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*Gets dressed*
Hello, everyone.

Hello, John!

Apparently, a 'Far Cry' board game is being Kickstarted, for them as might be interested.

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I needed a new belt. Today was not the day to go clothes shopping unless you're a teenage boy with your parents. Something about a prom.

All I wanted was a belt.

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Vanykrye wrote:

I needed a new belt. Today was not the day to go clothes shopping unless you're a teenage boy with your parents. Something about a prom.

All I wanted was a belt.

All I wanted was a Pepsi!

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I found out today that we start building on Monday.

It's a good thing I've already bored through 4 feet of solid rock (with another two feet tomorrow) in preparation.

4 feet?

Bored might be the keyword.

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Stayed at school until 545 deep-cleaning my classroom, because we have IN-PERSON parent conferences for the first time since October of 2019.

There are a number of parents whose children I have had for two academic years, but will be meeting face to face for the first time.

So freaking weird.

Drejk wrote:

4 feet?

Bored might be the keyword.

Well, he can't be a [url=]Horta[/ur], that creature was female.

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Drejk wrote:

4 feet?

Bored might be the keyword.

The most impressive part? He's not using a drill.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:

4 feet?

Bored might be the keyword.

The most impressive part? He's not using a drill.


About to go home. Good night, everyone.


Sovereign Court

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Rock n' Roll Troll wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

I needed a new belt. Today was not the day to go clothes shopping unless you're a teenage boy with your parents. Something about a prom.

All I wanted was a belt.

All I wanted was a Pepsi!

Well tough! All you're getting is a Coca-Cola!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Rock n' Roll Troll wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

I needed a new belt. Today was not the day to go clothes shopping unless you're a teenage boy with your parents. Something about a prom.

All I wanted was a belt.

All I wanted was a Pepsi!
Well tough! All you're getting is a Coca-Cola!

Ask for Pepsi and get a Coke? Not only is that the opposite of my normal experience, but also a definite upgrade!

(In my opinion, at least. Obviously not for those who prefer Pepsi over Coke. Which is a perfectly valid (wrong) opinion.)

So, some time ago I bought some Arborio rice, thinking that I might try my hand at making a risotto. I've never had risotto before, but it sounds pretty tasty. Last night, I decided to finally make it. But, I wasn't planning on it, so I hadn't bought ingredients. Instead I just followed the recipe on the pack, as best I could. Which, it turns out, wasn't very closely.

Recipe called for: I used:
Butter Butter
Olive oil Vegetable oil
Shallots Onion and garlic
White wine Skipped it
Arborio rice Arborio rice
Chicken stock Beef broth
Shredded Parmigiana Reggiano Grated parmesan
(nothing) Red pepper flake

About halfway through making it, when I decided I wanted to add a pinch of red pepper flake for a bit of heat, that I had chicken bouillon cubes, and could have used those instead of the beef stock.

Now, I have no frame of reference for it, but I have to imagine it didn't taste much like a "proper" risotto. I did think it tasted okay, though, so I'll probably make it again sometime. Maybe even with some more the correct ingredients.

Risotto is incredibly overrated. I've made it before and I've had it made for me and I wasn't impressed with either result.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Rock n' Roll Troll wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:

I needed a new belt. Today was not the day to go clothes shopping unless you're a teenage boy with your parents. Something about a prom.

All I wanted was a belt.

All I wanted was a Pepsi!
Well tough! All you're getting is a Coca-Cola!

Ask for Pepsi and get a Coke? Not only is that the opposite of my normal experience, but also a definite upgrade!

(In my opinion, at least. Obviously not for those who prefer Pepsi over Coke. Which is a perfectly valid (wrong) opinion.)

No, you're right, Pepsi sucks.

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In my quest to rewatch the Star Wars prequels to see if they are really as bad as I remember, I have just finished Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones. It was pretty much as I remembered. Wooden acting, poor writing, C3-P0 and R2-D2 stuck in unnecessarily to try and provide comedy in the middle of a fight between hordes of droids and a few dozen Jedi, and non-exciting action sequences (I mean, half of the Obi-Wan vs Dooku fight was just an alternating series of close-ups on their faces with random flashes of light meant to be the clashing of their lightsabers.). At least the effects hold up fairly well. It is still superior to Phantom Menace in one way, though: It has far less Jar-Jar.

I am reading review of Morbius and I am half tempted to go see it to check if it is that bad as it is...

Drejk wrote:
I am reading review of Morbius and I am half tempted to go see it to check if it is that bad as it is...

The pitch meeting for it implies it's okay but has a lot of weird stuff shoehorned into it because they could.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
(I mean, half of the Obi-Wan vs Dooku fight was just an alternating series of close-ups on their faces with random flashes of light meant to be the clashing of their lightsabers.)


