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*gets dressed*

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Orthos update: his test came back inconclusive, but as he's running a fever and dealing with headaches, he figures it's more likely than not that he's got it, too.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Orthos update: his test came back inconclusive, but as he's running a fever and dealing with headaches, he figures it's more likely than not that he's got it, too.

Ugh. Wish them well for me!

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Get well Orthos!!!

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Tacticslion wrote:
*gets dressed*

- whistles and holds out dollar Bill's- Shake it!!!

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Yeah, just gonna echo Nobody and wish them the best

Scarab Sages

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Get well soon Orthos!

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Have I complained on Epic store exclusives already? Never mind, I'll complain more anyway.

So, apparently Darkest Dungeon 2 reached Early Access phase... As an exclusive on Epic Store, so it might be expected that it will remain exclusive to epic store for the next year or so...

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Tacticslion wrote:
Orthos update: his test came back inconclusive, but as he's running a fever and dealing with headaches, he figures it's more likely than not that he's got it, too.


Wishing him and Scint and Ebon nothing but the best.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Tiny T-Rex had his first Mcrib. Cycle of life and whatnot.

1600 days sober. No McRibs.

Thanks. But avoiding McRibs isn't that hard...

it is when I'm around!

continues throwing McRibs through his window

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NobodysHome wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Tiny T-Rex had his first Mcrib. Cycle of life and whatnot.

1600 days sober. No McRibs.

Thanks. But avoiding McRibs isn't that hard...

Clearly it's up to me to break the news to you about the Homing Hellfire McRib, then.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Orthos update: his test came back inconclusive, but as he's running a fever and dealing with headaches, he figures it's more likely than not that he's got it, too.

Poor chap - best wishes to all t'lot, and hope it clears up fast.

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Off so see Mystery Science Theater 3000 live tonight with the wife, hope it is good.

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
Off so see Mystery Science Theater 3000 live tonight with the wife, hope it is good.

Have fun!!!

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GM_Beernorg wrote:
Off so see Mystery Science Theater 3000 live tonight with the wife, hope it is good.

Please let me know how many "Manos: the Hands of Fate" or Kim Cattrall references they make!

(Plays the Haunting Torgo theme.)

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LoL, can do, I will give a quick review sometime this weekend of how the show went.

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So I went to pick up an order from the friendly local game store (Noble Knight Games, it basically looks like a warehouse with crenelated towers on the corners) and absently picked up one of those blind boxes for Darklands Rising and lo and behold what should be in the box but a Jabberwocky and a leprechaun!!

As well as a deep gnome wearing a face mask and some sort of clockwork rectal nightmare called a dig-widget.

Of course now everyone is going to have to die because jabberwocky are pretty tough and I'll be damned if I'm leaving that off the table.

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lisamarlene wrote:
GM_Beernorg wrote:
Off so see Mystery Science Theater 3000 live tonight with the wife, hope it is good.

Please let me know how many "Manos: the Hands of Fate" or Kim Cattrall references they make!

(Plays the Haunting Torgo theme.)

I did the "We now return to Manos, The Hands Of Fate" drinking game. Don't remember much of that night.

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I don't do drinking games, as a friend once said "I already know I'm going to get drunk I don't need to trick myself into drinking more".

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My evening of Manos The Hands Of Fate

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captain yesterday wrote:

So I went to pick up an order from the friendly local game store (Noble Knight Games, it basically looks like a warehouse with crenelated towers on the corners) and absently picked up one of those blind boxes for Darklands Rising and lo and behold what should be in the box but a Jabberwocky and a leprechaun!!

As well as a deep gnome wearing a face mask and some sort of clockwork rectal nightmare called a dig-widget.

A whatwhatwhat?!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So I went to pick up an order from the friendly local game store (Noble Knight Games, it basically looks like a warehouse with crenelated towers on the corners) and absently picked up one of those blind boxes for Darklands Rising and lo and behold what should be in the box but a Jabberwocky and a leprechaun!!

As well as a deep gnome wearing a face mask and some sort of clockwork rectal nightmare called a dig-widget.

Of course now everyone is going to have to die because jabberwocky are pretty tough and I'll be damned if I'm leaving that off the table.

"Clockwork rectal nightmare" is a series of words that will stick in your head for a while.

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Our film to be ridiculed...errr I mean reviewed for the evening was Making Contact. It is a crap-tastic film that features people who should and likely did never act again.The live show itself is just as funny as it should be, the commentary was spot on, if the live MST3K show comes to your town, go see it, laugh a bunch, it feels really good after how things have been. Two thumbs and one robot leg up.

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Not only do I have to deal with a youth soccer team, and their possibly worse parents, tonight, but I have to do it for an extra hour because of daylight savings time. This f$%#ing sucks.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Not only do I have to deal with a youth soccer team, and their possibly worse parents, tonight, but I have to do it for an extra hour because of daylight savings time. This f~~&ing sucks.

