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captain yesterday wrote:

I really should have asked for the day after Halloween off work.

Unfortunately since the pandemic started I haven't been able to remember holidays until it's too late.

Interesting bit about the kids and that:

(1) Impus Minor got invited to a Halloween party and said, "I'll text if I'll be home after midnight." I responded, "It's a school night. You'll be home by midnight. He sighed, "Why isn't the day after Halloween a holiday?"

(2) Impus Major had volunteered to man the door, but ended up deciding to go to the party.

(3) As GothBard and I settled in to watch Midnight Mass for a while (only 1.5 episodes in, but so far keeping our attention), the kids got home at an astonishing 7:40 pm.

NobodysHome: Impus Major, what was so sucky about the party?
Impus Major: It was high school sophomores.

And that was all he needed to say.

EDIT: And no! No high school nudity!

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NobodysHome wrote:

EDIT: And no! No high school nudity!

weeps single tear

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Speaking of our "different" playstyle, yesterday was an amazing example of the way we roll.

Spoilering both for length, and because the scenario was apparently an adaptation of an existing published module: "Prince Charming, Necromancer" so I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't played it.

Highlights from Yesterday's Session:

(1) On finding four jewel-encrusted pillars thrumming with dark magic, since we couldn't figure them out we left them alone instead of trying to pry off the valuables.

(2) After dispatching a group of kobolds that attacked us, we found their warren, offered the rest of the tribe a truce, paid them good silver for information about the area, and fed them.

(3) Learning about an "angry ghost" from the kobolds, we went to a wizard's laboratory, and instead of trying to loot all the valuables, the cleric called out, introduced herself, went in, and waited politely for the ghost to manifest. Then the bard got him to tell his entire life (and death) story and tale of woe. The ghost was so taken aback we were able to retrieve even more information without a fight.

(4) On facing five "judges" who asked questions to determine whether we were worthy, we all simply told the truth. Considering their "gifts" were the Sword of Truth, Shield of Truth, and Mirror of Truth, we chose wisely.

(5) Fighting the BBEG and knowing the Shield of Truth would protect her from its breath weapon but not its claws nor bite, the cleric ran in and allowed BBEG to corner her. This put the fighter with the Sword of Truth in a flank. Sad BBEG. The GM admitted surprise at this one. "This was supposed to be a deadly encounter. This is the fourth time I've run this scenario. You curb stomped the BBEG and not a single PC dropped. I didn't think that was possible."

(6) On learning the true nature of things, the party decided that the best course of action was to risk sacrificing themselves for the good of the region. So we went ahead and intentionally called forth what we assumed would be a TPK, but that would solve the issue. I'm unfamiliar with the campaign, but I suspect the authors wouldn't have written in an, "If the PCs do this, there will be an automatic TPK," so I don't think it was GM/divine intervention that saved us. Just good old, "We're willing to die for the greater good. Are we rolling up new characters now?"

It was all in all a very fun, very satisfying session.

And that's how we roll.

Scarab Sages

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I played an amazing game of Blue Beards Bride for halloween. Because of time zones of course I ended up going to bed at 2 in the morning and now Im paying the price for it.

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lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

I do seem to play a lot with players who love easily corruptible characters that occasionally happen to turn against the party, but it should not be something that GM pushes for.

In the hindsight my tolerance for intraparty conflict dropped over years, and it was never that high - some intriguing behind players back to snatch the most lucrative political and economical prizes was fine, though preferably with the other characters sharing in the spoils whenever possible, and avoiding harming other characters unless they really brought it on themselves (like willingly becoming a host to a demon).

We played for many years with "The Idiots", where the most legendary story was when two of the players rolled up Runequest ogres as PCs with the GM's permission.

The rest of us would dutifully roll up new characters, bring them into town, get invited to dinner by Lord Chumley Q. Dudley, walk into the room, and end up in combat with two well-equipped ogres (when one is more than a match for any single starting PC).

We burned through a dozen PCs with no game nor plot at all. Just, "Who's next into the meat grinder?"

My duck finally managed to jump out the window (minus an arm) and sound the alarm, and the townsfolk burned the inn to the ground and brought Lord Chumley Q. Dudley to his bitter end, but such a playstyle was the absolute norm for nearly a decade of my life.

And I see no need nor reason to go back.

The only series I can think of where "all the PCs are at each others' throats" trope really worked was Dark Matter.

I mean, Game of Thrones just got tedious and depressing. The Chronicles of Amber were built on deceit, betrayal and mistrust, but that was different because you were really just following Corwin (or, later, Merlin).