It made NO sense whatsoever!

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
(I mean, half of the Obi-Wan vs Dooku fight was just an alternating series of close-ups on their faces with random flashes of light meant to be the clashing of their lightsabers.)


It made NO sense whatsoever!

An unfortunate side effect of casting an eighty-year-old man as a martial arts master.


Liberty's Edge

gran rey de los mono wrote:
(In my opinion, at least. Obviously not for those who prefer Pepsi over Coke. Which is a perfectly valid (wrong) opinion.)

I prefer Pepsi, but only because Wild Cherry Pepsi is superior to Cherry Coke. If we're talking "plain" cola, I'll reach for the Dr. Pepper every time, esp when I'm making a mixed drink.

I would never intentionally choose Coca-Cola over pretty much any drink OTHER than Sweet-Tea.

Themetricsystem wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
(In my opinion, at least. Obviously not for those who prefer Pepsi over Coke. Which is a perfectly valid (wrong) opinion.)

I prefer Pepsi, but only because Wild Cherry Pepsi is superior to Cherry Coke. If we're talking "plain" cola, I'll reach for the Dr. Pepper every time, esp when I'm making a mixed drink.

I would never intentionally choose Coca-Cola over pretty much any drink OTHER than Sweet-Tea.

I can't drink any of that anymore.

I don't miss it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
(In my opinion, at least. Obviously not for those who prefer Pepsi over Coke. Which is a perfectly valid (wrong) opinion.)

I prefer Pepsi, but only because Wild Cherry Pepsi is superior to Cherry Coke. If we're talking "plain" cola, I'll reach for the Dr. Pepper every time, esp when I'm making a mixed drink.

I would never intentionally choose Coca-Cola over pretty much any drink OTHER than Sweet-Tea.

I'll only drink soda if it's diet, caffeine-free, and has booze in it.

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One positive aspect of my alcoholism was that I stopped drinking straight soda and started drinking it with generous amounts of rum.

Stop the rum, and suddenly the soda is so far beyond sweet it's scary

So it's safe to say I've had neither an alcoholic drink nor a soda in nearly 5 years now.

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I would not put Dr. Pepper in the same category as cola, personally, but Your Pop May Vary.

My fizzy drink consumption mainly consists of super-market own brand diet cola, or Lucozade (since no-one does an own-brand Lucozade ripoff), because I am a savage. I have never enjoyed mixing any sort of soft drink with alcohol.

Sovereign Court

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Dr. Pepper is quite nice in my opinion, then again, I also like ginger beer.

Grand Lodge

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I've always understood Dr Pepper to be a separate thing as well. Not a cola fan however.

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I don't know about soda but I do know I drilled holes through three boulders this week getting ready for actual work to begin next week.

And people wonder why I don't struggle with conditioning the first couple of weeks of the year.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are my mutant superpower.

I am a f***ing rockstar.

Jurassic Bard wrote:
Dr. Pepper is quite nice in my opinion, then again, I also like ginger beer.

Seconded. But neither can hold a candle to Irn-Bru.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Dr. Pepper is quite nice in my opinion, then again, I also like ginger beer.

Both ginger beer and ginger ale are tasty. Old Jamaica is a particular favourite.

The trickle down effect of me carving out all these boulders for water features is the other Captain who had become burnt out just doing maintenance on water features is suddenly energized because he now gets to install water features. So everyone wins!

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NobodysHome wrote:

One positive aspect of my alcoholism was that I stopped drinking straight soda and started drinking it with generous amounts of rum.

Stop the rum, and suddenly the soda is so far beyond sweet it's scary

So it's safe to say I've had neither an alcoholic drink nor a soda in nearly 5 years now.

Meanwhile I accidentally tried Scint's rum and coke once and it was so bitter I almost vomited. I've since learned that even sweet wines are too bitter for me. Alcohol of any kind seems to just make anything in it too sour for me to tolerate.

But that's not really a big surprise for me. I need a generous helping of sweetener to drink the tea I basically live off of these days.

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Dr.Pepper is the nectar of the gods for me. Barq's Root Beer is a good second to it. All other sodas fall much lower but still perfectly tasty.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jurassic Bard wrote:
Dr. Pepper is quite nice in my opinion, then again, I also like ginger beer.

You monster

John Napier 698 wrote:

Hello John.

What's your opinion on Dr. Pepper?

Dancing Wind wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:

Hello John.

What's your opinion on Dr. Pepper?

I don't drink sodas much anymore. These days, it's either milk, water, or tea. Earl Grey excluded, because I'm allergic to it.

About to go home. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

Dancing Wind wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:

Hello John.

What's your opinion on Dr. Pepper?

