Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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5 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Who is D.A? And why are you saying I bite?

Someone I encouraged to join FaWtL. And don't think I haven't noticed your tomato fights and clawing the turtle. You're a downright violent kitty! :-P

EDIT: And only the truly brave battle kitties while nekkid.

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Sprays out moonshine.

Dang it Billie Mae! Where's that spud gun!!

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Cletus, Nekid Nobody Hunter wrote:

Sprays out moonshine.

Dang it Billie Mae! Where's that spud gun!!

Why do you even HAVE that alias?

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*throws tomato at NH*

*Attack Roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19*

Mort did it.

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Why do I have any alias?

The Exchange

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It wasn't me! Don't malign my good name and ruin my reputation!

throw tomato at Gran: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (7) - 3 = 4

*Sighs as the tomato comes no where close*

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I think you may have hit NH with that tomato, Mort. Therefore I did not lie, I foretold the future.

Which is a lot harder than foretelling the past.

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If you are balding, then that means your free trial period for hair has run out, and you must now pay in order to keep it.

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If you are in the adult entertainment industry almost everything is Safe For Work.

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-4° looks like a sad person on the toilet.

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You'd be surprised.

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What if Bob Ross was a serial killer and all those paintings he did were clues as to where he hid the bodies?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
-4° looks like a sad person on the toilet.

Well now I can't unsee that.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What if Bob Ross was a serial killer and all those paintings he did were clues as to where he hid the bodies?

They are all hidden behind happy little trees.

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There is always one spot where your eyes focus naturally and just feel the most comfortable. For me, that spot tends to be, coincidentally, on a shapely female bottom.

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Think of the last time you played tag. Are you still It?

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I am not afraid that an AI could pass the Turing test. I'm afraid that there is one out there already that is intentionally failing the test.

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"W" is pronounced "double U" but it's written as a double V.

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Sticks and stones may break bones, but 140 characters or less can ruin a life.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What if Bob Ross was a serial killer and all those paintings he did were clues as to where he hid the bodies?
They are all hidden behind happy little trees.

That's why the trees are so happy, they're being fertilized by the decomposing bodies of Bob's victims.

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NobodysHome wrote:

5'6" or 5'7", depending on who you ask. 9 EEEE

You might need to see a healthcare professional. Human feet aren't supposed to be square.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
-4° looks like a sad person on the toilet.
Well now I can't unsee that.

You're welcome.

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Why do so many musicians wear glasses? Because they can't C#.

(C#=see sharp)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
What if Bob Ross was a serial killer and all those paintings he did were clues as to where he hid the bodies?
They are all hidden behind happy little trees.
That's why the trees are so happy, they're being fertilized by the decomposing bodies of Bob's victims.

Is it weird That I think I would still be on bob's side if this came out. I'd be like well I'm sure he had a good reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Why do so many musicians wear glasses? Because they can't C#.

(C#=see sharp)

I don't know what format that joke would need to be for it to work but that was not it.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

I think you may have hit NH with that tomato, Mort. Therefore I did not lie, I foretold the future.

Which is a lot harder than foretelling the past.

Nope I didn't roll a nat 1 and critical fumble, where you get weird stuff happening.

The last time I heard you don't friendly fire innocent folks because you missed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

I think you may have hit NH with that tomato, Mort. Therefore I did not lie, I foretold the future.

Which is a lot harder than foretelling the past.

Nope I didn't roll a nat 1 and critical fumble, where you get weird stuff happening.

The last time I heard you don't friendly fire innocent folks because you missed.

You do when it's funny.

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So we are sold out so we have a sign on our front door by the unloading zone that says we are sold out. I derive a perverse amount of pleasure in watching people pull up see the sign and drive off. I don't think I can properly explain it.

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I love that feeling. Of course, since we aren't supposed to put out a "No Vacancy" sign, I don't get to experience it very often. Instead I have to tell them to their face and watch them walk out the door, which is also nice. Sometimes I'll put a sign out even though I'm not supposed to, but then so many people will read it, come in anyways and ask if I have any rooms. "I saw your sign saying you're sold out, but you actually have a room still, right?" No. No I do not. Go away.

