, if you wish it.


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Well I thoroughly enjoy my 50-55 hours at work every week.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:

i have no issue with discourse, NH. you should know that.

feel free to wax locquacious in a PM, if you wish it.


Oh, I was just going to publicly share my political views. Not so much a discourse as a, "Here's where I stand on matters."

But your tirade gave me a lot of insight, so I appreciated it. Thank you.

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the work is fine. good, even. and essential, according to many.

but being penalized for showing up to do it?? that's the very reason for my utter loathing for an organization that shares a name in common with a prominent South American river . . . .


that said, though, i've always been glad to see how fulfilling you find your work, cap. it seems like it's a good positive feedback loop for you, and those of us who have seen the pictures are able to appreciate what you do.

send it anyway, NH. i'll read it.

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and thank you for taking the time, NH. as always.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I think the reason we ban such topics here is that we all agree on what the problem is, but we have very different ideas of which side is behind it. I know which side I think will let me be, and it probably isn't the side you think will let you be.

It's staff development day.

This year is at a bowling alley.

Just bowled 5 games.

Several strikes. Several spares.

Bottomless drinks(non alcoholic, but I didn't drive to work today anyway).

Endless food. Sliders. Chicken tenders. Pizza.

My shoulder is unhappy with me.

Celestial Healer is unable to meet up with me after work today as he is not in Manhattan.

So, the only question now is, do I go home after having a good time?

Or do I walk several miles to eat takoyaki?

What do you think?

Freehold DM wrote:

It's staff development day.

This year is at a bowling alley.

Just bowled 5 games.

Several strikes. Several spares.

Bottomless drinks(non alcoholic, but I didn't drive to work today anyway).

Endless food. Sliders. Chicken tenders. Pizza.

My shoulder is unhappy with me.

Celestial Healer is unable to meet up with me after work today as he is not in Manhattan.

So, the only question now is, do I go home after having a good time?

Or do I walk several miles to eat takoyaki?

What do you think?


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TriOmegaZero wrote:
I think the reason we ban such topics here is that we all agree on what the problem is, but we have very different ideas of which side is behind it. I know which side I think will let me be, and it probably isn't the side you think will let you be.

I find that delightfully optimistic.

I think if we stated the problem as, "If you were given absolute power to fix ONE thing about the U.S. government or how it is run, and your solution would work perfectly and exactly as intended, what would you fix?", we'd get at least a dozen different answers.

Defining the problem is part of the problem...

EDIT: Yes. I've thought about it a lot. "What are the biggest issues facing our country today, and in what order should they be prioritized?"
It's a fun thought experiment for the politically-minded.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Definitely the takoyaki.

I won't eat it, but you totally should.

Shadow Lodge

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NobodysHome wrote:
I find that delightfully optimistic.

I oscillate violently between both ends of the spectrum.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:

i get more sour about work with every passing day.

that "hours-crush" i mentioned has just gotten even more onerous: from this point forward, my Thursdays have been shaved by an additional hour.

so i've effectively had half a day's pay excised from each work week henceforth, after the revelations of the last few days.

and i haven't even been in the new home for more than two months.

belt-tightening will do only so much. however, someone like myself who still has a whole lotta quit left within will find another way forward, should push come to shove come to beatdown come to self-defense.

i'm quite fed up with being told that i'm not worth the money i've been making, and my lifestyle is not one of extravagance, if generally comfortable.

seems to me the American dream is being stabbed to death, and the popular "consensus" voices want us to be pleased about it, and reconciled to the idea. all such notions can collectively and thoroughly get f&&@ed.

** spoiler omitted **

The Squeeze always tends to get tighter, with varying degrees of intensity. Our choice is generally between those who gleefully engage in the Squeeze, and pretend to be cross because they're supposedly not allowed to Squeeze harder and faster, and those who Squeeze with a fake sigh of regret and a single tear in their eye, telling you they're very sorry, but now is no time to be irresponsible, and look at the godawful mess the other lot made when they were in.

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It seems Otafuku is no more.

It merged with several other restaurants in 2020 due to the pandemic.

It is now a part of Rai Rai Ken.

I mourn, and yet celebrate its rebirth.

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One of my favorite quotes from my first manager at Global Megacorporation: "If everything is bolded, then nothing is bolded."

Going through old training and unbolding 90% of the words. Because.

OK, here's what I hope is an innocuous poll question: Bathroom door: Open or closed?

Impus Minor's friends are driving me nuts because they close the door when they leave the bathroom, thus I sit around waiting for whoever's in there to come out until I finally realize that the door's closed with nobody in there.

I know there's a subset of the population that considers the bathroom "unsightly" and keeps the door closed at all times, but then every time you have to go you have to knock first, and I don't like that. At all. Either being knocked at or having to knock.

So I'm curious how prevalent this habit is. It's game night. There are 4 kids over, and 2 of them are in the habit of closing the door.

No, sir. I don't like it.

