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Do you ever find yourself flipping through the same 4 streaming apps over and over again, hoping to find something that peaks your interest, and you just feel like a tiger pacing back and forth in its cage at a zoo? If so, then you, like the tiger, need enrichment and variety. Try filling a hollowed-out pumpkin with raw hamburger and rolling it around in your enclosure.

And if you're nekkid while doing this, it's even better.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"I was hiding under your porch because I love you."

Adorable as f@!& when Dug the dog from Up says it. Creepy as f$*~ in pretty much any other situation.

Sharoth wrote:
45 more minutes until my three day weekend starts!!!


My ex really put me through the ringers. She got everything in the divorce. EVERYTHING!! B###% even got my sleep paralysis demon.

Hello, everyone.

Yo, John!

Scarab Sages

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Hey John

This week. Last week. The danger is rising. Who's looking for a curmudgeonly IT guy?

Speaking of grumpy IT, this is *so* typical of government-run IT systems I just had to share:

Federal Government System: We have received your return and it is being processed.

State Government System: We authorized your refund on <several days ago>.

And yes, my Federal refund has already appeared as a pending deposit in my account, whereas my State refund is nowhere to be seen.

Apparently correct messaging is just as hard to find around here as competent contracting.

(We're painting today, so now we get to see all his OTHER mistakes, and it's going to be quite the joy walking Head Contractor through it all and asking, "So, why did I pay your guy for a job I honestly could have done better?")

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah, I remember well, just recently, when my fresh faced 21 year old colleague asked "why is this website so s%$$ty"

And I had to tell him it was because its a government website.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Who knew than Lutheran satire is a thing worth making videos about.

I certainly feel that my life is immeasurably richer now I've learned that it is.

Woran wrote:

Ah, I remember well, just recently, when my fresh faced 21 year old colleague asked "why is this website so s$**ty"

And I had to tell him it was because its a government website.

Having worked for various companies that implement major software projects for governments, the general rule is that any government system will be at least 20 years old by the time it's seen by the public because of the complexity of the bidding and implementation process.

Which I think is generous, considering a lot of banks are still going great guns on hiring COBOL programmers, and all of our work with banks has been better than our work with governments.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I gotta do taxes this weekend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Who knew than Lutheran satire is a thing worth making videos about.

I certainly feel that my life is immeasurably richer now I've learned that it is.

Having grown up in "Lutern" country, yes. Yes it is.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I gotta do taxes this weekend.

You know the deadline has been extended until May 17th, right?

Woran wrote:

Ah, I remember well, just recently, when my fresh faced 21 year old colleague asked "why is this website so s%%!ty"

And I had to tell him it was because its a government website.

When WW and I had a side gig working for a company recording professional conferences, the only jobs we never wanted to be on were the government jobs. For everyone else, we recorded and sold copies on cd. For the US Government at the time, the contract stipulated that all copies had to be on cassette. This was between 2005-2010, so there was no excuse. The boss handled those on his own.

lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I gotta do taxes this weekend.
You know the deadline has been extended until May 17th, right?

For US Federal taxes, that's true.

However, some states are still using the April 15 deadline for state income tax filing.

Silver Crusade

Fortunately NY isn’t one of them. So Freehold still gets til May 17.

lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Who knew than Lutheran satire is a thing worth making videos about.

I certainly feel that my life is immeasurably richer now I've learned that it is.

Having grown up in "Lutern" country, yes. Yes it is.

Oh my life.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

We found a nice apt in Ohio. Cheap and right in an area of town we loved. Two bedroom, washer and dryer, and in a quiet area (her dad lives in the area and checked it out). It's $300 less a month than our one bedroom that has nothing in the middle of nowhere here in Florida. It's also available two days after our lease here runs up.

If Tala gets the job she interviewed for today, we will have confirmed income and can apply.

Once again, if everything goes perfect....

About to go home. Have a good weekend, everyone.

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I got the Mandalorian shot! Yay I am ready to start collecting my beskar!
(ok yes I know its moderna you let me have my fun! )

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.
Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight!
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She will never turn her back on a friend
She is always there to defend
She is the one on whom we depend
She is the one named Sailor...

♫ Country gnomes, take my bones ♫
♫ To a space, where they are long ♫
♫ Half past seven, Meet Virginia
♫ Lick my phone, sun tree domes ♫

Yes, I did reference and link a song inside of a parody of a completely different song.

I'm quite impressed.

♫ We squatted the motion ♫
♫ Met the Ned of the Braille ♫
♫ There are they mowing ♫
♫ Go-karts in May ♫

♫ Dead bodies sold bee ♫
♫ That Mrs in space ♫
♫ Share everything fettered ♫
♫ Banned boxing ring's face ♫

♫ Stalk on the notion ♫
♫ Pet all the bones ♫
♫ Desh becomes otter ♫
♫ Good incomes gnome ♫

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

Don't forget to reroll your 5+ armor save.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:

Ah, I remember well, just recently, when my fresh faced 21 year old colleague asked "why is this website so s$**ty"

And I had to tell him it was because its a government website.

Having worked for various companies that implement major software projects for governments, the general rule is that any government system will be at least 20 years old by the time it's seen by the public because of the complexity of the bidding and implementation process.

Which I think is generous, considering a lot of banks are still going great guns on hiring COBOL programmers, and all of our work with banks has been better than our work with governments.

Yes. Also, yes.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

Don't forget to reroll your 5+ armor save.

And don't forget to call the 7 year old what a whiny little b@!$+ he is after you wipe the floor with him.

And then make sure they know that you'll be plowing their Mom after their bed time, and if they don't like it then they're grounded from Nintendo for a month.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

Don't forget to reroll your 5+ armor save.

