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Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Today's success.

I got up before the sun set...



It's not like it is bright and sunny, in fact it's gray and wet and not really pleasant but I am up. Yeah, my sleep schedule got borked recently again.

Also, I need to get to shop and get some groceries ASAP. I am out of sugar!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In the hindsight, it's good I did not write that I am out of "white death". It could be misunderstood in such situation...

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Why every landscaping company in the Midwest insists on having a casino night holiday party is beyond me, but whatever, I'll go and show off how hot my wife is and have a few drinks and get a cab home.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really need to shave the beard now that I won the "no way you can grow a full beard in three weeks" bet.

Mostly I grew it because facial hair keeps your face warm when you're working outside all day but now that I'm only on call for snow it's not as necessary.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would send you my straight razors that you could shave in comfort, but I have need of them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a regular Bic sensitive skin disposable razor for me, thank you.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Just a regular Bic sensitive skin disposable razor for me, thank you.

just thinking about those makes me break out in razor bumps. Moms ignorance cost me greatly.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

If you don't shave with the shattered shards of the beer bottle you just finished off, you're not a real man.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

If you don't shave by putting your facial hair in a tiger's mouth and then flicking its balls with a rubber band, you're not a real, real man.

5 people marked this as a favorite.


Wait... Since when real men don't wear beards?!

Liberty's Edge

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It's a travesty, it is.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Unless you shave by using the event horizon of a super-massive black hole, have a full and luxurious beard able to drown the galaxy, are stone cold stoic, and able to confront your emotions by singing Icelandic Pop Sensation Baba*, you’re not a real, real, real man!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm still waiting for you guys to come up with something I haven't done.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I was going to say 'starred in all twelve months of a Sexy Calendar produced to benefit the Libertarian Party', but...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:



Wait... Since when real men don't wear beards?!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Eh, I have no problem with being The Unreal Man.

It's not like I am a real person anyway, just a series of posts on the internets.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I guess I'm lucky to have an extended family so apathetic about sports. I have one uncle who likes to watch big tennisball events, but other than that nobody in my family cares enough to even mention sports.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

fires up Prius Abscondicar III

Let's ride.



(You know who you are!)

Time to EAT!:

(Or maybe not to eat, as the case may be.) XD

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

fires up Prius Abscondicar III

Let's ride.

Pick me up on the way?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

Dammit, I left my jet plane in the other pants...

5 people marked this as a favorite.

"How does he fit a jet plane in his pan-"

*notices he's an ancient red dragon*

"Oh, yeah, I guess that does make sense. Nevermind, carry on."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

fires up Prius Abscondicar III

Let's ride.

Pick me up on the way?

it is an abscondicar after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

Dammit, I left my jet plane in the other pants...

Like you need a jet plane.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So... tonight I'm on closeout duty for the final show of dessert theater, and will be stuck with 3-4 large cases of desserts.

Anyone want to come over for tea?

Dammit, I left my jet plane in the other pants...

Wait a minute, this isn't MY jet plane....

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What kind of doctor is Dr. Pepper? A fizz-ician.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What weighs more-a gallon of water or a gallon of butane? Butane, it's a lighter fluid.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Son: "Dad, what kind of music did you listen to growing up?"
Dad: "I really liked Led Zeppelin."
Son: "Who?"
Dad: "Yeah, they're good too."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hangmen aren't allowed to give their victims a high-five before taking them to the gallows. They are required to leave them hanging.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

"Do you have any glitter, so I can greatly expand the population of eyes" - Tiny T-Rex, channeling God, Doctor Frankenstein, and Martha Stewart, all in one sentence.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

By the way, no matter where you are in our house, our Christmas tree will be looking at you.

And because Gravity Falls has such a huge influence on him quite a few of them are on triangles (glittery triangles, but still triangles).