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Lol Yeah we are not suppose to have put a sign up but its not like management is ever here to notice. I do also enjoy telling them to there face. Some people come in and think that we still have secret emergency rooms that we can put people in. I'm like WHAT where in the world did you hear that at? Why would a hotel even do that? Also I get the people that ask about why we don't have a no vacancy sign. I guess because its not the early 90's anymore. Of course I think its dumb hotels stopped doing that.

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"You don't even have ONE room set aside for emergencies?" Nope. And if I did, you aren't an emergency. Also "I'm a Platinum member, you have to have a room for me!" Nope. I don't. F**$ off.

And I think the reason they don't really do the "No Vacancy" signs anymore is that they're worried the employees will turn it on even if there are rooms to sell. And to be fair, I would absolutely do that occasionally.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:

"You don't even have ONE room set aside for emergencies?" Nope. And if I did, you aren't an emergency. Also "I'm a Platinum member, you have to have a room for me!" Nope. I don't. F$#@ off.

And I think the reason they don't really do the "No Vacancy" signs anymore is that they're worried the employees will turn it on even if there are rooms to sell. And to be fair, I would absolutely do that occasionally.

That's fair... likewise...

Also F%^& off is also our approved send off as well in that situation.

The Exchange

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My brother was looking for an apartment to rent in Arizona and one of the places he was eyeing was rented out, so he didn't send them an email asking to rent a place. Hey! Some of us do read sold out signs!

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speaking of F%^& off. Our new second shift front desk lady had her first real @#$%^&* guest tonight. Apparently they book with a 3rd party but the 3rd party didn't make a reservation with us so the lady decided to give our front desk girl hell over it. I told her she was way to nice frankly I would of kicked her out.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
My brother was looking for an apartment to rent in Arizona and one of the places he was eyeing was rented out, so he didn't send them an email asking to rent a place. Hey! Some of us do read sold out signs!

Lol Mort you so funny.

The Exchange

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
speaking of F%^& off. Our new second shift front desk lady had her first real @#$%^&* guest tonight. Apparently they book with a 3rd party but the 3rd party didn't make a reservation with us so the lady decided to give our front desk girl hell over it. I told her she was way to nice frankly I would of kicked her out.

They need to be taking it out with their 3rd party. Also having the sold out sigh on your hotel is good! It means you're up to full capacity and so you should be raking in $$!

Maybe you can ask your boss for a raise?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah she said she tried to explain that to the lady but she would have none of it.

They are in fact suppose to be working on giving us all a raise but I feel like they just saying that to placate us.

The Exchange

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A little late on why web developers don't seem to understand if it ain't broke, don't fix it. This came from my BF.


The rest of the world sees what lies above the water, but the web developer sees what's below the water.

So to the rest of the world, it ain't broke all right... But the code is just a ticking time bomb.

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Its like a metaphor for life.

The Exchange

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That picture, funnily enough, is my phone wallpaper. It reminds me how much forbidden cheese I know and how I have to think cheerful, happy thoughts so as not to turn into what lies beneath.

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Just a Mort wrote:
That picture, funnily enough, is my phone wallpaper. It reminds me how much forbidden cheese I know and how I have to think cheerful, happy thoughts so as not to turn into what lies beneath.

I like it. Just need to give that pink animal some cat ears instead.

Scarab Sages

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Just a Mort wrote:
Cover Turtle wrote:

*Sips Bordeaux, and give a faint satisfied smile. Sniffs the ginger tea, wobbles out and re-heats it and tastes it "gingerly"*

Thank you Mort!

You're such a sweet soul too! (or at least you are when you're not being Clawful! :p)

Got a bit of the "Green-eyed monster" in me too…It's not really grade-related though, it more the classical variety - ie envying the affections of the opposite sex =(

*Wobbles up besides Mort, and gives her a nuzzle between her ears with his turtle "beak"*

captain yesterday wrote:
So, am I the only person that thinks Pathfinder needs a playable race with a prehensile tongue.

*Puts on Turtle stamp of approval…for reasons…sexy reasons! ^^'*

*nuzzles cover turtle*

Eh. Coincidentally last night I helped myself to the peach liquor. My Dad says he'll be going for a trip to Hong Kong come July/August, so on his way back he can hit the duty free shop and get me the cocoa liquor next, so I don't have to be worried about hoarding my remaining supply (think there's enough for one serving left).

