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2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Today was weird.

I participated in my first-ever lockdown/active shooter drill at school.
We didn't do those in California. We were more concerned about earthquakes.
The difficult part was that school policy is to divide the class into girls and boys. My co-teacher took the girls into the supply closet. I had to take the boys into the bathroom.
My troublemaker, "Baby Steve McQueen" (oh, you will be hearing a lot about BSMQ this year), immediately turned off the lights to freak the other boys out. Three boys immediately had to pee, all at the same time, around the single bowl while the rest of us watched in cramped quarters. BSMQ promptly grabbed the butt of one of the urinators. All the boys started giggling uncontrollably.
And I thought to myself, "If this actually was an active shooter scenario, we would all be dead. And we would all be dead because BSMQ grabbed the butt of Baby Cary Elwes while he peed."
Then Baby Mark Hamill started masturbating in front of all of us, and would not stop, no matter how many times I politely asked him to put his tackle back in his pants. He just kept saying "I'm peeing."
Um, no. You're not. I know the difference.

Ah, the joys of Kindergarten.

the...yo... WHAT? puts more everything on lisamarlenes abscondi-card, trains doctors to sing showtunes to amuse her

3 people marked this as a favorite.

becomes naked from the strain

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Today was weird.

I participated in my first-ever lockdown/active shooter drill at school.
We didn't do those in California. We were more concerned about earthquakes.
The difficult part was that school policy is to divide the class into girls and boys. My co-teacher took the girls into the supply closet. I had to take the boys into the bathroom.
My troublemaker, "Baby Steve McQueen" (oh, you will be hearing a lot about BSMQ this year), immediately turned off the lights to freak the other boys out. Three boys immediately had to pee, all at the same time, around the single bowl while the rest of us watched in cramped quarters. BSMQ promptly grabbed the butt of one of the urinators. All the boys started giggling uncontrollably.
And I thought to myself, "If this actually was an active shooter scenario, we would all be dead. And we would all be dead because BSMQ grabbed the butt of Baby Cary Elwes while he peed."
Then Baby Mark Hamill started masturbating in front of all of us, and would not stop, no matter how many times I politely asked him to put his tackle back in his pants. He just kept saying "I'm peeing."
Um, no. You're not. I know the difference.

Ah, the joys of Kindergarten.

Were you around California for the nuclear attack drills?

THOSE were fun!

all i remember were the fears of Japan invading.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

So, it's not because you hate words that start with an O.

Looks like I lost that bet!

words that start with o are very important to me.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Were you around California for the nuclear attack drills?

THOSE were fun!

We still had those in Illinois when I went through school, but they were only once or twice a year, unlike the tornado drills, which were every month.

I lived in California originally from 1988-1990, up in the "State of Jefferson" part, where we had no safety drills whatsoever.

When I was growing up, we only had tornado drills, because Wisconsin. At home, we had a pretty well-stocked storm cellar.

True story: my first memory of a local tornado was when I was four (1978). My dad and some neighborhood men were talking about the damage the tornado had done. Apparently it had flattened a man's garage and his "cat" was in it. I was horror-stricken, but also befuddled that all of these very hard men were so upset about a pet cat. I found out a few years later that it had been a piece of Caterpillar heavy machinery.

I was born in 1978!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Ok, running tips? (Technique wise)

My BF keeps telling me to strike with the front of my foot, move to the back before going to next stride and not land like an elephant. Everytime I try to land on the front of my foot my foot arches ache if I go for any long period of time.

Seriously, I AM trying to run faster. But gosh, weigh me down with something and I can barely manage a jog.

I suspect that I can run because I just do the mind over matter thing, but you know the whole thing doesn't have much finesse to it.

it took me a long time to learn how to run. I also had to learn how to not stomp.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

*passes chocolate over the PC screen*

Well...I mean you know...sometimes drugs are good.

But do you want to talk about it? Might help.


Just came back from a 3.6 mile run. 1.8 miles of it was made while carrying 1.5 l worth of soya bean drinks. Gee the extra weight really makes things harder.

Ten mile run with a 35 pound rucksack and an M-16 when I was 21, in 1988. Not that I'm bragging. Couldn't do it now to save my life.

I was 9 in 1988!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cover Turtle wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Oh I almost forgot I'm 32 now. (I think 32 it could be 5932 something like that.)

Happy belated b-day.

