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Tacticslion wrote:
Turns out it's less than $2 at Staples to get one printed, so I'mma do that.

So, it's like a dollar and fourteen cents!

I ended up printing eight of them: three different types I wanted to try, then five of the one I specifically chose for my players!

It worked really well!

I like the "clean" one the best - the one that lacks any iconography except for country lines; it's the largest and fits more of the paper - but I chose the "full flag" one for the one I gave the players: I have four (out of five) major organized countries' flags below their country's name along the bottom, and those flags place within that country's borders on the map itself.

While the "full flag" version isn't quite flush with the bottom of the paper, and the flags are a bit incongruous with the map (because the flags are hand-drawn by me, which were put into a phone picture, then emailed so I could use MSPaint to paste them in), I chose it because it's the easiest to get a quick idea of what's where on the map.

The other option was a "half" option - the flags were along the bottom, but not on the map. But that was kiiiiiiiiind of the worst of the three, because the big (pleasantly clean) map was smaller (due to flags on the bottom) and it was hard to tell what's where (because colors that "pop" on the computer screen don't so much on the cheapest type of printed page).

Over-all they look really good! I'm very pleased!

(Though, unfortunately, one of my favorite flags has dulled colors, and, when shrunk to fit, just kind of looks dirty instead of awesome. Alas!)

EDIT: While I'm excited, people are coming over to my house - today! - so, you know, *dressed*

captain yesterday wrote:

Ha! I play with the General and the kids.

GM Yesterday: Okie dokie, you're adventuring through a cave system/crashed space ship (traveling through a flooded tunnel to get there) with an undead monster in it that's immune to all your magic, but you just got a bunch of money to spend, what do you buy?

The General: I get some masterwork stilts!

Crookshanks: Oh! I'm getting a mithral waffle maker!

Tiny T-Rex: One thousand fortune cookies!

Yeah, that checks out!

(Mine add various Mario and Zelda power-ups.)

LordSynos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Praying for you, my dude. Keep up informed!

Scarab Sages

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LordSynos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Wow, good luck man!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sharoth, Lord Synos, and everyone else going through difficult times: Best of luck.

And who says you can't fight city hall:

Project Manager for Berkeley wrote:

Mr. Home,

I notified <the construction company> yesterday and directed them to revise the signs to provide the 72-hours advance notice.

Please feel free to contact me again today if this matter has been addressed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Good luck. That's quite the rollercoaster.

The Exchange

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Lord Synos, good luck with that. I hope it works out because at least your kid can see both of you more often. And I think she may need help handling a kid as well. Its hard being a single parent.

The Exchange

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Also ask on your end, while keeping the doctors informed - is there anything you can do to help the platelet count so she can go for the Op?

13 people marked this as a favorite.

So I'm kinda stunned at the moment. I have a neighbor upstairs above me who I think is a pretty cool guy, but a lot of people say he is inconsiderate, as he plays music super loud in the middle of the night and watches porn with the volume so high up you can here it outside etc.

I'm half deaf anyway so I never cared, as I also play my tv loud to hear it and he has never complained.

Anyway I got a knock on the door this morning and it was him and he cheerfully handed me an envelope of money. A year or two ago he asked if he could borrow $200 and I gave it to him but he never paid it back. He thanked me for being nice to him and never calling the cops on him for the noise or even asking for him to pay me back. I was like it's all good thanks for getting around to it.

I looked in the envelop and it was $2,000!!!

He said it was interest for being nice to him.

Holy crap, apparently being nice to people really does pay off sometimes.

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[Redacted tech in India] 10:04 AM:

[Vany] 10:04 AM:

[Redacted tech in India] 10:05 AM:
can you help with a ticket

[Redacted tech in India] 10:05 AM:

[Redacted tech in India] 10:05 AM:
vdi is not working here

[Vany] 10:06 AM:
You sure about that ticket number? 149829 is a closed new hire ticket.

[Redacted tech in India] 10:07 AM:
yeah she is having problem with the pwd

[Vany] 10:08 AM:
So does she need her password reset?