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh man, this kid is something else. I can see forever here! Man, this tree's deluxe!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yet Another Thing NobodysHome Doesn't Understand:

Spoilered Because It Comes Awfully Close To Victim-Blaming:
So at last night's concert, one of the girls was in a mini mini skirt. Seriously. Maybe 8" from waist to hem (if that), and one of the miracles of modern female carriage that she was managing to walk without flashing everyone around her at every step.

So, more power to her and her self-confidence and her ability to walk around in 44˚F weather with bare legs in that thing, except...
...I was walking behind her and her friend on the way back to the venue to haul more stuff back to storage and I overheard her say, "Yeah, I can't do that in this skirt because I end up flashing my panties to everyone. I hate that."

And it's like, "Er... add 4 inches of fabric like a normal person and don't worry about flashing people?"

I understand that many people who've got it really want to flaunt it. I'm totally OK with that. But when they flaunt it and then complain that they're flaunting too much, it's like, "Er, really?"

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Monster: Ratzilla. Weren't you supposed to get 12 rat tails?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

Oh, wow! I haven't seen fireworks go that off since Lithuania, and even then nothing quite that intense happened!

(In our case, it was a spinner disc flaring with fire that arced around the apartment building, aimed for my head, bounced off the brick wall when I ducked under it - I was between twelve and fifteen -, and continued back arcing around the building.)

But, no, that's insane, Woran, and has to be illegal. Is there any recourse for having your mailbox vandalized like that?

We reported it to the police. But I dont think they ever caught anyone. And yes, it was illegal fireworkds.

Here is some pics.
from the in looking out
from the out looking in

Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

Oh, wow! I haven't seen fireworks go that off since Lithuania, and even then nothing quite that intense happened!

(In our case, it was a spinner disc flaring with fire that arced around the apartment building, aimed for my head, bounced off the brick wall when I ducked under it - I was between twelve and fifteen -, and continued back arcing around the building.)

But, no, that's insane, Woran, and has to be illegal. Is there any recourse for having your mailbox vandalized like that?

We reported it to the police. But I dont think they ever caught anyone. And yes, it was illegal fireworkds.

Here is some pics.
from the in looking out
from the out looking in

UGG. I’m so sorry. People that inconsiderate and dangerously negligent or just… Incredibly frustrating.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

why are fireworks going off exactly?

I can only imagine its either people being dicks, or people being insecure about the size of their dick.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

Oh, wow! I haven't seen fireworks go that off since Lithuania, and even then nothing quite that intense happened!

(In our case, it was a spinner disc flaring with fire that arced around the apartment building, aimed for my head, bounced off the brick wall when I ducked under it - I was between twelve and fifteen -, and continued back arcing around the building.)

But, no, that's insane, Woran, and has to be illegal. Is there any recourse for having your mailbox vandalized like that?

We reported it to the police. But I dont think they ever caught anyone. And yes, it was illegal fireworkds.

Here is some pics.
from the in looking out
from the out looking in

UGG. I’m so sorry. People that inconsiderate and dangerously negligent or just… Incredibly frustrating.

I mean, we were even lucky they picked our house. Futher down the road, houses have been divided up. So people live upstairs, and another set of people downstairs.

In the divided houses, part of the living room is converted to a small bedroom. This is mostly a children's bedroom (as you couldnt fit a double bed in it).

Our neighbor two doors down, who lives in a divided house showed up with the noise, and when he realized it could have been his house, blowing up in the chamber where his kid sleeps, he went white as a sheet and had to sit down on the planter outside as his legs gave out temporarily.

So yeah. I'm slightly traumatized but insurance payed out and now I hate fireworks with a passion.
But it could have ended in tradgidy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

why are fireworks going off exactly?
I can only imagine its either people being dicks, or people being insecure about the size of their dick.

That is monstrous!!!! I am so sorry!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Post I've not beEn able to make today because of the subject of said post and because I managed to thoroughly hurt my left fingers, werist, elow, and shoulder (I'm okay, and the story is stupid and hilarious, takingg place before the post below):

We're at Disney World today!

We're At Disney World Today!



(And now we are back home.)

Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

Oh, wow! I haven't seen fireworks go that off since Lithuania, and even then nothing quite that intense happened!