Sorry I'm not as much around.
Been feeling doomy and gloomy lately + some other difficulties...


Also, where is woran?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

I just... I just want to be able to talk to my family about my hobby and show them a book without it immediately devolving into questions about devil worship. I mean, by the time "occult" comes into the equation, even my in-laws (who were never part of the satanic panic thingies) would start raising eyebrows and giving suspicious looks.


And let me be clear. There is never a point that my family would actually think that I'd somehow fallen to devil worship. But I have kids. And there would be concerns. And I just... I don't want to concern my family. I like them, dang it. Sigh.

Yeah that must be super frustrating. I'm used to most friends and family being disinterested in roleplaying, I can't even imagine a cultural-religious thing getting in the way.

devil worship is a bit like someone winning the jackpot in a lottery. Everyone swears these folk are out there in large numbers, but when a major search is held, people only find one, and this is such an event they usually end up on the news.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Achievement unlocked:
After thirty-seven days, last night I assembled the last two shelves and FINISHED THE LIBRARY. It is DONE.
Unfortunately, finishing it involved also finishing off the vodka and the cranberry juice, and also all the club soda.
This morning I'm taking some coffee into the garage and seeing what I can accomplish there before I have to take the kids to ballet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

Achievement unlocked:

After thirty-seven days, last night I assembled the last two shelves and FINISHED THE LIBRARY. It is DONE.
Unfortunately, finishing it involved also finishing off the vodka and the cranberry juice, and also all the club soda.
This morning I'm taking some coffee into the garage and seeing what I can accomplish there before I have to take the kids to ballet.

Unfortunate indeed! LOL

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Today was weird.

I participated in my first-ever lockdown/active shooter drill at school.
We didn't do those in California. We were more concerned about earthquakes.
The difficult part was that school policy is to divide the class into girls and boys. My co-teacher took the girls into the supply closet. I had to take the boys into the bathroom.
My troublemaker, "Baby Steve McQueen" (oh, you will be hearing a lot about BSMQ this year), immediately turned off the lights to freak the other boys out. Three boys immediately had to pee, all at the same time, around the single bowl while the rest of us watched in cramped quarters. BSMQ promptly grabbed the butt of one of the urinators. All the boys started giggling uncontrollably.
And I thought to myself, "If this actually was an active shooter scenario, we would all be dead. And we would all be dead because BSMQ grabbed the butt of Baby Cary Elwes while he peed."
Then Baby Mark Hamill started masturbating in front of all of us, and would not stop, no matter how many times I politely asked him to put his tackle back in his pants. He just kept saying "I'm peeing."
Um, no. You're not. I know the difference.

Ah, the joys of Kindergarten.

Were you around California for the nuclear attack drills?

THOSE were fun!

all i remember were the fears of Japan invading.

They did invade.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Today was weird.

I participated in my first-ever lockdown/active shooter drill at school.
We didn't do those in California. We were more concerned about earthquakes.
The difficult part was that school policy is to divide the class into girls and boys. My co-teacher took the girls into the supply closet. I had to take the boys into the bathroom.
My troublemaker, "Baby Steve McQueen" (oh, you will be hearing a lot about BSMQ this year), immediately turned off the lights to freak the other boys out. Three boys immediately had to pee, all at the same time, around the single bowl while the rest of us watched in cramped quarters. BSMQ promptly grabbed the butt of one of the urinators. All the boys started giggling uncontrollably.
And I thought to myself, "If this actually was an active shooter scenario, we would all be dead. And we would all be dead because BSMQ grabbed the butt of Baby Cary Elwes while he peed."
Then Baby Mark Hamill started masturbating in front of all of us, and would not stop, no matter how many times I politely asked him to put his tackle back in his pants. He just kept saying "I'm peeing."
Um, no. You're not. I know the difference.

Ah, the joys of Kindergarten.

Were you around California for the nuclear attack drills?

THOSE were fun!

all i remember were the fears of Japan invading.
They did invade.

Yes they in fact did.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

Today was weird.