[Redacted tech in India] 10:21 AM:

[Vany] 10:25 AM:
Reset to [Redacted Password]

[Redacted tech in India] 10:27 AM:
can you send the email as well

[Redacted tech in India] 10:28 AM:
vdi is not working in our site

[Vany] 10:31 AM:
Who is it it needs to go to?

[Redacted tech in India] 10:32 AM:
[Redacted Manager]

So I send an email over to the Redacted Manager telling her that I reset the Windows password for Redacted User, because I was told she was having trouble logging in.

I get a reply that says "No her password is fine. I was trying to have [COMPLETELY DIFFERENT UNRELATED ISSUE LOOKED AT] but I reached out to someone else and they fixed it."

This is how the world ends.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:

So I'm kinda stunned at the moment. I have a neighbor upstairs above me who I think is a pretty cool guy, but a lot of people say he is inconsiderate, as he plays music super loud in the middle of the night and watches porn with the volume so high up you can here it outside etc.

I'm half deaf anyway so I never cared, as I also play my tv loud to hear it and he has never complained.

Anyway I got a knock on the door this morning and it was him and he cheerfully handed me an envelope of money. A year or two ago he asked if he could borrow $200 and I gave it to him but he never paid it back. He thanked me for being nice to him and never calling the cops on him for the noise or even asking for him to pay me back. I was like it's all good thanks for getting around to it.

I looked in the envelop and it was $2,000!!!

He said it was interest for being nice to him.

Holy crap, apparently being nice to people really does pay off sometimes.

strange...I don't remember giving away 2000....

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:

So I'm kinda stunned at the moment. I have a neighbor upstairs above me who I think is a pretty cool guy, but a lot of people say he is inconsiderate, as he plays music super loud in the middle of the night and watches porn with the volume so high up you can here it outside etc.

I'm half deaf anyway so I never cared, as I also play my tv loud to hear it and he has never complained.

Anyway I got a knock on the door this morning and it was him and he cheerfully handed me an envelope of money. A year or two ago he asked if he could borrow $200 and I gave it to him but he never paid it back. He thanked me for being nice to him and never calling the cops on him for the noise or even asking for him to pay me back. I was like it's all good thanks for getting around to it.

I looked in the envelop and it was $2,000!!!

He said it was interest for being nice to him.

Holy crap, apparently being nice to people really does pay off sometimes.

Livin' the NobodysHome life.

Unless you're dealing with construction workers. Gonna lawyer up on these a$$hats soon.

They ignored the cease-and-desist order, tore up my street (starting with MY house, so they know who's causing trouble), my roofers used my driveway anyway, so they've blocked them from leaving with heavy equipment.

At this point if *I* were Albany's city manager I'd throw them out of the city until they learn to behave.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Yuugasa wrote:

So I'm kinda stunned at the moment. I have a neighbor upstairs above me who I think is a pretty cool guy, but a lot of people say he is inconsiderate, as he plays music super loud in the middle of the night and watches porn with the volume so high up you can here it outside etc.

I'm half deaf anyway so I never cared, as I also play my tv loud to hear it and he has never complained.

Anyway I got a knock on the door this morning and it was him and he cheerfully handed me an envelope of money. A year or two ago he asked if he could borrow $200 and I gave it to him but he never paid it back. He thanked me for being nice to him and never calling the cops on him for the noise or even asking for him to pay me back. I was like it's all good thanks for getting around to it.

I looked in the envelop and it was $2,000!!!

He said it was interest for being nice to him.

Holy crap, apparently being nice to people really does pay off sometimes.

Livin' the NobodysHome life.

Unless you're dealing with construction workers. Gonna lawyer up on these a$$hats soon.

They ignored the cease-and-desist order, tore up my street (starting with MY house, so they know who's causing trouble), my roofers used my driveway anyway, so they've blocked them from leaving with heavy equipment.

At this point if *I* were Albany's city manager I'd throw them out of the city until they learn to behave.

Timestamped photos/video. You know that, but we all need a reminder.

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Why the Weak Nuclear Force Ruins Everything - SciShow

8 people marked this as a favorite.

And I win. The sewer guys have been forced to retreat.

Woo hoo!

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Be prepared for vandalism.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

And I win. The sewer guys have been forced to retreat.