*clinks mug with Cover Turtle* Cheers!

Which is why I'm late posting here today. Woke up late...

I just thought of a Grippli cavalier riding on a giant frog mount...A frog on a frog?

I've got wide feet too. And Cover Turtle, you're shorter then I imagined you would be. I thought most Caucasians would tower over me at 6' ft. I'm a 5'1 little kitty.

I have a ratfolk cavalier on a riding rat. So I totally support a frog on a frog.

I'm 1m75 CM which is about 5'7. And exactly average Dutch female hight.

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grumble grumble All you tall people.
4'11" (149 cm)/6.5 shoe, which means I can actually shop in the kids' section.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
dog/cat/rat stuff
Rats with fluffy tails and prettier fur? So, squirrels?
Squirrels are rather skittish. Take it from a cat who goes around taking pictures of wild critters.
The squirrels here have no fear. None. They will swarm you if they think you have munchies. I think they may be trying to self domesticate...

as a brooklynite, i view our squirrels as fellow citizens with the same rights as any. A squirrel coming up to me and asking for food is to be treated with the same courtesy as a homeless guy asking for change, I will accommodate if possible. If the squirrel is a jerk, he gets nothing, again, same like anyone else.

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Scintillae wrote:

grumble grumble All you tall people.

4'11" (149 cm)/6.5 shoe, which means I can actually shop in the kids' section.

hey, at least you don't get strange looks when you wear your mlp swag!

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:

grumble grumble All you tall people.

4'11" (149 cm)/6.5 shoe, which means I can actually shop in the kids' section.

Sorry about this... YAY SOMEONE SHORTER THEN ME!

*gives a whoop of joy*

Sorry, but it doesn't happen very often.

Also Woran - I played a Raki (fox people) in Vanguard (MNORPG - now defunct) and had a Shadowhound mount, so that was a dawg on another dawg =)

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

"You don't even have ONE room set aside for emergencies?" Nope. And if I did, you aren't an emergency. Also "I'm a Platinum member, you have to have a room for me!" Nope. I don't. F~&& off.

And I think the reason they don't really do the "No Vacancy" signs anymore is that they're worried the employees will turn it on even if there are rooms to sell. And to be fair, I would absolutely do that occasionally.

what are the benefits of platinum membership exactly?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
speaking of F%^& off. Our new second shift front desk lady had her first real @#$%^&* guest tonight. Apparently they book with a 3rd party but the 3rd party didn't make a reservation with us so the lady decided to give our front desk girl hell over it. I told her she was way to nice frankly I would of kicked her out.

as someone who has been in that situation before, it was probably both your faults. Not being that guy, just speaking from experience. Nothing quite like driving 15 hours to discover they havent heard of you. I have slept in hotel lobbies before as a result of that.

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Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

"You don't even have ONE room set aside for emergencies?" Nope. And if I did, you aren't an emergency. Also "I'm a Platinum member, you have to have a room for me!" Nope. I don't. F~&& off.

And I think the reason they don't really do the "No Vacancy" signs anymore is that they're worried the employees will turn it on even if there are rooms to sell. And to be fair, I would absolutely do that occasionally.

what are the benefits of platinum membership exactly?

Most people seem to think that it means they can be a!%%*$~s and we just have to take it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
speaking of F%^& off. Our new second shift front desk lady had her first real @#$%^&* guest tonight. Apparently they book with a 3rd party but the 3rd party didn't make a reservation with us so the lady decided to give our front desk girl hell over it. I told her she was way to nice frankly I would of kicked her out.
as someone who has been in that situation before, it was probably both your faults. Not being that guy, just speaking from experience. Nothing quite like driving 15 hours to discover they havent heard of you. I have slept in hotel lobbies before as a result of that.

How is it the hotel's fault? When the third party (website, travel agent, etc) doesn't make the reservation we would have no way of knowing that you are coming. It's not like we saw the reservation and just said "Nah, f@#* that guy." We never saw it. It's like if someone says "I'm mad at you because you didn't reply to my email" when they never sent you an email in the first place.

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