And don't forget to call the 7 year old what a whiny little b%*+~ he is after you wipe the floor with him.

And then make sure they know that you'll be plowing their Mom after their bed time, and if they don't like it then they're grounded from Nintendo for a month.

Dude, I'm not an a%+#*!&. I'm just s&&! at reading tarot cards.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

Don't forget to reroll your 5+ armor save.

And don't forget to call the 7 year old what a whiny little b%*+~ he is after you wipe the floor with him.

And then make sure they know that you'll be plowing their Mom after their bed time, and if they don't like it then they're grounded from Nintendo for a month.

Dude, I'm not an a@$#!#!. I'm just s+@% at reading tarot cards.

Then you're playing Pokemon wrong!

Cantankerous Rules Lawyer wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why I got fired from my job as a Tarot reader:

"Ah, so I have drawn the Empress, the Queen of Discs, the...uh...Jack of Diamonds, a Blue Eyes White Dragon, a couple of Swamp basic lands, and a holographic Pikachu."
"I think this means you should play your Knave of Swords in defense mode, take a 5' step, and end your turn."

Don't forget to reroll your 5+ armor save.

And don't forget to call the 7 year old what a whiny little b%*+~ he is after you wipe the floor with him.

And then make sure they know that you'll be plowing their Mom after their bed time, and if they don't like it then they're grounded from Nintendo for a month.

Dude, I'm not an a@$#!#!. I'm just s+@% at reading tarot cards.
Then you're playing Pokemon wrong!

I ain't playing Pockeymans! I'm reading tarot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fun Fact!:

Who do not know the ancient Greek philosopher Plato's name. Plato is a nickname, potentially given to him by his wrestling coach. It roughly translates as "broad", a reference to his large chest and shoulders. There are stories written by his contemporaries of how he would occasionally get people to stop arguing with him by standing up and flexing, as if to imply that he would beat them up if they didn't acknowledge him the victor of the argument.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you ever wanted an understanding of how broken contracting is around here, Head Contractor is providing a shining example: His entire "crew" is 4 full-time workers (himself, his brother, and a father-and-son pair of assistants) plus a "drywall guy". His brother had to have major surgery last year and is out of the picture, which is why he brought in General Contractor.

So, you'd think a 4-man crew would be running on a shoestring budget, relying on the money from the last job to carry them on to the next. Instead, I've paid barely over half of what I owe, the job "wrapped up" on Monday of last week, and his entire communication has been, "I'll stop by when I can."

He's so busy he can't bother stopping by to pick up a five-figure check.


gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.

I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

As usual, the first season of the original series is rather delightful; GothBard and I really enjoyed it. Once they realized they had a marketing bonanza on their hands, the series turned into, "Just how many MORE Sailors can we cram into the story, and how many different outfits can we put them all in?"

I know there are vast oceans of Sailor Moon manga, anime, and (I'm sure) hentai. But GothBard and I got through all of Season 1 of the anime and partway through Season 2 before giving up because it was going so ludicrously off the rails.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

As usual, the first season of the original series is rather delightful; GothBard and I really enjoyed it. Once they realized they had a marketing bonanza on their hands, the series turned into, "Just how many MORE Sailors can we cram into the story, and how many different outfits can we put them all in?"

I know there are vast oceans of Sailor Moon manga, anime, and (I'm sure) hentai. But GothBard and I got through all of Season 1 of the anime and partway through Season 2 before giving up because it was going so ludicrously off the rails.

That doesn't sound like anime.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

dismisses with entire long story of how Freehold gets to lisamarlenes house to introduce her and her daughter to the glories of Sailormoon

NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

As usual, the first season of the original series is rather delightful; GothBard and I really enjoyed it. Once they realized they had a marketing bonanza on their hands, the series turned into, "Just how many MORE Sailors can we cram into the story, and how many different outfits can we put them all in?"

I know there are vast oceans of Sailor Moon manga, anime, and (I'm sure) hentai.

The hentai is very important to me but I love the series.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.

As usual, the first season of the original series is rather delightful; GothBard and I really enjoyed it. Once they realized they had a marketing bonanza on their hands, the series turned into, "Just how many MORE Sailors can we cram into the story, and how many different outfits can we put them all in?"

I know there are vast oceans of Sailor Moon manga, anime, and (I'm sure) hentai. But GothBard and I got through all of Season 1 of the anime and partway through Season 2 before giving up because it was going so ludicrously off the rails.

That doesn't sound like anime.

this man speaks truth.

Scarab Sages

Maybe I should rewatch sailor moon.

Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Neil Armstrong was the first astronaut on the moon.

Astra means star, nauta means sailor. Astronaut literally means Star Sailor.
Therefore, Neil Armstrong is Sailor Moon.
I have never actually seen Sailor Moon.
dismisses with entire long story of how Freehold gets to lisamarlenes house to introduce her and her daughter to the glories of Sailormoon

What about Tinsy Not-So-Tinsy-Anymore Valeros?!

Random thought, from a few photos I have seen, WW looks like a resident Mad Scientist in Control.

Have I mentioned it's a fun 3rd person shooter with a interesting weirdish story?

And now I wonder if GothBard played Control and has an opinion about it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Orks never bleed out slowly - they spray fountains of glorious blood in all directions! All hail Krom!" - Ork! The Roleplaying Game 2nd edition.

lisamarlene wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Who knew than Lutheran satire is a thing worth making videos about.

I certainly feel that my life is immeasurably richer now I've learned that it is.

Having grown up in "Lutern" country, yes. Yes it is.

{immediately pictures magical land filled with Idris Elbas (Idrises Elba?) Luthers}

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From Ork! The Roleplaying Game 2nd edition.

Attacks of Opportunity


Attacks of Orkortunity


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