I participated in my first-ever lockdown/active shooter drill at school.
We didn't do those in California. We were more concerned about earthquakes.
The difficult part was that school policy is to divide the class into girls and boys. My co-teacher took the girls into the supply closet. I had to take the boys into the bathroom.
My troublemaker, "Baby Steve McQueen" (oh, you will be hearing a lot about BSMQ this year), immediately turned off the lights to freak the other boys out. Three boys immediately had to pee, all at the same time, around the single bowl while the rest of us watched in cramped quarters. BSMQ promptly grabbed the butt of one of the urinators. All the boys started giggling uncontrollably.
And I thought to myself, "If this actually was an active shooter scenario, we would all be dead. And we would all be dead because BSMQ grabbed the butt of Baby Cary Elwes while he peed."
Then Baby Mark Hamill started masturbating in front of all of us, and would not stop, no matter how many times I politely asked him to put his tackle back in his pants. He just kept saying "I'm peeing."
Um, no. You're not. I know the difference.

Ah, the joys of Kindergarten.

Were you around California for the nuclear attack drills?

THOSE were fun!

all i remember were the fears of Japan invading.
They did invade.

I for one welcome our giant robot magical girl overlords.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.

French fries are still veggies.

Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.
French fries are still veggies.

too many issues around what kind of fat they are cooked in.

Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.

Oh, I get that, but favorite? Something doesn't add up.

There can't be that many bored drunk people clicking on a survey waiting for their Chilupas.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.
French fries are still veggies.

No, but according to the Reagan administration, ketchup is.

Ah, school lunches in the 80's.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.

Oh, I get that, but favorite? Something doesn't add up.

There can't be that many bored drunk people clicking on a survey waiting for their Chilupas.

If not for them, the second job would be a hell of a lot harder.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

Impus Major showed me an awesome cartoon about Seder:

"We eat these bitter greens and salt to remind us of the hardships of our ancestors."
"But with organic farming and modern techniques, these greens are pretty good."
"What can we eat to remind us of hardship?"
(Final panel shows them going to Taco Bell)

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of Impus Major, he is now "famous".

At the Gloryhammer/Alestorm concert last night, he first got a fist bump from Zargothrax, then when he started crowdsurfing Chris Bowes said, "Ah, typical! I'm playing a concert and there's a f****** guy out in the audience dressed like a f****** garden gnome! This is a silly place!"

Impus got to meet the band after the show and Chris declared him "Best Dressed in Show".

And don't even get me started about how proud I am that Impus Major is perfectly OK putting on a gnome costume, wandering around Jack London Square at night in it, and cheerfully greeting all the people who point and laugh.

He is just amazingly charismatic in that stupid gnome costume!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

(Yes, NH, that was me. Tell I. Major I miss him.)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Tales of the Impi always crack me up.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
(Yes, NH, that was me. Tell I. Major I miss him.)

Will do.

But man, that gnome costume! He wore it while they were filming a high school movie (obligatory for kids for the last 40 years) in the Ranch 99. He wore it to the Solano Stroll. He wore it to a heavy metal concert through a shady area of Oakland (sorry, Jack London Square, but last night proved yet again why I'm unhappy going to you at night). And everybody who sees him, no matter how questionable, decides that he must be a really cool guy for wearing a gnome costume in public, and they just laugh and joke with him.

The 'incident':
It's hard to call it a full-blown 'incident' because we defused it rapidly, but it's the kind of thing that gives a place a bad reputation.

So, we went to Jack London Square. As usual, easy parking, everything's in easy walking distance, lots of good restaurants that are far cheaper than you'd expect in the area (dinner for five including drinks and appetizers was $140, which isn't bad around here), and a good concert atmosphere.
Other than the multitude of aggressively-begging homeless, not all that bad.

But of course on the way out of the concert and we're going back to the car and I see a group of young reprobates hanging out near the elevator and I hear one say to another, "Yeah! Go get her! Get the blue! She's right there with the earplugs!"
And I glanced over and there was a very attractive young woman with dark blue hair, probably from the concert, still wearing earplugs.

I can't guess their intent, but from a long lifetime of being a reprobate myself they didn't seem dangerous, but rather, "We're going to ruin a young woman's evening by surrounding her, hitting on her, possibly groping her, but then letting her go."
Honestly, I think it was just going to be a lot of heavy-duty hitting on and sexual innuendo that she wouldn't have appreciated.
Just stupid-a$$ teenage boy s*** that should never be tolerated.

So yeah, I walked over and planted myself squarely next to her, between them and her, and that made them pause long enough for the rest of my group to arrive, and that made them leave her alone. I made sure she got back to her car safe and sound, but seriously, Jack London Square! You need better security around your garages!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Cover Turtle wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Oh I almost forgot I'm 32 now. (I think 32 it could be 5932 something like that.)