(In our case, it was a spinner disc flaring with fire that arced around the apartment building, aimed for my head, bounced off the brick wall when I ducked under it - I was between twelve and fifteen -, and continued back arcing around the building.)

But, no, that's insane, Woran, and has to be illegal. Is there any recourse for having your mailbox vandalized like that?

We reported it to the police. But I dont think they ever caught anyone. And yes, it was illegal fireworkds.

Here is some pics.
from the in looking out
from the out looking in

UGG. I’m so sorry. People that inconsiderate and dangerously negligent or just… Incredibly frustrating.

I mean, we were even lucky they picked our house. Futher down the road, houses have been divided up. So people live upstairs, and another set of people downstairs.

In the divided houses, part of the living room is converted to a small bedroom. This is mostly a children's bedroom (as you couldnt fit a double bed in it).

Our neighbor two doors down,...

This is beyond the pale. This tragedy could have ended in manslaughter of children. Unacceptable. That's mild language, but it's what I have. Is there any other legal recourse? For your neighbor, even?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On Amazon Prime. Anna and the Apocalypse or The zombie apocalypse, the musical. I figure that some of you might enjoy that much cheese.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Woran wrote:

I wish they would just stop with fireworks.

A few years back they blew up our mailbox. Our in wall mailbox. With some very illegal piece of fireworks. It blew a hole in the wall and part of the mailbox flew trough the livingroom after bouncing off the couch. Id been sitting on the couch just half an hour earlier, and if I hadnt gotten up after finishing watching an episide (and had continued to watch another episode), I would have been seriously hurt.

So now that its getting closer to the end of year, there are more and more loud bangs outside.

And it stresses me out. A lot.

Oh, wow! I haven't seen fireworks go that off since Lithuania, and even then nothing quite that intense happened!

(In our case, it was a spinner disc flaring with fire that arced around the apartment building, aimed for my head, bounced off the brick wall when I ducked under it - I was between twelve and fifteen -, and continued back arcing around the building.)

But, no, that's insane, Woran, and has to be illegal. Is there any recourse for having your mailbox vandalized like that?

We reported it to the police. But I dont think they ever caught anyone. And yes, it was illegal fireworkds.

Here is some pics.
from the in looking out
from the out looking in

UGG. I’m so sorry. People that inconsiderate and dangerously negligent or just… Incredibly frustrating.

I mean, we were even lucky they picked our house. Futher down the road, houses have been divided up. So people live upstairs, and another set of people downstairs.

In the divided houses, part of the living room is converted to a small bedroom. This is mostly a children's bedroom (as you couldnt fit a double bed in it).



He had that mailbox filled up by the landlord and has an external mailbox now. So no chance of it happening again.

We also have an external mailbox now.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, everyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good morning John. Hopefully you have a good day today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It would be, if it weren't for the clouds and snow. Right now, I miss sunlight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
On Amazon Prime. Anna and the Apocalypse or The zombie apocalypse, the musical. I figure that some of you might enjoy that much cheese.

Yes please!

ALL the cheese!!!!! :)

(What? I am a product of the Went-through-the-80's-as-a-teen-generation. I likes my video entertainment CHEESY!) ;P

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Woran- Glad that your OK, and that you have it 'fixed' where such a thing cannot happen to you again.

While I would never WISH harm upon another human being, I would say that you probably won't have to worry about that happening again too much.

- Karma has a way of making what goes around come around, and let's just say, they give out Darwin awards for a reason,... ;P

Seriously, glad you and yours are alright. :)

9 people marked this as a favorite.

For the sports obsessed:

Get them a biography of Lou Gehrig with appurtenant discussion of ALS.

A copy of Michael Vick's dog fighting trial with full description of the conditions in which he kept the dogs.

A copy of the medical reports on the study of football players' brains and how concussions are the debul.

The book about the corrupt NBA referee who wagered on games/helped organized crime fix games.

These will still be on topic for them, but also satisfy your moral indignation.

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