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I turned in my rental application this morning. Now I wait.

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Whenever we do an excavation anywhere in Polk County, even if we're only digging down ten inches in a random field somewhere, we end up hitting tons of rubble-- mostly bricks, with pieces of old concrete and terracotta pipe. Starting to wonder if Des Moines is built on top of some sort of lost civilization...

David M Mallon wrote:
Whenever we do an excavation anywhere in Polk County, even if we're only digging down ten inches in a random field somewhere, we end up hitting tons of rubble-- mostly bricks, with pieces of old concrete and terracotta pipe. Starting to wonder if Des Moines is built on top of some sort of lost civilization...



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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Whenever we do an excavation anywhere in Polk County, even if we're only digging down ten inches in a random field somewhere, we end up hitting tons of rubble-- mostly bricks, with pieces of old concrete and terracotta pipe. Starting to wonder if Des Moines is built on top of some sort of lost civilization...



Look. I'll buy lizard people, hollow earth, alien visitors. But civilization in IOWA? Pull the other one.

*SIGH*. And now it's "mouse moving a mountain" time.

As Dancing Wind predicted, Maui has put out a, "Please don't come here" announcement as they use much of their hotel capacity to house displaced residents. It's unlikely to change by October, so only a complete jerk would keep their plans.

Unfortunately, I found out how I'm involved: A bride set up a "dream wedding" on Maui, one of GothBard's friends is the maid of honor, and she rented a large place in Lahaina and invited a bunch of us to enjoy a week in Maui with free lodgings. Considering how hard it is to arrange weddings on any of the islands, I wouldn't be surprised if the bride decides that she's going to go forward with the wedding anyway, since the wedding site is miles away from Lahaina and doesn't look like it was affected by the fire.

So first I have to convince GothBard that we shouldn't go, and we need to bow out without offending anyone. That shouldn't be too hard. But convincing a group of people I don't even know that holding a wedding nowhere near you home less than 2 months after a massive tragedy there is in incredibly poor taste? That might be harder. We'll see how it goes.

As expected, Step 1 was easy: GothBard doesn't want to go on the trip either.

Step 2 should be similarly easy: Bow out without offending GothBard's friend. She's an absolutely reasonable woman, so I expect this to go off without a hitch...

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In other news, complete with minor spoilers, is why Divinity 2 (and therefore Divinity 3 Baldur's Gate 3) is such a good game:

It's a massive open-world RPG where you can do whatever you want do, and the game's engine and plotline deal with the repercussions of your decisions.

Be a good guy, ally with the humans and elves and murder all the goblins? No problem!

Be a bad guy, ally with the goblins and murder all the humans and elves? No problem!

Play 4 undead and commit genocide and kill every living NPC in the entire game? No problem! (Not that we did that and had a mountain of fun doing it, giggling all the way or anything.)

So, the game can adapt to whatever it is you do. Which we did last night.

As minor as possible of a BG3 spoiler:
There is one instance in BG3 of an "auto-lose" fight: You're supposed to protect an NPC, and the game drops in a load of enemy combatants and programs the NPC to run into the middle of them and get killed. Combat over, cue losing cut scene, move on.

So, we didn't appreciate this so we re-loaded and proceeded to scour the entire countryside for anything that could be used in a blockade: Boxes, barrels, chests, candelabras. You name it, we grabbed it. We then built our own little makeshift fortress around the NPC: They couldn't get out, and no bad guys could get in unless they spawned there. And we joined them in our little play fort.

The fight started, two bad guys spawned inside of our fortress, we used all our top-level spells to dispatch them, the NPC tried and tried and tried to figure out a way to get out, including attacking the walls, but the crates held and we teleported our fighters out of the fortress to mop up the remaining bad guys.

Fight won!

And we immediately got the, "Congratulations! You won!" cut scene without the game missing a beat.

In short, they knew people like us would cheese the game, and they deal with it.

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OK. The kids are waaaaay more imaginative than I am. I feel shame.

No plot spoilers, but 'easy ways to win' spoilers:
Baldur's Gate 3 inundates you with poison flasks. You typically have at least a dozen by the time you get to the goblin town. One of Ryan's friends sneaked through town and poisoned all the wells.

Miraculously, the game recognized it and after a short while all the goblins were dead without him having to do anything.

I am astonished that the game engine is that advanced.

Impus Minor's "feat" was far more along the lines of our cheesiness: There are flowers that emanate antimagic fields that you have to deal with. He's playing a barbarian. He managed to use stealth to reverse pickpocket a necromancer in the Underdark, putting the anti-magic flower in the necromancer's pocket. The necromancer caught him and a fight broke out. Between the necromancer in the anti-magic field and the barbarian right next to him.


I'm totally stealing that one.