Happy belated b-day.

Sorry I'm not as much around.
Be feeling doomy and gloomy lately + some other difficulties...

Man-hugs the Turtle.

*Returns man-hug*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

*passes chocolate over the PC screen*

Well...I mean you know...sometimes drugs are good.

But do you want to talk about it? Might help.


Just came back from a 3.6 mile run. 1.8 miles of it was made while carrying 1.5 l worth of soya bean drinks. Gee the extra weight really makes things harder.

*Nibbles the chocolates, and gives kitty a loving nuzzle*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It would appear summer isn't over yet.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, Clueless NobodysHome question time: Has the old U.S. "O.K." sign (thumb and forefinger making a circle with the other three fingers raised) suddenly been co-opted to mean, "White Power"?

It concerns me a great deal, simply because I use it all the time when someone asks me to do things. I give an exaggerated "O... K..." and wave the symbol very emphatically at the person doing the asking.

And I was just reading an article on BBC News that said that it now means White Power.

Which, as a middle-aged white male in the Berkeley area, would be downright embarrassing, if not potentially harmful...

EDIT: Oh holy carp, it has! (Thanks, Google!). Great. Thanks a LOT, white supremacists! Why couldn't you make up your own d**n sign?!!??!?

Next you're going to tell me that flipping someone off is now a polite greeting.

Geez, I'm old.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.
French fries are still veggies.
too many issues around what kind of fat they are cooked in.

Isn't McDonalds supposed to fry them in deep vegetable oil? I know of no animal fat that would be suitable for the deep frying technique that is used by McDonalds.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Next you're going to tell me that flipping someone off is now a polite greeting.

It isn't?!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Next you're going to tell me that flipping someone off is now a polite greeting.
It isn't?!

That explains why people throw rocks at my car.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, Clueless NobodysHome question time: Has the old U.S. "O.K." sign (thumb and forefinger making a circle with the other three fingers raised) suddenly been co-opted to mean, "White Power"?

It concerns me a great deal, simply because I use it all the time when someone asks me to do things. I give an exaggerated "O... K..." and wave the symbol very emphatically at the person doing the asking.

And I was just reading an article on BBC News that said that it now means White Power.

Which, as a middle-aged white male in the Berkeley area, would be downright embarrassing, if not potentially harmful...

EDIT: Oh holy carp, it has! (Thanks, Google!). Great. Thanks a LOT, white supremacists! Why couldn't you make up your own d**n sign?!!??!?

Next you're going to tell me that flipping someone off is now a polite greeting.

Geez, I'm old.

I would say no. This was a meme that started on 4chan and affiliated sites several years ago. While I'm sure some dullards are trying to push that, but it remains a meme gone too far.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Cap'n Siskel, FaWtLy Critic wrote:

Further proof that either A) Americans have no taste, or 2) Russian trolls win yet again.

Taco Bell was voted America's favorite Mexican restaurant.

A restaurant they're calling it!

when you're drunk at 3 am, and you have vegetarians in your party, who is helping you to sober up? Not McDonalds.
French fries are still veggies.
too many issues around what kind of fat they are cooked in.
Isn't McDonalds supposed to fry them in deep vegetable oil? I know of no animal fat that would be suitable for the deep frying technique that is used by McDonalds.

Keep in mind I am no vegetarian anymore, but that was the scuttlebutt a few years ago.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
You know Tac, you know an awful lot about Occult Adventures for someone not allowed to use it.

That is because I believe in being informed. Not being allowed to use something is not the same as condemning that thing. Instead, it's accepting something that is a personal burden for the sake of getting along better with others.

In the end, a game, however nice, is less important than my relationships with people. So, yeah, it's an intense source of frustration, but I've learned about it because I don't like ignorance (generally speaking - I'm okay with being clueless about some things that I can rely on others to handle), but I'm not going to take actions that would aggressively cause strife or fear among my family or community. That's just a jerk move.

Eliminating ignorance is also an important thing to do - having conversations and clarifying meanings - but there is a limited amount of life you have to spend, and when you already don't see or experience time with your family enough, as it is, you've got to pick and choose what you actually want to spend your time doing. "Educating people that occultism isn't inherently the same as devil-worship." isn't exactly a thing that will really help everyone in the long term, will cause lots of issues in the short term, and just be a miserable time. Doing so pretty exclusively because I want to play a nifty game thing is either dumb, cruel, or both.