And even Dark Matter either had the PCs leave after a while, or shape up as a team (or <spoilers>, I guess; yes, still mad).

NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of our "different" playstyle, yesterday was an amazing example of the way we roll.

Spoilering both for length, and because the scenario was apparently an adaptation of an existing published module: "Prince Charming, Necromancer" so I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't played it.
** spoiler omitted **...

(1) this sounds wise

(2) this sounds normal

(3) this sounds good

(4) this makes sense

(5) this is just me Tactics

(6) this is the first part where I don't know many people from other groups would "accept" that as a situation; I've definitely run into some players who do, but many others find it unsatisfactory for various reasons

And that's not a bad thing, over-all.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Speaking of our "different" playstyle, yesterday was an amazing example of the way we roll.

Spoilering both for length, and because the scenario was apparently an adaptation of an existing published module: "Prince Charming, Necromancer" so I don't want to ruin it for people who haven't played it.
** spoiler omitted **...

"Shove would totally work with party like that!"

Sharoth wrote:
The empty brain

This is fascinating, and pretty great, honestly, but the author takes his points too far, and also engages in (seemingly accidental) fallacy using the same things he decries in general (though he does note that it's very hard not to in general).

Basically, his basic point that "brains =/= computers" is correct, but his follow up "argument(s)" comes with assertion without good evidence (which was his problem with the basic model of brain cognition at present).

Over-all, I'm really glad I read it! Thank you!

Grand Lodge

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You following this TL?

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Glad to hear that Tact. But you are still to blame, you Scapelion.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I finished the job I was working on.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I got a 3rd party Starfinder cyberpunk setting called Interface Zero, written partially by our very own Mike Welham (aka Badger!).

I like it so far, it's a lot of fun to read and has some pretty sweet art.

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As I think I've mentioned, Lara Croft Guy has been working on the various incarnations of the game since nearly the beginning.

So he jumped at the chance to be involved when someone did a Lara Croft Speed Run. Beware: It's an hourlong video.

He said it was pretty painful to watch just how well the guy exploited their bugs.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Some parents rock.

This is a fragment of an email I got from the dad of one of my students about the photos for his timeline of life tomorrow.

"10/31/18 - C's first Halloween (C. was Major Tom, and we were David Bowie and NASA ground control)"

This mom and dad are getting all the cookies today.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
You following this TL?

I'm not a follower, I'm a leader! I'm a lion, not a sheep!

... wait^.

Also, yes, and it looks incredible, and the name is terrible, and I want it to succeed, and that name ain't gonna help that (because no one who doesn't already understand this will know what that means), and I'm so stinkin' hype, and I want them to change the name (but that's almost certainly not going to happen at this late stage)!

Also I've played the demo already and enjoyed it greatly (though there are some rough spots). I do hope you'll be able to intentionally modify your classes over time, in the final, but if not, Anna is suddenly about to become my PTS waifu and massively over-level, probably.

^ why is this the only original musical piece I could find, admittedly with added fart noise

captain yesterday wrote:
Yeah, I finished the job I was working on.

That looks fantastic!

Sharoth wrote:
Glad to hear that Tact. But you are still to blame, you Scapelion.

Hey! Lion's can't be scape anymore than they can be sheeeeeeeeeeeeepwaitamintue, this feels familiar.

NobodysHome wrote:

As I think I've mentioned, Lara Croft Guy has been working on the various incarnations of the game since nearly the beginning.

So he jumped at the chance to be involved when someone did a Lara Croft Speed Run. Beware: It's an hourlong video.

He said it was pretty painful to watch just how well the guy exploited their bugs.

I will say, though it might not comfort him, as a fan, sometimes the bugs really make the game feel better/stand out more, at least if you can use them to do fun or cool or interesting things with the game, which it sounds like the speedrunner did.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Yeah, I finished the job I was working on.

Im convinced you're an earthbender.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I got a 3rd party Starfinder cyberpunk setting called Interface Zero, written partially by our very own Mike Welham (aka Badger!).

I like it so far, it's a lot of fun to read and has some pretty sweet art.


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Hello, everyone.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Awakens from post-SKALCON and transit home coma.


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It's coming.

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Afternoon there John Boy!

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It's cominnnnnng

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Freehold DM wrote:

I've never had a McRib. And I have no plans to do so.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

How many mouths do you have, just out of interest?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

All I can picture is Freehold covered in BBQ sauce and looking pleased about it...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I've never had a McRib. And I have no plans to do so.

And here we have a picture of Freehold visiting the Home Homestead, force feeding NobodysHome McRibs while GothBard looks on

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What is a flagship v-accordion, why does it exist, and who priced it at over £3,000.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Finished Job (part 2).