NobodysHome wrote:
I am astonished that the game engine is that advanced.

I doubt that's engine handling it. More like devs in their foresight properly scripting results to an action they predicted.

In case of other companies, I would be really impressed by such foresight.

Here, I can only say... Larian.

And yes, I am reading spoilers, even despite not being in position to buy it in near future.

Also, I have still to finish Divinity: Original Sin. Both of them.

If I'm gonna spend 600 bucks on it, it better f~$$ing stop bullets

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I love it when companies put meaningless claims on their products. Like this box of maxipads that claim they are "up to 100% leak and odor free". Well, 0% is "up to" 100%, so it doesn't really mean anything.

After my funeral, I hope someone takes my phone and texts everyone "Thanks for coming".

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Just had a guest ask for her key to be remade because "Every time I put it near my phone it stops working." So I remade it, handed it back, and she immediately stuck on her phone and walked away. I'm sure she'll be back soon.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I love it when companies put meaningless claims on their products. Like this box of maxipads that claim they are "up to 100% leak and odor free". Well, 0% is "up to" 100%, so it doesn't really mean anything.

Ahh, but that’s the beauty of marketing. Likes how eating Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs is part of a balanced breakfast, provided you’re balancing it with half a dozen grapefruits and a dozen bran muffins

Freehold DM wrote:
If I'm gonna spend 600 bucks on it, it better f@!!ing stop bullets

It says:

'Does not offer protection'



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I didn't get the first place, because I make too much money.

Onward to options B through Z!

If only I lived in a giant college town with an abundance apartments to rent!

Also, one of the good things about having ladscaped in Madison for several different companies over the last 18 years is I know what apartment complexes are nice, okay, or real s@#& holes. So that helps weed places out.

captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the first place, because I make too much money.

That’s a thing for apartments?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Brigadoon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the first place, because I make too much money.
That’s a thing for apartments?

My guess would be an apartment building managed by a professional management company trying to maximize income. If a prospective tenant's income is too high relative to the rent, then the tenant is likely "slumming" while looking for a better place, and will therefore likely be a short-term tenant. That's great in a strictly rent-controlled place like Berkeley, but without rent control, the property owner ends up losing money on having to renovate the apartment twice (paint, carpet cleaning, etc.) and do a tenant search twice in a short time span, and having the apartment be vacant twice within a year or two.

The shadier reason is Section 8 fraud, but let's go with, "They consider CY a flight risk because his income is so much higher than the rent, so they're looking for someone whose income more closely aligns with long-term residency."

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I love it when companies put meaningless claims on their products. Like this box of maxipads that claim they are "up to 100% leak and odor free". Well, 0% is "up to" 100%, so it doesn't really mean anything.

My favorite is, "The #1 Best-Selling xxx."

Which basically means, "We have the most convincing marketing to trick people into buying our stuff."

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NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I love it when companies put meaningless claims on their products. Like this box of maxipads that claim they are "up to 100% leak and odor free". Well, 0% is "up to" 100%, so it doesn't really mean anything.

My favorite is, "The #1 Best-Selling xxx."

Which basically means, "We have the most convincing marketing to trick people into buying our stuff."

Or, as an American, when businesses rave about their BBB rating.

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Sometimes your kids can make you proud just by asking questions. Impus Minor is going in for his annual physical.

NobodysHome: So, they're likely going to offer you both a flu shot and a COVID shot, and it'll be up to you whether to get them. Just remember that Impus Major had the myocarditis reaction, so under no circumstances should you get a Moderna vaccine.
Impus Minor: What's the current rate of infection for COVID in this area?

My "little" guy -- only 19 and already doing risk-rewards analyses! I'm so proud!

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Brigadoon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the first place, because I make too much money.
That’s a thing for apartments?

Dane county has rules in place that a certain amount of occupants in an apartment complex must be low income, they were already at their maximum amount of not poor people.

captain yesterday wrote:
Brigadoon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the first place, because I make too much money.
That’s a thing for apartments?
Dane county has rules in place that a certain amount of occupants in an apartment complex must be low income, they were already at their maximum amount of not poor people.

OK, I have to admit, that I didn't see.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Also, one of the good things about having ladscaped in Madison for several different companies over the last 18 years is I know what apartment complexes are nice, okay, or real s~$% holes. So that helps weed places out.

Buy a plot of land and start stacking pavers into a house.

Ah, life in the Bay Area!

One of my teeth decided to split in half and go its separate ways.

I can be seen on Friday to take care of it.

What do I do for the next two days with a split-in-half tooth?

Apparently not their problem.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, life in the Bay Area!

One of my teeth decided to split in half and go its separate ways.

I can be seen on Friday to take care of it.

What do I do for the next two days with a split-in-half tooth?

Apparently not their problem.