Woo hoo!

Sewer Guys: Next time, Nobodyshome...NEXT TIME!!!

slithers into grate

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captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.

COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.

Honestly, I think they're too big of a company that the workers are going to care. They're union, so they'll get paid whether or not they're working (and they just moved their work out of the Albany borders 'til Monday), and I don't see their executives coming by to trash my house.

We'll see. I'm optimistic that they're too big for that kind of crap.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.

Sugar in the gas tanks. Painful skin irritants on the steering wheels. Flat tires. Police reports that they're harassing the young girls who live on the street...

I was quite the vandal for many years. I could make their work a living hell.

Let's not play the escalation game...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
Sugar in the gas tanks.

Don't we have locking gas tanks now to keep that from happening?

Painful skin irritants on the steering wheels.
Breaking into a vehicle just to put schmutz on the steering wheel? I dunno if that's worth the breaking and entering charge over...
Flat tires.

A classic.

Police reports that they're harassing the young girls who live on the street...

Given the way police are nowadays, that might an unnecessary escalation. Still, keep it in your back pocket.


I was quite the vandal for many years. I could make their work a living hell.

Let's not play the escalation game...

I dunno...Your moves seem outdated, or they could be.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Don't we have locking gas tanks now to keep that from happening?

Amusingly enough, they stopped because it was so "old school". I have yet to see a car manufactured after 2015 that doesn't have "free and clear, open without a hassle" gas caps.

Freehold DM wrote:
Breaking into a vehicle just to put schmutz on the steering wheel? I dunno if that's worth the breaking and entering charge over...

Er, it's construction equipment. There's no "breaking" at all. It would be trespassing, because I'd have to climb onto the vehicle to commit criminal mischief.

Freehold DM wrote:
Given the way police are nowadays, that might an unnecessary escalation. Still, keep it in your back pocket.

Paladin of Erastil. I will obey the law and leave you alone as long as you obey the law and leave me alone.

The moment you threaten my family, I go nuclear and it ends. Badly for you.

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Update: I've received apologies from both the cities of Albany and Berkeley, reassurances from my roofers that they can work within the schedule given, and I walked through all the workers, smiled, said, "Hi!" and they're using my hose for water and such.

So I pretty sure it's all good.

Tomorrow is another day...

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They are getting better at locking out construction equipment that's left on sites specifically due to vandalism and theft.

The gas caps aren't locked anymore, but the hatches on the body panels frequently are. Between Aiymi, Zelda, and I, our last 5 cars have a panel that can only be opened from inside the cabin. I'm sure that can be bypassed, but perhaps not without physical damage.

The trick to being a good prankster/vandal without getting into much trouble is, yes, do something minimal like irritants on touch surfaces. Something that doesn't cause permanent harm/injury and also doesn't do permanent damage to the equipment. Doing something like that will maybe get police involvement these days (wouldn't used to), but doing more than that will almost certainly get involvement when they can claim physical damage to a $350,000 piece of equipment.

Hi, everyone.

Scarab Sages

Hi John

Scarab Sages

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Yep. Winter can come back now. Musquitos are out. I'm done with the nice weather. Back to freezing please.

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Well, like Yuugasa said, being nice to people goes a LOOOONG way towards heading off all such idiocy.

Go out and scream at the workers that they're messing up your schedule, then complain to the city and get them thrown out? Yeah, you're in for a world of irritation.

Get the city to toss them, then swing by and make sure they know they're welcome once the schedule hits, and until then they can use your water and power for whatever they need and they tend to say, "OK, he's not a total jerk."

At least that's my hope.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.

If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.

Angry bear on a skid loader.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.
Angry bear on a skid loader.

Shaved angry bear on a skid loader.

A fortress made of pillows.

Wet Willy?

I only said that because I had a friend that complained about a sidewalk crew and they "accidentally" did substantial damage to his fence then made him sue them to get the money to repair it.

This was a municipality crew.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.
Angry bear on a skid loader.
Shaved angry bear on a skid loader.

Shaved angry bear on a hairy skid loader.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.
Angry bear on a skid loader.
Shaved angry bear on a skid loader.
Shaved angry bear on a hairy skid loader.

