Deep 6 FaWtL

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And on that note (not angry at anyone here), I need to go distract myself before I do something stupid. Have a good night and a good weekend everyone.

Good night Sharoth try not to burn down too many villages (or Ice down if thats a thing?)

The Exchange

I think we have a scale-less dragon?

You should talk to HR, but not nekkid.

*throws towel on Sharoth*

Scarab Sages

That sucks sharoth. Hope it gets fixed fast.

Peter Big Time Gabriel wrote:
Mabel Pines wrote:
Mabel Pines, Sweater Enthusiast wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I dare you to sprinkle glitter around the place.
Did somebody say "unicorn hair!"
gasp Imposter!
Phil Collins, is that you?!


You can't tell.

Phil Collins is a Master of Disguise, after all.

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Oof. None of us can afford a paycheck that's a week short. Eat them.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Finished lord of chaos. Whew. intense. Now to take a brek from the wheel of time for some skyward.
Id forgotten there was a WoT book by that name. I thought you were reading the Dave Gross Radovan and The Count novel set in the Worldwound, which has the same title.
Yeah the cover for the one I have looks like a romance novel. Its a big don't judge a book by its cover situation.

Just finished The Fires of Heaven, still don't know what the title derives from. Anyhow I'm taking a break from WoT too, the audiobooks have too many awkward pronunciations and the characters have too much gender confusion. (Women/men are crazy, I'll never understand them!)

Weird mood today.

Should be a genuinely fun family holiday party tomorrow, all the worst brothers will be there.

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The kids and dad's dog are dropped off and our dog had his walk. Now it's just me, the PS 4 and 7 seasons of Burn Notice I haven't watched in years.

So, yay!

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T-minus 5 hours to another 4-day weekend. One of those hours is lunch though.

Not for me. Have to work Sunday and Monday, plus extra hours tonight.

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Vanykrye wrote:
Not for me. Have to work Sunday and Monday, plus extra hours tonight.

unfortunate. While I am glad someone is making sure I get my daily required dose of internet porn, I am sorry you are the one checking on the server and such. You da real MVP.

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Grandma came over last night and recognized me this time. And one of my favorite cousins drove up from Sacramento to see us all. He's staying out at my crazy uncle's place because mom's house already has four adults and three kids in it.
My cousin just retired and doesn't know what to do with himself. He's seventy and a lifelong bachelor. But he has a cabin up in Tahoe, so he'll probably spend more time up there after the weather warms up.

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lisamarlene wrote:

No worries, hon. I understood and liked your post; I was just simplifying it, as a helpful public service. :-)

*Gives LM a loving nuzzle*

lisamarlene wrote:

Meanwhile, THIS is the portapotty out at the ranch.

You may commence with the quips now.

*Taps turtle nose*


Drop (a)n Dookie?!

The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

When he gets table scraps (yes, occasionally he does, when he's not begging, and no, don't judge me), he looks at me like a child who's been rescued from a hostage situation by Spider-Man, given a selfie with him, and had his favorite stuffed Spider-Man plushie signed by the webslinger himself.

*Feeds VE's doggo extra table scraps thus gaining a snuggle buddy for life…or at least until there more food on the table ^^

Just a Mort wrote:

...yeah I'm trying to su*k up to him.

*Mutters under his breath*

Clever girl...!

Just a Mort wrote:

I weighed myself on office scale just now, I'm now 119.2 lbs.

*Scratches turtle chin*

I weigh around 1.88 Morts…

*pushes a turtle foot into his quivering turtle belly and sighs*

Sharoth wrote:

i.e. - I am missing a week of pay. I know what happened, but I am not happy about it and it should have never happened.

*Gives Sharoth a pat on the back and a hug while mustering up his mightiest turtle roar at his employer to just g!#-d#!n pay up!*

lisamarlene wrote:
Grandma came over last night and recognized me this time.

*Smiles and pats grandma on the back*

lisamarlene wrote:
...He's seventy and a lifelong bachelor...

*Looks down into the ground and traces a random pattern on the ground*

Its one of my few worries…
That I might kind of end up like that…


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Dear Winter,

It is low 20s today. It was mid 50s yesterday. I understand that cold weather is natural and needs to, on occasion, happen. All I ask is that you kindly MAKE UP YOUR MIND.


Hi, everyone!

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Hiya, John!

Hey, LM! What's up?

Scarab Sages

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The end of the year is always so weird. Kind of limbo

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A salt run has been declared! Just in time for my most recent pay raise.

The Exchange

Down here there's volunteering for retirees and uhh... Well theres always grand nieces and nephews to take care off.. The parents will thank you, parenting is a full time job.

The Exchange

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All right. Getting ready for my 5km run, then 2.4km run again later. Good news is I'm not being pushed for time and can run as slow as I want.

Scarab Sages

Just a Mort wrote:
All right. Getting ready for my 5km run, then 2.4km run again later. Good news is I'm not being pushed for time and can run as slow as I want.

Good luck!

Today, ALL (DE) and I had a vast omelette for breakfast, then walked along the canal for a great while, then had a very substantial sandwich at a cafè, then went home, chatted and cooked stir-fry, then played the 'Lankhmar' board game, and now it is time for bed!

The Exchange

5 km run done. Will let you know the timings when they come in. I started slow, picked up the pace, started getting stitches half way through the second round, slowed down a bit to that oh I can carry my swim gear and paddy paw along for 5.8 km pace, then picked up the pace at the end.