I don't drink sodas much anymore. These days, it's either milk, water, or tea. Earl Grey excluded, because I'm allergic to it.

About to go home. Good night, everyone. And have a good weekend.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Carrion Crown went bad tonight. The group went back to Schloss Caromark, killed some vargouilles and draugr pretty easily, and then open the door to the room with the basilisk. The war priest turns to stone immediately. Then a few rounds of me biting them, and them mostly missing me, pass. The barbarian did crit me at one point, but then over 3 rounds the rogue, inquisitor, and barbarian all get turned to stone. The paladin managed to pull the statues out of the room, close the door, and (with some hand-waving on my part) get them back to town. Then it's time to try and bring them back by having clerics cast Break Enchantment. The rogue comes back first try. Then they try twice to bring back the war priest, failing each time. So they say "Guess his god doesn't want him to come back" and try the barbarian. He also fails to come back. (All 3 times, they needed to roll a 6+ on a d20. They rolled 3, 3, and 1.) At this point, the paladin and rogue are both stressing because, well, frankly, no one had the money to pay for this spellcasting, and they were looking at pawning off significant amounts of magical gear. I decide to take pity on them, and the following happens:

Me: "As you are looking over what gear you can trade/sell, a mostly naked man bursts into the temple. He shouts 'Stand back, y'all! I gots this!!' and appears to be trying to roll up his sleeves despite not wearing a shirt. He goes to the inquisitor, grabs his head in an iron claw, and yells 'Be healed, m*#!*+!*@@~+!' and pushed you over backwards. As you fall back, you turn into flesh. Then he grabs the barbarian by both cheeks, and starts trying to shake your head. He screams 'Wake up you sleepy b@*@!!' and you come back being tossed around like a rag doll. He then looks to the war priest. He sneers, and says 'Ugh. A dwarf', gets a running start, and sprints at you. He kicks you right in the balls, and you come back in intense pain and fall over. He looks around, says 'Don't worry. It's on me.' and passes out, his foot obviously broken from the fact the war priest was still stone when he first made contact. There is silence for a moment, apart from the dwarf mewling at his bruised taint, and one of the priests hands you back the gold you had already given them. She says 'He said it was on him, and he's the high priest, so we can't really charge you.'"

The party thanks the clerics, the rogue tucks a bottle of port into the snoring high priest's arms, and they leave. They also decide that they aren't going back to the castle no matter what. So I find a way to give them the hook for the next part of the adventure path, and we stop for the night. Also, they asked me the name of the author of that book, mainly because all 5 of them want to punch him in the nuts. Repeatedly.

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Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

One positive aspect of my alcoholism was that I stopped drinking straight soda and started drinking it with generous amounts of rum.

Stop the rum, and suddenly the soda is so far beyond sweet it's scary

So it's safe to say I've had neither an alcoholic drink nor a soda in nearly 5 years now.

Meanwhile I accidentally tried Scint's rum and coke once and it was so bitter I almost vomited. I've since learned that even sweet wines are too bitter for me. Alcohol of any kind seems to just make anything in it too sour for me to tolerate.

But that's not really a big surprise for me. I need a generous helping of sweetener to drink the tea I basically live off of these days.

Scint does not share drinks well, apparently.

Proof that bikini mail works just as well as heavier armor.

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"Get some rest, we have a big battle ahead of us tomorrow!" My friend Noro (from Ghost of Tsushima) told me.

So, I wake up and the the mongol controlled village is already in flames and I run there and everyone is either dead or dying and Noro is standing in the middle of the carnage and he says "perhaps I got a bit carried away" and my first reaction is "I thought we were friends! I went out and got smoke bombs, poison darts and explosive arrows and everything! I spent ten flowers prepping for this!! TEN FLOWERS!!!".

Sorry, I got all worked up, I was really looking forward to that battle.

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We're going to go see The Flaming Lips tonight, pretty excited! I actually bought the tickets last August so kind of hard to believe it's already time.

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The General is making her character for Strength of Thousands and I might have deliberately implanted the idea of making an inventor with a robot chicken companion.

I regret nothing!

When my group did that part of Carrion Crown, we took one look at the room full of water and was like hell no. We took the other route. We nearly TPK'd on the Promethean though. We shook down Lord Caromark for 2 Raise Deads and Restorations.

I just couldnt land any hits as our main frontliner. I watched our Monk and Striker get grappled, paralyzed and MURDERED. Our Juju Oracle sat in the corner and cried while our Winter Witch was operating the beacon.

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Apparently, one of my friends got forced to go to the opera tonight. According to him, 'It's just 10 old dudes dressed as women being racist and singing'

I suspect that he's having to watch 'The Mikado', though my knowledge of the field of cross-dressing racist opera is not great.

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