Today I started the first driveway inlay area.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

What is a flagship v-accordion, why does it exist, and who priced it at over £3,000.

That's the ugliest Spocking accordion I've ever seen. No mother of pearl, no iridescence, no glitter, nothing. I don't know a single accordion player who would want that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I've never had a McRib. And I have no plans to do so.

I generally don't like McDonald's, but I love the Mcrib.

That said, I usually only get one or two a year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

What is a flagship v-accordion, why does it exist, and who priced it at over £3,000.
That's the ugliest Spocking accordion I've ever seen. No mother of pearl, no iridescence, no glitter, nothing. I don't know a single accordion player who would want that.

I'll take eight!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About to go home. Good night, everyone.

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Three more days until my two week vacation. A vacation which nothing much will happen due to being broke. Oh well. Housework, playing video games, reading, watching TV, and hitting the nearby state parks. Could be worse. ~looks outside~ Oh. Right. Mowing the yard. Cutting down the trees that are growing before they get too big.

John Napier 698 wrote:
About to go home. Good night, everyone.

Good night, John!

Trying to find a rule in games from... soooooommmmmeeeewhere in which if you gain immunity to the damage that bypasses your regeneration, the regeneration transforms into fast healing. But I can't find that rule, now, and I have no idea where to look.

I don't think I'm making it up, but it seems not to be true in 3.X and I can't find it in PF, sooooo... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyone know what the heck I'm talking about?

(I rarely do.)

Grand Lodge

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Never heard of it myself.

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Hey there TOZ. How are you both doing?

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I'm really annoyed with my manager right now. Not only is this 2 days in a row where he worked 2nd shift and didn't touch any laundry, but he did something today that just pisses me off. I told him the other day that we needed a new box to put audit packs in. He said he would take care of it. Nothing happened for a few days, and today-after he left-I found a note from him saying "There are boxes in my office. Assemble one to use for the audit packs." So, he finally got some boxes, but instead of putting one together and setting it out for us to use, he decided that his time was better spent writing a note telling me to do it. It probably took about the same amount of time to write the note as it did to put the box together. So I'm angry at him. Again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

What is a flagship v-accordion, why does it exist, and who priced it at over £3,000.
That's the ugliest Spocking accordion I've ever seen. No mother of pearl, no iridescence, no glitter, nothing. I don't know a single accordion player who would want that.

At that price, you'd think they could add on a few sparkles and whathaveyou, certainly.

(NB: Thinking about it, if I showed it to my Dad, I bet his eyes would light up and he'd start contemplating raiding his savings, but there's no way Mama would let him buy it)

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm incredibly amused.

The week after Thanksgiving I was supposed to spend vacation time.

Got the summons for jury duty the Tuesday after Thanksgiving over this past weekend.

Relevance: Can't take any more vacation this week, not allowed to next week nor the month of December, and it has to be used up by the end of the year..

EDIT: Context: I have two weeks AND two personal days left...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm incredibly amused.

The week after Thanksgiving I was supposed to spend vacation time.

Got the summons for jury duty the Tuesday after Thanksgiving over this past weekend.

Relevance: Can't take any more vacation this week, not allowed to next week nor the month of December, and it has to be used up by the end of the year..

Yeah, I just realized I have about 100 hours of vacation time saved up, but can only carry 40 hours over to next year. So now I have to try and get the manager to let me use it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm incredibly amused.

The week after Thanksgiving I was supposed to spend vacation time.

Got the summons for jury duty the Tuesday after Thanksgiving over this past weekend.

Relevance: Can't take any more vacation this week, not allowed to next week nor the month of December, and it has to be used up by the end of the year..

Yeah, I just realized I have about 100 hours of vacation time saved up, but can only carry 40 hours over to next year. So now I have to try and get the manager to let me use it.

We were allowed to carry over last year as a special pandemic case. That's why I have two weeks instead of one...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm incredibly amused.

The week after Thanksgiving I was supposed to spend vacation time.

Got the summons for jury duty the Tuesday after Thanksgiving over this past weekend.

Relevance: Can't take any more vacation this week, not allowed to next week nor the month of December, and it has to be used up by the end of the year..

Yeah, I just realized I have about 100 hours of vacation time saved up, but can only carry 40 hours over to next year. So now I have to try and get the manager to let me use it.
We were allowed to carry over last year as a special pandemic case. That's why I have two weeks instead of one...

We weren't, which is why I wound up taking like 70 hours of vacation in the last 3 months of 2020.

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