EDIT: I love the avatar it randomly chose for me. So appropriate in so many ways.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Yesterday's Summer Dreams wrote:
It would appear summer isn't over yet.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
You know Tac, you know an awful lot about Occult Adventures for someone not allowed to use it.

That is because I believe in being informed. Not being allowed to use something is not the same as condemning that thing. Instead, it's accepting something that is a personal burden for the sake of getting along better with others.

In the end, a game, however nice, is less important than my relationships with people. So, yeah, it's an intense source of frustration, but I've learned about it because I don't like ignorance (generally speaking - I'm okay with being clueless about some things that I can rely on others to handle), but I'm not going to take actions that would aggressively cause strife or fear among my family or community. That's just a jerk move.

Eliminating ignorance is also an important thing to do - having conversations and clarifying meanings - but there is a limited amount of life you have to spend, and when you already don't see or experience time with your family enough, as it is, you've got to pick and choose what you actually want to spend your time doing. "Educating people that occultism isn't inherently the same as devil-worship." isn't exactly a thing that will really help everyone in the long term, will cause lots of issues in the short term, and just be a miserable time. Doing so pretty exclusively because I want to play a nifty game thing is either dumb, cruel, or both.

EDIT: I love the avatar it randomly chose for me. So appropriate in so many ways.

I know all of that, just a bit of gentle ribbing on my part.

In hindsight I should've included a winky face or something ("A winky frowny face, what does that even mean!" - Wendy, Gravity Falls). :-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I wonder how long of a s*=%f chain we can get going?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
You know Tac, you know an awful lot about Occult Adventures for someone not allowed to use it.

That is because I believe in being informed. Not being allowed to use something is not the same as condemning that thing. Instead, it's accepting something that is a personal burden for the sake of getting along better with others.

In the end, a game, however nice, is less important than my relationships with people. So, yeah, it's an intense source of frustration, but I've learned about it because I don't like ignorance (generally speaking - I'm okay with being clueless about some things that I can rely on others to handle), but I'm not going to take actions that would aggressively cause strife or fear among my family or community. That's just a jerk move.

Eliminating ignorance is also an important thing to do - having conversations and clarifying meanings - but there is a limited amount of life you have to spend, and when you already don't see or experience time with your family enough, as it is, you've got to pick and choose what you actually want to spend your time doing. "Educating people that occultism isn't inherently the same as devil-worship." isn't exactly a thing that will really help everyone in the long term, will cause lots of issues in the short term, and just be a miserable time. Doing so pretty exclusively because I want to play a nifty game thing is either dumb, cruel, or both.

EDIT: I love the avatar it randomly chose for me. So appropriate in so many ways.

I know all of that, just a bit of gentle ribbing on my part.

In hindsight I should've included a winky face or something ("A winky frowny face, what does that even mean!" - Wendy, Gravity Falls). :-)

The tone of my post reads much harsher than intended. Sorry! I totally got your tone, but felt it was better to actually answer the question for anyone else who was curious. You pretty much know me by now! Intended as a serious post, but not angry at you or anyone else here. Shoulda used a smiley myself!

Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote:
I wonder how long of a s*=%f chain we can get going?

At least one more of I have anything to say about it! Which I did!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No worries, sometimes I worry that I come off sounding like a jerk. :-)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
(Yes, NH, that was me. Tell I. Major I miss him.)

through a shady area of Oakland (sorry, Jack London Square, but last night proved yet again why I'm unhappy going to you at night).

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah. My kid sister used to bartend and wait the big parties at Ozumo, back in '04/05, at the same time she was auditioning like crazy around here, and sometime I will see if I can find the video of this great piece she did about Hamlet v. Oakland.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So I've got a 100 sq ft patch of bare dirt in my backyard because there used to be a shed there, and then there was just rock and gravel and rubble, and the contractors finally hauled most of the bits away earlier this week.

So this afternoon I went to the garden center and bought soil for amending, and compost, and vegetable seedlings and seeds (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, early cabbage, Chinese broccoli, scarlet Nantes carrots, and Bull's Blood beets). And a tilling rake.