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Always knock. Always. Even if it's just you at home.

That's what I was told.

Now that my bathroom is barely a closet I found I prefer it open, or as open as it will go.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I find it depends on the household.

If you have pets that try to drink from the toilet or attack the roll, closed.

If it's just you and family in the house, open when not in use.

If you're by yourself, whatever your preference is. I prefer open.

I have lived alone, with two ~10 month exceptions for the last... 16 years?

Does that answer the question?

Open. When you gotta go you gotta go. There's no time for knocking and listening.

Question: Who needs this?

Answer: We all do.

"Access denied"...

Drejk wrote:
"Access denied"...

It's a home depot metal sculpture of.. well. You.

No, i needed to mow the lawn. I'm not clearing a spot for that. Why do you ask?

NobodysHome wrote:
OK, here's what I hope is an innocuous poll question: Bathroom door: Open or closed?

I've trained my family to pull the door to -- but not latched -- when not in use. If it's latched, there's someone in there. If it's cracked, it's free.

Of course, I lock the door behind me when I go to the bathroom, because my kids will just walk in there whenever they want otherwise. Which highlights a flaw in my training.

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The frathouse where i lived in syracuse usually had the door open. Except one night with no lights on for some reason someone shut it and I walked into it face first in a hurry. We COULDN"T shut it after that...

When did I replace the mouse? I think that the left button is starting to act wonky, not registering all the clicks or registering them too fast...

Late March. Not good. Even a cheap mouse should last more than six months...

Crap. I thought that was the first of the two mice that I bought... Nope. It was the second one. Yay. I need to buy another mouse. Ugh.

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OK. That's kind of hilarious.

I don't know whether you've seen the ads for NordVPN or VPN Express, offering to let you pretend you're in another country for the purposes of Netflix or whatnot, but GothBard started complaining about how she really wants to see Ennio but it's not available in the U.S.

I said, "I can find it for you!"

She responded, "No. You can't get it in the U.S."

I brought up my corporate office list. It's over 100 countries, we can VPN into any office we please, and they don't mind if we stream movies over their VPN "within reason".

So yeah. If it's available for streaming in any major country, I can get it.

Possibly not in English, but...

For now, I took an older mouse that was connected to laptop.

It's buttons should work fine. It's scroll wheel is glitchy, though. I'd love to get another one of those (it's a very cheap Manta MM776G that served me well, likely for longer than the last two mice combined) but apparently, they are out of production...

Also, I really need to stop checking the game sales...

80% off? Devilish tempters!

Deluxe version (which contains OST) is a mere 1 złoty more...

Speaking of things you kill if you find them in your house… (mice) Just now I smashed a scorpion with a claw hammer. It was in my garage. Stepped out there, turned on the lights and there it was. Was barefoot, so the hammer was the next best thing.

Waterhammer wrote:
Speaking of things you kill if you find them in your house… (mice) Just now I smashed a scorpion with a claw hammer. It was in my garage. Stepped out there, turned on the lights and there it was. Was barefoot, so the hammer was the next best thing.

Awww. For mice you can just set out a bucket, put a ramp up to the bucket , put a soda can on a string in between the two things and put a little peanut butter on the edge and on the soda can. They'll fall in and you can put them outside. I used to catch multiple mice a night with a bucket that way. I don't THINK i had repeat customers.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Waterhammer wrote:
Speaking of things you kill if you find them in your house… (mice) Just now I smashed a scorpion with a claw hammer. It was in my garage. Stepped out there, turned on the lights and there it was. Was barefoot, so the hammer was the next best thing.

Awww. For mice you can just set out a bucket, put a ramp up to the bucket , put a soda can on a string in between the two things and put a little peanut butter on the edge and on the soda can. They'll fall in and you can put them outside. I used to catch multiple mice a night with a bucket that way. I don't THINK i had repeat customers.

EVERYONE says that method words, but when we spent our time in the Sierras in mouse-infested "rustic" cabins, we never caught a single mouse that way.

NobodysHome wrote:
EVERYONE says that method words, but when we spent our time in the Sierras in mouse-infested "rustic" cabins, we never caught a single mouse that way.

It didn't work with the outdoor rats either. Maybe the house mice are more used to climbing on human made stuff and the wilderness rats are looking at it going "yeah that can't be a good sign...."

The outdoor rats would see me setting it up and start staring at me "the peanut butter box is here! The peaaanut butter boooox is hheeeeeere...."

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
EVERYONE says that method words, but when we spent our time in the Sierras in mouse-infested "rustic" cabins, we never caught a single mouse that way.

It didn't work with the outdoor rats either. Maybe the house mice are more used to climbing on human made stuff and the wilderness rats are looking at it going "yeah that can't be a good sign...."

The outdoor rats would see me setting it up and start staring at me "the peanut butter box is here! The peaaanut butter boooox is hheeeeeere...."

This guy tests mousetraps on YouTube.

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