I'd consider yourself lucky you're getting seen this month.

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It was sad -- I discovered a "meh" series of YouTube videos where a family from New Zealand is preparing for their upcoming trip to the U.S. (and probably funding it) by doing reaction videos to videos of "things you should know when you visit the United States". They found a particularly good video where the guy was honestly giving great advice, including, "Buy travel insurance! Medical costs in the U.S. are unbelievable! If you come here and injure yourself and you didn't buy insurance, you will go bankrupt!"

Not something you think about when you leave the U.S. because you're already paying for private health insurance. But for people who come here, I realized just what a terrifying financial risk they're taking just walking down the street.

I thought new zealand had a program to keep out rats, foxes, anacondas, locusts, bill collectors, and other ruinous foreign species? *

*my apologies for the comparison for the sake of the joke. And no not to the bill collectors.

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It was very rewarding as a hippie to walk onto a military base and start making demands and then those demands are immediately fulfilled.

Still super weird though when people say "sure thing, boss!" when I do.

When you work by yourself as much as I do it's very easy to forget you're also the one in charge on every job site you walk onto.

Credit to the Military guy though as soon as he saw I was the boss he didn't say "him?!" He just said "Ah! You're Yesterday! You do great work!!".

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Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

249 here. Steam switched from dollars to local currency a few years ago. I might even had complained about that. Meh. Still better than paying in Euros.

NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

Not since ToTK. Unfortunately, that set a bit of a precedence

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The people who have been going nuts over the "first ever musical episode of a Star Trek series" seem to have forgotten about basically the entire last year of Deep Space Nine.

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Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

If you Google it, it's $500 to $3000 per tooth, depending on where you live.

Guess where I live?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

If you Google it, it's $500 to $3000 per tooth, depending on where you live.

Guess where I live?

Hopefully close enough to a border with more affordable dental care?

Brigadoon wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

If you Google it, it's $500 to $3000 per tooth, depending on where you live.

Guess where I live?

Hopefully close enough to a border with more affordable dental care?

Nobodys's closest border is with Pacific Mexico. I have zero idea what is dental care quality-and-cost in Mexico.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
My ex-wife belongs to Fox News now.

My belated condolences.

NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

Priced at that figure to warn you of its excessive levels of Digital Horny, I assume (though it's around £50 here)

Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

Priced at that figure to warn you of its excessive levels of Digital Horny, I assume (though it's around £50 here)

How much for a non-horny version?

NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


sweet Jesus.

I am sorry man.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

I would have priced it at $69.69 after taxes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

Go for it.

I'm serious.

Its time to take the mask off of medical tourism.

David M Mallon wrote:
The people who have been going nuts over the "first ever musical episode of a Star Trek series" seem to have forgotten about basically the entire last year of Deep Space Nine.

You said it.

Drejk wrote:
Brigadoon wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


You should be able to get a crown for something in between $400 and $1000 (the high end for having a crown on implant) in Poland. If you could get miraculously cheap flight you might end paying slightly less than at home...

If you Google it, it's $500 to $3000 per tooth, depending on where you live.

Guess where I live?

Hopefully close enough to a border with more affordable dental care?
Nobodys's closest border is with Pacific Mexico. I have zero idea what is dental care quality-and-cost in Mexico.

From what I have heard SURPRISINGLY good. There's a reason a lot of dental vids on YouTube are in Spanish.

Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

Priced at that figure to warn you of its excessive levels of Digital Horny

That sentence makes no sense to me.

Freehold DM wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

...and does anyone else find it suspicious that Baldur's Gate is $69.99?

"Well, it would normally be an even $2000, but .."

Priced at that figure to warn you of its excessive levels of Digital Horny
That sentence makes no sense to me.

Limey meant advertise the amount of horniness.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


sweet Jesus.

I am sorry man.

Well, it's like I was telling GothBard -- we had a series of "unexpected income events": Higher-than-expected stock options, canceling the Maui trip, and a 3-payslip month for GothBard. It would have been really nice to put all that extra income into savings for future emergencies. Instead it's all evaporated into current emergencies, but it made it so can pay for all of this idiocy directly out-of-pocket.

Not fun, but glad it's simply do-able.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Wow... Speaking of U.S. health care... I have what is considered "good" dental insurance from my employer... the crown I need is going to run me only $2069.


sweet Jesus.

I am sorry man.

Well, it's like I was telling GothBard -- we had a series of "unexpected income events": Higher-than-expected stock options, canceling the Maui trip, and a 3-payslip month for GothBard. It would have been really nice to put all that extra income into savings for future emergencies. Instead it's all evaporated into current emergencies, but it made it so can pay for all of this idiocy directly out-of-pocket.

Not fun, but glad it's simply do-able.

...and then imagine folks that get hit with all this and don't have that.

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