And came home and got started and discovered that, no, we're not on normal soil here. We're on what the Texas state agriculture department refers to as "blackland prairie clay gumbo soil", and I do mean clay. It feels almost like plastic in your hands. You put a shovel into it, and the cut edge of the earth is smooth and shiny where the edge of the shovel sliced it. So bizarre.

This should be interesting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

So I've got a 100 sq ft patch of bare dirt in my backyard because there used to be a shed there, and then there was just rock and gravel and rubble, and the contractors finally hauled most of the bits away earlier this week.

So this afternoon I went to the garden center and bought soil for amending, and compost, and vegetable seedlings and seeds (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, early cabbage, Chinese broccoli, scarlet Nantes carrots, and Bull's Blood beets). And a tilling rake.

And came home and got started and discovered that, no, we're not on normal soil here. We're on what the Texas state agriculture department refers to as "blackland prairie clay gumbo soil", and I do mean clay. It feels almost like plastic in your hands. You put a shovel into it, and the cut edge of the earth is smooth and shiny where the edge of the shovel sliced it. So bizarre.

This should be interesting.

drills up through Lisamarlene's yard

FINALLY made it!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have recently discovered the entirety of the hilarious parody of Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam San on YouTube.

I haven't laughed this hard in a while. I can't suggest it to anyone other than hardcore Gundam fans who have watched the series a million times and know all the in jokes. Otherwise it will seem too nonsensical. However, the ending sequence is awesome. It is very much what I though would happen if fawtls had to film an ending sequence for a fawtl anime.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think comma dude is finally losing it.

Favorited my post about Impus Major twice 6 hours ago, then twice again 4 hours ago, then twice again two hours ago.

Or maybe he's just getting old, like me. "Did I favorite this one already? Aw, carp! I forget! Better favorite it, just in case! Oh, did I click it? Better click it again!"

Stupid comma guy, stealing Tacticslion's job...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

So I've got a 100 sq ft patch of bare dirt in my backyard because there used to be a shed there, and then there was just rock and gravel and rubble, and the contractors finally hauled most of the bits away earlier this week.

So this afternoon I went to the garden center and bought soil for amending, and compost, and vegetable seedlings and seeds (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, early cabbage, Chinese broccoli, scarlet Nantes carrots, and Bull's Blood beets). And a tilling rake.

And came home and got started and discovered that, no, we're not on normal soil here. We're on what the Texas state agriculture department refers to as "blackland prairie clay gumbo soil", and I do mean clay. It feels almost like plastic in your hands. You put a shovel into it, and the cut edge of the earth is smooth and shiny where the edge of the shovel sliced it. So bizarre.

This should be interesting.

My father did not believe in using concrete for fence posts. So he insisted that we take 8' 4"x4"s and bury them four feet deep to create his desired 4' posts. When I was 8.

I learned to despise clay soil (and gardening in general) from that man.

"Nope! Only 3'6"! Have little Nobody climb into the hole and use his hands to get the last of it out. He's small enough!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So I've got a 100 sq ft patch of bare dirt in my backyard because there used to be a shed there, and then there was just rock and gravel and rubble, and the contractors finally hauled most of the bits away earlier this week.

So this afternoon I went to the garden center and bought soil for amending, and compost, and vegetable seedlings and seeds (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, early cabbage, Chinese broccoli, scarlet Nantes carrots, and Bull's Blood beets). And a tilling rake.

And came home and got started and discovered that, no, we're not on normal soil here. We're on what the Texas state agriculture department refers to as "blackland prairie clay gumbo soil", and I do mean clay. It feels almost like plastic in your hands. You put a shovel into it, and the cut edge of the earth is smooth and shiny where the edge of the shovel sliced it. So bizarre.

This should be interesting.

My father did not believe in using concrete for fence posts. So he insisted that we take 8' 4"x4"s and bury them four feet deep to create his desired 4' posts. When I was 8.

I learned to despise clay soil (and gardening in general) from that man.

"Nope! Only 3'6"! Have little Nobody climb into the hole and use his hands to get the last of it out. He's small enough!"

I dont know why, but I find this HILARIOUS.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My first landscaping job in Seattle we had to dig a hole four feet deep and couldn't use a machine due to the proximity of gas lines or a septic field or something and their best idea to finish digging the hole was to have two people hold my legs while I hung upside down digging the rest out into a sand bucket tied to a string.

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