I would send you some snacks if I could.

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The parents are definitely worse than the kids. Which is really saying something.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Not only do I have to deal with a youth soccer team, and their possibly worse parents, tonight, but I have to do it for an extra hour because of daylight savings time. This f~~&ing sucks.
I would send you some snacks if I could.

I'd rather you send someone to work my shift for me.

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digi-beer for Gran...ouch, you earned it

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I don't drink, even digitally.

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I'll have a couple extras in your stead, gran. Rope-a-dope 'em, chief.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, the last of them finally f$~+ed off to bed, and I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to clean the lobby. I've done all I can, but there is still more. However, what is left won't come up with a broom and if I run a vacuum cleaner at 2 in the morning in a hotel full of drunken a*+*$!$s, I think you can all guess how well that would turn out. And I am left with so many question! Like "Why are there multiple whole pieces of pizza (admittedly, it's Monical's so the pizzas are cut into 3" square pieces) lying trampled on the floor?" and "Where the ever-living F&#+! did all these popcorn kernels come from?". Seriously, popcorn kernels. Almost enough to make me think that someone opened an unpopped bag of microwave popcorn, dumped it on the floor, and then spread it around over about 30 sq ft of the lobby. And of course, the dozen or so beer bottle caps that I found all over the place. And the 2 broken bottles I found "hidden" under 2 different tables. Because why should they clean up-or at least tell us about-broken glass in a public area where, for some ungodly reason, people do sometimes go barefoot?

Sometimes my friends and family don't understand why I get so angry at my job. "It can't be that hard. In fact, I bet I would love it!" Really? Try it. Come with me on one of these nights and see what I and untold numbers of other hotel staffers have to deal with, and then tell me how much fun it is. Sometimes I think the only reason I didn't quit years ago was because I hate the guests so much that I want to be here to tell them "No" when they ask for things.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Last year, Hasbro crowdfunded a remake of HeroQuest, which I backed. Got notice yesterday that it shipped, and should be here on Monday. Yay!
Please keep me posted. I didn't have the money for the Kickstarter, and I have (mostly) good memories of the game.

A little light googling, and I found this Australian store listing a retail version of the game to release at the end of February 2022. It also shows an MSRP of about 260 Aussie-bucks, which google translates to about 190 Freedom Bills.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I'll have a couple extras in your stead, gran. Rope-a-dope 'em, chief.

Offering to drink when I'm complaining about drunken a~!*!~!s probably isn't the best.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
I'll have a couple extras in your stead, gran. Rope-a-dope 'em, chief.
Offering to drink when I'm complaining about drunken a$%+!~@s probably isn't the best.

*Mumbles something about life, and cocaine*

4 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Last year, Hasbro crowdfunded a remake of HeroQuest, which I backed. Got notice yesterday that it shipped, and should be here on Monday. Yay!
Please keep me posted. I didn't have the money for the Kickstarter, and I have (mostly) good memories of the game.
A little light googling, and I found this Australian store listing a retail version of the game to release at the end of February 2022. It also shows an MSRP of about 260 Aussie-bucks, which google translates to about 190 Freedom Bills.

If you want to keep up to date on new board game releases in the US I highly recommend this store.

And it's also a great place to get new RPGs.

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My apologies Gran, my comment was meant as a light hearted jest, if it came off differently, I am sorry.

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I am loving this Aquaman series on HBOMAX. It is the right combination of silliness and comic book stuff.

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This week's Lore Olympus strip was sooo short!

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Yeah. Teachers.

As I do at the end of every year, I'm going through my file cabinet and shredding any records more than ten years old except for those that hold particular meaning.

I just found the offer letter for my first tech job when I left teaching, dated mid-2000. I had no idea what I was doing, so I asked for far less salary than I was worth.

Comparing that salary to the 2021-2022 pay scale for the first college I ever worked, an instructor starting with a Ph.D. at the college would still be making less than my 20-year-old, grossly underestimated tech salary.

Gee... why can't we get any good teachers?

EDIT: In lighter news, I just found out that the 25-year warranty on the silverware we received as a wedding present expired a couple of years ago. You know you've been around too long when your 20+ year warranties start expiring.

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NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah. Teachers.

As I do at the end of every year, I'm going through my file cabinet and shredding any records more than ten years old except for those that hold particular meaning.

I just found the offer letter for my first tech job when I left teaching, dated mid-2000. I had no idea what I was doing, so I asked for far less salary than I was worth.

Comparing that salary to the 2021-2022 pay scale for the first college I ever worked, an instructor starting with a Ph.D. at the college would still be making less than my 20-year-old, grossly underestimated tech salary.

Gee... why can't we get any good teachers?

Is that tech job salary inflation-adjusted for the comparison?