I speculate the stitches may be from eating too much breakfast, or maybe I really did go faster this round.

I think I'm more or less fine, but the real test will be when I get to my BFs house and see if I can run the 2.4 km. There will be about 30-40 min travelling time before I hit his place. I really should find a way to get a drink since I forgot to carry water. I mean I can do without(psst, I can go on relatively little water), but I'm not sure how it'll affect my running stamina.

Issue is since my running stamina comes via force of will, if the day before I fast, my will is being used to keep myself from feeling hungry, so I have less for running and may not be able to keep running throughout.

I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that, NH? My breakfast already busts that.

John Napier 698 wrote:
Hi, everyone!

*Waves to John*

Just a Mort wrote:

I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that, NH? My breakfast already busts that.

*Stares at numbers, scratching his turtle chin*

So three days a week you're limiting your caloric intake to around 190 calories?!

Yea that kind of fasting isn't likely happening for this turtle…
I'll be lucky if I ever bring my daily caloric intake under 2000 for any protracted period.


I suck at dieting.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Hey, LM! What's up?

Almost to the end of our week with my family in Oregon.

Spent two hours at the playground in 34 degree weather, because at least it was sunny.
My hands are numb.
Now it's Lego time.

Just a Mort wrote:
I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that,

It's really quite simple: The local supermarket sells pre-packaged frozen meals that run 170-190 calories. So I have black coffee for breakfast, water for a mid-morning snack, water for an early afternoon snack, the frozen meal in the late afternoon, and then water for dinner.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Hey, LM! What's up?

Almost to the end of our week with my family in Oregon.

Spent two hours at the playground in 34 degree weather, because at least it was sunny.
My hands are numb.
Now it's Lego time.

Check this out.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that,

It's really quite simple: The local supermarket sells pre-packaged frozen meals that run 170-190 calories. So I have black coffee for breakfast, water for a mid-morning snack, water for an early afternoon snack, the frozen meal in the late afternoon, and then water for dinner.


Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that,

It's really quite simple: The local supermarket sells pre-packaged frozen meals that run 170-190 calories. So I have black coffee for breakfast, water for a mid-morning snack, water for an early afternoon snack, the frozen meal in the late afternoon, and then water for dinner.


Agreed, Orthos. Agreed.

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Oh good, I get a 19 year old chain smoker.

I bet I don't get him next time, on account I don't let him smoke in the truck.

You know, they say if you put your body through under 1200 calories a day over the course of time that it slows down your overall metabolism, right?

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Also, I just made him run two blocks.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I'm sort of fasting 3 days a week, but I never got to the point of living on 190 calories per day. Again, how do you do that,

It's really quite simple: The local supermarket sells pre-packaged frozen meals that run 170-190 calories. So I have black coffee for breakfast, water for a mid-morning snack, water for an early afternoon snack, the frozen meal in the late afternoon, and then water for dinner.

that's nutty.

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Clocking out, soon. Good night, everyone.

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Clocked in, Now. Good evening, everyone.

Sold out and I have 4 adults and 3 kids hanging out in my lobby. *sigh* well the adults are drinking and the kids are playing on our business center computers. Kids are slightly better behaved.

Check the Onyx path forums you might find something there. If your into revamped (heh vamped) white wolf games anyways.

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Geeze, even on Reddit's LFG section, the ads are like:

5e, 5e, 5e, 5e, PF, 5e, PF, PF, 5e, (something different with a group that's only looking for one player and already full), 5e, 5e, 5e, PF, PF, 5e, 5e, PF, PF, (something different, but the game is closed), 5e, 5e, PF, PF, PF, PF......
Roll 20's forums seem to be exactly the same.

My quest to play something different goes on.

>.> see post above yours VE... *grumbles about broken forums*

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Well, it happened; Eve has performed her requisite "you are all failing me and pissing me off to the point of madness" tantrum.
She's a single mom of a one-year-old and she's sleep deprived, I am just trying to let it roll off this time.
And it's not even her house. She and her daughter live here with our Mom, her only job is to take care of the baby and cook meals because Mom hates to.
Thank goodness we're only here for one more day.
And we won't be back until the end of June. Maybe she'll have slept by then.

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Sleep deprivation is rough> I was an angry mess before I got my sleep cycle fixed.

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Yeah when I drove to Ohio from Florida I lost a lot of sleep, because the car was cramped with all our stuff, two dogs, two ferrets, and no room to recline. I could barely sleep when we traded shifts, and the hotel we stayed at was not great. I started really going...kinda crazy as a result. I got really snappy, mean, and was really losing my s@~+. I can barely remember, but - lack of sleep f+*$s me up.

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Yeah I could see that. No offense but you strike me as someone that would be real high strung with lack of sleep.

I've shoveled snow for 12 of the last 15 years, I could write a book or six about sleep deprivation.

I feel like 6 books on sleep dep is the kind of thing you write when you are running on sleep dep. So makes a lot of sense.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Check the Onyx path forums you might find something there. If your into revamped (heh vamped) white wolf games anyways.

I registered and bookmarked them, but they say their forums are temporarily screwed up.

And yeah, I liked nWoD from what I read and the precious few games I actually played. I read thoroughly through the core, Vampire, Changeling, and Hunter.

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I was more into the OWOD or WOD classic. Yeah its all good though. Exalted was fun too then ofcourse there is the AEon series aberrant adventure and trinity. All good imo.

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