This guy gets it!

Scarab Sages

6 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys are all weird.

I like it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I only said that because I had a friend that complained about a sidewalk crew and they "accidentally" did substantial damage to his fence then made him sue them to get the money to repair it.

This was a municipality crew.

Well, this is a visiting crew. Albany granted them an encroachment permit to come into Albany and do work that Albany did not want them doing.

So they were already on thin ice.

Then they jumped the gun TWICE and started tearing up the streets without Albany's permission.

Albany's Public Works guy PERSONALLY came out to the street to throw their butts back into Berkeley.

If they start "accidentally" damaging my house, they're going to lose their permit to work here at all.

I double dog dare them...

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.

With Improvised Weapon and Throw Anything as my first feats, the only limit is my imagination.

Captain Yesterday fun fact: I once gave someone a concussion by throwing my yoyo at his head, he was chasing me with a knife saying he was going to scalp me so I regret nothing).

I spent the day fixing things other people (or some industrious rodents) messed up, so it was a fun day.

Vanykrye wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Be prepared for vandalism.
COUNTERATTACK with...Oh man. I have no idea what you of all people would counterattack with.
If you're asking Cap? Concrete saw.
Angry bear on a skid loader.
Shaved angry bear on a skid loader.

took the words right out of my mouth.

Co-worker now believes that the truest test of my skills is to give an angry bear a flat top.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Co-worker now believes that the truest test of my skills is to give an angry bear a flat top.

I will stand in to judge the flat top as I had one for several years.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Co-worker now believes that the truest test of my skills is to give an angry bear a flat top.

I will stand in to judge the flat top as I had one for several years.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Co-worker now believes that the truest test of my skills is to give an angry bear a flat top.
I will stand in to judge the flat top as I had one for several years.

I've seen enough late night rap videos and episodes of In Living Color and The Fresh Prince I'm confident my work will stand up to the harshest of criticism.

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I wonder if they make perm attachments for mini bobcats.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I wonder if they make perm attachments for mini bobcats.

this ain't 1984 man, nobody's doing jerri curls.

So, you're a "big box" studio, you're handed one of the biggest anime hits of 2015, and you're asked to do Season 2. People are horrified that you're going to botch it.

Do you:
(1) Put your best people on it, do your best to match the style and flavor that made Season 1 such a hit, accept that some people are going to hate you just because you're different, but try to wow the rest, or...

(2) ...just mail it in with a cheap, by-the-numbers job, since enough people are going to hate you anyway that there's really no point in trying.

JC Staff has obviously taken option (2) with One Punch Man Season 2, and it's depressing. One reviewer just put up a screenshot from Season 1 and a screenshot from Season 2, and said, "Compare the colors." Season 2 is grey and lifeless compared to Season 1.

Having read the story arc of Season 2 in the manga, I like it much better than the story arc of Season 1, because it addresses the elephant in the room: One man, no matter how godlike, cannot be everywhere at once, nor can he protect everyone

Yet so far, there is no life in the anime. Episode 2 was one of my favorite books, as Blizzard's emotional progression through the series is really something that resonates with me. The anime makes her a boring, one-dimensional, throwaway character. I don't care whether I ever see her again. Some of the brilliant translations in the manga ("You're gonna attack with rocks and pebbles? Oh please, no, don't.") get butchered in the anime ("You're attacking with stones? Hmm."). One of the most powerful scenes in the manga is in this book, and is just utterly failed in the anime.

In short, Book 9 of the manga includes a lot of lighthearted stuff that lets you see a bit of Saitama's humanity. Episode 2 of the anime tries to focus on the action, which is in the background in the manga.

Another episode of Season 2 down, another serious disappointment.

EDIT: And for those of you who are getting the original manga instead of the compiled versions I'm getting, S2:E1 corresponds to punches 38-40, and S2:E1 corresponds to punches 41-45. So it looks like the anime's trying to do 3-4 punches per episode.

Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I wonder if they make perm attachments for mini bobcats.
this ain't 1984 man, nobody's doing jerri curls.

Fashion is cyclical.

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