As to your question (roughly in order):
1) Parents
2) Administrators
3) Parents
4) Bureaucracy
5) Pay

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Well, the last of them finally f!~@ed off to bed, and I've spent the last 45 minutes trying to clean the lobby. I've done all I can, but there is still more. However, what is left won't come up with a broom and if I run a vacuum cleaner at 2 in the morning in a hotel full of drunken a~$!@*+s, I think you can all guess how well that would turn out. And I am left with so many question! Like "Why are there multiple whole pieces of pizza (admittedly, it's Monical's so the pizzas are cut into 3" square pieces) lying trampled on the floor?" and "Where the ever-living F!&!! did all these popcorn kernels come from?". Seriously, popcorn kernels. Almost enough to make me think that someone opened an unpopped bag of microwave popcorn, dumped it on the floor, and then spread it around over about 30 sq ft of the lobby. And of course, the dozen or so beer bottle caps that I found all over the place. And the 2 broken bottles I found "hidden" under 2 different tables. Because why should they clean up-or at least tell us about-broken glass in a public area where, for some ungodly reason, people do sometimes go barefoot?

Sometimes my friends and family don't understand why I get so angry at my job. "It can't be that hard. In fact, I bet I would love it!" Really? Try it. Come with me on one of these nights and see what I and untold numbers of other hotel staffers have to deal with, and then tell me how much fun it is. Sometimes I think the only reason I didn't quit years ago was because I hate the guests so much that I want to be here to tell them "No" when they ask for things.

That is... insane. I'm sorry, my dude. :(

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We had a big old storm earlier in the week, so I swept up about two 80 litre bin bags' worth of leaves this afternoon. While I was doing so, the next door neighbour opened his front door and bent my ear for around 45 minutes, talking about his 3D printing, his struggles with the Department for Social Security, who are a vicious bunch, and his Thoughts on Immigration. I made a proper face at him when he started on that, though, so he changed the subject before we had a big argument.

Later, someone who I didn't know from Adam knocked on the door and asked to borrow £10. Very odd indeed.

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Fantasy Monster: Clockwork Nighmare.

Here, have this to get it unstuck from your mind already.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Apparently FedEx delivers on Sunday. I know this because I got my HeroQuest today. Everything looks really good. The only thing I've noticed is that the skeletons might be a little fragile as they have a relatively thin spine.

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Quark Blast wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
<Teacher stuff>
Is that tech job salary inflation-adjusted for the comparison?

No adjustments. That was the point. If you adjust for inflation the salary's well over the top-tier teacher salary.

2000 starting offer: $72,000
2000 starting offer adjusted to 2021 dollars: $114,000
2021 starting teacher pay with a full Ph.D.: $69,300

Quark Blast wrote:

As to your question (roughly in order):
1) Parents
2) Administrators
3) Parents
4) Bureaucracy
5) Pay

So, full disclosure: I was a college instructor, but mine was:

(1) Administrators. They were the ones who made me quit. From, "You have to pass xx% of your students no matter how poorly they do," to, "Your students aren't smart enough to do the work you're asking of them. If they were, they'd be in a real college," to, "You have a Ph.D. That means you're arrogant. Period," they were amazing.

(2) Pay. I was nearly in tears when I did the math after my third year of teaching and realized I'd never be able to afford a home, kids, or anything else if I stayed a teacher.

I did have a parent try to browbeat me for giving their kid a D, but I pointed out the kid was over 18 so they had no say in the matter and I wouldn't talk to them because of privacy laws. And the bureaucracy never bothered me all that much. No matter where you are, there's paperwork. But I worked in mostly functional departments where the chairs and deans were sensible people. Except the school that finally made me quit.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Apparently FedEx delivers on Sunday. I know this because I got my HeroQuest today. Everything looks really good. The only thing I've noticed is that the skeletons might be a little fragile as they have a relatively thin spine.

Oh man I am excited!

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Hello, everyone.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Apparently FedEx delivers on Sunday. I know this because I got my HeroQuest today. Everything looks really good. The only thing I've noticed is that the skeletons might be a little fragile as they have a relatively thin spine.
Oh man I am excited!

There are some unboxing videos already up on YouTube if you want to see what it looks like.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Howdy! How's your weekend?

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Today, we might start to get some relief on the "floor vents smelling like the anus of Cerberus" problem.

This is icky:
It turns out that, because of the house's age, every single bit of pipe empties into one big *open* drain underneath the house.

Which is clogged. And appears to have been for quite some time.

Miz Daisy's plumber is coming today to attempt to snake it out from the street side, where our pipes meet the City's main. Then he's going to go away for a week and hope the small pond in the crawlspace under the house dries out so he can actually get to where he suspects the leak is, under the kitchen.

Yes, you read that correctly. What we've been smelling since we moved in this summer is the open drain backing up and forming a pond in the crawlspace under our house.

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