
Cletus, Nekid Nobody Hunter's page

7 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


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Sprays out moonshine.

Dang it Billie Mae! Where's that spud gun!!

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Gawl dang it!!!

Throws blunderbuss on the ground in frustration.

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Ya see son, the backpack slows em down!

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You see son, the nekkid Nobody can never resist a pile of bean curd.

Which is why, it's super important not to forget the f&+%ing ammo!!!

It's okay, we'll get another chance...

Orders more bean curd using Kobold Cleaver's Costco card.

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Maw! I'd seen'd it agin!

Why's if it weren't for these gawl-danged thunderboomers I'd done prove it to ya but good.

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I see'd him agin Ma! i tells you's i aint goin' nuts!

I found one guys! Over here! Quick! Fire afore he gets over the hill and blends in with the local liberal fauna!